2WW - for those TTC-ing

the way you describe, i had that before!

hate that feeling for sure.

i somehow feel its like uti le.
so ya, i drown myself with lots of water, and go toilet (every 30mins to 1 hr even though i can "ren")

mainly to pee all out (any bacterias or virus if there's any)

i feel coz at times, "ren" too much thus result in this...

after awhile, it go off le.

i ever had such "pain" lasting a week or so.
it was horrible.

Queenie: if u dun feel right go to another GP. Cuz to me pain is a way tat our body is telling us something is not right or it is not feeling well.

To prevent UTI, doc said dun REN urine!! It's not good for ur bladder and kidney. If UTI left untreated it can cause serious problem n demage to ur kidney.
Today the pain is not intense like yesterday although can sense the mild sour pain when touches there. Although its been on off for some times, I nv notice it till last nite the pain was quite obvious. I read up the internet, the organs that I'm having pain might be clitoris

I think I also like to ren when I'm super busy with work loads...I'm gonna have water parade for this few days. I dread of having UTI cos I rmb I dun even dare to pee when I know its super painful
Queenie, you take care okay. Drink lots of water.
Me too will feel especially itchy down there when AF is coming. I guess due to hormonal changes, the bad bacteria strive well. So I purposely drink lots of water to flush them out.
Hihi, I ovulate during CD14 which is yesterday morning... Just test again and still there.. I m going to enter into 2ww

Missy, u same as me? My cycle buddy
morning ladies. i m so sleepy now. yawns yawns...

bunny, my cycle buddy, i din take temp nowadays so i m not sure abt mine. or did u sleep in aircon room without ur blanket on you?
Hi beaniz,
thks for ur concern, the pain seems to tone down le.

My DH still abit reluctant to go for the SA test, he keep saying wanting to try for another 1 cycle first.

As for the HSG test, can anyone advice whether i should take the painkiller:
1) before the HSG & how long before?
2) after the HSG test?

If worst come to worst, i plan to start with IUI. Anyone done it in Mount E before & can we use our Medisave? My fren's fren went to NUH do & spend only $500 & strike on the 1st try...so lucky
Can check with u al...
Yesterday was CD14 and I tested positive for ovulation. And last nite after deed, I discovered brown watery after unine when wipe. Does anyone encounter before? It never happen to me before. This morning was same when urine. Only wipe then have. Confirm is not abrasion. Is it ovulation spotting?
Queenie, for me, i took it before i did the test, as per doc advise. he was concerned that if i cannot tahan the pain, its better to pop the panadol 1st. so during the test not so much crampy. still ok and bearable. take it after the test might be too late. of course if u can tahan the cramps during and after the test, then ok la, no need to to take.
Babykk.. you mean implantation spotting? Sounds possible leh.. but I also not very very sure. ><

Actually last month, I also got a little bit of light brown spotting, felt very very bloated than usual for the rest of the following weeks and then thought I got chance, but.. alamak AF visited me yest. :'( Dunno whether issit 'cos after that I went for massage..
Good morning ladies!!!

Its 1 more day to Friday! YEAH!!!!

I suddenly feel like eating Lor Mee today.. kekekee.. with lots of chilli &amp; vingear!!Wooohh.....where is Yaataa? wonder what she eat this am.. lol..


ya.. try it for a week or so &amp; see how ur condition? If still persist, I would advise you to see ur gynae again man..

Erm.. when you say his ultrasound machine dun have to be full bladder.. what does that means?

If ur DH 1 2 wait for another 1 cycle then let him wait lor.. coz no more what.. after this cycle, he will have to go already right? kekekek
Good morning ladies!

UTI is nasty, drink some cranberries once per week heard it prevent UTI.

TCM $150 for 2 per week is average without the zhuang yang med, and assuming your body condition is good and passing the benchmark. When i first consulted her, i spent about $200+ per week for both hubby and me.

