2WW - for those TTC-ing

Shiseru, how many pills u took for that one? My dr advises 2 each day. I m going to his clinic now... I super kiasu. Today is my DPO2.

babykk, Gynae asked me to take the progesterone pill 2x per day, but I took just once per day. Until I got a positive HPT, i increased to 2x per day.
シセル & Benaiez: haiz... Today i felt those menses like a bit aching leh.. thk AF reporting soon.. lol.. Tml if nv report den i test using clearblue de liao... i dun wanna waste my time... WAITING!!!!

Re: TCM,
I went to Marine Parade, Ban Choon Chan. Very famous for feritlity issue de. Always LONG LONG Q de lo..

Anyway, i concevie on the 1st cycle i go and see him. The herbs u need to brew urself de.. And its yucky!! but for sake of bb... Bear with it.. =)

About $70 for 3 packet of medicine. =)
blissfulsasa, berries... i also thinking of going to TPY one leh, but DH like not very keen.

vanilla, CANNOT GIVE UP YET!! *sends over lucky charms to scare AF away*.

now i also very tempted to go see the marine parade TCM after seeing so many of you have good reviews of him.. hehehe :p
vanilla: dun give up.. i think just normal pain.. pray hard for u no AF reporing..

beaniez.. u noe the procedure if gg to the temple? (ie what to bring, etc)
beaniez & blissful: LOL... Thanks gals... beaniez u r a mirror image when i jus started ttc.. LOL.. SO full of energy n positives... CANNOT GIVE UP!!! these kinda words is what i always use on other ttc-ing mates.. LOL.. Tell them AF 1 day nv report still got chance...

But den if tested negative and AF still missing.. tat one really headacge liao... LOL... I really wanna see tat BFP, but i knew if BFN, i would wan to see AF soon.. So i start a new cycle and TRY HARD again!! LOL...

Re: TCM,
If this cycle i nv strike i'll go back to him le.. haa.. tat one really very popular.. I rmb the Dr Zou oso very popular...

My gf oso concevie on the 1st cycle when we went to ban choon chan together.. his boy is due abt 1 week ahead of me.. =)
Oh... Good news and bad news!!!!

Bad news - I'm out this cycle!! *sob sob*

Good news - the witch came!! LOL.. I'm happy tat she came since I knew I'm not pregnant. So I start a brand new cycle!!

So happy!! Really, never really wanted AF to come so badly before!! Haa..

Cuz I noe when she come! I'LL strike the next cycle!!! I definitely will!!!! I'm POSITIVE!!!!! If i can test positive for Ovulation la.. LOL... Haaa...

Today marks my CD01!!!!!! Who else is near me?? Anyone?? Haa.. Cycle buddies where r u!!!!! =D

Jia you everyone!!
Ladies, thanks for the welcome. (;
I'm tempted to go marine parade tcm. But afraid if the queue. Lols!

Anyone heard of the tcm at bukit batok? One of my friend recommended. Not sure if it's good.

Oh ya, heard about bai Fong wan being good for ttc too. I started taking last cycle. Realised my hands and feet not cold anymore. Maybe it's also quite 'bu' for us ladies.

Haha. I am so loving the positive vibes here! Let's all work hard together.
Wow! Many posts to catch up! V active grp! Like!

I'm seeing eys TCM at paragon. Personally feels that Chinese herbs and supplement are more au natural so can see even if it's only for our general wellbeing ;)

There was a saying, during pregnancy, it's good to see both Chinese sinseh and Ang moh doc, coz 中药补大人,西药补小孩。

Babykk, I was being prescribed duphaeton. There's another type utrogestan. Both supplements low progesterone and normally will be prescribed to mummy's with threatened miscarriages. The progyluton that u mention is also a hormones treatment, normally given to regulate AF.
I did the extensive search after my 2 failed pregnancies thru professor google.com, so fellow ttc mates, help correct if I'm wrong ya :p

Shiseru, thanks for sharing ur mi4fang1 ;)

Raine, BFW is good for woman, helps regulate AF, strengthen our system. But got to take note, woman with certain conditions like pocs cant take. FYI ;)
Hi RaiNe,
Wat is bai fong? I am suffering from cold feet and hand.
Drinking red dates and longan, i try to drink almost everyday, too heaty till I get pimples.
Castiel, jiayou!

Bean bean, yes I took 2 mths of progyluton and now my Af is regular.
I went to gynae yesterday to tAke utrogestan. Anyone who have taken utrogestan before bfp and have successfully carry till full term?
Feeling depressed...
Just tested using Clearblue digital but it's negative.....

