2WW - for those TTC-ing

vanilla, apologies!! i sure didn't mean to cause you any distress. i hope you are not affected by my thoughtless words. truthfully, the m/c was one of the hardest periods of my life. it is already so hard to conceive, so i was extra gutted after i lost it.

sleepygal, wow that's really really early O. but it's good you have been working extra hard and putting in extra effort! yup, for ttc, there's really only so much that we can do.

Mrs R: I wanted to relax too... but its so hard to control..

Peggy: Today will be DPO10, which by right can alreayd test for positive liao de... But i nv test today.. Jus pray hard i can get tat BFP on this coming friday...

yaataa: Thanks for your compliment for my boy's name. I lost him when i'm in 25 weeks 1 day. It was hard for me as i carry him already more then half way thru the pregnancy.

If he made it back then, he will be 9 weeks and 4 days. However, if he is still inside my tummy he will be 34 weeks 4 days. EDD is 18 May. Hospital class it as abortion when i gave birth to my boy. crap!! Anyway, i see my case as a stillborn. Hospital said it might be due to placenta abruption, gynae said might be pre-term labour. So right now i'm super confused, totally had no clue to it. Which fears me.. As i can't take any precaution to prevent it from happening.

Anyway, i still haven ot back my AF aft birth. I gave birth to Castiel on 3rd Feb, and i tested positive for O on 28 & 29 Mar. So probably O on 30th as i felt the O cramp.

SOOOOO *fingers crossed*

Let's put our hands together and pray that we can all graduate on this cycle. =)
vanilla, oh my, that must have been really hard for you. i feel for you
ok from my very very very rudimentary knowledge, placenta abruption might come with lots of blood pre-delivery. as for pre-term labour, it could be preceded by waterbag bursting, bloody show (not that much blood), or simply contractions. i pray for a nice fat BFP for you!!

let's all hope for more graduates in the coming days!
your DH too? Sigh.. what is it with men?
Maybe its like his mood is totally gone or whatever I don't know.
But its tough if this happen & we cannot BD often right?

Huh? so meaning today I got faint line means I might be O-ing soon eh? gosh.. I really do not know if testing on these strips does help me with anything?

take care...

also I see that when u gals go visit your gynae, she will actually tell u when are the days for BD?? really? Cos I think I sux at date counting so perhaps visiting a gynae might really works for me.. btw.. if 1 2 go visit a gynae to check on such things.. usually is go after AF finish right? like how many days after AF?

Any recommendations?
hi ladies!!

depends on the reason for visiting a gynae.
if just to check whether O-ing soon or not, can visit from CD5-6 onwards (depends on your cycle duration)

if not, usually best to start gynae monitoring will be from D2.
to ensure all are clear.

then D7 to see any follicles growing as well as the size, and also the thickness of the lining...

D10-14 for size of follicles and lining

then D20-22 to check if protesgrone level enough (this is presume already O)


For OPKs, the line muz be as dark or darker den the test zone line.. faint line might means a little LH surge is detected and when it is bold means O-ing soon... Usually OPK will pick up LH surge 2 days before O... I mean PEAK LH surge la.. And after e peak the egg will be released liao...

Anyway i found a very good website...

u gals can take pic and post online n pple will vote whether it is positive or negative... its fun.. try it out...


Wahhh in this case like have to go see gynae every other day leh.. kekeke.. CD2 means u r still having ur period when u go see ur gynae?

PEAK LH?? mine like nv happen before lor.. kekke.. I took this am, super duper faint line as compared to the test line.. maybe tmr see how.. so perhaps I might be O-ing soon eh..
morning ladies ...

haa.. unless your O very accurate, you will need to go more frequent?

at least 2-3 times to measure the follicles ba ...

Bunny miss u lah Peggy..

*Singing.. say my name.. say my name... * lol

Wahhh.. must go so many times to go measure follicles ah.. btw how do they measure ur follicles? and what are the charges like?
Hi ladies..

So sorry keep MIA cos 3 week backlogs & current work piling & events coming up in BKK.. Gosh!!! can let me strike toto & i can just rest at home... whahaha

berries, depend on your gynae is subsided or private ba.. they will do the V-scan some thing like insert the "dick" inside & scan.. lols...whahah so obscene..:p
wahahaa.. oops.. its berries! :p

think i miss u too much la.. ;)

hi e-cups!!

insert the "dick"? wahahahaa... nice !
Bunny.... I miss u too... ~muakkzz~ he..he...

