2WW - for those TTC-ing

Junli, actually there are many vitamins and supplements that are good for ttc. I havent tried them all yet, but you can consider:
1. Folic acid. This is a must for ttc to prevent deformation in baby.
2. Vitamin C. Don't take more than 1000mg per day though. I usually take 500mg and top up with fruits and vegetables.
3. Vitamin E. Good anti-oxidant.
4. Vitamin B12 for male and B-Complex for females.
5. Royal Jelly. Regulates the hormones.
6. Evening primrose oil and garlic. Heard that it is good for cervical mucus.
7. Ginger. It's to keep the womb 'warm'.

And many2 other things.... anyone care to add?

Anyway, some are good to be taken before ovulation only. But I am not sure which one.
hello ladies!! i'm back at work. boohoo, feeling very stressed. wanted to change pad this morning and didn't even have time to go to the loo. siong! no proper time to eat also... this would also mean that my period DID come! think it was already CD54... haha!

i have made appointment to see doctor later today. am going back to dr michele lee. anyone with her?

piggy, bbt not very zhun for me. so when i take, i take it as a guide only :p jiayou! heard bai feng wan is good for warming womb. but cannot take post ovulation.
Hi ladies,

If you are considering to purchase OPK/ HPT, Pre-Seed, Conceive Plus, Clearblue Digital OPK/ HPT, basal thermometersand TTC supplements such as red raspberry tea leaves, royal jelly and bee pollen and CoQ10, do check out http://babydustshop.blogspot.com

Recently, Jacelyn Tay (ex Mediacorp Actress) shared one of her success tips in conceiving easily is drinking organic raspberry tea that improves the health of her womb. Do try out this tea which is now available at Baby Dust Shop.
Yaataa... welcome back! And welcome ur AF. Finally! He..he..
My bbt normally very zhun de. Just saw a bit of red just now.
Feel like crying oredi lah...

Zhunli, I am not sure about iron. You may wanna google it...

Sleepygal, sobs... sobs.... saw red just now....
piggy, dun cry la. new cycle new hope. mine just ended. i gave up bbt for the time being. no need to take temp for a few days le.
piggy, hugs hugs. don't be sad, this cycle we can be cycle buddy and GRADUATE together. ok? i tell you girls something very funny. i keep feeling very apprehensive and scared to set up appointment with doc. first consideration is $$, then i also scared of the time and effort commitment, then lastly, i am scared i will be very disappointed if i never BFP.

so i dingdong between calling and not calling for AGES. yesterday morning i made appointment 2.45pm with dr lee. guess what?

the receptionist called me at noon and said dr lee is going out for delivery!! *face palm* seems like really fated not to go??

i have been ovulating at cd40+
Yaataa... Yeah. We can be cycle buddy this cycle.

Just watched the first Terminator last night. Here's the thing: There's no such thing as FATE!
We have to work hard for what we want to achieve + god's blessings of course.

Gather your courage and re-schedule the appointment. In the end, I believe all our effort and commitment will pay off.
HI all, please check out today's article! It's in TODAY's newspaper. It says too much stress can affect fertility. So... let us all be relaxed!


Senior consultant Dr Stephen Chew is one of the speakers at a fertility public forum this Friday. The speakers will address various options for different types of fertility and sexuality issues.

Date: Friday
Time: 1pm to 2pm
Venue: O&G Seminar Room, Level 6, Main Building, National University Hospital
Fee/Registration: Free. No registration required. Call 67722184 for details.
piggy, blast to the past? i liked terminator 1 the most!! are you seeing any doctor now? i am very tempted to try Vitex to regulate my cycle. my hub also not supportive of me going to see doc. headache!
why don't try EPO and B complex?

EPO is good to regulate hormones de.
and B complex is good in helping body to relieve stress..
Yaataa, Im seeing a gynae but probably will take a break during CNY. What is Vitex?
Actually, DH also dont like me taking medicines. But no choice. I mean, if we cant get it naturally, then we need help.

Morning Jun Li!

Bunny, what is EPO?
i'm back from lunch. had bergedil, fried fish noodles and chocolate cookies to end my meal on a sweet note. hahaha fat die me!!

bunny, i've been on Vit B and it really helped me lengthen my LP. my last LP was 14 days. yeah! EPO is evening primrose oil. i think i will try it this cycle. thanks for the recommendation

hi jun li!

piggy vitex is also known as chasteberry. supposed to regulate cycle to normal. but i read that monks use it to suppress sexual urges. lol!
Yaataa, ur lunch so early?

BTw, are u sure EPO is to suppress sexual urge? I dowan to be monk neh!!! I want to make baby! If suppressed, how to make baby?
piggy hahaha i eating round the clock :x damn jialat, totally no control over my food intake.

vitex supposed to suppress, not EPO heh. but i dunno how true. internet full of success stories of girls who take EPO. but also full of stories of soy isoflavones giving BFP. i took soy isoflavones but it super delayed my ovulation! definitely not suitable for me!
no one will want to suppress their sexual urges, especially us!! ;)

EPO good de.
perhaps, try to get one that not just pure EPO ba.
the one my friend recommend me consist of EPO, Borage oil, dong quai, as well as ginger.
morning ladies!

