2WW - for those TTC-ing

Just want to wish everyone Merry Xmas and many dusts of bb wishes come true.

Sorry I am inactive these days..I have been reading the threads but didn't contribute..this month is a time for me to focus on sharing love and happiness and I do not want to bother/stress about bb making for awhile
Will Chiong in 2012..

hi morning ladies. dun feel like working after 4days break. haiz... i guess most companies are shutdown on the last week of the year.
morning everyone!
was bz last week so couldnt come in n wish all
A Merry Christmas!

Another long weekend / holidays to look forward to
New Yr!!

Anyone gg for countdown?

N yeah my wedding anni too!! =)
Good Morning!!

Merry Xmas too! What a wet wet xmas for this year.. 1st xmas with my girl and hb bought a push-tricycle for her. Hehee..

Saw quite a number of regulars at the Jul mum-to-be. Very happy for them. Congrats~!! I guess you girls will only be back to spread bb dust at the 1st trim is over. Take care.
bunny, ya lor, this weekend is another long weekend to look forward to. looking on the bright side, tml is wed liao, mid week.

sasa, nope, i m not going for the countdown. will be staying at home and watch tv. dun like to squeeze with people. haha. happy anniversary in advance.

raspy, the gals here are not preggy yet wor. still waiting here for someone to spread the bbdust leh. haha.

where is the rest of the people? piggy, e-cups, queenie, come back to revive the forum hor. graduate mums, pls come pop back here too.....its too quiet nowasdays..

same.. i oso dun wish to squeeze with ppl esp those blanga workers! but hubby bot tickets just for me to avoid the crowds n can enjoy the fireworks! heheheh... cos we din get to do that for 2011 countdown..
thank u for ur wishes.. =)

ya needa ppl to spread bb dust here! =)
Hi Sasa, Happy Anniversary too! What's your plan to celebrate?

Raspy, how old is your gal? So smart can use tricycle already!

Sleepygal, Im here. Was on half-day leave this morning to see the gynae. I have one follicle which is 18mm size. Is that size good? Also took ovulation kit at the clinic and it was positive. Guess we gotta work hard this week, he..he....

How was everybody's Christmas btw? Me? We hung out with some friends and had X'mas gift exchange.

Two things that I would like to complain (just ranting, pls bear with me):
1. The X'mas present that I got was disappointing. Last year, I got a mug. This year, I got cheapo photo frame. Plizz friends, put some effort and sincerity to your presents. Otherwise, scrap the whole gift exchange thingy! Im especially upset because I, for one, really spend effort in buying the gift that is useful or practical/meaningful.

2. Booze! Some of my friends like to drink booze and they shared the cost among all of us who don't drink booze. As you know, we in this journey, cannot drink booze. It's not fair, don't you think?

Anyway, despite my complaints, I think my Christmas was good.
It's once in a year anyway. Looking forward to 2012 ---> A new beginning!!!
piggy, 18mm is considered good. u r cd wat today? usually gynae feel that 18mm is a good size that it might be released from the ovary anytime. did ur gynae say when is the time it will be released? yes, work hard work hard. haha.

my xmas was ok lor, had home cooked western food dinner for my family on xmas eve, then xmas day went to a friend's place for housewarming and went window shopping at Changi City point and met up with my sis & BIL for dinner. ytd went for a potluck party with my forte, pizzas..

dun complain la, mugs and photo frames are common for xmas presents. i bought a wrist rest for my colleague during the gift exchange and i got a can of cookies lor, i expected someting more usable or can be a keepsake wor.
Sleepygal, Gynae did not say when the egg will be released. He just said must work hard during this week and start on clomid again if still cannot get preggie.
piggy, then did he say still need to go back for scans again? i mean within this week to see whether is the follicles still growing or released or not?
today is ur CD wat? usually if it is cd 14 or cd 15, then no need to go back anymore. cos confirm will release within these few days, so u got to monitor the opk urself.
oic. no worries la, mine is also always later than the normal of cd 14. ok, since its already cd 17, so no need to go back for scans already, confirm it will be released these few days. just dunno when. so u just check the opk urself lor.
Sleepygal, what do you mean by check the OPK myself? I checked in the clinic today, it was positive already. Do I have to check every day and for what purpose? I tot if the first day is positive, then must whack oredi? He..he...
piggy, yes if opk is positive today, u can start whacking. paiseh, din see that line when u say u got check the opk in the clinic today.
Sleepygal, Yah.. Hee.. I counted at least 3 of our regulars here in the Jul mom-to-be. So happy for them.

