2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hi Yan,
I hope you have all the strength and love to help to you get you through this difficult time. Hope you will win the victory against this and be on speedy recovery!

If nothing on your pad maybe still unknown yet? FYI, I am still spotting.. Haiz.. 3 days liao. today seems a bit more spotting but is dark color. 2 more days to my predicted AF.

so is it still spotting? or u confirm is AF le...

i think it is AF leh Stoney, red bleeding leh, cannot be spotting i think.. coz when I pee, the amount is quite a bit.. but when I dont pee, it doesnt stain or wet the pad..aiya, dunno la, i give up deciphering what it is.. haaa..just let it be lo..

maerceci: do you usually spot before AF? I dont, that is why I tot got chance it is implantation..ha, silly hor.. from last night, mine got heavier then lighter thought today will clear but no leh..
blur: my cycle never 28 days lo, so I also dunno what to think, maybe have to observe for a few cycles then can get the trend again, but I dont want to see red leh, I want see BFP!! :D
i think it is AF leh Stoney, red bleeding leh, cannot be spotting i think.. coz when I pee, the amount is quite a bit.. but when I dont pee, it doesnt stain or wet the pad..aiya, dunno la, i give up deciphering what it is.. haaa..just let it be lo..

maerceci: do you usually spot before AF? I dont, that is why I tot got chance it is implantation..ha, silly hor.. from last night, mine got heavier then lighter thought today will clear but no leh..

Normally, I do have spotting but i dont have any cramps and in 2 days or so it will turn heavy and that is my AF day 1 with bad cramps. Now I got light cramp and spotting for 3 days. I am trying not to guess so much but hoping this phase will end soon. :(
back from my appt.
saw little beanie flicking.
but, theres a bit of blood clot near the womb there. hopefully the body discharge the blood itself.
gynae gave the hormones pill.
need to review in another 2 visit.
back from my appt.
saw little beanie flicking.
but, theres a bit of blood clot near the womb there. hopefully the body discharge the blood itself.
gynae gave the hormones pill.
need to review in another 2 visit.

sunflower: did you hear bb hb? Wat did the gynae say abt the clot?
sunflower: dont be too worried though it is not easy not to get worried.. can only monitor and pray now that ur little beanie will be healthy..clots are not uncommon too, so just try to eat ur pills and be happy at least u saw the hb..
I see. Agreed with littledotty, I think as long as there is hb and gynae did not tell you that the clot is threatening then I think it should be fine. Stay positive ok?
oic... hmm. tink need to c whether it gets heavier. if heavier than is AF.
but if not then might have chance.

hmm. if like tat then u mayb need to monitor. if cont spotting, then best to c gynae for check.
cannot be spotting for a week without any cause...

nice. can c bb h/b. like wat the other ladies say, so long gynae did not say anything then shld b ok.
be positive n dun tink so much....... ok?
stoney: when I had my first CP, I had the similar symptoms. Many days of spotting and it got heavier like regular flow. But it nv turn heavy like my normal AF. I was worried as I have nv experienced this before. So end up, I did a scan and found nth abnormal and not preg. So this time, I kind of prepared mentally liao.
hi Yan,
its so brave of you to share with us on your journey !
please stay strong and prayers will be with you.
take good care !

dont worry so much !
things will be fine, and blood cot will disperse on its own.
as long as there is bb heartbeat, its healthy, okie !
Yes we must all be positive and be happy k.. and if have any concerns just share on this little white box!

my AF comes full-blown le la.. quickly finish and can start trying again! :)

