2WW - for those TTC-ing

Stoney : ok i shall not say liap.. Sakali next week i post here saying i stop consuming liao cos i bth.. haha..
okok no signs of AF means got chance.. :) yeahh..

Chocopiggie : u also ah? Okok. i see i can tahan until when ok.. heheee.

hahaha... ya. now is AF no appear means still got chance. but i tempting to call the clinic to check with the nurse on the estimation of my AF reporting from the scan they see on CD13.
becoz like tat wait feels so sianz. n scary. hahahaha.
hahaha... ya. now is AF no appear means still got chance. but i tempting to call the clinic to check with the nurse on the estimation of my AF reporting from the scan they see on CD13.
becoz like tat wait feels so sianz. n scary. hahahaha.

Ohh.. can also predict when AF coming de ah?? I ask u all horr, supposedly there shld be no any symptoms during the 2ww mah ?? Cos if got symptoms there means is 3-4weeks preggie nia leh?? So early got symptoms mah??
hi babes,

wow, the new interface makes me blur blur, dont know how to read !

hi stoney,
jiayou hor ! as long as no red, still got chance !
went back to my TCM last friday and gg to start bd from today onwards .. today is the CD10.
cycle reset again :(
Can. Becoz my ultrascan Can see wat happening inside. Hahaha. Tinking Lar.But dun knw They will say or Nt.
I Tink depends on individual. Some Can senses it when Only 1wk.

Jia you... Ya. not used to new interface... Hahaha...
Bd more.... I also Hope no c red for next 9 mths ... Hahaha... trying to have relax mind Now. But difficult.
Keira, Stoney, Pooh, All here!!?? So hard to figure out who is who! Eek! :) How's everyone? Oh gosh, I'm miraclebaby.....how to include that in the profile name??
Can. Becoz my ultrascan Can see wat happening inside. Hahaha. Tinking Lar.But dun knw They will say or Nt.
I Tink depends on individual. Some Can senses it when Only 1wk.

Jia you... Ya. not used to new interface... Hahaha...
Bd more.... I also Hope no c red for next 9 mths ... Hahaha... trying to have relax mind Now. But difficult.

Ohh okok..... so good.. actuali good leh so we dont need to suffer so much for the 2ww.
If gynae said coming at least like we waiting for af to come
. Not like this 2ww waiting game lol.
patl said:
Keira, Stoney, Pooh, All here!!?? So hard to figure out who is who! Eek! :) How's everyone? Oh gosh, I'm miraclebaby.....how to include that in the profile name??

Hi miraclebaby, keira here! I like the milestone picture of yr signature! So cute!! How's your pregnancy so far?
Hi miraclebaby. nice to c u here. really not easy to figure out who is who after the new interface. lol....

Blurblur, hahaha. tat time scan, nurse say my cycle this round shld b short. but t

Hi Skinsolutionsg.
Welcome. hahaha.. tink currently all is either starting new cycle or ending the cycle. hahaha.
At the meantime jux relax. but then i knw its not easy... hahaha. becoz i also cannot relax. lol...
Stoney : So meaning u got chance lor?? lol. Maybe your hcg still low havent detect.. hehehee.. im anxiously waiting for my AF to arrive, i got feeling like is coming.. but hor v early lo.. BUt if come early i vv happy cos it seems that my cycle is shortened liao. So im anxious for it to come n start a new cycle. .this time round with my CW & my hub co-operation i hope i can strike !!!! Huat ah!!!!
Hi miraclebaby, keira here! I like the milestone picture of yr signature! So cute!! How's your pregnancy so far?
Hi Keira, thanks....this new interface is quite fun, a lot more things can be added. So far so good, just getting pass my 1st Trimester so glad about that. But another hurdle to cross in next 3 weeks is whether or not to do an AMNIO or not to test for Down Syndrome. Can I get any of your opinion if you have a baby and possibility of DS, how would you handle?
Hi miraclebaby. nice to c u here. really not easy to figure out who is who after the new interface. lol....