E-cups, wahaahahahahha....my dh even asked if the "dick" is comfortable a.k.a arousing. LOL... Sigh... he doesnt understand the feeling of being violated...

Babykk... must whack every night okay~?!?!

U tell him how will him feel if there is a "dick" poking his ass... he feel comfortable bo lo.. :p

I think my body is telling me to go see my TCM liao...AF still not here...haizzzz
berries: ya.. If faint line means LH surge can be detected but not strong. When u see the line is dark or darker then the test line it means the LH surge is at the peak and most probably O will take place within 2 days.

Eg: I tested positive for O on 28 & 29 Mar. I most likely O on the 30th as i had those O cramp.

When u tested positive using OPK, it does't mean u O already, it means O-ing soon. How soon? This one really depends on individual de. But i read online that once tested positive for O, BD every alternate days. If u KS den u can BD every day for 4 days lo.. haa.. But e sperm count will drop oso la.. So best to be alternate days den DH can rest oso.. =D

E-cups: hello... long time no see... din expect to see u again so soon.. haiz... =(
Peggy, if whack everyday will I get boy? What are the chances? Ya I know if can pg shd be happy but at least there is a method to try so thinking to try.
i'm back but very sianz. started spotting last night and turned to full out red bleed this am. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh very very very headache!! it's only CD13!!!!
morning ladies !

your cycle is so ...
still red and flowing or stop le?

guess the hormones is not proper yet?
Morning ladies...

ohh.. insert the "dick" in.. gosh... *so will I get preggie after that???* fwahahahaha..
me still not too sure which gynae to go yet.. as I have no idea where to go too...
any recommendations like who to go to? or is pte or govt ones better?

lol.. finally u realized its me! ahahaha..
so..nice hor.. to be inserted with "dick" lol...

haiz.. worst is that I don't see dark lines at all.. sianz...
only saw faint lines yday which is CD18!! Then tested again on CD19 today like lagi faint.. OMG!! I m gg to faint soon... like that means I O-ing soon within these 2 days or sekali already over? arrruughhhhh...

when u say tested positive means those faint lines izzit?

got such thing meh.. wack everyday will get boy??

are u gg to see any gynae or back to ur TCM for help on this?
morning ladies! am new in this thread~

me and hubz been married for almost 2 years liaoz... never knew TTC was so difficult.
now a bit regret that didn't start early.. haiz..

my P just came yesterday. *sigh*

baby dust to all!
Hi gals,
I've saw some of u mention abt UTI before jus that I only have sour pain near the urine area when touch or when I use water spray over there. Went to c GP but she say nth wrong n no lumps, should be due to menses infection. Just wan to know whether issit common among the gals? Moreover I'm a person who dun drink much water.

Btw I decide to go for the hsg test n SA test tis sat but dh last min give alot of excuses...so sick of pleading with them to go thru the tests
morning ladies! i'm in my CD14 today. notice some CM yesterday and today when i pee. not exactly very sticky yet. abit clear gluey gluey kind. does it means i'm gonna O soon?
Hello how's everyone, i saw few familiar people here (Hsien, yata, sleepygal). hello to all mummy-wanna-be. How's everyone doing??

I am back to TTC! Hopefully all good and baby dust to everyone!

I breastfeed for 8 months, menses returned when i dropped the bf to 2x per day 2 months ago, did not ovulate that 2 months (probably becoz just stopped bf so takes a while for body to adjust). Currently still bf once per day at night. Today I am CD15, got a +OPK last night!
シセル, what does "bf" once per day mean?

I think this is the last month to try for a dragon BB... but guess as long as we can have a healthy bb, doesn't really matter what zodiac.. ^^
Hi Shiseru,
Ur baby is so cute. Indeed a miracle baby.
I had two losses too...both in my 5th week...
I hope my story will be like urs and I can hold my child on my arms soon...
hi girls! actually i seriously dunno what is wrong. and i dunno where to seek help. torn between going to angmoh doctor and TCM. how how how??
very sad leh. after mc my hormones are all messed up. spotted quite a fair bit right before period too. i was hoping that the hormones would have reset but obviously they have gone way off the charts.

shiseru welcome back!! wow aeris is a big girl already. very cute and 'solid' hehehe. i like!! we are the old-timers in this thread. i don't mind where when why how, girl or boy, just gimme bb hahahha!!

had severe cramping this morning when i was bleeding too. had been testing for O but i think i was just wasting test strips hahaha. the kuay chap i had this morning cheered me up though :p
Agreed with Mrs_R, シセル's little girl is so cute!! :p

*sends hugs to Mrs_R* Jiayou!!

yaataa... hmm, is the cramping due to AF or..?
Thanks ladies! Yata you too, son must be really grown up boy now!

