2WW - for those TTC-ing

Peggy> CB has $7 hpt??? I always bought the 2 for $20~ and even the cheapest I saw is like $13 for one..... W to get cheap hpt?

Missy> haiz... I totally understand ur feeling... I think I have wasted like more than 20 hpts in the past....

Afternoon gals.

Sleepy gal,
Need to check with u on HSG, issit painful. I'm schedule to do it if nv strike and dh will also be doing the semen analysis

Just went to c gynae yesterday, he did a check for me. No inverted womb/cyst/fibroids. Have a 19.8mm folicle on my right ovary. Gynae say should O ard sun cos ovulation folicle abt 24mm. He even check on dh testicle, he advice him to wear boxers n quit smoking.
Hi girls, I have just given birth last month and will be giving 100 red eggs to thank Zu Sheng Niang Niang at the Shuanglin Temple later in the morning. Sorry that I didn't get to post this in advance as this trip was arranged quite sudden! If you read this post in time and don't mind the superstition, you can always drop by to take some eggs (there's many to share!) and eat them with your hubby
Queenie, the 1st TCS i went was like mild cramp to me. probably i popped 2 panadols before the test, tats y i dun feel the pain. the 2nd time was under GA together with the ops. need to bring pad oso. may have some bleeding.
Hi all... I read that eating egg whites help in the follicles growth. I started eating egg whites since last saturday until ovulation date. Hopefully egg follicle will grow big.

Congrats Phylee for your new born! Too bad didnt read your message in time.

Just wondering, where is Ecup?
i thought HSG is like some xray or ultrasound to check for block fallopian tubes, how come sound scary that muz pop panadol & GA?

Haiz jus heard that my mum need chemo today...really no mood to BD tonite.
Queenie, becos different people have different reactions to the procedure. for me, the doc ask me to pop panadol 1st in case i got the cramps or pain. cos my 1st test was no conclusive so need 1nd time. so happen that i need a minor surgery under GA so shun bian check the tubes again lor.
oic, gynae also never advice me this beforehand. Hopefully i don't have to go thru this if i can strike this cycle.
usually gynae will prescibe antibiotics too.

panadol is more to relieve if there's any pain.
esp some are quite tensed up when doing the HSG.

morning ladies!

ya, read that egg white helps coz of the protein content.

but i prefer taking just protein le. cant imagine swallowing down so many egg white (soft-boiled somemore)

also, one tcm recommend for my friend to take ba zhen.
apparently, seems to help with egg growth too!
Sigh... Today CD15 but follicle only 12 mm. Sigh... A long way to go to 18 mm. What should I do? I have been eating two chicken eggs recently.
dowan to waste this cycle...
Morning everyone!!!

Where is Shuanglin temple man? missed out the red eggs.. kekeke...

take care and don't think too much ..

ya.. talking about Ecups.. where is she? Also where is yaataa??

u say u CD15 today but how do u know the follicle size? So must be 18mm then good ah?

me on CD4 today.. still a long way...
you can try what my friend did..
extreme but somehow it helps with the follicle growth from 11mm to 16mm in 3days ..

she down 10-20 eggwhites (soft-boiled) a day.
took 2 timea ba zhen (morning and night) daily

quite extreme i know ..

though most take eggwhite to relieve bloatedness ...
berries, usually follicles will be released when it gets 18mm or bigger. thats the optimal size for release.

peggy, hows ur lining? follicles will grow 1-2mm per day on average. so in 3 days time it should be abt 18mm. dun stress la. eat egg whites only, egg yokes got chlorestrol.
Bunny, woaahhhh.... 10 eggwhites? Btw, what does it mean by soft-boiled? Is it same as half-boiled egg?

Sleepygal, Gynae said that my lining is good. Tonight I will be on a eggwhite binge!
Hi Peggy,
No need to down 10-15eggs. protein is good but not too much too. Only body builders down 10-15 egg whites a day... Normal people should be 5egg whites a week and 2 with yolks.
Dont worry, just take egg whites as per normal. Relax and you can make it.
Thanks Mrs_R. I know... I think I get worried easily. Even if I get a good follicle size, my IUI might not be successful anyway due to poor troops. That's why I get doubly upset that my body is not cooperating.
Hi Peggy,
Take it easy. Dont stress. My colleagues always tell me to take it easy and relax. Used to be very worried when I am TTCing, end up with unsucessful cycle. When i relaxed and took things easy, got pregnant but MC after that...
So, relax and think of other ways to TTC.
hi ladies, saw signs of red. haiz. looks like AF is reporting soon. another disappointing cycle
looks like no hopes for my little dragon already.
Queenie> I did the check on Fallopian tubes, gynae didn't ask me to take any medication b4 hand... I remembered they injected iodine for the xray... It felt like AF cramps for first day.... After that a little spotting which is normal... Just remember to "force out" the iodine with some napkins so that the remaining ones doesn't flow onto the floor like mine did..which was pretty embarrassing... Hahahah.
didn't know HSG is such complicated. My gynae refer me to a diagnostic clinic at Paragon to do it, dunno they will give me medication cos my gynae say just slight discomfort.