Tan Seoh Kian
201D Tampines St 21 #02-1153, 524201, Singapore. p: 67811778

She only open in the morning and evening from Mon-Fri, and morning only on weekends/PH. call first if you wanna go down.

This time round, we are taking and if I got lucky, my hubby would stop and I will continue. Preggy will take another set of med which is ren sheng and cong chao. I took during my pregnancy, mum especially baby is stong and immunity is good.

Hsien, you using OPK? ou cycle haywire or regular?
i dread of cramps so every AF i'll pop painkiller, its like a habit to me le. So i pop 30mins before should be ok right?

if DH really insist not to go for the test den LL try for 1 cycle of natural again lor.

i used to go TMC for my abdomen ultrasound but they required full bladder in order to do the scan. As for my gynae, he say he is using new machine so no need to have full bladder or drink water.

The good thing he only charge me 1 of the scan price although he did V scan for me also cos i wan to check whether i got any good folicles since i'm near to ovulation - CD12. He will usually do ab ultrasound for checking or cyst/fibroids &amp; inverted womb.

He charged me $120 for couple consultation &amp; $90 for ultrasound excluding GST.

Did i mention he also check my DH testicle also &amp; advice him to cut down smoking &amp; wear boxers.
babyKK implantation breeding not so soon. I had it few times before, I had pap smear just in case, but it was alright. Doctor said my wall are shallow, and penetration too deep might be the cause of it, or perhaps it may be ovulation spotting.
no aircon and with blanket wor.

don't have opk. :p
cycle usually between 30-35days lor.

a year back when i do take bbt, at least there's spike.

guess shall monitor for few more days ba ..

i guess stress might affect hor.

$500 on iui means natural iui, no injections and just the procedure to wash the soldiers and put inside ba.
Hsien, cd22 should have already ovulated based on a 35 days cycle leh, got check your thermometer or not? Aiyo buy some OPK la :D
i'm here! reporting on rainy thursday morning. got some bad news. bleeding escalated last night, frantically called KK and a few gynaes this morning. but NO ONE IS FREE!! argh. i finally mustered up enough courage to make appointment but it seems like i am not fated to see doc. the only advice i got was that if there is pain, i should go hospital. earliest appointment to see female senior consultant at KK is 6 may!!! ok. rant over. a doc also advised that if bleeding continues and is still this heavy, can take it as AF. what?? 2 AF within a fortnight?

this morning was good. i had pork chops with rice and sunny side up and leafy greens stirfried with lots of garlic. an enjoyable meal. now snacking on wasabi chips... this is not good for the waistline but heck!!
Beaniz, actually it's safer not to go for a massage after ovulation. I watched a youtube video that certain acupressure points, if massaged, will cause uterine contractions.
Massage before ovulation is good as it promotes blood circulation, especially massage on the tummy area.
Yaataa... rather than wait for so long, why not go to private gynae? At least he/she can see you immediately. I cant see NUH/KK for urgent things as by the time I see the doctor, I would have 'died' oredi...

Wah, your breakfast is making me salivating!!!
queenie, pop panadol 30mins before the test is ok. i pop min abt 5-10mins before the test, i m ok.

yaataa, ya better see private one, earlier appt dates. govt hospitals appt dates is very long.
*steals wasabi chips from yaataa* What's for lunch then? ^__^ Also, agree with the rest, try to see the private one asap...

Peggy... thanks thanks for the advice... will not go for massage after ovulation next time. I must admit I haven't quite learnt how to track ovulation yet, will probz go get the thermometer after work today. In the past, I just estimate 14 days from CD1 = ovulation.. :">

I wanna get my AF over and done with soon so that I can start BD!! :p :p :p *blushes*
btw I have a stupid question... so sorry.. I was reading and saw that it's possible to NOT ovulate for a particular month? Does AF mean ovulation has taken place? Or can AF visit even without ovulation? ? :">
yaataa: ya it is always tat long.. My appt wif KK oso.. I had 1 appt wif KK.

