2WW - for those TTC-ing

Peggy, if 33days - 14days(2ww) = 19days. So maybe its late ovulation. I also feel like what yaataa mentioned, the opk positive is due to the LH surge, but the ovulation/egg only released in the next 12-24hours. Positive positive! Weekends are coming.. enjoy your weekends!

hi! babykk and missy special hello since we are all cycle buddies. i am on CD4 but it is exceptionally heavy... i think my AF won't stop till CD 7. usually my AF is only about 5 days.

counting down 2 more cycles before i can properly ttc. but i'm supposed to track my cycles to report to doc. hopefully my hormones won't be all over the place any more. i'm really dreading super long cycles like last time..

this is a short work week for everyone! i had laksa this morning to 'warm up' for the cold day hehe. how's all of you doing?
Yaataa... do you do acupuncture? Last time I did it, my cycle was shorter. But I stopped for a while now.
I'm gonna proceed with IUI soon... hopefully it is going to be successful. One lady in the IUI forum thread just got BFP from IUI...
I hope that I can too...
Gd morning gals,

I would like to ask if anyone here ever experienced implantation bleeding before you are expecting your period next week?
berries, here her, i m ur cycle buddy, i m cd 11. bunny too. tink she is cd 12 le. spotted the faint line last nite, dunno is going to o or o already. so confusing.

yaataa, u r making me drool again. missed laksa for a long time. i had ham sandwich with a cuppa hot latte from a sandwich shop nearby. healthy lunch
now sleepy again. good weather to sleep in today. how i wish today is still sunday.
yaataa, my AF is opposite of yours. it's ending soon. left the brownish stains on the panty liner *oops seems too detailed* haha. counting down to 5.30 so i can leave office. sleepy monday.
Waves Missy and yaataa....
buddy cycle.
Missy , yes me also going to end soon. Left brown.

YaAtaa, did u take any med for hormones?
you wan to try some other way other than opk?

since we usually BD the moment the opk turns +ve..
I was thinking to try to BD the day when bbt goes up..
and not based on the opk.
we normally O during CD14? would it be better to BD on CD12, 14, 16 just to be on the safe side. haha i tried to BD when i was tested +ve using the opk but no luck too.
bunny, i just gave up taking bbt this month been taking bbt for a long long time but these few cycles a bit confusing, temp went down then up then down again and eventually continue to rise but then opk got the faint line ard the same time as the 1st drop and by the 2nd drop, no more line at all. the faint line, was detected on cd 9 or cd 10 lor, then the 2nd temp drop was on cd 12 or 13, thats y i suspect i oed earlier than the usual cd 14. so have to start work earlier. lol.
morning ladies!

i see ..

coz at times i see we've been trying the same old method at the same old duration ..

thus i want to chg something different.
no harm i thought. wahahha

jus manage to take my bbt this morning.
so not used.. :p

your O indeed earlier hor .. ;)
i'm back! fried food day for me today. but will be missing hub for 3 days cos he is away for course. sad

babykk, i didn't take hormonal med cos doc say naturally clear out everything. but i sure didn't expect the AF to be so heavy. missy, hahaha i am looking forward to the end of AF.

although i am cycle buddy with you two for now, i am thinking i will ovulate late again. will go back to see doc if my cycle is still wonky after two cycles. ^$^

bunny yeah why not? try all means and all ways!! jiayou jiayou
Hello everyone...

ohh... sleepydragon.. & bunny... my buddies.. kekeke.. shit.. I think I really old liao.. forgot to test OPK again.. arrruughhh.. damn.. must really test tmr liao.. then try try try.. kekeke..

how much do you pay for your IUI ah?
Berries, I hvnt done IUI yet. The doctor cancelled the IUI last minutes because the DH's ejaculate has too little s p e r m.
but so far, scanning for follicle is $30 per visit at NUH with subsidy. They said that IUI cost about $350.
keep refreshing but no posrs leh. u r the 1st poster today.
. i busy like mad lor. stressed, so much work to clear.
the the sickening manager keep asking me to do her work which is nonsenical lor, i got no time to entertain her. i just clear my work 1st. sian.

