2WW - for those TTC-ing

When you ovulate, your body will discharge a thick mucus (like egg white)... For those TTC the natural way, try to look out for this discharge. Once it comes, drop whatever you are doing, grab your bags and hubby, and go make a baby!

But hor, my gynae said getting preggie is harder than strike 4D. Even if conception happens, it may not be good cells and natural miscarriage will take place. Some women won't even know they were preggie coz the body expels the cells like your regular menstrual cycle. Out of the 12 times we ovulate in one year, perhaps only one or twice are good eggs.

So, those trying naturally must really work very hard and dun give up... Jiayou to all!!!

Hi patch3s
thanks for answering my questions. I was thinking to try naturally as well as iui. Checked with my gynae n it costs 500 but fidbt state if it includes washing or other med or tests. Its so tiring to try n try n get disappointed. I was just wondering if gynae can also prescribe viagra to my hubby?do we have to go to another doc for that? He doesn't seem to last long enough.... I
made an appt with gynae on 5 aug which is day 12 of my cycle..not sure if gynae will perform iui for me for aug cycle. ...any views on the viagra?thanks much.
Technically, Viagra only makes the man harder but doesn't improve the quality of the sperm. To improve the quality of the sperm, your gynae can prescribe vitamins for your hubby. As for Viagra, you will have to ask your gynae if he can prescribe.

Good luck for 5 Aug... =)
Hi sisters who are TTC-ing,

I'd just completed my detailed scan on Tuesday and glad that everything is ok with my baby.

Will like to check if anyone would want to take over refill packs of the Clearblue Smiley Ovulation test kits. I have 2 brand-new boxes (20 tests in each box) with the plastic wrap still intact.

The expiry date is in 2014 and I am willing to let go at $50 per box or $90 for 2 boxes (+ 2 free Clear Blue Digital Pregnancy Tests). I'll also send you all by post for free. Of course will sprinkle lots of BB dust on them too!

Letting go at a loss cos none of my friends are trying for baby and it's a waste to just leave the tests lying around at home.

Do let me know if you're keen! Just PM me.
hahaha... tink only first 72hrs is the best ba. lol.. for me is juz wack as really very difficult to gauge my fertile period. but for tis cycle, happen to go scan on CD13. so able to determine roughly the O date.

seems like clomid really help to release follicles earlier than my normal O period. which is gd. shorter waiting time...

is it?? really harder than 4D? or only for ladies that have issue. i c my frens like get preg so easily. cousin also 2yrs 2 bb.
Patch3s : i Heard this also.. The number of times a woman can ovulate somehow is fixed liao le.. So u might not ovulate on every cycle, very sad to say this..

Stoney : I totally agree with you!! We jus BD whenever we feel like it, hoping we catch the correct timing lo.
Stoney : I agree. We all jiayou together..Give a pat on each other shoulder! Gambate!! Sure our efforts will be paid off. YOu got fairly high chance this month right?? Sakali u strike liao leh.. heheee..
hope so ba. tis mth did not try alot.

so dun knw the chances will be high or nt.
but at least til today AF did not report. hahaha.so shld b happy at the time being. hahaha...
Stoney : Heyy.. is not by how times u BD.. sometimes it reli depends on your luck. u know i only BD once for my #2 leh, especially for my irregular cycle..Yaya at least AF didnt report, hehe something to be happy at least..
Stoney: my DH sometimes make me wanna whack him hard lo! Want bb but always lazy to bd!! Fertile period bd a few times surrender oredi lo. Everytime oso like that! Zzzzz...
Keira : Hahaa.. okok..Maybe tired issit?? hee.. Actually hor sometimes i think i made myself very what.. Like 'hunger' for BD like that.. but ttc got to be like this right.. we need to see result!!!!
ya, happy for time being. lol...

haha. sometimes it is tedious for the guys also. so mayb can 3days do 1time since little warriors can stay inside for 72 hrs. keke...
Blurblur: Ya lo, u can only reap what u sow ma! Guys ah, super jialat sometimes...

Stoney: dunno got confirm 72hrs for my Hubby or not... so we're visiting my family doc this sat to get referral to gynae to arrange for checkup lo.... 3 more days to AF arrival.. so nervous! U tested oredi??
Haha.. dun get too nervous. If nt u will b like me. Keep tinking. Hahaha....
Nope. Haven test. Dun knw shld test or to Wait for another few days.
Keira : Ya lo.. Good luck to u then!!