I really feel hopeless, depressed and dejected
*sends hugs to TTCing and vanilla*

vanilla, i'm in CD4, so not too far from you, can be cycle buddies too!

dearest everyone, i know this is a hard and long and difficult journey, but we must all try to keep faith and hope! ^^ My friend once told me, negative thoughts attract negative things (and outcomes), positive thoughts attract positive things and outcomes. So we must keep on thinking positive and more more positive!! :D

and like vanilla said, let's work hard! May might be our month, hehe! :p Let's spend more time thinking about how we can seduce our DH!! Hahahaha~ :p have a great weekend everyone! <3
Thx beaniez and vanilla for ur encouragement

My AF has not reported yet... Maybe tomorrow or in the next few days? Today is my 35th day le, tried to b positive but

For the past few days, I tried to keep my hopes and spirits by hoping for the best and anticipating. Tried every 2 days using the HPT but -ve. I think I did what I could for the last 3 months but .....

This morning, I cried when I tested negative with Clearblue digital
I dunno what is wrong with my system?!? Really felt upset but what can I do??? Nobody around me can really understand me except for the follow TTC-ers here...

Thx for being here to console and being encouraging
I truly hope May will be our month! Have no choice but to accept fate that dragon bb and me no fate Lo
wow, this thread was not active over the weekends for at least the past 1.5 years and its now so active.

i had the curse for the Friday the 13th. had stomach cramps during ytd morning and ended the day with right eye irritation. nothing wrong with the food i ate on thurs n friday morning, same food i always take. then the eye irritation progressed to swollen eye and the cramps prolonged to become diarrhoea. Bad luck. had some eye medications and the swollen eye improved.

for those who is having menses, we used to have this saying that, we can onl be sad on the 1st day of menses cos we din strike on the previous cycle. after that we must pick ourselves up n move forward to the next cycle. during the journey of ttc its so important to have a postive mindset but also to keep urselves relaxed so that we can strike easily. jiayou everyone.
Hi gals,
How's everyone weekend? Yeah my dh finally keep his promise to go for the SA test. In fact his specimen is very little, we rush down by cab &amp; caught in the CTE jam as expected but luckily made it on time.

As for my HSG test, it's a very painful procedure but the pain was gone aft the doc took out the equipment. The pain was much more cramp than my AF despite taken the panadol 1hr before the procedure. But the radiographer &amp; doctor is so nice &amp; guided me throughout the whole process.

I got to know my result on the spot, no blockage of Fallopian tube. Now waiting DH's SA result since most of my tests turns out normal.
TTCing.. *hugs* It's important to keep in mind that it's not your fault at all, and it's okay to cry and feel disappointed. When I got my AF a few days ago, I was also pretty disappointed, thinking that now, it's almost impossible to have a dragon BB liao. But hor, thinking on the positive side, I did read somewhere that some fengshui master say that the next year (2013) is a better year to have kids! And, we have to admit that if our BB is born this year, then got to squeeze and fight with all the other dragon BBs for school, for childcare, etc, right? So... things may not be so bad after all! ^__^

sleepydragon, hope you feeling better. :p

queenie, good good! At least now you know that there's no blockage, yay!!

have a great Sunday everyone~
Beaniez and babykk: thx for the gd advice
2013 will be a better year for all of us here
but in any case, if any one of us here strike in April and give birth in Jan'13, still dragon but minus the crowded 2012 batch

GoOd luck and bb dust to all
Why why why? Only me don't have children?

Stupid womb and embroy just don't work.

Spend some much money , time and effort for freaking years but still no result. Why ?!
Hi came across this thread.

I was also having fertility prob due to my PCOS. tried for one and half yrs. Went for a key hole surgery to remove cysts and was on clomid, gonal-f jabs and LH jabs and some other jabs. I finally conceived first child in 2009.

Then, when i wanted another child, I went thru the dreaded treatment and cycles again. I managed to conceive again but had a miscarriage. Not disheartened, I went thru another round of treatment and I am now preg.

I spent lots of $ in my treatment and went thru lots of disappointments after failed attempts. I know the feeling. But hope that all of us will be more positive. I really believe heaven will be kind to those who genuinely want babies. U will be a mummy soon!
Hi Sleepygal... take care okay? Is it food allergy? Hope you are well soon.

Anyway, AF reported today at 12dpo. Sians... dont know if I have luteal phase defect.

Jass, take it easy okay? You are not alone. All of us are in the same journey. My AF just reported today and I cried. After that, I pick myself up and now, im looking forward to my IUI this cycle.

