2WW - for those TTC-ing

i jump from 1 pill to 3 pills directly as suggest by gynae.surprise that O so early tis mth. gynae also happy to c got at least 3 grow big n still point to me to c which are the big ones. but then mah. nothing is definite. whether can hit or nt we also dun knw. so pray hard ba.
trying for next 3 cycles. if failed then dun knw wat is the next step my gynae will do.

u mayb can tok to ur hb. c wat he prefers ba. tink guys are more sensitive to this issue.

Stoney, ya nth is definite even w one big follicle and trying diligently, the follicle could be empty when ruptured. And can't test for this... Sigh... Been trying to ask hb have sa done but he refuses... Dunno if it's an ego thing ... Anyway, tmr going to get referral letter frm polyclinic to see fertility specialist ...
ya lor. guys are like tat. its ego. i got fren whose hb also dun wan to go do sa test. tink guys tinking.
oic. thats gd. go for a check will let u knw whether u have issue. if no issue then gd. try harder.
  hi ladies, 

im new here. im ttc for no2. i gt my period on june 11th n ended on june 13th. ive used de ovulation test kit. n i gt dis positive on 1 of de days. My period is due july 14th. im hvin dis nausea, urinatin often & heartburn for de past 1 week. so i took de preg test todae, 2days b4 my period is due. n i gt tis faint line. m confused.. whether m preg or not? m tinkin of seein de dr tmr as i m hvin lower bck pain as well n at de same time check whether m preg or not at gp. is it too early to c a dr tmr or shud i wait?
Sharon: did u try clearblue digital test kit? Think the ladies with faint line pos managed to get bfp on clearblue digital kit test.. gd luck & remember to sprinkle lots of bb dust once u got yr bfp!

Ladies, opk got pos earlier this round.. time to bd like rabbits again!! Lol... cycle buddies, have u all O yet??
hi keira

wad bfp stands for? i dun understand. i didnt use clearblue test kit. i used fortel brand. m seein de gp tmr morn.
Sharon, bfp = big fat positive. Fortel is quite notorious, better to use clearblue
Sharon: so happy for u!!! Have a healthy & happy pregnancy! *Grabbing bb dusts*
Ladies, does anyone know if panadol flu relief or the small yellow tablet for flu will give false opk pos result? Been getting 3 days straight in a row of super dark pos opk which i nv had before.. not to mention I got these pos earlier than my past cycles... really believe these drugs give false pos lo....

Super sian to catch the stupid flu bug during my fertile period...
hi ladies,

busy busy lately. pop in to say hello...

Keira - what my tcm doctor told me was that even if there are double lines, the test line must be darker than the control line than is consider positve. cos i showed her mine where 1 week all double line, she kinda "lectured" me saying that actually i O only on the day whereby the test line is much darker than the control line.
Keira, I dnt think those drugs can affect opk results cos they ain't hormones related drugs (I think). Mayb cos u r sick affect your cycle abit leh... Sometime it happens de... Mayb u O earlier this month. Whatever it is, u c double line u just start to whack lor... B a good rabbit ya. But meanwhile must rest n recuperate well also. Gambete!
Gbob: oic.. Hubby n me bd on 1st day of pos opk and yesterday.. today he's bringing me out for my birthday celebration staycation.. guess will be like a rabbit for these 2 days! Heehee... how's yr pregnancy coming along??
Allets: Oh.... the first day is equally dark line for control n test lines. Next 2 days the test line is darker than control line.. I will see if today it turns negative or not.. cuz normally I only get 2 pos opks in a cycle..
Morning Ladies.

Congrats... Thanks for sharing ur bb dust here. keke. Catching it....

This mth my cycle shld b short since tat day c gynae, he say I O liao. haha. but me n hb still BD last few days.
So now is basically waiting time. Today dun knw y my temp dropped alot. will monitor these few days.
but not feeling too well these 2 days. mayb becoz of the med i taking.
dun knw y today CM alot. dun knw is it due to last nite BD?? or wat....
afternoon ladies !!

dont bother too much on the positive OPK and since u gg for the staycation, continue to bd and jia you !

how are you ?? did your temp drop alot ? dont think so much, maybe becos u are sick lor !
this mth missed the golden period, waiting for next cycle, and this week temp still remain high, till my AF reports ! lazy and i stopped charting, just take in the morning and use it for reference for AF.
Heard to receive your good news soon !
Keira, enjoy your romantic staycation n happy birthday ya. Me 12 weeks n gg for Oscar scan soon. Keeping fingers n toes crossed....
hmm. not too sure. haha. becoz i dun take everyday. as wkend i normally wun wake up tat early. hehe.. so basically is taking temp from mon to fri. so fr last fri to today dropped 0.4degree. lol.. but then i take it as ref since i never take bbt everyday.
i also hope so. heard fr nurse tat tis mth my cycle is ard 26days. so basically by next wk if no hit then AF will report. so hope AF dun appear. haha....
i will be praying hard tt ur AF crashed on the way, and didnt come

so its good, rite if cycle is 26th day, then can see the result earlier !! counting down for u
Hi ladies,

Tis am I realise u hav cm, would it mean I'm ovulating? Is it a sign?