just heard my co doing anniversary sale at one of the hotel function rooms on 1 weekend in may. even more sickening. weekend burnt and oso dunno got replacement days off or not that weekend i already got appt lor. sian ah.
hihi! i'm here as well! i also keep refreshing but nobody posted anything. haha. my colleague just gave birth to a baby boy today. so envy! hope i'll get sprinkled some baby dust since she's sitting beside me. haha
long weekend approaching!

you need to help out? sian.. weekend burnt sia ..
hope there's off.. by right, should have?
woo last day of work today. can't wait can't wait. need to tahan...... but very excited today because i am heading to far east for lunch with my friends. we will be eating my fave JIMBA RICE yumyumyum haha. for now, i am going to order some chicken briyani. hungryyyyyyyy!!

CD7 for me, i think. still spotting. think o will be delayed again, quite reluctant to spend money track opk. so will only test opk when i feel o coming on :p
morning ladies.

bunny, thank god, big boss rejected the idea of us working on weekends. we will stick back to organise it on weekdays. yes, once we are confirmed with the venue of the sales and the date, we will look for helpers.

good for u!! heng ah.... kekeke
so when u gg to BD? O-ing soon?

I forgot to test my OPK strips again.. really old liao.. brain dunno go where??


I had Briyani yday.. sinful & super duper nice!! ekekekekek
berries, been bding for a few sessions already. haha. should have already O-ed. opk dun even have faint line on cd 12 lor. last seen the faint line on cd 10. mayb already o-ed in cd 10 or cd 11 already. dun care la, just bd as usual. have good lor, no have oso bo bian. haiz.
Sleepygal, good you can still bd a few sessions. My dh has performance issues recently, probably due to the stress of having "scheduled" bd. Sigh... this cycle didnt bd during fertile days.... sianz.
Hi ladies.. IM BACK!!!!!!!!!

Know that some ladies are missing me... :p (thick-skinned mode on)so here i am..

Has been a silent reader for long long time and here is an update the MIA days..

Went to the lapro surgery same as sleepygal & rested for 3 weeks (MC) but on off work from home..now officially back to work 1 week ago.. n awaiting for AF to report.. CANT WAIT TO WHACK!!!! whwhahaha... deprived... *drool drool*
good good.. at least weekend wont be wasted.

soldiers can stay inside from 3-5days or even a week.
so as long as BD is done .. chances are there!
E-cups, welcome back! I was starting to wonder where did you disappear to? What is lapro surgery btw?
Sigh... u deprived, me... DH cannot perform...

Bunny, dh has quality issues with his troops. Dont think can survive that long...
Hi Peggy,
relax. My dh too had the same problem until we went to see a gynae who told us when were the days to bd. He has changed and we will bd everyday sometimes too....That was how I got preggy for the 2nd time but lost it too...
So relax and make ur dh feel relaxed and bd as per normal
*waves waves * bunny & peggy..

Almost wanted to "rape" each other but then remember that jus ops cannt..

Peggy, lapro is the so-called key-hole surgery lor.. to remove cysts & fibroids..Cos went to see doc then he say since my cyst has been there for 4 years y not try to remove and see how lo... so remove lor..
My DH soldiers also got quality issues lah so dun stress him n feel bad ok... just relaz..
:D Ecups, you are as funny as usual... ha..ha... I asked my DH to "rape" me.... but too bad... he..he... he said if you asked me, that's not "raping" anymore. LOL

Mrs_R, yeah... i think he got stressed up becos of his results.
Hihi....wat a rainy Sunday. How come its not a PH for tml Easter day...then I'll have 1 more day to slack...lol.

