2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hello mummies, how is everyone?

Good to know both sunflower and blur are doing well! :)

It has been 3 weeks since I m/c, actually I also dunno whether I should count the first day I started spotting as the first day of af or the day my flow turned to red as first day..very confused la..coz my hcg was only 4 which means that I was already miscarrying before I went to the gynae.. Just to share, I didnt wait for one cycle to try again and bd when my bleeding stopped..it was just spontaneous and unplanned la (hehe)...that was 12 days ago..

today I felt strange... nauseous, light-headed, flu-like symptoms and generally queasy..felt a dull cramp at my uterus and dizzy, also I had been spotting for the past 3-4 days..I am hoping, of course, that I am pregnant again! The prob is I didnt notice I ovulate at all coz not seeing the usual cm.. I shall hang on til the due date of my next af before I take the kit out again!!

Praying hard.. in the meanwhile, I am reading alot off the internet and though I did not want to pin high hopes, inevitably I am hoping and hoping..

Gd Afternoon Ladies,

no need to worry so much since ur HCG has tripled. juz relax n enjoy.

time passes so fast. very fast u goin to 2nd trim liao... envy....

hehe. sometimes unplanned is the time when hit jackpot. keke...
i understand u. guess we all the same. dun wan pin high hopes but we are all hoping hoping n hoping..

me so tired liao. hahaha. today almost dun wan to wake up for work.
hahaha. end up late for work today.
but then mah. need to jia you abit. mayb b4 go back to c gynae before i go for my holiday. since my med is finishing soon. keke...
Gd afternoon!

Stoney, me too.. so tired that i just took half day leave in the morn just to zzzz and now back at work.

so nice. how i wish i can... my leave now very precious.
no leave at the moment til end mth. so cannot anyhow take leave...
so b gd gal come to work. hahaha
oh... muz rest more...
haha. my office here super heavy rain. keke. lasted for 1hr liao. hope can stop during lunch time.
i also super no mood to work. lol...
Morning ladies! Rainy meh??

I am feeling the way I was feeling yest..cramps, (stupid) flu, nauseous..and vomitted my dinner out last night.. and headaches..had this pulled feeling at my uterus and do not feel like standing at all.. if only can go to bed...sure zzz..
take care ar... rest more.

yup. at least west side is raining. hahaha...
oh.. u ok or nt? did u c doc???
if nt well better c doc....
stoney: not too ok..my nose has been running since yest..and I have always been a healthy person, ha, and everytime fall sick sure is flu! then very thirsty and i see those cold drinks, I want to drink man, but my mummy warned me against it esp after my m/c so i keep drinking plain water.. the cramps are coming on and off also.. sigh...think it is a flu virus attack..
not yet seen doc, i think i will leave work and go hm to zz...after that shd be fine..thanks for asking!! lunch is coming soon, what's for lunch?
if still not well, better c doc. ur body still weak. need lotsa rest....

haha.. lunch. dun knw. c which kind driver in my office wan to bring me out for lunch. hahaha...
my side very ulu, need ppl bring us out for lunch. lol...
haha. no choice. eat the canteen here also bored. nothin much...

so happen if got engineer or sales person ard will ask them bring us out for lunch. hahaha..

i tink all the ladies TTCing will tink when will we get preg. lol...
everyday hoping is the day. hahaha....
Morning! I confused also coz I don't know whether to count first day of spotting as cd1 or first day of red bleeding as Cd 1 so I choose the latter after reading off the net. So now I am in the 2ww lor.. Dun even know got o or not..

When is ur 2ww Stoney? Again, I vomited my dinner out last night, seriously dunno whether it is becoz I m not well or due to some virus.. Usually I can keep my bf n lunch down, just the dinner over these two days..
oic. u did not track when u O is it?
me ar. shld b approaching. tink is end tis wk will start in 2ww.
now still working hard. hahaha....

aiyo. i tink u better c doc get med n mc n rest.
seems like u not so gd condition....

keke. 1st trim will feel tired de. rest more. hahaha. slp earlier. lol....
Stoney.. me also approaching soon but its frustrating during the 2ww period..
Have been trying for months .. so dont knw isit we have a problem...
Shld i go see gynae or wait?

Littledotty.. vomitting sounds quite serious.. hopefully u r preg!
how old are u ar?
common lar. becoz during 2ww, will keep guessing all the symptoms.
so will be more fan....
if u worried, can go gynae for check.

me also try for quite sometime then i go gynae for check.
now i knw wat happen to me. so can use med to control and cont to try.
Waiting to see if AF comes next week. Din pin high hopes for this cycle coz no mood to DB. Only manage to DB after my O.