After my 2 losses, i went to TCM recommended by my colleague because of her many success cases. I was told to skip 3 months because my body was very weak after the losses, and I conceived the 3rd month.

I then recommended a few MWB (mummywannabe) there, and they got pregnant a few months down the road as well (very happy for them!). Another few taking regulating their menses and few are currently trying. My TCM is in Tampines, good but very costly!

Currently I am back to TCM, started in Jan, thought i should at least take for 3 months before i start trying
Girls.. I'm just curious, is it a must/better to see a TCM or gynae when TTC? Seems like most of you are seeing TCM? The TCM will give medicine to regulate menses or...? Paiseh I ask so many questions.. I quite new and blur to all these.. :">
Thanks beaniez,
A gyane gives clomid when you TTCing, at least a TCM will give some herbs and also do accupunture close to ovulation date...tis is from my experience at both places...
Oic.. thanks Mrs_R!

Arghhhhhh.. how do you girls cope with the stress of TTC?
I keep thinking about it day and night... GRRRRrRRrr!!! I feel so pressurized 'cos of so many reasons.. hubz's grandma keeps asking... my elder siblings all have kids... and I'm hitting the big 30 soon...

Sorry for the rant.
hi shiseru!!


by not thinking about it? :p
so far when pple ask, i just nod my head and keep quiet.
not sure if i'm weird or what, but i'm pretty zen.
babykk: there no such things as whack everyday den will be boy de la.. lol.. It depends on many things. The condition in ur uterus, like more acidic or alkaline. I cant rmb which one more suitable for boy de liao.

But boy sperm swim faster but die faster, girl sperm swim slower but die slower too. Sperm can survive 5-7 days inside the womb. So if u BD before u O, high chance its gonna be girl and if u BD jus nice when u O it will be boy..

But utimately, its a blissing to have any gender. And most importantly, if the health of ur little one. This is what i learn from my previous pregnancy. I was so into the bb gender, i wanted a boy like u for the 1st one. And yes i got it. But i lost him at 25 weeks. So it really doesn't matter abt bb gender. So what if i got the gender i wan but i can have him in my arms alive? What's the point.

yaataa: how come u started bleeding at CD13? Maybe the hormones changes? I nv had anything like this, i only had irregulare menses like came twice a year kind...

berries: The positive OPKs looks like this: Same like urs?


beaniez: New cycle new hope. And whether anot it is a dragon bb, is not impt le. When i lost my boy, i wanted so badly for another dragon bb. But when i keep testing negative for this cycle, which is the lst month for a dragon bb. I was so sad to see the negative. So then i realised that it is not the year tat ur bb is born but its when u see tat positive tat is gonna appear. =)

Missy: for my case, my previous pregnancy, CM came a few days before i O. CM is to help the sperm swim more easily towards ur cervix and into ur womb to find ur percious egg... =D

シセル: ur gal is really so cute!!! I hope mine will come soon. I too had 1 loss, just about 2 months and 1 week ago.

I've been to Marine Parade, Ban Choon Chan. It is very popular and helped alot of couples to get preggy. I too concevie Castiel on the very 1st cycle i went there. I'm planning to go there when this cycle fails.

Re: Gynae
I will be going to the gyane if my Af nv report this week and still tested negative. I wanna go to gyane and ask to induce my menses and take clomid to start ttc-ing. I concevied on my 1st cycle on clomid.

I pray for that BFP to appear this cycle.. =D
Hi ladies,

If you are considering to purchase OPK/ HPT, Pre-Seed, Conceive Plus, Clearblue Digital OPK/ HPT, basal thermometers and TTC supplements such as red raspberry tea leaves, royal jelly and bee pollen and CoQ10, do check out http://babydustshop.blogspot.com

Jacelyn Tay (ex Mediacorp Actress) shared one of her success tips in conceiving easily is drinking organic raspberry tea that improves the health of her womb. Do try out this tea which is now available at Baby Dust Shop.

Another partner of Baby Dust Shop is pregnant and we have tons of babydust to sprinkle on all our customers!

