2WW - for those TTC-ing

Go get a cb digital to test. That one super good. U won't have to guess whether false alarm or not de. I m v sure u have good news for us
Hope!: do u have another strip?? Try again!!! So kanchiong for u!!!

anyway I just took my first dose of blackmores conceive well tablet n capsule... nearly choked on the tablet even though I cut it b4 consuming... capsule easier to swallow... I must perservere!!!

Wah so exciting! Quick, go get a clearblue digital hpt, then no need to guess


My jabbing ended last nite.. Yeah!! Haha.. My egg retrieval is tmr at 12.30pm
Min, congrats! Et shd b sat or mon I guess? Wishing u a good harvest tomorrow! 加油哦!

Hope, most impt is the results in the first 5-10mins. After that de, no nd to care so much on whether the line is still there or disappeared. Mayb hcg level not alot yet.... If u r still worried, best is u go get a cb digital n test using fmu tmr

ET tentatively scheduled for day 4 transfer on mon.. But doc says there's possibility of doing a day 5 transfer, will see the progress of the embryos..
Strawberries, I replied u on the day leh.. Then after that never rec your reply..

Kitkat, me too should be doing iui this sat. Will know by tmr cos my 2nd scan
Hope!!! Tell us good news tmr morning!!! U used the clearblue plus sign kind izit?? It's a blue dye test.. So maybe ur pee dry up le the line also dry up la.. But u see faint line means positive le!!! So excited for u!!!!! 4th MTB this mth!!
I m so nervous sun think can slp liao ... Tml morning gonna work I think must lunch le.
Winkle: is it true it will dry up.? Yup I use the CB plus sign... If negative we won't see the line at all rite?
Yaya.. If negative no line at all.. I donno if its true whether will dry up anot.. But that's wat I thought la... If the results were within the time frame of 10mins and below means positive already!!!
I dun think 7-11 got sell test kit.... hmmm, how abt those 24h ntuc? If it's not out of the way, u might wanna give it a try?? So anxious for u!!!!
I juZ went n see... No more le.. Will post pic n show u in the next msg! Another way is to do ovulation kit to test! If ure Preg ur ovu kit will most prob be positive too
coz I Juz tried it for fun juZ now.. Using ovu kit.. Lolz!
Hope: anxious! Do get the cb digital n test n spread bb dust to us here ok..
U hv any symptoms so far ma?

Min81: wow! Must b tough for u but I'm sure all is worth it.. Waitin for ur gd news too wor!

Another few days of mc for me... Chng of higher dosage of med with additional antibiotics to tk.. Hopefully recover by this sun!

Weather really my gd.. Virus is very strong do drink more water ladies!
Think I get it tml n test again but worried false alarm..
Winkle- I saw e line too but a very faint one. Shd have take e photo
Gbob: pls pls do drink lots of water... I oso had sore throat n runny nose 1st n all come attack me on e next day! Is feelin v v xinku de.. Doc told me this virus is v strong.. Tk care n hv plenty of rest!
Gbob: thank u. U too!

Hope: guardian at tg pagar stn open doors early right? If yes do go n grab one cb digital test tmr n once u reach ofc, go toilet test.. Rem to bring ur hp along n show us ok..
Hv agd rest dun think too much.. It will b a gd news!
Maomi: sorry maybe I accidentally delete it away.. Can you email me again? Thanks..

Hope: congrats!! Really envy u girls.. U r the 4th this month le.. Wonder when will be my turn.. Haiz... Don't worry abt the darkness of the lines. So long it keep getting darker its fine..
Hi strawberries, thanks ! Have hope and you will succeed soon.

Can't slp the whole thinking keep thinking bout the line. Dun think I have time to grab one in the morning. Gonna do it at lunch.. Hope it won't be false alarm..
Good luck hope! Veri excited for u!

Our rainbow babies will come. Some may take a longer time, but we all have the same goal!

Maomi, y do u need to take Gonal F jab? U going to scan size of yur follicle?
Good morning ladies..

Gbob: barley water shd be ok.. Laing cha will b more cooling.. Rem to drink more water today to hydrate urself den flu will nt come to u le...

Strawberries: ours will come to us soonnnnnnn!!! Hv faith in urself ok..

Kitkat: yeah! Our rainbow bb will come to us!

Hope: how how? Managed to buy? Hope to see ur good news soon...
Good Morning Gals...

i haven buy coz no time.. most prob will get it during lunch later.. abit confused dun know whether i see wrongly anot..
Hope ! - look like all of us are excited for you.. 4th MTB this month!! go and get a CB test kit fast than you wun feel confused liao. 7-11 got sell test kits de.. some even carry CB one if not mistaken.
Reminds of a time where me and my gfs bought a testkit and we made her pee on the stick while we waited outside the toilet for the results. We were more excited than she did while she felt we were putting a gunpoint on her head! Haha!

The moment it turned positive we were all screaming and hugging and crying all at the same time! Lol!

I cant imagine the happiness of getting 2 lines or seeing the word PREG.. hahaa

coz while waitin for my OPK to show me smiley face i already very gan cheong le LOL when i was using it for the first time hahaa

now used to it le =x hahahaha