Blurblur, hahaha. tat time scan, nurse say my cycle this round shld b short. but t

Hi Skinsolutionsg.
Welcome. hahaha.. tink currently all is either starting new cycle or ending the cycle. hahaha.
At the meantime jux relax. but then i knw its not easy... hahaha. becoz i also cannot relax. lol...
Hi Stoney, good luck this round ok! Still waiting for you all to cross over to meet me and GBOB in the other threads....JIA YOU!
dun knw lei. juz feeling like AF coming soon. but not appearing. so puzzled me alot lor.
keep feeling there is something pressing on my lower part of tummy. normally will feel it at nite. :confused::mad:

thanks. now is like waiting for time to come. really torturing. hahaha. can i have the ans soon??
hahaha. at least i can have a closure. have not been slping well recently. :(o_O

Need HELP!!!!
Stoney : Mi too mi too. But mine seems too early liao... hahaa.. i got frequent urination today which makes me so irritating.. Then my mind keep thinking if AF wanna come then come lor, dont make me too "miserable". sometimes i do get my PMS as early as 1-2weeks ahead de leh.. v uncomfy lor.. aiyooo..
Try to relax okie??? or u wanna pay a visit to gynae.. think u will know all the answer liao..
u got test again mah??? Use FMU lo..
hahaha. no lei. dun tink will try again until next wk ba. hahaha.... becoz like keep on BFN also very sianz.
juz waiting to c AF will come or nt lor. hahaha... unless by end tis wk dun come, I will test again. lol....
Stoney : You are right.. keep seeing BFN also v demoralised. Maybe next week see, then can see BFP BFP BFP!!! I hope u can 2 lines next week ok..I got few times after i test , next day or 2 AF come lor.. wahh.. feel v sad & also wasted ...
its like tat. tink i also happen tat 1-2 times. so i will rather wait for longer time.
but waiting is torture, hahahaha...

thanks. I also hope so can c the light next week.
Btw, ask u ladies, if gynae scan can see either eggs or follicles in big size, if no hit jackpot, AF shld come ard 2wks later rite??
Stoney : Yaya i agree.. waiting = torture. Then like if your expectations v high, your disappointment will be equally high too lo.. so nw i try my best to relax relax..
hahaha. but then hw to relax is the best?
very difficult to relax as the days passes. hahaha. starting ok. nearer then more n more kan cheong....
stoney : hahaa some other things to divert your attention.. eg candy crush lol.. hehee.
by the way today i got discharge, below seems to be wet wet de.. cld it be very late ovulation?? hahaa. mayb i will BD tml..
Hi Keira, thanks....this new interface is quite fun, a lot more things can be added. So far so good, just getting pass my 1st Trimester so glad about that. But another hurdle to cross in next 3 weeks is whether or not to do an AMNIO or not to test for Down Syndrome. Can I get any of your opinion if you have a baby and possibility of DS, how would you handle?

Hmm... I'm in no position to advice cuz I'm not a mother yet... but at least nowadays science is so advance and if there's possibility of DS (touch many many wood), parents will not be caught off handed.. u sud discuss this over with yr Hubby n family I think... but maybe u worry too much now... my mum had me at 36, zoe tay, andy lau all have babies at 40+ also no prob lo.... so it's really up to fate la... dun worry too much k?
Hmm... I'm in no position to advice cuz I'm not a mother yet... but at least nowadays science is so advance and if there's possibility of DS (touch many many wood), parents will not be caught off handed.. u sud discuss this over with yr Hubby n family I think... but maybe u worry too much now... my mum had me at 36, zoe tay, andy lau all have babies at 40+ also no prob lo.... so it's really up to fate la... dun worry too much k?
Thanks Keira for sharing, actually that really helped a lot :) .....I guess I am just overly worried, especially I did have #2 at 40 and he is perfectly alright. I should have more faith and be more positive.....it does help talking to others. Have several discussions with DH, he is of opinion not to risk miscarriage, since I had one last time, and to take it as it comes. He is very relax one my DH....not a worrier like me....
Thanks Keira for sharing, actually that really helped a lot :) .....I guess I am just overly worried, especially I did have #2 at 40 and he is perfectly alright. I should have more faith and be more positive.....it does help talking to others. Have several discussions with DH, he is of opinion not to risk miscarriage, since I had one last time, and to take it as it comes. He is very relax one my DH....not a worrier like me....

Hi Miraclebaby!

I actually opted out of OSCAR because husband and I would keep the baby regardless of the test results.
I'm also a worrier, so I know if my OSCAR is not good, then have to worry more. We just decided to hope for the best and prepared for the worst.:oops: After my detailed scan, just have a feeling that baby is ok. Maybe mummy's instincts ba. That made me a little less worried.

I think ultimately the decision lies with you whether to go for the amnio test. Like what Keira said, I also have friends who have kids at 40+ and my mum had me at 41 years old. During her era, she's the super high-risk group. I turned out ok. :) Don't worry~
Hi Miraclebaby!

