2WW - for those TTC-ing

Stoney : Ya true.. U know from my first visit when gynae saw my sac until i go back, 2 weeks interval, cos the hormones is stil there.. so i will stil have preggie symptoms. So i wont know what is happening to my bb inside until i went to scan n he told me no h/b detected & bb not growing. :(
You turn soon!!! dont envy ok.. :)
Hello all. mi oso in the 2ww. 10 more days to go. btw how is temperature classfied as low or high during this period? i have not try to measure.
Hi Siying,
temperature is based on individual. but muz start taking from day1 of the cycle then more accurate.
based on the chart tat u take ur bbt, u can c when is the lowest and highest in the cycle.
everyone is different here. but 1 key ting is u have to take at ard the same timing everyday when u wake up.
best to take while still on the bed.
not easy to achieve.
Thanks Stoney~
oh mus take fr the start of the cycle ar. too late for me. waiting.... ya like nt tat ez to achieve. esp wkend tend to slp longer. mi oso ttc for #1. Hope to hear our gd news!
Ladies.. no matter is ttc-ing for #1 , #2 or #3.. wish all of us luck !!! We wanna HUAT HUAT HUAT!! Whoever HUAt liao spread bb dust here ok.. And ya dont be too stressed ok..
dont be sad, take it positively ! once AF report, you can start new cycle again.

today is my CD13, tt why this week is my golden period, as based on past mths record, my O is usally between 11 - 15 days.

hmm i have a strong feeling that someone might be gg to graduate from here soon ... stoney, i am rooting for you .. okie
Dun b sad. Try again. U not going bk ur gynae to check n advise??

Hahaha. Not going to test til next wk. Dun wan to bother So much. Now still taking daily temp. So Maybe when my temp drop Alot will b af reporting. Whahahaha.
Keira using another Nick..something like Chocopiggie. Hahaha. Anyway she go Aussie le. Tink tis whole wk also Wun post here. Lol...

U dun Sian Lar. Juz relax. Dun get So pissed off. Try to til nicely. If Becoz of tat Miss ur golden period like Nt So worth.

My gynae wants me to go for detailed checks which I find very expensive. My friend advised me to do all the fertility tests at KKH to cut costs and then go back to gynae when pregnant.
Patch3 L: jiayou jiayou!! New cycle new hopes!! Currently im also waiting for my AF to arrive so i can start new cycle. wanna see the "power" of CW.. haahaa.

Pooh 232 : thanks thanks!! :):) Waiting waiting still waiting .. i hope my AF can come early so i can agar plan for the BD days lol..

Stoney : so currently your temp still v high ?? woohoo.. i feeling excited for you leh.. heeee..
wao lau once i take out the CW, the smell seems to be in the air like that.. so smelly.. arghhh..

Thanks for the encouragement... :)
Labbittree : dont be sad.. jiayou for this new cycle okie!! is just like mine last mth, my cycle bcum shorter too.
So i jus agar agar bd lah...mi jus worried is another mth of "hormones inbalance'... hope my CW help me strike for the coming cycle.
blurblur / Pooh,
hmm. temp ma. wun say very high. ard 36.57 - 36.65.
seems like dropping bit by bit. as these 2 days saw a small drop.
anyway will wait and c.
sometimes still envy Patch3s, at least got closure. no need in torture to wait for result.
I had my scan earlier than her. yet my AF haven come and no positive. really wan to faintz le.

haha, not tat u bad. its juz nature. lol....

jia you. hope u can finish taking the CW... hahaha...

Aiyah... My period more accurate than strike 4D... Always come on the day I estimate it will come. Maybe next time I should estimate it doesn't come... Haha...
haha... thanks. but then mah today temp cont to drop. hahaha... so dun knw wat is the outcome. so monitoring. lol...

Oic. for me i juz do all the checks my gynae ask me to do. hahaha... dun wan to waste time to go another place to check....
but at least u knw roughly when ur AF will report

New cycle new hope. jia you...
Stoney : Temp drop still got chance right as long as AF nv come?