So disappointed my AF reported, gonna skip my HSG test n SA test till next cycle since its coincide with my oracle training, can't take mc. DH say just treat it as another last round of natural before doing the test jus in case we need to opt for iui.

I'm jus worried abt the HSG test uncomfort cos I hate the cramp feeling n have to take painkiller once my menstral pain kicks in
Hi girls, saw some familar names here...

I tested positive for Ovualtion on 28th Mar and 29th Mar.

Suspected tat i ovulated on the 30th ads i felt some cramp..

Now in my 2WW. DPO9.. Which my previous pregnancy, i can already test positive liao. Now its jus BFN... i'm really dishearted..

it was easy for my previous pregnancy....

pray hard tat it will be BFP on next fri.. friday the 13th.. hopefully its a good friday for me.. =)
vanilla04: Maybe it is too early for u to test now? Different pregnancies have different symptoms even for the same woman. Try to wait to test when you have missed your next expected period.

I am also on my 2ww till this week.

Did u have any implantation bleeding? I have some pink/brown spotting last week and not sure if that is implantation bleeding?
ttcing: Nope.. i dun have any.. I also din have it for my previous pregnancy...

Good luck for u... It might be a good sign for u... =)
Hi vanilla04,
Just relax ok. U can make it.
I had no symptoms for my 1st pregnancy too, felt breathless only. 2nd pregnancy also nothing but felt breathless, like cant breathe...

But unfortunately I lost both of it...
I am taking it easy too. As I am into my 2WW.
morning all...

Wahh.. Sleepydragon.. u BD a few sessions already ah.. Me have been testing myself on OPK strips but the funny thing is ah.. on Fri, no line, Sat no line, then this am I test, got faint line so WTH does that means man? Means I O already or no? me super confused..

u r not the only one lah.. my DH also like cannot perform leh.. maybe coz I "scheduled" him too.. then its like he totally cmi.. Sigh.. Best is he ask me to rape him instead.. zzz..

So now I also thinking should I go seek help from gynae or do I still take it normal? seems like now my DH like not very keen to try BD liao.. how how.. pls send someone to rape me!! zzz
Morning all...

Hi Vanilla04. Im also praying that it's gonna be bfp this weekend. It's going to be 12dpo, though I am not putting up hopes too high.

Berries, we are in the same predicament... he..he.. We just take a break lho. And do it when there's mood.
hi girls!! miserable monday after such an enjoyable long weekend. ecups hugsssss you are back!!

i am on CD11 now. berries faint line could be a lot of scenarios:
1. going to O soon and LH is rising
2. LH surge is receding so either O liao or Oing super super soon
3. could be just horrible faint line that doesn't show anything

i usually get a fade in line, so for me faint line usually means going to O soon

sleepygal very on the ball! so after lap are the chances higher? how's bbt going?

mrs R, best of luck! i am hoping my hormones are more or less back to normal. hoping my O will be timely and not late like all my previous cycles.. and that somehow the m/c reset all my hormones haha

vanilla, how old is castiel now? such a nice name! best of luck to you and ttcing

i had fried beehoon with lots of curry for breakfast.. feel the need to release liao hahahah
morning everyone.

berries, becos of my o getting earlier n earlier, i have to start earlier to prevent missing the boat for O. haha, thats y just whack after af clears.

yaataa, haha. have to work hard ma. by rights, after lap the chances should be very high since its all cleaned inside. i gave up bbt on e-cups advised. lol.

now should be in the 2ww for me ba. after the faint line detected on cd 10, there was no more lines on cd 12, so should have o in either cd 10 or cd 11 liao. watever it is, just keep fingers and toes crossed. have good lor, no have its god's will lor.

jiayou everyone.

Thanks Yaataa,

Actually I dont do any O tests at home, after AF we BD at least twice a week...near fertility days and O day we do at least thrice to 4 times that time.... sometimes we O earlier sometimes later. The gynae I am seeing now told us to BD as often as possible. Now my DH does it out of his own will....No pushing or pressure from me.