Babydust to all!
Castiel's Mummy (vanilla04)

I am soo sorry to hear about your loss.. I don't know what to say but trust me when I say I can understand the kind of pain because I've been through the similar horrible journey. Hope god bless you a healthy child very soon.

I've been to Marine Parade, Ban Choon Chan but once only I was not comfortable with him he loves to spit :/

beaniez, though we can't force pregnancy, but there is something we can take control and increase the chances, that is to babydance during your fertile window, eat well (especially folic acid), healthy lifestyle. You can even use conceive plus lubricant to help the swimmers get to the golden egg easier!

The month I conceived, other than TCM, I guessed the conceive plus helped a little as well
thanks castiel!

beaniez, totally understand how pressurizing when people keep asking you about pregnancy. my SIL also keep asking me how come stomach looks big but no news. i told her it's all AF blood and macdonalds stored inside! haha
i think it's just hormones way out of whack. with this, think ttc push back even further cos doc advised 3 normal cycles then start ttc again. i was hoping that my hormones wouldn't be affected too much but i guess i was wrong. ARGHHHHHHH so miserable!!

vanilla and shiseru, you two have suffered great losses. hopefully you will have a nice fat BFP soon. same goes to all of us! mrs r, berries, peggy, hsien, ecups and sleepygal and all here!!

berries, i think about it often too but i guess the only way to shut people up is to say trying leh but don't have. can you give me one?? hahahaha i tried it quite a few times. fun to see the reactions!
Wahh.. today so active everyone!! so many posts! lol..

the sore pain u mean? coz u type sour.. lol.. unless u have tasted it.. lol..
well.. the pain is not common among gals but for UTI then its a different story.
DH are the same.. try talking to him & find out y he does not want to go thru the test..

Cute gal u have!! Its indeed a miracle.
when u say ur TCM in Tampines good but costly.. erm.. can share like how costly? and what does the TCM recommend u to do? wat does ur TCM do to advise u on BD?

no leh.. mine looks far from this man.. haiz.. ok..
will try take pix tmr to show u.. my other line ah.. is super faint one..
U are indeed lucky to strike on ur 1st cycle of clomid..
I tried but failed. sad..

As for the Marine Parade Ban Choon Chan that u go ah.. can u tell me what does the TCM ask u to do or take? Is it only u or ur DH also must go together? He will also tell u when to BD? If want to go there must go on CD wat is the best ah?

sorry for asking so many qns as I am also keen to start on my TCM or gynae if any? Btw, which gynae do u go to?

whahaha.. good one.. but hor.. some super KPO kind ah will still try to continue say aiyah.. dun hv means dun hv one lah.. dun need to try.. kns!! Phuiii......
feel like killing them when they say tat!!
missy and yaataa, LOL!! shitbaby and macdonalds are just too funny. :p :p

i especially hated it when one of my friends ask.. when are you having BB.. and when i reply 顺其自然... then friend tell me that 顺其自然 means want lah, and whether I prepared or not, is very pain one, etc etc.. WTH mannnnnn!! *angrys*

grrr.. i think we all need to stay positive! *sends positive thoughts around* ^^
yaataa, haha shitbaby! yesh especially during constipation will be super bloated. sends out the wrong signal!

berries, i'm seeing a TCM right now as well. but she gives me medicine to strengthen the womb. said it's suppose to help with pregnancy as well. i only started visiting my TCM recently so not sure if it works. i'm combining Blackmores conceive gold + TCM. haha hope it's double dose of additional help.

btw anyone taking conceive gold. can i ask if you experience constipation when taking conceive gold. i notice that i have slight constipation and when i poo, my shit also quite dark/black *oops too detailed* haha. wanna check with you ladies, if it's normal?

beaniez, yaya i understand your 顺其自然 will lead to what kinda response. hahaha. sometimes it's so irritating right! we're already feeling kan chiong ourself and these unnecessary pressure is so annoying! *breath in and out* hahaha
Hi Missy, I take conceive gold on weekdays. Never noticed my poo though... :p

Beaniz, I also dont know how to answer when my friend asked me. I feel like retorting: "It's none of your business!!!"

