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  1. O

    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    kypf She's much better now and is looking forward to going back to school tomorrow. You've heard it right, the hospital food was quite awful. But the ward has a big playroom with a couple of really nice ladies to help entertain the young patients....quite like play school. You made the...
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    UK hospitals Yeah, Louisa was admitted for wheezing a couple of days back and we had to queue up for food too. You get to see all the food and choose what you want. But then again, we can't complain much as everything's free.
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    Jen, Thanks for your birthday greeting to Lavigne!
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    little devil Yesh, scrapbooking can get very expensive cos there's so many nice things to buy. Why not try digital scrapbooking instead? You can download loads of freebies online. Won't hurt the pocket in this way!
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    little devil oh forgot to add another one Have Fun! But do mind the wallet :p
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    little devil Can have a look at this site There's another store selling the materials too Made With Love Plaza Singapura #04-08B
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    Kelly Hubby had wanted MIL to look after both girls but she's worried she can't handle. Since we're here in UK, she's never looked after them before. If we're in Singapore, it's more feasible as there are more helpers. But to ask her to look after both of them when she has never done before...
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    Pet Your case same as mine. Gynae scanned Louisa and estimated her weight to be 3.6kg so kena induced. Came out only weighed 3.21kg. I'm not much taller than you but delivered both my girls naturally. I think it all depends on the gynae's practice and preference. Dr Ang (Kelly's gynae too)...
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    kypf Congrats! Dun worry, you'll be able to cope.
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    Jesebelle, Hello and welcome! With regard to your question, I used to bring my elder girl to the GP in Singapore whenever she gets cold or fever etc. However, I no longer do that (I'm now living in UK). The reason? I was told (by the GP) that my children do not need to see a DR when...
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    Kelly, I specified in my birth plan that I wish to BF ASAP after delivery. I couldn't remember precisely when already, but definitely before we left the delivery suite. I made up my mind to have epi way before I was due to deliver Louisa and as the birth was induced, the pain was...
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    Saw the pic of esther, remembered Lavigne has some similar ones.
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    Mummies who tie and clip their girls' hair, how do you stop them from pulling them out? I can never put a clip on Lavigne as she'll just pull it out.
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    So nice to see all the CNY photos (argh! feeling homesick)....esp the gathering pics. Reminds me of the gathering at Ruffy's last year. All the bbs are now toddlers and some are having siblings soon. Sharon Yes, time does fly indeed. Been a year since I left Singapore. Sharwyn has also...
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    Medusa My girls' age gap is 25mth. Supposed to be 26 mth but Lavigne too eager to come out to see the world. I stopped working while expecting Louisa and am the sole carer to her, other than when I went to my mum's place where she and her maid will help me look after. Same thing after...
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    medusa I've also decided to 'close factory' liao. Hubby also would like to have 3 or 4....say 2 not enough. hard to get to a stage where they are now older and more easy to look after, then want to start all over again?! I love children and used to want more but I've come to...
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    Kelly Louisa is sleeping on the toddler bed you're thinking of getting from Ikea. It's white and can convert to a longer bed right? Like you and Medusa, I was very worried that Louisa will fall off while sleeping since she is one like Tena, pattern aplenty and turns a lot. What I did was...
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    lil devil 1) type of food I let lavigne self-feed any food. At the beginning, I offered her things that are more manageable like pasta, pieces of fruits/meat/veg etc. I avoided porridge as I was worried about the mess. But now she insists on self-feeding everything. 2) when...
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    (2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

    Chenoa Hi there! I total breastfed my 2 girls and had 2 different confinement ladies . The 1st one was a full-time confinement lady from Malaysia. I had her as my mil said she didn't really know what to cook for me and so better to have an experienced lady to look after me. Basically...