Had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that I was trying to do urine test and realized I have grab my liner instead "-.- So lame. When I retry, surprisingly I still got urine for retry, I got double red line on my HPT. Hahaha. I must have been thinking too much about it :p
Ha.. I was laughing when I read ur dreams maerceci, sometimes such dreams make us happy also la..

Wishforhope: how long have u been trying? I have friends who have been trying over a year and still not preg give then go see gynae and do checks.. Maybe don't too stress k.. I also on my 2ww and I am very hopeful because the way I am feeling now is very much like last mth when I tested +ve! So I Bo bi this mth again will be successful! Haa.. Generally the nauseous is making me unwell. At lunch I feel like eating chicken hor fun so much, so I go take shuttle bus to the mall.. So happy after that.. Luckily no vomiting it out..

Stoney: I never track this cycle, no cm no signs of o actually.. So I also dunno got o or not..
u are still young. hahahaha. compare to us here. lol...
but if u wan peace of mind, can opt to visit gynae for checks.
1/2yr ok lar. min ppl will try for at least 1 yr before goin gynae to check.....
Hi ladies
Just curious.. Do u experience breast pain and cramps during ovulation? This week is supposedly my fertile period. Trying to decipher when is my ovulation. Downloaded the fertility apps and it gave an estimated date. But I think I know my body after a few times if using the ovulation test kit.. This month decided not to use the test kit.. Try to estimate. Cos last 3 months used test kit , spent over hundred dollars cos the clearblue ovulation test kit quite ex.. This month decided not to..
My friend tried for a year plus then went see doc, maybe u discuss w hubby if want to consider? At least get his opinion too..

Angel_mommy: usually I think I don't hv cramps during O, only observe more cervical discharge for abt two days..if u can tell by any of the common bodily reactions then shd b accurate.. I also use the period tracker n it only states Fertile over a couple of days with one being my ovulation..
Little dotty,
Ya, I also noticed EWCM past few days.. A bit of breast pain yesterday and today.. Today feel a bit of cramp. So I gather could be ovulation or ovulation coming.. Since my AF ended last week, we BD on alternate day. The next alternate day to BD is this Friday but hubby won't be around on Friday. He will be back on Saturday .. So since we BD yesterday and he won't be around on fri , I guess the next time will be Saturday then.. Very siong! But will have to work hard during this week.. Based on my past three months' attempt, I feel that it is really not easy to hit the jackpot.. Tried our very best but just doesn't hit the jackpot.. This month I don't wanna think too much, just try our best.. If dont hit the jackpot again , I'll go and highlight and rebond my hair before the next try again !! Hahahah ...
You Jia you too!:)
gynae checks sure not cheap. hahaha. but then for safe mind, have to spend the $$ lor.
hmm. i tink will decrease the quantity of sperms. not the quality ba. quality shld b ok.

i using cheapo OPK. juz test as a ref. but then i also BD alt. 2nd mth doing alt BD. Siong.... hahaha..
but still try the best lor.
Lets all Jia You!!!!
Oh ya angel_mommy you can buy from those online gmarket or now Q0010, I bought hpt and really cheap, they sell opk also.. One hpt (midstream) kind cost abt$1 plus only, buy 3 free 1 some more, can use and not heart pain.. I also want to go dye my hair and keep wanting to paint my nails.. Then think think better not first til 2ww over and see af! Very sian hor, want to get preg so ma fan!!

I think dun stress also good.. Just don't think of bd as making babies la, if not quite no mood la!!
Lol angel mummy u r funny! I also gonna go perm and dye my hair!
Will BD everyday decrease the quality of sperms? Lol

Wishforhope, hahah.. My way of destressing and pampering myself if dont hit jackpot.. Else will be disappointed.. Heheh.. And not forgetting to feast on whatever I like b4 my next try:)

I heard not advisable to BD everyday as sperm count may not be as much. Alternate day or 3 days once quite good:)

gynae checks sure not cheap. hahaha. but then for safe mind, have to spend the $$ lor.
hmm. i tink will decrease the quantity of sperms. not the quality ba. quality shld b ok.

i using cheapo OPK. juz test as a ref. but then i also BD alt. 2nd mth doing alt BD. Siong.... hahaha..
but still try the best lor.
Lets all Jia You!!!!
What brand did u buy? I ever tried Watson brand and the lines are dark during ovulation.. Faint lines after ovulation.. The clearblue one is good, no need to guess but so ex.. Maybe I can try the cheaper ones:)
Ya, alternate days very siong.. Must create mood to lessen the "siong-ness" (powerful English! Hahahah ) :)