My friend just got pregnant. She only got married in two months ago. Sigh.... why cant I just accept that people will continue to get pregnant? Sigh...
hello berries, the TCM cost abt $150 for 2 pax per week (me and hubby) all in pills so no need to brew. She didn't start us on fertility treatment until later because she needed to fix our existing conditions (mine was lack of blood and chi while my hubby body too heaty to consume the zhuang yang med)

A mummy whom i know from this forum (she had a loss at 24 weeks sudden contraction can't hold the baby) She went to see her and recently gave birth (premature at 7 months) but this time round baby was strong (no need to use incubator) and survived now baby is home and she is a happy mom!

I usually don't recommend unless people ask or had losses and because of her expensive med. I spent thousands of dollars but I have my greatest reward and money was spent worthwhile so I did not hesitate to go back to her again for 2nd one.

Actually if you have no fertility issue, no existing condition, you probably don't need to see TCM or gynae. However if you have tried a long time, had losses before, then you may want to start considering them.
i know alot of gals ard me conceive successfully aft they went to c her. I plan to c her but when come to think of taking the bitter med, i'll become lazy & slowly back out. I tried visiting the TCM for 6mths & give up eventually.

the pain can be sore but more like 酸庝& its within the clit (the place where our urine comes out). I'll only experience the pain when i apply pressure on it. The GP keep on saying nth wrong & she din even wan to prescibe antibiotics since she say might due to AF/urine infections.

I've UTI before so i know the feeling is different since i dun have urine pain this time round. Just that the clit sensation (sour feeling) is the same as UTI. I'm now drowning myself with barley & cranberry juice. Doc say if its not persistent pain & can heal itself within few days so no point giving me medication.

I'm just worried will it cause more infection as i'll be doing the HSG test this sat.

Oh yah...the radiology nurse ask me to take the panadol in the morning after my breakfast since my appt is 10.30am to avoid the pain. While another nurse ask me to take it after the procedure....i feel so mixed up & wondering who shd i listen as i'll be going shopping aft the procedure.

i'm still coaxing my DH to go for the test as its hard to get a slot on sat & he is always travelling
シセル: yup.. indeed.. One those who have been thru it will understand how we felt.. I'll be going back to him if i nv strike this cycle.

Missy: Welcome.. I took concevie well on the cycle before and on the cycle when i concevie Castiel. I dun rmb having any constipation. Perhaps u gals can drink more water or prune juice? It helps =)

yaataa: i too felt tat when i lost my boy.. Thking tat maybe it will be a twins for my next prenancy. But i noe i'll be happy for one... two is a bonus.. =D

berries: indeed i was lucky but lucky doesn't mean sticky.. haiz..

beaniez: Jus smile and tell them i alreayd applied but the god haven approve. How? U tell me lo.. If not u tell the god to fast approve my application lo... LOL..

Re: TCM,
The TCM i went the medicine needs to be brew de. Doc will draw u a weekly calender. Somthing like tat. Tell u which week u will most likely to O and try on which week and u an start testing onw hich week and if nv strike ur AF will come on which week.

The doc will feel ur pulse. and tell u ur problem. Mine was not o-ing and irregular menses and he said 1 of my ovary not good somehintg like tat. I was prescribe 3 medicine. 1 to help me O another 2 to take to strengthen my womb and lining to hold bb. He also said my lining is not strong enough to hold bb.

i'll certainly go back to him again. My gf who bring me there strike on e first cycle too. We went together and her EDD is about a few days before mine, as her LMP is jus 2 days before mine. So i rmb very clearly... =)
Wahh.. looks like quite a number of you here have been taking Conceive Gold eh..

Actually your Tampines TCM charges $150 for 2pax for a week is ok leh.. coz the last time I see EYS is about $130+ for me alone.. that is X..
Can you recommend to me ur TCM in Tampines? Is it very hard to get an appt?

I do know that Marine Parade that one very hard to get slots..

maybe u try to drown urself with cranberry juice now & see how.. but I think it will affect your HSC test this Sat though..

Seems like a lot of gals here are having their own TCM.. how about doing up a list so that we know what is what & can compare ..

Till now I still dunno which gynae to go to.. M thinking of gg to Dr Ang.. any suggestions?

<table border=1><tr><td>TCM &amp; Sinseh name</TD><TD>Address/Tel</TD><TD>Charges</TD><TD>Type of treatments</td></tr></table>

Yah will try it &amp; c how.

If u wanna nice gynae, I can recommend u my gynae - Dr Kowa Nam Sing @ Mount E. He is super nice &amp; friendly....in fact his ultrasound machine dun have to be full bladder to do it.