Any gals experience nip pain & breast tenderness straight after O? My left side is more tender than my right one...dunno issit normal. I even experience backache during CD3.

My O seems to get earlier, usually i'll O ard CD14-19. This cycle O at CD13 & last cycle was CD11. And my follicle is 18.9mm on CD12...issit ok to O so early?
morning ladies!

rightfully indeed no need take so much la.
but my friend did that so .. :p
Yes, its like half-boiled eggs.

those doing IVF do take that much of egg-whites other than protein to reduce the bloated-ness encountered (to prevent OHSS) (as they need to harvest as many follicles to extract them - this process is known as ER)

18.9mm at cd12?
wahh.. that's a fast grower!

usually people's concern on ovulating early is worried the follicle not matured enough.
but your size looks good though.

in depth will have to ask the gynae.

i know of some who O early but yet reach an optimal size. thus cant fertilized properly.

the pain i encountered during HSG was slightly worse than AF cramp (then again, i don't really have bad cramp during AF so i guess the pain encountered should be quite mild to most)
after a while, the pain go off.

anyway, you wont have chance to go for it coz you will strike this cycle!!
The gynae say the folicle is gd but I'm just puzzled how can o that early.

The gynae say he will give me mc for that day & he say muz do it before CD12 aft AF clears up.

Btw any gal encounter 1 side nipple pain? No soreness, jus slight pain when touch.
then its good.
coz the size indeed is good.

some ladies do O early as their cycle is shorter.

i ever have that pain before. after O.
so should be normal.

ya, has to do early, that time i did on CD10 i think.

as best to do before O, then at least might have chance to try that month too.

if during or too near O, the liquid injected inside will not be good for the eggies ...
but weird is only 1 side pain straight O takes place. My usual nip pain few days before AF occurs for both nip.

My doc also mention muz do lap, what is that for?

This cycle is very bad for me, i've gastric pain for few days & the backache is making me ache. In the end i only BD on CD13 cos during CD15 the gastric pain is making me uncomfortable to BD.

so meaning u gals actually when to consult your gynae during ur CDays so that your gynae can advise you on the growth eh?

Just went to have 2 scans yesterday at KKH; transvaginal and pelvis ultrasound scans.

According to the sonographer, she said that if the transvaginal scan did not manage to scan the fallopian tubes, it means that the tubes are not blocked

Going to see doc this afternoon and will ask him questions pertaining to my O date.

Btw, does anyone here knows if I have a faint double line on my O-test strip on CD13 but nothing on CD14, CD15 and CD16, does this meant that my O-days are on CD12-13?

Thanks for answering
i purposely went nearer to my ovualtion so that i can also ask my gynae to check on my folicle size. Best to do ultrasound before O cos some gals will have ovulation cyst.
Hi can I join

Have been wanting to TTC and now I am ready to TTC.
Today is my CD1. hope I can try strike in April. Tried 3 mths ago and was no success and see gynae and was told that I have low progesterone. Given med to eat. Now dr gave me green light to proceed.

Hope all will have good news soon

how much did u pay for both ur scans at KKH? U went as a walk-in?
according to what you have said.. your O might be on CD12-13

oh.. I see.. btw if best to do ultrasound before O ah.. means like after how many days after your period finish? in this way, they will be able to see the folicle size correctly eh.
Dear all... thanks for the support.
Today went for a scan at CD18 and my follicle size is only 13 mm. Doc said that we might have to abandon the IUI this cycle. I have resigned myself... just let it be bah...
Berries: I paid$120.80 for both scans and $80 for doc consultation. Not satisfied with doc's "advice" of all normal so just try for another 6 mths.

My follicle is just 14mm at CD17. Does this means my O is not here yet?
as per my gynae, he say ideal follicle size for O is abt 24mm & the follicle will grow abt 3mm per day.

wow KK is cheap cos i thought they are very ex so nv went. I pay $120 for 1st consultation & $90 for both ultrasound & v-scan. Good thing is the consultation is for both me & my DH cos he also help me to check on my DH testicle.

oh my gynae say that muz make sure our DH muz pull up their birdie skin & clean thoroughly cos dirt are usually trap there. And those germs/dirt are usually the cause of HPV (cervical cancer).
Queenie: hmmm.... So if the follicle is less than 24mm, chances of ovulating will be slimmer? Average growth per day is 3mm?
Good morning everyone!!!! TGIF!!!!