I actually opted out of OSCAR because husband and I would keep the baby regardless of the test results.
I'm also a worrier, so I know if my OSCAR is not good, then have to worry more. We just decided to hope for the best and prepared for the worst.:oops: After my detailed scan, just have a feeling that baby is ok. Maybe mummy's instincts ba. That made me a little less worried.

I think ultimately the decision lies with you whether to go for the amnio test. Like what Keira said, I also have friends who have kids at 40+ and my mum had me at 41 years old. During her era, she's the super high-risk group. I turned out ok. :) Don't worry~
Thanks Rurukumi! That's really comforting to know.....I think we are likely to skip Amnio too....regardless of results from OSCAR. Keep you all posted tomorrow! How are you feeling with your pregnancy now? all going well? I don't see you on the other threads?
We are thinking of going to the polyclinic this Saturday to get a referral to the KKIVF Centre... Any advise or things to note?
hi patch3,
dont be disheartened, just take it as a new cycle has started !
jia you !

hi stoney,
hang on there, my advice is that dont test and live as per normal.
then wait till next week, who knows, u will be surprised :)

hi miraclebaby,
how have you been ? saw your little calendar chart, so nice ! reminds me of the time when i was preggie with #1. i also have the same type of calendar to keep track of the pregnancy.

hi blurblur,
hang on there, okie ! we are here to support you to go through

hi keira,
what is your nick now ? how come i didnt read abt your posting ?? me blur blur

haiz , these few days supposed to be O days, but hor, things are like not gg well for me and hb, both of us are taking turns to get pissed off with each other. wondering how to bd like tt... looked like golden period will be missed again .. damn sianz
Dun b sad. Try again. U not going bk ur gynae to check n advise??

Hahaha. Not going to test til next wk. Dun wan to bother So much. Now still taking daily temp. So Maybe when my temp drop Alot will b af reporting. Whahahaha.
Keira using another Nick..something like Chocopiggie. Hahaha. Anyway she go Aussie le. Tink tis whole wk also Wun post here. Lol...

U dun Sian Lar. Juz relax. Dun get So pissed off. Try to til nicely. If Becoz of tat Miss ur golden period like Nt So worth.
Patch3 L: jiayou jiayou!! New cycle new hopes!! Currently im also waiting for my AF to arrive so i can start new cycle. wanna see the "power" of CW.. haahaa.

Pooh 232 : thanks thanks!! :):) Waiting waiting still waiting .. i hope my AF can come early so i can agar plan for the BD days lol..

Stoney : so currently your temp still v high ?? woohoo.. i feeling excited for you leh.. heeee..
wao lau once i take out the CW, the smell seems to be in the air like that.. so smelly.. arghhh..
helo ladies ! morning everyone !

Stoney, yeah lah, becos of golden period, i made the first step to make peace :)
just becos tt i need his spermies ... haha i very bad hor !
trying hard to tell myself that i must be disclipine and work hard for this cycle, if not next month, my hb is travelling again.
haha agreed with blur, as long as temp is still high, u are almost there already ... preparing carton boxes to collect ur bb dust

blur, as long as no red, still got hope one ! so hang on , okie !
blurblur / Pooh,
hmm. temp ma. wun say very high. ard 36.57 - 36.65.
seems like dropping bit by bit. as these 2 days saw a small drop.
anyway will wait and c.
sometimes still envy Patch3s, at least got closure. no need in torture to wait for result.
I had my scan earlier than her. yet my AF haven come and no positive. really wan to faintz le.

haha, not tat u bad. its juz nature. lol....

jia you. hope u can finish taking the CW... hahaha...
Pooh232 : mi is hopeless this month... BD 2x only lo.. haha..Ieave some bb dust for me okie.. hee i wanna some too!! which CD are u in now??
Stoney : Anyway.. we are waiting for your bb dust worrrr.. hehehee. u must spread all over this thread ok.. so all of us can get it heehee..ya i think i shld be able .. cos hor when i abt to swallow hor, i jus stopped breathing n drink water.. then later eat sweets ..
hahaha. hw i wish i can spread bb dust here. but then ma, so far no news. juz plainly waiting n waiting. hahahaha.
got feel AF coming but no come. lol... so become 1/2 hang here n there.

tats gd for u. endure. tats the reason they say mum is the greatest. like now, juz becoz we want our own precious darling, we are all working hard n enduring pills taking n tests....
so jia you. tink when c ur pecious darling, will b very happy. kekeke....
Stoney : MI also waiting also.. Which CD are you in now??
Hahahaa yaya.. but u know im in contradicting period.. i got a so called m/c .. fetus not growing.. so im v scared leh. Haizzz. i try not to think too much.. i got on & off go temple pray pray like pls bless me wit a healthy bb this time round. That m/c was a great blow to me actually i took quite some time to forget it. now i think back i still ache lor..
i in CD34 le. so any ppl got any suggestion wat is happening? hahaha...