Piggy, my girl is 13month old yesterday. Hee.. we bought those tricycle that we can push her around at young age, then when she's older, can transform to cycle herself. Its from http://smart-trike.com/

Usually the opk will be positive for 2 days. Me curious type, so always very tempted to test and see when it will turn negative. But I usually test too early, so by the time I saw the 2 positive, no more kit to test on the following day. Hee.. if im you, i will test today using my own kit and see if my own kit is as sensitive as the clinic ones.
Raspy, saw the tricycle. Is it exp?
Thanks for the advice. I will test on my own probably later at home cos I have no OPK in office. I think somehow the clinic's OPK is more sensitive.
Hi Raspy, I tested twice using my own OPK yesterday. Once using Fortel at about 6 pm and once using clearblue at about 11.30 pm. Both showed that there is no LH surge. I am now confused.

Why is it that at the clinic, it was positive?
Dear ladies...

Belated merry xmas and a happy new year...!!lols

Still very busy clearing my mails..

Piggy, Do worry...My O can be as late as CD20 - CD23.. so is ok to have late O at times..CHeer up and relax.. u r too tensed!!!*pat pat*

Raspy, who is in the July thread???? lols./... must go see see liao..:p

I try to come in later..going to pia my work liao
morning ladies. am so tired. my bbt gone crazy again. ytd was 36.92 (cos woke up abt 2hrs earlier to pee at 5+am, before taking the temp at 7+am) then this morning shot up to 36.97 without waking up to pee. crazy bo?
LH surge can range from few hours to 48ohurs de.

you BD last night right? don't get too stressed or tensed up k?

just enjoy doing the deed! ;)

hi hi e-cups!!
Hi E-cups, I really need a pat in the back, he..he..

Bunny, didn't BD last night
too tired. Tested again using clearblue opk this morning. Negative.
I might have missed the window of opportunity?

Sleepygal, maybe you are in the biphasic phase? That's why ur temp shot up. I have given up bbt this cycle.
piggy, dun give up la. try tonite. after the the egg is released, it takes up to 24-36hours to travel from ur fallopian tube to the womb, so even if u try tonite, still mayb able to catch it.

i dunno whether i m in biphasic phase or not la, cos din see the 36.9x temp for a few cycles already. highest was at 36.7x for the past few cycles. i oso din BD enough to cover all grounds. give up oso.
Sleepygal, aiyoh.... dont give up! dont give up! Maybe it's triphasic? he..he...

I also dont give up! Will work hard tonight! Let's jia you together!
piggy, dun think its triphasic either. anyway, lets jiayou ba. so tired now, feel like sleeping. cant sleep properly these few days.
Don't dismiss menstrual pain, says NUH study
17 December 2011
Straits Times
(c) 2011 Singapore Press Holdings Limited

WOMEN who suffer from painful menstrual cramps should no longer dismiss them as normal that-time-of-the-month occurrences. A National University Hospital (NUH) study has found that pain during menstruation could be a sign of endometriosis, a condition in which cells from the lining of the womb, or uterus, grow in other parts of the body. This most commonly happens in the ovaries and back of the uterus, but can also occur in the bladder, bowel and rectum.

