2WW - for those TTC-ing

sasa & piggy, thanks. i m better today, told the doc to give me a stronger medicine that will cause drowsiness so that i can fall asleep after taking. its really potent lor, i really feel like eye closing after 1hr of taking. but still managed to do the deed. LOL.. the doc gave me another medicine which will not cause any drowsiness for taking in the daytime.

BTW, sasa, pls accept me as a friend on fb before i can add u to the closed group.

Today's weather was very good for sleeping. I felt that I woke up in Genting Highland resort. So cold! Bbrrr... my temp plunged very low too.
Today is my 8dpo and felt like menses cramp. Seems like af is coming
sleepygal, wish u recover quickly! festive seasons is coming!!!

OKie.. request sent!

babykk, dun be sad.. alot of us here are tryin hard!!
Lets JY together! =)
gd morning ladies...

Super duper busy...having a headache now.. sianz..

kk, dun think too muchand worry.. your first cycle only.. relax.. i have alot of countless cycles still nvr bingo.. so ping chang xin bah..
Hi all, can ask u or not. Do you all have symptoms after taking 75IU of gonal-f injection?

I had my second shot yesterday. Just now suddenly feel dizzy. Im not sure if it is normal.
piggy, oic. not sure wor, din take before. some people will have different reactions for different types of medicines. should be ok la, take care. check with ur gynae if its still not ok later.
u taking gonal-F ?
that's to trigger your eggs to grow fast...

ya, some will feel dizzy according to my friend.
Plus might feel bloated esp if body reacting highly to it coz means to grow more eggies.

so you went for the scan and what did gynae say?
Good morning everyone!

Hi Bunny! Yes, I am taking two injections of gonal-F. The 1st injection, I was okay. But the 2nd injection, I felt dizzy.

That is just one of the things that women do to get pregnant, regardless side effects.

I have not gone for the scan yet. Will update when I have gone for the scan.
morning ladies. yes i agree with piggy. once a woman decided to get pregnant, they will do anything to achieve it, regardless of the side effects.
BETH KILEY's tip #3

Okay, let's dive right in to tip #3,direct from hapter 4 in my e-book, Personal Path to Pregnancy. In it, I give you all the details on many vitamins that you and your partner can be taking that can have a significant impact on your fertility. You would be amazed!

For now, I'm going to talk about one that you need to avoid, as it can actually ruin your chances of getting pregnant if you take the wrong dosage. What am I talking about?

I'm talking about Vitamin C. Here's the deal..
Taking some vitamin C is actually a great idea, because vitamin C (in small doses) can do something wonderful to increase your fertility. it actually improves your cervical fluid. You may know that the cervical fluid is crucial for transporting the sperm to your cervix and on to your uterus, where it will eventually meet up with your egg.
Without good quality cervical fluid, the sperm just doesn't have a chance of surviving for very long.

But here's the catch...Too much vitamin C can have the opposite effect. Yeah, that's right...too much can cause your cervical fluid to dry up, and that can just about ruin your chance of ever getting pregnant. So you must be extremely careful to avoid taking high doses of vitamin C supplements (especially during cold and flu season where we're often advised to load up on vitamin C).

How much is too much?? I would recommend 500mg of vitamin C supplements daily, or you can go as high as 1000mg, but definitely do not take more than 1000mg per day.

Best regards and "baby dust" to you,

i m here. morning, piggy, thanks for sharing the tip. m not sleeping well these 2 days, wake up in the middle of the nite, cough until both side of the waist pain.
piggy, no not on MC, will be on leave tml. hopefully recovers over the weekends. yes, i am taking 1000mg of vit c daily.

there is a xmas potluck party in my office. brought some sparkling juice. hehe... my colleagues ordered pizza, another one buy log cake, baked potatoes, tacos.... later will be a fun time...
Wah.... so nice!

Me and DH had a quarrel few nights back. Very sianz! He thinks that I am being neurotic about getting pregnant and I dont care about anything else (including him and his career). He thinks that we're still young and there is nothing to worry about, and that everything will FALL INTO PLACE naturally when the time comes.