Anyway, for those who preggy before. Do u all had dreams? I had dreams almost everynight during my tww.. But not my previous one...

I also felt alot of twinges/pinching feeling in my lower abdomen. I hope something BIG(bb) is going in there.. haa.. =D

Cant wait to tell.. today is DPO13 already!!!!!
beaniez to answer your question:

It is possible to have a period without ovulating. This is called anovulatory bleeding, and looks much like ordinary menstruation

To determine whether you have ovulation, best is by charting (taking your body basal every morning).

You may wanna start using www.fertilityfriend.com after you bought a thermometer, registration is free.
Hi ladies...

This thread is getting livelier again!!

Today is CD38 liao.. af still missing... going to see my TCM again but heard from what shiseru.. tampines sinseh sound good wor... but sat open mornings only!?! issit alot of pple over the weekends &amp; weekdays?
Hello E-cups, it's been a while. The waiting time is still okay. She is overseas now, will only come back after 19 Apr, how have you been?

beaniez, this is one of my BBT chart in Aug 2010, which is the cycle i conceived.

shiseru... WOW.. nice CHART!

Im still in this game with no news no sound...
your temp also v low hor...
Im just wondering after u BFP with the help with the tamp TCM, Did u continue to see her until u pop or just see the 1st trimester???
Hello E-cups. my temp is still alright. 2 days after ovulation, I took progesterone (I have a low progesterone issue) to boost my progesterone level. TCM i have always been taking before and during pregnancy till the day i gave birth, and during that 1 month confirnment period after birth.

Some people have extremely high or low BBT, these temperatures may be evidence of hyper or hypothyroidism and you should go consult a gynae and check it out, mine is still quite within the temp range...
E-cups, you are most welcome! I am not a pro but am pretty good at some of these things (I read and learnt alot after my 2 losses).

Yes, duphaston is a progesterone med.
Hi Vanilla04,
I dont have dreams but was having the twitches feeling for almost everyday.
Fingers crossed too, hope too something big turns out...
babydust to u and everyone...
thanks loads Castiel's Mummy and シセル for the help and info! Yup think I must start plotting my temp else I really have no idea what's going on... alamak. ><

Castiel's Mummy, E-cups and all others... good luck and hope good news soon! :D
btw シセル, so if temp increase means O right? and if remains high means high chance of BFP? otherwise will drop? sorry i sound sooOooo much like frog in the well.. :S
i need to rant my sadness!!!

joined this co for 9mths.. what have i learnt?
i can say NOTHING!
struggled myself every morn to come to work.. rem last yr i even nearly went to depression that i will knock my head onto the wall, n mubble to myself.. luckily i hv a gd hub who was with my side..

Tot things will get better when my r/s with superior is good (ie: talk anything under the sun, lunch, even gg back if we stay late)... but theres for sure ppl will not like to see this scene..

recently, i dunno what i did or i nv did anything wrong at all.. all see me pretend dunno me.. all was not like that in the past..

i m aware that work is work, dun bring them home but right now no work for me to do, just odd job loads.. everyday forced myself to come to work n eagerly waiting for the time to arrive in the evening.. i hate that feeling.. i dun wan to be in that situation i had last yr again..

sorrry to rant my misery here..
beaniez, jiayou wor.. while waiting over here.. i help u all to beat pom pom *jiayou* *jiayou*

Vanilla, u dun get so excited or kan chiong...just ping chang xin.. when u testing..??
ecups: Today is DPO13 liao leh... I hope i can tahan not to test till end of tis week... By right now test can noe liao.. but but but... haiz.. so scare to test lo..... =(
blissfulsasa sorry to hear about your work. Hope it gets better soon!

beaniez, yes to your questions. And yes you should start charting!

Vanilla, i had dream when i was pregnant with the first one, not good i dreamt of snake and I lost her.