Stoney : ytd i didnt managed to BD due to some reasons. haizz.. Sad lo.. I suspected hor.. i nv ovulate this month, i never see any CM leh.. Like very dry all the way, but some of the days i can feel inside is v wet de.
oic,. dun sad lar.. can bd tonite. my CM also not alot like tat. past few mths is basically juz anyhow wack. hahaha...

tis cycle know sure O as got do scanning. sometimes c gynae do scan also gd. can c whether got o or nt...
Stoney : Fri nite & weekends difficult to BD cos got kids.. hahaa.. mi & hubby sleep in different room leh.. I think i book him on sunday lah. like what u said anyhow wack... Cos i dunno my AF when due leh.. this mth actualli the cycle was short. i was quite surprised..this month cfm no chance cos i BD once nia.

How much u do for per scanning??
hahaha. u never knw lor. sometimes tings happen when u least expected. tats wat the ladies here always say...

tink scanning is ard 100 coz everytime c gynae sure is above 200. haha...
but i go scanning is to go check my lining and the eggs becoz i taking clomid.
Stoney : Yeah. i agree. But i dont really believe miracles happen so many times on me. My #2 strike on x1 BD nia. This was really vv lucky
OK lah.. like what u said as long as AF dont report means got chance..

Ohh.. What other supplements u taking?
Actually there is another thread in 2014, recommending this GNC supplement. I dunno whether i wanna buy mah..
Blurblur: I just bought a bottle of supplement from Nature's Farm, the brand is Twinlab Pre-natal... going to try it today! They have an ongoing buy 2 get 1 free promotion... the free one will be based on the cheaper supplement if I'm not wrong..
me only taking folic acid daily. n metformin for my PCOS. no other supplements le.

the other day bought conceive well. but took 2-3 days stopped as I cannot stand the smell. hahaha. but CW really give more CM. was shocked when i hv more CM then usual for the days i took CW.
Stoney : Ohh i see i see. So which one is better? I think other than folic acid im gg to invest in supplements also. Cos i really wanna see results leh!!
I also dun knw lei. but if u taking supplements, check whether folic acid is inside the supplement or nt . like CW, got folic acid inside, so do not need to take separately.

I now only taking folic acid only.
Stoney : Oh i see. Thanks for enlightening me! Oh jus now i went to do a small research on GNC & this blackmore. Seems like blackmore got better reviews. So i have decided to buy blackmore instead. Okie so if im consuming CW, i dont need to take folic acid liao.. By the way, if we are in 2ww, can we take?? Is it safe???
Stoney : I began to scared liao. Cos hor jus now i do small research .. while reading... i read something like after BD during 2ww cannot take DOM. I try to take DOM every night lor. Now i try to think back is it my m/c is due to i drink DOM. Arghhhh.....
yup. u can read the ingredients on the package. they will write wat is inside the pills and tablets.
yup. its safe to take thru out. no worries.

regarding DOM i not sure liao. normally ppl take during confinement. not too sure of the effects if take 2ww. but play safe, juz cut dwn intake..
Stoney : Ok thanks so muchy.. i will go and buy later.

Ya cos I thinking DOM can warm up the womb.. hehee.. Ya lo. but i take quite a lot recent these 2 weeks.. which shld be my 2ww lah.... but cos i got headache so i nv take everyday..

SMH is having a change from 10pm onwards....think during these period we cannot log in there..IM knocking off soon. Have a nice weekend and see u all on monday..
i hope to hear good news from either of u here ok..
keke... oic. juz cut dwn. u can chg to drink longan red dates tea if u wan to warm up ur womb. alot of ladies drink that here....

haha. is it. did not notice tat they having change. lol.
lets hope gd news for all ladies here.. hahaha.
Morning ladies,
Wow. SMH Chg. Look So different. Need to figure out abit. Hahaha.
Now in cd32. Tested bfn. Sian. Hahaha..
So waiting game continue......
Hi Stoney.. Ya lorrr.. look sooo different .. got to get used to it.. heehee..
jiayou!! still got chance siaa...
Mi hor shld be waitin for my AF... and i dunno how long it will take.
i scared is another mth of "brown discharge" .. which is nt AF... Haizzz.

By the way.. i ask u hor i bought the CW liao.. i have taken on sat..
but it only have 28 capsules & tablets? Does it mean i have to wait for my first day of cycle then can take ah?? Is that an issue?? heehee
by rite is start fr 1st day. but its ok. tat time i also did not start on the first day. i tink for those long cycle, not enough for whole cycle. lol....

dun worry so much. take it as it goes lor. me also. waitin n waiting.....
Hey ladies, AF reported early yesterday.. another round of disappointment..

I'm just pissed off with my family doc.. I told him we r planning for kids and after few rounds of disappointment, we would like to get referral letter to a gynae to check if the factory n raw ingredients are OK before we keep trying. His answer was "few months too short oredi, pple try 15-18mths then go see gynae. Yr menses regular one, no point see gynae now". So be it if he thinks I'm OK on my side, but no need check if my hubby warriors are OK or not meh? Wats the point to keep trying if there's an underlying issue which we will nv know without seeing a gynae?

