2WW - for those TTC-ing

same here ladies !
#1 didnt need for TTC for so long
but for this #2, i started trying on and off from dragon year, till now ... already horse still no hope !

praying hard for you too !
u are the most hardworking one, praying hard that you will strike soon !
Hi ladies, wanna ask if it is possible to know if we will hit the jackpot during 2ww by charting ? If yes, what kind of temperature trend will means maybe pregnant? Two days ago I itchy hand , bought a thermometer that means BBT. Heheh.. I know we can chart to try to pinpoint ovulation.. But how about knowing if our TTC is successful? Since I've already bought it, then don't waste it.. Hahah.. So far I've not tried charting. Only use the ovulation test kit and pregnancy test kit.. :)
Hi everyone, I'm new here & ttc for #1. As I've PCOS, i'm on meformin & clomid since beginning of this year.
My AF supposed to report on Monday but not here yet. Tried testing and the test line is faint. Not very sure if it is considered as BFP? When should I go to the doc to confirm?
I m going to dye my hair sui sui this week since AF comes already so no need wait anymore.. I understand and thanks for your encouragement..will keep on trying lo, this #2 like very hard to conceive leh.. u dont stressed ok, i know the wait is irritating but what to do..

maerceci: our AF quite near this mth, maybe next mth we pregnant together leh!!

littledotty, haha... actually i had planned to colour my hair and nails (in fact already made appt), then realise preg. guess i have to stick with current hair till cny. zzz.
quickly do what u wanna do =p
Hi everyone, I'm new here & ttc for #1. As I've PCOS, i'm on meformin & clomid since beginning of this year.
My AF supposed to report on Monday but not here yet. Tried testing and the test line is faint. Not very sure if it is considered as BFP? When should I go to the doc to confirm?

based on LMP, which wk are u in now? i guess u can visit a gynae at ard wk 6.
book in adv as usually they are v packed with appts.
angel_mommy / Pooh / sunflower,
Thanks. hahaha. Hw i wish also. lol....
but then hardworking does not mean will hit jackpot. lol...
so i juz praying hard gd news will kick in soon .keke...
ladies.. jia you jia you!! i think i can explain why ttc for #1 is mostly on first try.. cos we not in in ttc thread??? lol.. and we jus BD whenever we want n strike liao.. no stress also.. in this ttc thread, we get to know we can take BBT, CM, etc etc.... so slowly we will bcum stressful.. and when see ppl preggie even more kan geong.. this is how i feel after i get into this ttc thread.. but nevertheless in here, we got to know a lot of great forum frens!! You all are forever so sweet.. I hope u all can join me soon in mtb thread..

**baby dustsssssss***
catch catch!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha. for ur cases lar. for mine, i also not in forum starting. yet still no preg. hahaha. end up is PCOS.
now wif all the ladies here. boasting the confidence of getting preg...
*cross fingers*
Stoney... thanks! hope for the best.. lol u trying for #1 too right?
what is PCOS?

blur, actually I agree. after I came into this thread, I felt so motivated!
Hahah.. I recall when I tried for my #1 , we really jus BD as and when and so not so stress since first attempt and at that time , not so much knowledge .. So hit the jackpot on first try:) now the effort to TTC is more deliberate and more knowledge ... more stressful too cos biological clock ticking away, so hope to strike ASAP .. Jus now I was talking to my good fren who is a male and recently got married.. He said his wife very eager to try to have a baby , so BD ultra frequent until he cannot take it.. Hahah.. I share with him our woman's point of view and he can understand us better.. Surely will be siong esp before and during ovulation, but the result (having a child called our own ) brings tremendous joy to us:) so ladies, we are so thankful that our hubby are supportive :) hope we can all strike soon!:)
I'm having tummy cramps. Don't know if its pre-menstral or its good news... Got to wait for at least another 1.5 weeks to find out... Sigh...
me ar. shld knw the result ard 16th. which is my wedding anniversary...
hopefully can have gd news to celebrate the occasion.
haha.. ya lor. so become more kan chong. but i tink tis mth O early. as start to feel pain on my boobs when touch.
mayb will knw result earlier.....
thanks. gd luck to u 2....

yup. waiting is torture. hahaha.. but no wait no hope. kekeke.... so guess have to relax abit when waiting......
haha... tink everyone here is counting dwn...
oh... u got take bbt. me no take le....

oh. hmm. c shoot up alot or nt. juz need to monitor...
juz hope not fever. temp high is gd...
Hi Jocelyn,

Ur IUI is done on which day of ur cycle??
i tink can start testing ard 12-14days after ur IUI??

Stoney, i also not sure day wad of my cycle. i got a trigger on the 21st (sat) night den did Iui on the 23rd (Mon AM). was given duphaston 30 tabs to take haha.. thus i not sure when to start testing..
dun be despaired. Mayb juz happen tat u dun have the symptoms.
we have a saying here. 1 day AF no appear, there is still chance.
dun give up hope yet....
Dun tink so much yet. I also dun hv any symptoms tis cycle. or say nothing special. hahaha...
nvm. we juz pray hard. since did our best....
May I know does clomid delay ur AF, I'm supposed to hv my AF either yest or today but so far no show. I honestly dun think I'm preggy but y my AF haven show huh? It's my first time taking clomid this cycle so I dunno what to expect.
by rite shld not delay AF. so far i take clomid also did not c my AF late. y u dun tink u preggy??
mayb wait for another 2 days. if no show then mayb can test....
by rite shld not delay AF. so far i take clomid also did not c my AF late. y u dun tink u preggy??
mayb wait for another 2 days. if no show then mayb can test....

Stoney, nt sure if I shared here before, I dun think I preggy cos when CD 13 I went to see gynae to do scan, my egg was nt mature. Only 13mm. Cd 17 I went again n it only grew to 14.5mm. So gynae told me seems like 50mg of clomid doesn't hv effect on me. He ask me to wait n see if I got ovulate or not. If no ovulate, my AF will be late. even ovulate, my egg may nt be gd quality. On cd 22 n cd 23 I tested +ve opk n bd lor. So yest was 14dpo. Base on what gynae like that say, I didn't think will be preggy. I just bd for the sake of bd n just waiting for AF to come.
oic. hmm. but then u never knows. but best is wait for another 2-3days ba.
so far i under clomid for 4 mths. my AF did not delay. quite on the dot....
juz tis mth i feel weird. as detected O earlier. so not too sure whether will AF report early instead.

Thks! Will prolly test on sun if haven come.. It will be a miracle if I really preggy. Keep having AF like cramps.