My luteah phase is 12 days, so i will test on DPO12. The cycle i conceived my little baby girl, i tested on DPO12, and got a positive.
blissfulsasa... *hugz* maybe you can try talking to your superior to find out what's wrong, since she's on close terms with ya?

wooh wooh vanilla, you're making me all excited for you!! hehehe~ :p

i stumbled across this link @ http://www.twoweekwait.com/what-no-one-told-you, and thought it was nice to share...

some highlights from that link:

That unprotected sex doesn't necessarily lead to pregnancy.

That your sex life would start to resemble a science experiment.

That you would see your OBGYN/RE more often than your DH at O time.

That the longer you TTC, the more PG women spring up around you.

That I should have gone to medical school like my mom wanted, because I've had to do so much medical research by now just to figure out what was wrong with me, I might as well be an M.D.

That living your life in 2 week increments would be the norm

That I would wish we had started TTC earlier.

That I'd EVER be willing to stab myself in the stomach or @ss every day in the hopes that it will help get me PG.

That it wouldn't happen the first time you didn't use birth control like we were led to believe in school.

That it is insensitive to ask people when they are having a baby!

Tat women who do get pregnant are so very blessed!

That I could have been rich saving money on condoms, which were obviously unecessary.

That had I bought stock in Clearblue Easy I'd have my mansion on St. Pete's Beach in FL by now.

That it does not get easier, each cycle is harder than the last.

Feeling like you wish your life away in 2 week increments.

That a group of "strangers" who I will probably never meet, have now become my "best friends" when it comes to ttc.

That talking about sex with fellow TTCers would be so easy.

That infertility is more common than you think.

That sex would ever become a chore!

That this would be, by far, one of the hardest things you will ever have to go through.

That you HAVE to have sex even though you don't feel like it, but because your FM says high or peak.

That my brother, who started TTC at the same time we did and whose wife got PG three months later, would go on and on telling me how tough and tiring life with a baby is, and then finish with: "You have no idea what it's like!"

That the two little words of "just relax" uttered by everyone I know would enfuriate me beyond belief.

That my friends who started TTC #1 around the same time we did would already be pregnant with #2 before we get pregnant with #1.

That I wouldn't be able to attend my friend's babies 1st birthday parties because of the quesiton, "So, when are ya'll going to have children."

That the people around me would become more insensitive as time goes on. "It is so hard having a new baby, you just wouldn't understand." or "Be happy you're not tied down."

That I spent years trying not to get pregnant, and praying for my period. Now I can't seem to lose the witch!

That you would be keeping it a secret from everyone.

That you would tell everyone you're not ready for a child when they ask what your waiting for.

That you will soon be lying through your teeth telling people that you don't want children


hi all, glad to chance upon this thread.
I'm starting to TTC again after 2 lost pregnancies, today marks CD1 for me. Hoping to share more experiences, the good and not-so-good with fellow ttc-mates ;)

beaniez, i can chk against many of the points that you just posted! hahaha, How true lah!
Beanbean, let's jiayou together, with the rest of the ladies in this thread! ^__^ i also only just stumbled upon this thread yesterday, and i'm in CD2 today, so we're pretty close! :p can't wait till AF ends! :p
thanks shiseru and beaniez..

superior noes.. she experienced it b4.. i think they wanted me to leave cos im quite ON with work n no shortcuts allowed, mayb thats becos they prefer my colleague then me..
what i heard from the previous staff also cant stand n left..

wanted to resign but at the same time afraid of what if im pregnant while serving notice? n what if im pregnant when i join the new co not long..

so many what if to consider!

hoping miracle to happen.. tolong pls let me strike.. no matter girl or boy a healthy child is enuff for me..
blissful, see this cycle you strike or not loh. If not, time to move on... in the meantime update your resume and start looking around?

Can't worry so much, need to work out priority.

ya lo.. hoping n hoping.. now CD3...
ermm i started sending last yr, not much calls but i will keep sending n sending..

so now every morn i will make sure i walk past the child care centre to look at those children n remind me to move on.. hehehe