And my back pain problem, he ask me to go tui-na or ba-guan lo!! I was thinking "wtf??" cuz who would not thought of this?? I trusted him that's y I opt to see him instead of Chinese medicine hall, n I get this stupid answer! Damn pissed off!!!!
by rite is start fr 1st day. but its ok. tat time i also did not start on the first day. i tink for those long cycle, not enough for whole cycle. lol....

dun worry so much. take it as it goes lor. me also. waitin n waiting.....

Heehee now can quote ppl post to reply liao..
Ohh ya hor..for me so irregular menses not enough siaaaa... okok.
i bought at $27.60 think got promo...

Wish u luck!!! Any special symptoms???
Oh by the way, I'm Keira but my name is now showing chocopigg... just in case everyone thinks I'm a newbie in this thread.... Lol...
Chocopiggie : Relax relax!! Totally understand how you feel.. Maybe you need a change of doc if u reli not comfy with him.. Different docs give different advice, no harm trying another one since u are on another new cycle liao. how many mths u ttc liao??
Blur02: technically is from Mar but "aggressive trying" is from May... my Hubby n I r gg overseas tomorrow and will be back on hari raya... we were thinking if we should just go to a gynae and check after the trip. We dun want to waste 15-18months then to only find out we do have underlying issues lo...
Blur02: technically is from Mar but "aggressive trying" is from May... my Hubby n I r gg overseas tomorrow and will be back on hari raya... we were thinking if we should just go to a gynae and check after the trip. We dun want to waste 15-18months then to only find out we do have underlying issues lo...

okok.. I agree if you realli scared there are other issues.. but u mentioned your cycle are regular?
U got buy supplements?? Heee.. i jus gotten my blackmore CW and taken on last sat, i jus try whatever i can first.. Stoney recommended it.. i also go surf abt this product, seems not bad..
But ya stoney... the CW is a bit difficult to take lor.. both capsule& tablet are so big..
and it tastes v bad....eeeeeeee...
Blur02: I just wanna check if Fallopian tubes got block or not and also if my Hubby warriors OK or not... I've been taking supplements for past 4 months already... blackmores CW was the first supplement I tried, I couldn't take the big tablet so I switched to New Obimin for 3 months now I'm trying on Twinlab Pre-natal Care capsules from Nature's Farm.. they're in capsule form so much easier to swallow...
if like tat dun wait for ur family doc referral. Just find 1 gynae to check.
If u wan can either go to govt or private gynae for a check.
juz make an appt wif gynae for c check when u bk. if u do not mind male gynae, can intro u mine. he is quite famous. hahaha

now SMH show all the user name instead of nickname. got abit of blur when reading.. hahaha.

hmm. nothing much. juz tat i keep vomiting after meals.
dun knw is it due to metformin or nt.n goin to toilet more often.
ytd was out at ntuc after dinner. breaking out in cold sweat there. was wondering will faint there or nt. lol....
scare die me.
but then mah. nothing much other than tat. so cannot confirm whether is it any signs or nt.
ya. CW is not easy to swallow. n dun smell nice. lol. tats the reason i stopped. hahaha....
Stoney : U still can say nothin much than that??? Vomitting leh.... quite serious worr.
u got see doctor mah?? Ya lorrrr. wao lau first time i take out, i smell liao i wanna vomit le.. But for the sake.. im still willing to take. heheee..
hahaha. more xin ku only lor. like food cannot digest. but then i not sure is due to wat.
today so far still ok. need to c lunch hw liao.
Nope. no c. my hb still ask me i ok or nt. but since today tested negative. so wait n c lor.
if nt also dun knw hw. hahaha....

lol. i tink i took few days i stop. i totally cmi. hahaha.. u still can endure... gd..
Stoney : Wah u power sia....better go n see doctor.. sakali is food poisoning.. or what.. or really good news on the way!!!! hahaa..

Issit?? Huh.. then wasted leh.... haha.. die die also must finish one pack.. i think is ok cos take once a day nia.. not like 2/3 times..
hahaha. dun tink is food poisoning lar. i eat wat others also the same.
lol... but then i wait n c how lor. becoz til now still no signs of AF coming.
Juz hope for the best.

haha. no choice. but i really cannot stand the smell. so gave up. hahaha...
Stoney: my Hubby prefer female gynae for me lei... nvm la, come back from Aussie then see lo... I also cannot take the smell of CW I stopped after 1 box of it... Lol...

haha. my hb also. but tink he tink tink then say ok to male gynae. But so many checks liao he quite ok to tis gynae. hahaha...

U still can finish 1box, i totally cant. really very er xin to me. hahaha... so mayb will find wat other supplements wif better smell. hahaha... but guess the DHA makes it very smelly. hahahaha...
