2WW - for those TTC-ing

argh~ so super hungry liao. Boss say lunch in today, he went out to buy at 11 am till now still not back.. zzz just drink a cup of hot green tea, now regret, stomach cramping like crazy.. =.="
Hi gals, happy new year 2012!

Needless to say, our new year resolution would be to get preggie, right? all of u agree with me???
happy 2012 girls!! i am back in the thread, cos back at work le hehe. ecups.... where art thou?? and piggy yes, my new year resolution is to get preggie in 2012. if not preggie, then at least to straighten out my messy as hell cycle haha.

i am on CD52 now. went to see EYS tcm but fell sick when she adjusted my medicine components and dosage at the second visit. am not sure if i should go see gynae or just wait it out... my haywire cycle is really mad mad :p

btw, i'm not preggie. tested -ve
so hopefully i can make my cycle normal soon!
morning ladies. wow, there was no posts on the whole of yesterday? I am still waiting for AF to come
but should be soon ba, got weird feeling down there. temp dropped drastically for 3 consecutive days le.
Hi Sleepygal, you are so mysterious leh. What thing u must settle first? But if it is personal, better dont share here.

Im also in 2ww. Still waiting.... now only CD26. Dowant to be too hopeful. Cos always get crushed every month.

Junli, how long have u been ttc-ing? Which cycle day are you in now?

~stomach growling~ Hungry oredi...
Jun Li, new cycle new hope. 2nd month ttc only, many of us here had been ttc for many years already so dun worry, u r not alone.
Junli, I see..... (^^).
I checked to online dictionary and could not find the word preventures. It's gotta be the abbreviation of: Preventive Measures.
Am I right??? He..he..
hahaha.. guess so, LOL! So sianz always hear friends striking on 1st attempt haha.. its like those who wanted bb can't get. Those who nv try got it. the feeling is totally sianz.. =.="
Junli, TOTALLY AGREE!!! I get how you feel!

Sometimes, those who have it too easy don't cherish it.

Those that have to go through a lot before getting what they want will cherish it more when they actually get it.

I guess this doesnt apply only to TTC, but also to other aspects in our lives. Like they say, we only cherish someone/something only when we lose it.
Morning! Thank Guanyin Ma it's Friday!

It's so quiet in here. Where is e-cups and Yaataa and Verone and Sasa and Raspy and Bunny and everybody else?

Sleepygal, seems like only three of us are TTC here.
piggy, e-cups when lunch liao. ya hor, verone and sasa, where r u gals? come in to revive the forum......the rest of the graduates also come in to chat here leh.

piggy, i got to abandon u gals for TTC for the time being till i recover.
hi ladies!!

how are all of u? i have been reading this thread as well
hope all of u had a wonderful new year and cny is here soon! jia you!
Hey piggy! hihi
how are you?

yup, time flies! almost 5 months in a week time, im doing great! high chance a ger. she has been kicking me aggressively for the past few days.
well, i prefer a boy as the first child and definately want a ger as well. However, as long as the baby is healhy, all else doesnt matter

yup, my gynae told me high chance ger cos nothing in between the legs! But i think the detailed scan will confirm the gender.
I am here...I abit low mood to TTC leh..always see RED

Now I am CD7..what should I do next..I am really clueless..want to have bb is really difficult..some of my friends asked me to try IVF but I really am not prepared.
Yeah, dragon boy is good! But girl is also great! Nowadays, girls are more fillial, I think. Ha..ha.. You are right, as long as baby is healthy, then it's already a blessing.

Verone, ~hugz~ we are on the same boat. You can take a few months break. Just like a friend, who took a few months break from TTC just to relax, eat and shop, and suddenly... she realised she was pregnant.
Dont force yourself to do something that you are not prepared for. Try to be relax (I am TRYING HARD too!). Im gonna join yoga class soon for relaxation.

Bunny... I love ur nick, bunny!!! I used to have rabbits when I was younger. They all died. So pityful because I could not take care of them.
Hi piggy, thanks we will hands hold hands ya?I am trying to divert my attention to do something else also..wow yoga is good for you also.

Anyway, wkend is here and lets enjoy & party...don't think so much
morning ladies ..

2 weeks more to CNY!

coz that time planning for a bunny bb ma.
perhaps time to switch to "dragon".. wahahaha
Morning Bunny! Talking bout dragon, where's Dragonhope?

My bbt dropped from 36.71 to 36.37 today. I think there's no more hope again this month.

Wasted a lot of $$ to gynae also not working. Tired of hoping and geting my hope dashed.
perhaps ... don't measure or what.
just do whenever feels like it ba.

don't think abt it = less stress