I just went to a seminar at Ren Ci hospital last night about overcoming negativity... it was quite a heartwarming talk especially since yesterday morning, I had a break down because my follicle wasnt growing as it "should" be. Probably, let me share a bit about the talk and hopefully, it can help all of us here to be positive.

In life, we always have expectation... we should own a car. MRT should never breakdown. Bosses should give me a raise or promotion. We have to have a handsome and rich husband. We should have a dragon baby. I should have 18 mm follicle. But these "shoulds" are expectations that we put on our own shoulders. No body is forcing us to have a dragon baby. No body is forcing us to own a car. And who says that MRT cannot break down? Who says that bosses must be nice? And although doctor says that 18 mm is the best follicle size, it doesnt mean the end of the world if my follicle is not 18mm.

I guess, the key to happiness and positive thinking is to do our best but expect nothing/little in return.
Life is never a bed of roses. If it is, life is too predictable and it becomes meaningless. There has to be ups and downs. When we are faced with difficulties and obstacles, there are always lessons to be learned.

We are all here faced with the obstacle of having our own child(ren). Life is probably teaching us a lesson: To never take our child(ren) for granted. To love our children better. To be a better mother in the future.
As we all know, we always take for granted the things that we get too easily.
Im just sharing my thoughts...
hello ladies. i'm back here. it has been 4 weeks since my miscarriage and i think my period has resumed. although i won't be trying yet, but i'm back to spread my food journal and good thoughts!

peggy, it's a good sharing. i am a very impatient person, always thinking if i want something, i must have it now. now. NOW! hub always says all this is to teach me patience. but ultimately, i think the lesson i have to learn is contentment.

what's breakfast food for weekend? this morning i had bak chor mee. enjoyable. pigging out on chocolate covered raisins now. anyone my cycle buddy? i am on (what is hopefully) CD1
Hallloo Yaataa..

Nice to see you back.. *hugz*
Wahh.. bak chor mee in the morning!! Sinful! Me had Mee Rebus.. whahahahaha..

I am on CD7 today.. eh.. sleepydragon.. we are just 1 day apart.. ekeekkek..

so by right I can start testing on those "close to expiry" strips which I have bought from which CD onwards eh? kekeke.. me like super blur till now.. arruughhhh.. *bang head*
AF reported. i'm at CD2 today. is any of you ladies taking blackmores conceive gold? do you continue to consume during your AF or stop during this period?
hey, berries & bunny, we are all cycle buddies.

berries, for me i should be testing from today onwards, cos my o is getting earlier. depending on your usual o day or test from cd 10 or cd 12 onwards?
Hi Missy, I am eating conceive well everyday, regardless AF.

Yaataa.... ~BIG HUGZ~ Welcome back!!!

Sleepygal, my follicle only 13mm, but last night, using OPK, it was positive leh... I really dont know why my body is giving me conflicting signals....
i am cycle buddy with missy. hehe. seems like many of us have cycle buddies this round. although i am not ttc, but doc recommended for me to track ovulation so as to see whether my cycles are back to normal. i normally test from CD10 onwards.

from what i know, sometimes the body will gear up to ovulate, resulting in a positive OPK. however, if the egg is not ready, although you have an LH surge, the egg is not released. hope this information helps you, peggy

for those with not very strong eggs, i *think* the ivf girls take immunocal to up their protein for healthier eggs. but i'm really not sure how effective this is.

really hope my cycle can be back to normal, although i doubt it. but i'll just continue plodding along.. the last few cycles i ovulated CD40, CD30 thereabouts. horrible!!
thanks peggy! will start my conceive gold today.

hi yaataa, my cycle buddy! this is my last cycle to try for dragon tail. i plan to take conceive gold and not test for my O using OPK and just BD on CD12, 14, 16 and 18. haha the previous few times when we're trying, we BD when i'm tested positive for O and it makes me feel abit stress and pressurized. sometimes no mood even hahaha. decide to not test for O and just go with the flow and count down during the 2WW
Peggy, thanks for sharing. How long is your cycle usually? Maybe this cycle, your O is later? Cheer up!

Yaataa, great to see you back and tempt us with your food.

Its TGIF.. Yeah!
Hi Yaataa.... liddat ha.... aiyah... then confirm this month I dont ovulate, cos it's only 13 mm. Kek sim...
Actually, few cycles ago, Doc did a scan and I was able to ovulate on my own naturally and the size was good. Probably I am too stressful.

Yaataa... as long as you ovulate, no matter how long, at least still have chance. Jia you!