I hav another qsn, tat is as long as our AF comes regularly means that there might b ovulation taking place n reproductive system is normal?

Pls share thks!
Halooo.. think this thread is more active hor..
The "TTC thread" is not so active leh..

Chloe : If have CM shld consider fertile bah, but must see the texture of the CM. Jus BD when u see CM.. haha. I get preggie with no2 jus by seeing my CM. Actually i do read online, some ppl do have ovulation signs, CM is one of it, and maybe pain on side, breast tenderness.. But i dont reli based on this lol.
its my long awaited holiday trip

by right, if u have AF means that you have ovulation, but also depending if ur egg is able to flow and reach destination, alot of factors involved.

and next will be the quality of the sperm, if it is able to swim far and meet ur egg, another question.

i dont really rely on CM, as i realised tt i also still have after O period. So i rely on taking temp to know if O is coming.
Pooh : I agree with you
I know sometimes if we women consume too many "liang" food, we will have more CM... Ya looo..sad to say is why even if we women do our own part, doesnt mean will get preggie.. must see our DH's sperm of "good" quality a not.
Hey ladies.. feeling very awful now at 4dpo, upper backaches with bad achy boobs that made me feel headache n nauseous! This month's pms hit really early n serious... really sh*tty feel...
Keira, i know what you mean, I was like that too at times. Sometimes PMS hit hard from 1dpo.

But this month thankfully, my PMS started 1 week before my AF. But not thankfully, it's like a very long wait for me coz i'm only 4 days away from AF. And I've been feeling extremely exhausted, sore achy boobs, almost all day headache and nausea. At this point, I just wished my AF quickly come and let this PMS be over
hi all, I'm just wondering if it's common practice that the gynae doesn't give you back the scan? I'm not preggy but went to see a gynae to have a scan etc. just to ensure everything's ok. But the clinic says that they can't give me the scan photo cos' it's clinic's property.
dun sianz. but long wait to ur AF. very torturing i knw. juz rest more.

no lei, my gynae give me bk all my scan photos. if my gynae need a copy, he will reprint the photos.
so i guess it depends on individual clinic.
Stoney: oh I see..

It depends on ur Gyane. Cuz I'm those who are no longer responding to clomid, I have pcos as for how serious it is Gyane also nb say. But when I was intro to jab, gonal f. I need quite high dose to produce a mature follicle.

2nd time with jab, I request to increase higher dose and Gyane also quite reluctant but still give but say if after this no result den will have to abandon that cycle. Then miraclly today scan, egg is at 16mm, I took e jab that day and the next day, I curious so test opk and it is pos. went down scan have 2-3 follicles matured. 22mm, 19mm and 18mm.

So went for iui 2 days later. It depends on it condition as well as Gyane.
Not sure whether tat day I scan the follicles are matured or nt as did not measure the size. my gynae only tell me is big and have at least 3. so hope for the best tis round.
Stoney: wow.. 3 follicles? Triplets? Haha.. Mature follicles are about 18mm onwards. Some Gyane consider it to be mature at 16mm. Some 20mm. So it depends.

So u r trying naturally or iui?
haha.. ya. my gynae keep joking with me tat if triplets then is my own luck le. hahaha... but then he din say whether is it mature. but then ma, my nurse did mentioned tat I shld have O on during the scan as got big follicles. so caught in surprise.

so far still trying naturally. gynae ask me to try for another 3 more cycles. if failed then go bk c him and c hw. if preg then also muz go bk fast to c him as need med to support the pregnancy for my case.

im jz 1mth & m craving alot. is it ok? cos m eatin & eatin which is scaring tat i put on weight so early. n i onli wan 2 eat de food which m cravin for. i jz cant seem 2 munch on snacks or biscuits !
keira, high chance this may be yr turn !!! when I had #1, I remember having sore boobs the longest time ever ... was wondering why I was having super sore boobs mid cycle ...
Blessedone: I hope so...but if no strike this month I'll get my family doc to refer a gynae for me to go check up... then proceed from there lo... but hor, male or female gynae better ah? Heard that those good gynaes r mostly male, but my hubby prefer a female gynae to attend to me wor....
How are u le??
Ur hb and my hb same mentality. Prefer female gynae.
But end up i still choose male gynae becoz he is expert in this. hahaha..
if for normal pregnancy, i tink i may choose female gynae.

Gd luck. Cheering for you....

Hi ladies,

Anyone here has gone through test to check on your fertility or preparing for pregnancy? What kind of test they will perform? Pls share, thanks!