I cannot accept that! Effort has to be put in, isn't it? Especially knowing that it's difficult for us to get pregnant. How can he take his OWN SWEET TIME???
piggy, men r like that too. mine sama sama lor. quarrelled with him becos he refused to make the effort. they thinks that things will come naturally and women are too gan cheong abt the ttc process.
ur cough do seems bad le.
yes, Vit c good to boost your immune system.
plus perhaps take and buy nan xin/bei xin... good for cough de.

guys ARE ALL like that de. :p

even mine.
but now he definitely more 积极 than me. haa.
tell me he wan bb and not just for pleasure. *roll eyes*

guys always need more times than ladies de.

so, what u can do is, don't tell him for babies but just seduce him?
don't let him focus and think u make him as baby-machine ba.

the mindset will be different.
And hor, surround him with friends with kids.
they will change their thinking de . :p
Sleepygal, Im just ranting here.

I just feel sad
Why cant men understand? DH said: "It's not like you're 35 year-old!".

I DO NOT want to wait until I am 35 year-old and start panicking then.
Bunny, I think that's his problem!
Not many of his friends have babies yet.
In fact, most of his friends are 30 and above and unmarried/still single.
So he doesnt have that sense of urgency.

Im just tired because I feel like I am the only one making the effort, with all the medicines and injections. He also doesnt accompany me to see my private gyane. FED UP!
*pat pat*

some guys are just like that.
how abt your friends? then hang out more with them and the babies and urgency will come. hee..

can understand.
initially my hub also feel why i so gan cheong and make myself so xin ku and tired.
but slowly he begin to see why ...

and now he seems more gan cheong than me. haa
piggy, must bring him go gynae with u. tell him if need injection wait u faint how, who is going to bring u back. last time i oso make excuses to make mine follow me to the gynae. so now he automatically kuai kuai follow me. i purposely make him feel guilty if he dun follow me there. LOL....
Thanks Bunny and Sleepygal

DH doesnt like me eating medicine and taking injection unnecesarrily, especially if there is nothing wrong with me.
Good morning ladies..

v v v v busy but sian... so pop in to say hi...

Piggy, I rather go myself.. i dun knw why but maybe im too independent.. i dun need my hubby to be around leh... My DH also dun like me to pop pills.. lols
Dun think so much ok.. everything will be okok.. so how is your injection..?? Dun stress yourself.. no good wor

Actually I dont mind going alone - if that is an 'isolated event'.
There are other things that make me conclude that he doesnt seem to feel the same way as me about having a baby.

Gynae said that my follicles are not growing despite the two gonal-f injections. He is giving me two more injections and will see him again this weekend.
piggy, dun be sad la, my dh oso dun like me to pop pills when not sick. mayb ur gynae as u go scan too early thats y say the follicles not growing. everything will be fine.

e-cups, u r finally in again. dun be sian la, today is thurs liao.

good news, my manager half day today, later after the xmas party, no govt liao. wohoooo....
Sleepygal, actually if you dont feel well u shd take MC. The coughing plus right side pain... but... wait a minute... right side pain.... hmmmmm.... could you be ovulating?
Not i dun want to come in.. drowning with works.. and the thread v slow leh.. lols.. everyone soooo inactive.. lols

Piggy, maybe u are indirectly sending out stress to your DH... U are too bothered with minor minor things.. so also sending -ve vibes to your follicles.. so relazzzzz..
E-cups, not that I am bothered with minor2 things. I just feel that TTC is my top priority now. While others could wait, TTC cannot wait. Like what I told DH, I do not want to wait till I am 35 then only I start to panick.

As women, our biological clock is ticking.

Sleepygal, maybe u want to pang sai is it? Hue..he...he....
piggy, manager gave us one present each during the xmas party, wanted us to work harder from now till month end. then will have good bonus....
piggy, the present is a bottle of sparkling juice, a champagne glass, a packet of Swiss chocolates. not worth it lor. but its the tots that counts la. i dun tink people will work harder just work as per normal lor.