EPO can be taken thru-out the cycle de ...
Coz main purpose help to stablize hormones ma.

i take it during AF too. if not, can stop for that few days before continuing ba.
morning! bunny, thanks for your recommendation. can you share where you got your EPO? i went home and raided my medicine cabinet. i have EPO but i think it doesn't contain anything else :s would like to get something similar to yours

Super duper busy...ladies im so sorry that i didnt come in for sooo long...
Guess im totally in no mood mode.. lols..

Yaataa, u are back too.. so AF finally come har.. me still in suspense..damn..

I always wan to eat EPO but dun know what brand is good leh... =.="
ecups, welcome back!!! haha we can go get the EPO together. then motivate each other to eat regularly ok? yes, AF finally come. and my appt with dr lee is off
dunno what to do now.
aiya.. yaataa u better than me lor... me more jialat...

14th going to see KK about my cyst.. maybe schedule for the ops in March..
Then 17th going to SGH seek another doc opinion for the cyst.. if he asay no need to operate then i cancel the KK one.. i think and think like very silly like that..haiz
i can help you get la.
then we can meet up for dinner and pass to u too.

i think i have not see you for so long sia!

my AF here too... cd1 ..
bunny, good idea. i shall buy you dinner, you can decide where to eat
yes it's been a long time, almost a year! skali we can go novena and i will be forced to get my lazy ass moving to make appt at the centre itself.. are you still with dr lee?

i started AF sat afternoon, so by the time i called on monday, was CD3 liao. then when the recep wanted to push back, i was more hesitant to commit. maybe next cycle ba. i'm inclined to think next cycle will be in mid- to late march liao. zzzz very long time away indeed.

yes this mix of EPO i haven't seen! and i think i can be quite the supplements queen liao. hehe.
Until now i have not start taking any supplements except folic acid on & off.. My DH practically not allowing me to take too much supplements.. he afraid i anyhow pop pills..

I told him they are not drugs lah... eat liao wont get high..:p
not with ms lee nor anyone.
just relax and enjoy lor.


no need buy me dinner la.
novena sounds good.
how abt .. next tue?
let's meet at novena la.

i got it online.. but requires membership ma.

think mine yet officially cd1 coz still spotting for now.
though cramping too..
bunny, tentatively should be ok. lots of food at novena!! i confirm with you via phone closer to the day? actually we should have a meet up with all these newbies hehe. anyone free to come along?

i have been reading on this reiki thing and chanced upon this girl's blog: http://mybfpstory.blogspot.com/. was tempted to give it a go (desperate times call for desperate measures!!) but hub say no go. very expensive also...
yaataa, sounds good leh.. but how much is the distant healing..??
I went to the IVF or IUI thread and saw alot of pple went to see the Mdm Tan... So many pple see her.. will she be over exhausted..:p
Hi, just want to mention that many says n read from google, EPO should be taken fr CYcle day 1 to prior ovulation, should not be taken post ovulation..you may google again..
Yaataa... next Tuesday should be okay. Can meet up somewhere central or not? Like Raffles place shopping centre?
Im not familiar with Novena side.
morning girls! thursday liao. 3 more days of work for me. tired zzz

bunny, wanna go raffles place? actually i'm ok with any place

bb2012, thanks for the info. are you ttc currently as well?

ecups, ya i also gian about mdm tan. but hub says it's just some baseless mumbo jumbo. really itching to try but pockets not deep enough haha!!
Morning ladies...

Yaataa, aiyoyo u confirm pocket not deep bo... got your bonus liao..?? how is it.. should be FULL liao wor plus ah tan one... hehehe

Cat meet u ladies cos next tues going to SGH....
raffles place is fine.. but there got what to eat? :p

some take till pre-O.
but most of my friends, take all the way.
coz its meant to regulate hormones.
if stop, then how does the regulating works wor..
Bunny, actually I was suggesting Raffles City shopping centre at City Hall mrt. Not Raffles Place mrt.
Sekali everyone go to different place...

Hmmm... there's Shokudo there, Out of the Pan, Double Bay's fish and chips is good too, Sushi Tei, Ding Tai Feng, plus the usual eateries, fast food chains and food court.

BB2012, thanks for the info!

Junli, I am not sure about grapefruit juice. All I know is that Vit C improves CM, but cannot take more than 1000mg per day.
Hi Yaataa, i'm ttcing for #2 for quite some time already..

Bunny, not too sure but read this..


Evening Primrose Oil should only be taken during the pre-ovulation period of each cycle (from the first day of menstruation until ovulation is assumed or confirmed to have taken place).

Do not take Evening Primrose Oil after ovulation because if are pregnant, it can cause mild uterine contractions and prevent implantation.
okok.. raffles city better of course.
at least can visualize what to eat there!

i can reach.. ard .. 6pm?

btw, let me know if want the EPO Plus or not, then i get, coz i need to get for myself as well.