U dun worry too much. understand tat m/c is not easy to get over. 1 of my cousin's also have a m/c b4. but when preg again, she had a smooth pregnancy and born a very cute bb gal.
So juz relax ok? dun scare. if nt u will have more worries.....
Stoney : Late ovulation?? HCG still low havent detect heheee.. good explanation??
ya lorr.. then everyone seems to avoid this topic of pregnancy when im around.. i think last few days my #1 jus asked me , mummy i thot u said got didi inside.. omggggg.. i jus said dont have liao le, coming to 5mths liao le.. then now she asked me i a bit shocked.. she still said "你骗人的"..
Another reason also i feel sad for my gals, cos they like bb mah.. so i wanna to give them a sibling to play with... i think v long, if i find out im preggie, im not gg to tell anyone execpt u all. then once cfm hear h/b then i tell them..
hahaha.... late O. hmm. i was wondering on this topic. but then i tink if gynae scan n saw the eggs or follicles in big size, O cannot be so late mah. so super puzzled. anyway dun go on tis topic. i will go crazy wondering y y y....

Ur gals dun understand. so dun be sad. ya. if preg, dun tell ppl after the 1st trimster. as wat old ppl say. bb are very sensitive. I heard my fren say that she got 1 colleague preg n annouced to the whole world. n less than 3mths, m/c.
so we all say if preg, dun annouced to whole world. juz tell the ppl who need to knw.....
tested BFN on CD32. so mayb if AF no report will test next wk ba.
but dun knw when yet. hahahaha. did not tink so far.

wat abt u? when is ur AF expected to report?
no idea, my AF is long cycle. afraid to test and get BFN, recently got to know few friends expecting...

did your gynae tell you when to test since the scan saw the eggs ?
no lei. forget to ask. hahaha. he juz tell me hope to c me next mth. lol..
or shld i call the clinic to check??? hahaha...

mine also long cycle. but under med. C13 can c eggs which previous cycle wun be able to c lor. so suppose to have shorter cycle.
nurse mention will be short cycle. but den mah dun knw hw true. lol.....
can see egg means the egg waiting for fertilisation ?
perhaps you can call and ask for advise...

just curious, the 7th month coming, will affect TTC plans or as usual ?
Stoney : yaya i also "pantang" de. I never tell many ppl only my family.. and 2 close frens nia.. I cant accept it when gynae tell me..cos i nv knew such things will happen on me, cos i conceive 2 healthy gals..gynae did tell me recently many ppl had that prob!! That why i lagi scared lo..That day when gynae told me this, he said the previous patient before me also lor. This time round i shall keep to myself until i hear bb h/b. Now then i know, only hear bb h/b then can cfm pregnancy..
u dont think too much okie.. relax.. Hope to hear your good news soon ya..
Also not so sure lor. hahaha. at tat point did nt ask clearly. hahaha...
hmm. mayb lor. but gynae only in the clinic in morning.
tink if call have to call in morning so at least the nurse can check wif the gynae.

hmm. nope. will cont TTC. dun tink will hv any issues wif 7th mth....

Oic... alot of tings are unexplained de ba. juz relax ba. during when can hear bb h/b???
I trying lor. but sometimes u will juz go n tink. hahaha. dun knw y. lol...
Stoney : I believe so.. Maybe god wanna give me a healthy & beautiful bb for this time round if im preggie :):) haahaaa.. I heard is ard 6weeks plus then can hear leh... Ya i understand... sori forget to ask you ttc for no??
Labbittree : *High five* :) Your #1 & #2 is boi boi or gal gal?? Im never really v "hardworking" leh. Cos my hub sometimes out of town .. aiyoo... cos once miss the "golden period" then no more liao lo..

keke... yaya... tink in this way...
me ar. NO.1 only. haiz... hahaha...
but will jia you lor.

oh. 6wks. so even detect pregnancy in early stage also need to be careful.....