Arghh.. i feeling "bad" today.. ytd, actuali not really ytd.. is last few days.. i got those lower adomen pain mostly on my left side, and like got some "pressure" like that.. I reali feel like..
..like all kinds of PMS i also encounter liao..like naseuous, bloating, high sensitivity to smell. lol. all these hor i encounter before lo.. aiyoo..to the extent i think AF come then come lah.. why must haf PMS leh... haizz..

Actuali i got some 冲动to test .. hahaa.. for fun!!! haahaa though is impossible de.
u testing next week??
hahaha. yaya. so long AF dun report then got chance lor.
tinking to do testing next wk. but my fren tell me to try tomolo.
so still tinking.

When ur AF suppose to report?
Stoney : this is cfm to console me lol. I dont think im so lucky leh.. I BD once only leh.. and hor i remember i dont reli have discharge during that period lor. haha. So this cld be PMS. But this pain is quite abnormal to me, sakali is some kind of sickness.. i think too much!!!! My cycle is irregular too.. so i dunno when is it due, tdy is CD29 nia. I dunno how to say like got some pressure on the below like that.. feel differently is what i say..
1x is enough if it the right time.....

i agree!! So i like your post.. like fb like that can "like" de lol.
yaya my #2 onli BD once!! Haizzzz. luck doesnt always come.. okok... i admit i do have some "feelings" of pregnant ..but i think is impossible.. Cos the pain is too abnormal liao.. Ya wanna ask cld it be CW side effects.. Too bad to say my "feelings" are always wrong lorrrr.
haahaa.. no lah i still wil wait for my AF to come.. my PMS can come as early as 1wk ++ de.
Stoney & Labbittree : both of u are so sweet!! thanks thanks for giving mi some hopes! though i know is impossible one..I hope i can spread bb dusts.. heheee..
Labbittree : Ohh.. my #1 horrr is quite "miracle" also.. my hub bring me to pray pray to some god.. then the god gave me something to insert inside my vagina after i BD .. and then i strike.. This god was telling me i difficult to conceive, my womb cold something like that.. i cannot eat watermelon.. This advice still apply to me now, i seldom eat watermelon de.
So overall .. actuali my #1 & #2 was from god's help & lucky lo.. Then i got mc in mar13.. so trying until now lah.. heeeee.
wow. really miracle lei. then u got go bk return prayers to god lor.
jiayou wor. u did not go bk to pray to the god for 3th one ar. keke...
Stoney : For this mth, i keep gg to my ofc nearby temple to pray also .... hehe. to bless me with a healthy bb.. actuali last mth i already go liao, then miracally my AF like come quite early which surprised me .. Hmm.. another possibility of my pain cld be ovulation??? Cos AF coming cant be having discharge hor? recently i also have those creamy/white, or clear discharge worr.
oic. the other day after my check, I went to bugis to pray. dun knw y. suddenly feel like goin tat day to pray for a healthy baby.
hahaha. which i very seldom will do. even i go also wun go in to pray. juz pray outside. keke...
hmm... late O???? possible ma? once on CW will have more discharge. so mayb due to CW also..
helo ladies ...

actually dont know who was asking abt CW before ... actually i dont really trust the texture of CW le ! i usually got alot of CW the day or after my AF is over, instead when i am hving + O, i dont have so much CW, dont know why, so for me, i cannot rely on CW.

i do agree with the ladies here, sometimes its just that 1 time is good enough to strike, so no AF no red means got chance.

even temp drop abit shd be ok one, as long as it does not drop till the baseline, shd still have chance, be positive !

i promise myself tt i will work super hard this month, hopefully i will have the good news soon ! this week is golden week, just told my hb last nite that i am expecting to do 5 nights in a row ... haha say say nia, dont think we can achieve that. but at least for the 2 critical days., which is yesterday morning and this morning ... since i tested + O last night. Gg to persist and continue till Sat, hopefully i survive. lolx
Stoney : Hohoo.. "Si ma lu" guan yin temple.. Heee.. my ofc near the temple so i often go there pray leh.. Hey i got see one thread named "zhu sheng niang niang".. If u all are really wana to pray, shld go to here to pray.. LIke got things to do de, but think must return one..
Yaya possible leh. i surf net liao.. ohh okok maybe lor i also think so is the side effects of CW.. hahaaa.. BUt again.. produce more CM doesnt mean is our fertile period right?? cos is "unaturally" produced by CW?? Am i correct to say this??