Rachelle, thanks for sharing your story and encouragement. I believe I will be a mother soon... it's just a matter of time... hopefully the time is not too long...
Mrs R, it's bai fong wan. Can get it from eu yan seng or Chinese medical hall. Was told to take after menses clear and stop before AF.

Sleepygal, do take care get well soon.

Queenie, yay! No blockage! I'm sure all results will be positive,

Ttcing, Peggy, jass, hugs!

Yup yup like what vanilla and beaniez said, maybe May is our month. Dragon or not, what matters most is a healthy baby and a smooth pregnancy. I used to stress myself so much after my missed miscarriage in Oct 2011,I was so upset that I left the May 2012 FB and thread just to get over it, but come to think of it, it will be better for us to take things on a lighter note. Positive thoughts attract positive outcome, like what beaniez said. (; and I do like the idea of avoiding the dragon crowd. It will be less stressful for our kids too. Hahaha. Not so much competition

Realized most of us here are in the period of waiting for that O. Jyjy! Bd bd bd. hahahaha.
Raine, you mentioned "take bfw after menses clear and stop before AF"? Is it AF or ovulation? And is it everyday?

Hi Jass... would you like to share with us your current condition? Infertility has many reasons, like not ovulating, endometriosis, PCOS, low sperm count? Have you seen the gynae and what do they say?
Dun be dishearten if not will affect ur health. I used to feel sad when I saw my AF report but slowly I told myself maybe the time is not here yet thus I'm not being bless with any bb,

Ever since my mum's sickness, I hope to conceive ASAP cos I know she wanted a grandkid badly, hopefully she can get to play &amp; look aft for me.

Since most of my tests r alright, I think high chance my dh's sperm cannot make it bcos of his unhealthy lifestyle.
I used to have endo and get it cure in 2008.Last year, there is no problem found during the scan prior ivf. I think maybe the problem is only the right ovary is working.

No smoke no drink and my hubby exercise three times per week. Guess the problem is me. I am so useless.
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sucky monday morning!! will come kpo here whenever i get the time to
CD dunno what for me, but i hope to ovulate coming week. ok, for ease of reference, i will just pretend i am at CD6. hi cycle buddies!

many of us are waitin for O hor? let's count down together!

peggy, bfw i used to take, after AF totally clear and ONLY UP to ovulation. i heard that after ovulation, it might cause uterine cramps, so i play safe haha.

sitting here eating cake and wasabi chips.. the start of a new pigging out week for me. oink oink!
Yaataa... I see. And it's everyday is it? Sigh... the problem now is my DH's sperm... I just pray that his troops improve. Last cycle, it was a disaster that his count was very low.

Anyway, have a good monday everyone!
Hi all....
happy Monday

Wat does Bai wan fong do? I am actually waiting now for AF. now in CD27.
Hope got some good news. M seeing the gynae for a scan after MC....
peggy, supposed to eat every day but it made me ultra heaty. so i ate aternate day, usually eat 3 bottles and it's time for O liao haha. sometimes eat 4 bottles. mrs r, supposedly it will warm your womb

peggy don't be discouraged k. all it takes is ONE... jiayou!
Good morning!

Raine, Bai Fong Wan - Frequent consumption may lead to Endometriosis (google for more info)

BabyKK, Yes my gyane gave me utrogestan and was told to take 2 DPO, I took during my last pregnancy and have successfully carry till full term.

Thanks to my TCM as well
Yaataa... yeah... will keep on trying.
Thanks for the encouragement.

Shiseru... u sure about bfw lead to endometriosis? Dont scare me leh...
Jass, be positive. its not anyone's fault for not getting pregnant. its the time la. have a positive mindeset and u will actualize ur dreams soon. did u see any gynae or tcm?

raine, thanks. I m better liao. no more diahorrea liao. swollen eye is better liao but still got the redness, so still wearing glasses today.

just a word of cautions, for those who have PCOS, its better to avoid bai feng wan cos it will have adverse effects.

mrs r, bai feng wan is suppose to help to warm the womb. to take it after menses clear and up to ovulation. my friend gave me a box of BFW after she striked, the box says take 2 pcs (in the shape of a ping pong ball) per day. but my friend told me its too heaty so i took 1pc per day. even though only took 1 pc, i still got ulcers after 3 days of consective consumption. got to stop it after the ulcers appeared. lol.
<font color="0000ff">Morning all ladies..

u mentioned u cried when u r tested negative? hmmm.. I think u r putting way too much stressed on urself.. which is a no no....

ya hor.. wah.. super active now.. I cannot even find my own post.. lol..

nice.. so ur DH finally give in to u ah.. kekek..
eh ..btw what do they do for HSG test ah? good that everything is clear for u...