Hav a nice morning to work on this rainy day..;)
Little dotty, Jia you and look forward to your next try:) I'm now in my 2ww.. AF supposed to come next week 10 oct.. I so far didnt feel anything.. Hahah.. I have a feeling I'm not going to hit the jackpot this time again (4th month of trying le).. But I tell myself it is okie, just try again.. in april when we first tried for our #2, I have CP, 2ww wait already started to feel thirsty, tired and sore breasts.. Due to gradual HCG rise but of course after AF late for 3 days ( my AF always quite accurate.. 29-30 cycle)..my AF came and it was a heavy flow of AF due to CP. went for blood test then realised is CP, else AF will not be later than 30 days. Sigh.. Nevertheless will still wait for next week but I'm jus mentally preparing myself so I won't feel too disappointed. Maybe I can make a hair appointment first for next week.. Hahahah
Little dotty, Jia you and look forward to your next try:) I'm now in my 2ww.. AF supposed to come next week 10 oct.. I so far didnt feel anything.. Hahah.. I have a feeling I'm not going to hit the jackpot this time again (4th month of trying le).. But I tell myself it is okie, just try again.. in april when we first tried for our #2, I have CP, 2ww wait already started to feel thirsty, tired and sore breasts.. Due to gradual HCG rise but of course after AF late for 3 days ( my AF always quite accurate.. 29-30 cycle)..my AF came and it was a heavy flow of AF due to CP. went for blood test then realised is CP, else AF will not be later than 30 days. Sigh.. Nevertheless will still wait for next week but I'm jus mentally preparing myself so I won't feel too disappointed. Maybe I can make a hair appointment first for next week.. Hahahah

whats CP?
CP is chemical pregnancy.

my AF report duty today. Oh well, try again next time. HB said his soldiers all died again. I explained that his soldier missed the golden period to attack this time. :p
Little dotty, Jia you and look forward to your next try:) I'm now in my 2ww.. AF supposed to come next week 10 oct.. I so far didnt feel anything.. Hahah.. I have a feeling I'm not going to hit the jackpot this time again (4th month of trying le).. But I tell myself it is okie, just try again.. in april when we first tried for our #2, I have CP, 2ww wait already started to feel thirsty, tired and sore breasts.. Due to gradual HCG rise but of course after AF late for 3 days ( my AF always quite accurate.. 29-30 cycle)..my AF came and it was a heavy flow of AF due to CP. went for blood test then realised is CP, else AF will not be later than 30 days. Sigh.. Nevertheless will still wait for next week but I'm jus mentally preparing myself so I won't feel too disappointed. Maybe I can make a hair appointment first for next week.. Hahahah

I m going to dye my hair sui sui this week since AF comes already so no need wait anymore.. I understand and thanks for your encouragement..will keep on trying lo, this #2 like very hard to conceive leh.. u dont stressed ok, i know the wait is irritating but what to do..

maerceci: our AF quite near this mth, maybe next mth we pregnant together leh!!
I m going to dye my hair sui sui this week since AF comes already so no need wait anymore.. I understand and thanks for your encouragement..will keep on trying lo, this #2 like very hard to conceive leh.. u dont stressed ok, i know the wait is irritating but what to do..

maerceci: our AF quite near this mth, maybe next mth we pregnant together leh!!

Thanks little dotty, after trying a few times for #2, I also realised that it is so hard to conceive .. Unlike my #1, hit jackpot at first try. But I learn to just 看开 liao.. Hubby said try until next year dec .. If by then still not pregnant, I think I give up liao .. Cos me already 35 this year.. Old liao :( yesterday was carrying my sister's newborn .. So cute.. Wish I can have one too but wat to do, just have to persevere and leave everything to God:)

If my AF comes next week, I'll rebond and highlight my hair too., heheh..
littledotty / maerceci,

jia you!!! try tis mth. tink i in my 2ww. hahaha.. so waiting starts. so sianz.... hw i wish can pass this phase faster.... lol...
morning ..

not so gd mth for me as everyone in the family takes turn to get sick.......
only bd few times...waiting for AF to come next wk....
Thanks little dotty, after trying a few times for #2, I also realised that it is so hard to conceive .. Unlike my #1, hit jackpot at first try. But I learn to just 看开 liao.. Hubby said try until next year dec .. If by then still not pregnant, I think I give up liao .. Cos me already 35 this year.. Old liao :( yesterday was carrying my sister's newborn .. So cute.. Wish I can have one too but wat to do, just have to persevere and leave everything to God:)

If my AF comes next week, I'll rebond and highlight my hair too., heheh..