Pooh 232 : Mi mi...I asked abt CW.. I have started on it liao.. Today already day 6 liao... I will see see for this month..Thanks to u too!! You all give me some hopes. I dont dare to think lorr. As my PMS are so much similar to preggie symptoms..
hahaha. i dun knw wat is my baseline. lol. as this mth, FF also cannot detect my O day til now. hahahaha.
last mth detected quite accurate. lol... weird. super weird....
anyway, waiting to c wat will happen.

hahaha. u work near there ar. my mum also work near there. hahaha. juz happen to go pray lor. keke..

hmm. i guess u can say tat. CW causes more CM. so can say unnaturally ba....

CW = conceive well . supplement.

Btw, I tink Pooh is saying CM not CW. keke...
Labbittree : CW = Blackmore Conceive Well Gold. ohh. cos i was thinkin to buy supplements to give me more hopes for this ttc journey.. So i thinking buy this lor.. I cannot stand the smell.. will reward myself with a sweet after that.. hahahhaaa..
Stoney : Yuppie i work near there heehee. so i will walk to there to pray before lunch... yaya.. ok then i get it liao... hahaa.. so more CM doesnt mean is fertile leh.. is caused by the CW.. I mus agar my fertile days too.
oh .. ok thanks ..

even my hb was surprised this mth was shorter cycle.. he say i give him wrong info......

which day i shd start bd, cd 10 ?
Labbittree : Me also!! I just agar agar only.. Maybe ard day 14 right?? But if not to miss any golden period u can also start BD from day 10.. all the way... heeee. jiayou jiayou!!
say is like that but the action will be different story, after the kids sleep need to do housework and so tired already fell asleep and couldnt wake up early too...confirm cant bd every other day....how old are your kids ?
Labbittree : yaya.. agree. haha. i think im not "hardworking" enough, sometimes is hub cannot make it.. so i also no choice..That why i mc i v sad.. cos i was thinking 好不容易 de lor.. hai yoo.. You got helper ?? Im weekend mummy.. only bring my gals back on weekends .. #1 is 5yo+, #2 coming to 4yo in dec.. How abt you??
same not hardworking enough, either one of us or both KO..haha
look forward dont think abt past already okie..
nope no helper, both attends CC, 3yo and 1yo, so gd u have v strong family support !!
Labbittree : Difficult to be frank. Especially now im ttc-ing.. i will lagi think of it.. Ohh your kids are so young heeee. I wana to be fast or else the gap btw the #3 & #1 is gg to be big liao.. i dont like leh.. hahaa. wahh then u can manage both yourself plus hsework?? Very tiring leh.. aiyoo. yaya i must reli thanks my mum for helping me to look after them during weekdays. But everyday after work i will go my mum hse to see them de..
start early better than late. CD10 shld b gd. becoz u can try 3 days 1 time. since the warriors can stay in u for 72hrs.
so wun be so tired for u and ur hb.
you know me well ... sorry i am referring to CM

Hi5 !! my #1 is also 5 and i regret not TTC earlier, guess my previous priority is my work committment

true lor, especially for working mum, and to do TTC is really challenging, imagine rush home, settle the kids, make them sleep, then do abit of work, and by then it is midnight already.
haiz !
in fact for these 2 past morning, i have been setting alarm clock in the morning so that i can wake up early, and wake my hb didi up to work ... super siong lor! some ppl can conceive so easily, whereas for me, i need to work double hard :(

3 days 1x means Monday, Wednesday or Monday, Thursday ?

sometime morning wake up also cant make it cos 1/2 way kids make wake up already...