I think u hv to take it easy.. cool... cool..

wah lau.. early morning wasabi chips!! lol..
me just had my s/w.. now finishing it off with a nice kopi.. yummmm...</font>
morning ladies! the thread is so active now! my gf broke the news to me over the weekend that's she's pregnant. i'm so happy for her but at the same time feeling so jealous. is something wrong with me???

they've not really keen to have a bb so soon but how come they can strike so easily! where else i'm trying but still no BFP. hai. life is so unfair!!!
Gd morning ladies.. i almost tot i went to the wrong thread!!! super duper active!!

Jass, chill it... share with us... rant &amp; vent all your anger &amp; unhappiness with us here.. we share it out... we lend u a shoulder to cry on.. BIG HUG!!

Still waiting for my af to come.. suppose is like today already is CD41... *diaozzz*
But finally im going to see my doc tml!! after the long wait... hopefully he can prescribe my AF to come!!

missy, nothing new to me... guess when we are desperate for something n we cant have it we tend to be jealous over it... sometimes i will cry and think y im not pregnant.. around of pple around me bfp without planning or shotgun... n im still "eggless"...but now im telling myself to overcome it and look at the bright side...
Shiseru, thanks for the info. (;

Peggy, my mistake it should be up to ovulation. Hahaha. But think the older generation don't know when is their ovulation hence was told to take till AF. But like yaataa, I stop before ovulation, I don't take everyday, too heaty, but like once every 4 to 5 days, then my mum will brew it with some hard liquor, like martell or cordon bleu. Only tried it last month, going to try again this month. I usually end up eating 2-3 bottles only.

Mrs R, yup it warms the womb, I suppose.
Monday morning ladies!!

congrats Rachelle, and thanks loads for coming here and giving us encouragement. :p

Jass, don't be disheartened! We all need to have some hope and faith in our lives... let's try harder together next cycle!

Peggy.. any food that can increase ya DH's sperm count? :p Good luck for this cycle! ^^

missy, you're normal!! ROFL.. :p that kind of feeling is normal la, but.. yes yes look on bright side, maybe next cycle yahz? ^^

E-cups, I'll be praying for you that when you go see doctor tomorrow, maybe he will give you a blood test and then tell you some good news k!

Wheeeeeee O day coming soon to all my cycle buddies! :D
Raine, yah... I usually only take 2 bottles of bfw per cycle. But I have PCO (not PCOS) according to Dr Lim. Not sure if bfw will have negative effects.

Beaniez, I am helpless about improving DH's troops. Went to tcm and acupuncture, but when IUI that time, Doctor advised to cancel as his troops were ten times lesser than usual. I dont know if he is stressed, or due to the tcm/acupuncture.
Jass: Chilled.. Everyone here is also trying for a bb.. So we all understand. Some of us here even had some losses, like me i lost my boy when he was 25 weeks. We din even give up and why should u be so negative? Jia you, alright.. If u get too tense and stress, its hard for your body and hard to concevie.

I rmb some of the ttc-ing mate go for a holiday den come back strike liao.. So utimately have to relax lo...

beaniez and raine: not might be, is WILL be our month!! May WILL BE our month!!! =D

AFM(as for me): Today is my CD04.. Guess if we strike all together.. We will have lots of gratudates together!! =D
28 days cycle. BT shows ovulation on 12-16days. Bedding from 10-16 days. Tried for two years. Still AF come at 28days.. I don't even thought of miscarriage as I don't even can implant. If got problem, I had nothing to say but I am normal. Why why ? So helpless and hopeless and lifeless and meaningless.
Peggy, but I thought they say not to take if you have PCO? Hmm... How long have you been taking? As for DH's troops, ever read that zinc helps. Ever saw in one forum, someone fed
Their DH with oysters everyday. Hahaha abit extreme. But think the logical ones will be giving them pycnogenol or tribestan, from what I read, which I forgot where.

Vanilla, hahaha yes! It will be our month, remember the times when quite a few of us strike in the same month last year in the previous thread. Hope it will be the same. Hahaha.

E-cups, maybe you will get a surprise tml, previously when I had such long cycles and planned to get meds to induce menses and end up gynae said my lining is very thick and might be pregnant, who knows, I was really pregnant that cycle. Hahaha. You never know. (;
Jass, why not seek TCM? Sometimes it is due to lack of Chi and blood, uterus not strong or too cold, hubby sperm not strong. If western is not working, go for Chinese med