Ya la, my hubby also commented how come so tough?? I said factory parts aging liao...haa..I also trying til Horse year over then I dont want already.. Yesterday I also went to visit a friend who just had her number 1 (girl), I wish it is me lor!!
Ya la, my hubby also commented how come so tough?? I said factory parts aging liao...haa..I also trying til Horse year over then I dont want already.. Yesterday I also went to visit a friend who just had her number 1 (girl), I wish it is me lor!!

Ya, my sister also just had a girl .. I wish to have a girl if God bless me with a #2 too .. Cos my #1 is a boy .. Yours? #1 a boy too?:)
Ya, my sister also just had a girl .. I wish to have a girl if God bless me with a #2 too .. Cos my #1 is a boy .. Yours? #1 a boy too?:)[/quote

But actually boy or girl I also will be very happy to have.. Especially already so difficult to conceive. Let's Jia you!:)
Thanks little dotty, after trying a few times for #2, I also realised that it is so hard to conceive .. Unlike my #1, hit jackpot at first try. But I learn to just 看开 liao.. Hubby said try until next year dec .. If by then still not pregnant, I think I give up liao .. Cos me already 35 this year.. Old liao :( yesterday was carrying my sister's newborn .. So cute.. Wish I can have one too but wat to do, just have to persevere and leave everything to God:)

If my AF comes next week, I'll rebond and highlight my hair too., heheh..

i also hit jackpot on first try. Thought #2 will be easy. Who knows i have to resort to clomid now... Am on my 2ww.. 4th mth ttc. :(
4th mth ok lar. me dun knw hw many mths. fr the time i 1st c gynae til now. tink 8mths liao. hahaha....
jia you.... me also jia youing...

colleague say i look so tired nw. hahaha.... guess work too hard at hm le ba? hahaha
Ya, my sister also just had a girl .. I wish to have a girl if God bless me with a #2 too .. Cos my #1 is a boy .. Yours? #1 a boy too?:)

yes yes boy...bo bi me got a second one and it is a girl..if boy i think i put up for exchange in the forum..haa...

gs84: i also ttc for #2 for quite a while le.. just persevere!!

stoney: haaa..u r funny, work too hard at night le!
alt nite BD. not tired meh? hahaha....
but tink now in 2ww. shld slow down abit. hmm... hopefully can hit jackpot tis mth. hahaha...
So nice of u gals who hit jackpot on first try for your #1... AF finally here! Can try on my Bali trip in 2 weeks time!! Yeah!!!!!
i also hope so. lol..
but got mix feelings. end mth flying to taiwan liao. if hit now dun knw still can fly or nt. whahaha....

ohhh..... nice. Bali. gd place to try. hahaha. relax... high chances.
Can I ask... if I were to use a ovulation test kit and its positive, means its my ovulation or is just the fertile window period. If BD only upon positive, will it be too late?
oic. then still ok. hahaha... but then now is hope for the best....

If ovulation test kit is positive, means u ovulating. shld do on tat particular day.
hmm. shld b juz nice. but then before ur O, shld start to BD. in case O early. increase chances...

Shld b. but i suggest u if can, try to start BD few days earlier before u detect +ve.
since u shld know roughly when u O. will be better....

Shld b. but i suggest u if can, try to start BD few days earlier before u detect +ve.
since u shld know roughly when u O. will be better....

Stoney.. very hard to predict cos I was late for 2 weeks last mth. Tot I was preggy lor... in the end was false alarm. So this mth, the cycle is haywired. Tats why I depend on the kit to tell me when I O.
hahahah.. ya .. good to BD more regularly starting from the day Af ended..heheh.. to increase chance..but very siong :p but after Ovulation can be more relax.. but still BD just in case Ovulate late...heheh..
i also hit jackpot on first try. Thought #2 will be easy. Who knows i have to resort to clomid now... Am on my 2ww.. 4th mth ttc. :(

Me too... 4th month TTC... so hard to conceive #2 ... my fren doesnt want any more children but keep conceiving... she just gave birth to her #6 ... happy for her but why so difficult for me loh ... :(