Endometriosis can cause inflammation and the formation of scar tissue, leading to pain, irregular bleeding and, in severe cases, infertility. It is more common in women in their 30s, and is believed to affect about one in 10 women. 'Women can have menstrual cramps, but it should not affect your work efficacy and need you to take medical leave,' said the study's lead investigator, Dr Fong Yoke Fai. 'If your cramps are so bad that you feel fainting spells or giddiness, or have to take painkillers, that would signify something unusual,' added the head of the division of benign gynaecology at NUH's department of obstetrics and gynaecology.

To understand the symptoms and severity of endometriosis in adolescents and young women, the study examined 45 NUH patients aged from 14 to 25. Each required surgery for the disease between 2000 and 2006. One of the study's key findings was that about 80 per cent of the patients experienced pain during menstruation. Significantly, eight in 10 of these young patients endured pain for up to two years before seeking medical help, while one in 10 put up with the discomfort for two to four years.

This delay in seeking treatment resulted in the majority of the patients being diagnosed in the late stages of endometriosis, said Dr Fong. Severe cases of endometriosis can result in infertility. This happens when, for example, the build-up of blood from the disease occurs in the ovaries, causing a rupture and irreversible damage. Women with endometriosis, when left undiagnosed, also have a lower chance of getting pregnant. It is hoped that severe menstrual cramps can be used as a screening tool to detect the disease at an earlier stage. This would be followed by a pelvic examination or ultrasound scan, to allow an accurate diagnosis.

There is neither a cure for endometriosis, nor any way to prevent it. Keyhole surgery is needed in more severe cases to remove the lesions and deposits of cells. The patient should also take medication, the latest being Visanne, for about two years to prevent pain and a relapse of endometriosis. There is a 30 to 40 per cent chance of a recurrence in patients who have undergone surgery for endometriosis. Besides the perpetuation of the myth that pain during menstruation is normal, there is a lack of awareness of this condition, said Dr Fong.
To tackle this, NUH will be holding an endometriosis awareness week next March to educate the public and doctors on the disease. Said Dr Fong: 'Earlier recognition, earlier treatment is always good for endometriosis, which can be a progressive disease.'
piggy, u very hardworking leh. u typed such a long article to share with us here. but its really true that more and more women are suffering from endometriosis unknowingly. thats y its better to see a gynae soon, just for the sake of getting peace in the mind.
piggy, its precisely that i had long weekend last week, so now still slack and dun feel like working. i m those 劳碌命one lor, cant rest for too long. lol...
Good afternoon! Had a year-end party with curry. So nice....

Sleepygal, do you think I should go back to see gynae tomorrow to check if I have ovulated?
hi Jun Li, r are new to this thread? paiseh ah, cant remember.

piggy, so nice had curry for lunch. i had tom yam beehoon at a Muslim Thai cafe near my workplace.

if ur gynae din ask u back to scan, then should be no need ba. u can double check using ur own opk, if no surge detected, should be already O-ed and as long as u had covered all grounds, should be ok le. keep ur fingers crossed.
Sleepygal, Im jst so stressed. Oredi spent a lot of money this month after repeated visit to gynae plus the medicine n injection. I really should go for a break.
piggy, this morning e-cups also advised me to take it easy. haha, its my turn to advise u to ping chang xin la. inner peace, inner peace, then will achieve the objective easily.
Jun Li, welcome to this thread. this thread is only active on weekdays office hours. haha. Mind to give a short intro on your TTC journey?
haha.. yea i've noticed. Been married 2 yrs. Just started to TTC, have not been on BCP or taken any protective measures. But some how, still did not managed to strike. Been for check-ups but everything's fine (for me) will arrange for another test for my DH if after 3 mths still no news =X
Jun Li, ya should arrange for ur dh to be checked as well. couples will have 20% chances of hitting the jackpot when they try, however, chances mayb reduced if either party got problem worst still both party got problem. but u still ok la, just started to TTC. Many of us here had been TTC-ing for a long time also haven hit the jackpot. ping chang xin ba.
Jun Li, got variance one ah? haha. new cycle new hope. work harder the next cycle. bd more during the critical period of the month.
