(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

little devil,
I was at paragon yesterday & saw a shop at level 5 selling scrapbook materials. It's at the side with all the shops selling kids clothes.

Wah, so fast 39 weeks. Are u dilated at all now? Hehe, u sound like u really can't wait to get Irvin out!

Thks for the link
Now seriously reconsidering... But hor i wonder how accurate the info is.
Hey, betta dun have the thot of wanting to eat n eat. Sekali Irvin really balloon then how?

little prince,
Thk gdness didn't kena his eyes. Poor Rhyan, poor nanny


Then we sure will have chance to meet cos we seem to have lots of yuan fen. hehehe...

Ur 2nd maid will be staying at ur IL's place? Then who'll help u wif wyn n #2 at home everyday?
hmmm.... so its the HEAD issue... for me, when quinn born tat time, his head cir. is 34cm and i was over due too.... but i did experience the whole thing, the spotting, and of cos the PAIN!! and refuse to dilate, stuck at 4 cm thruout! and need c-section as quinn poo poo in me and his breathing pattern is no good, tats y i cant even go for the half body awake type of c section *pai seh, cant rem. the actual medical term for tat* was telling hubby tat at least i know wats labour pain BUT if i really has a second wan, i will go straight to c section and i will ask shi fu to pick a good time and date for me... :p:p not tat i believe in such thing lah but to me is since already wat c section, y not? think maybe u just relax abit, and enjoy wat u can now... like talking while ur bb still in ur tummy... playing hide and seek with him.... as when hes out, u gonna miss all these.... also heard abt wat kelly says... can try :p

wahahahaha!!! remind ur hubby again tat im even HOTTER at home hor! HOT & FURIOUS i mean! heee....

hey, thanks for informing, some frens tell me some other location where i already hear b 4 but the paragon wan no one tell me, very excited, must check it out!

wahahahahhahahaha!!! *laugh non stop* seriously hor, i tik IF he STILL find tat design nice when hes old enough tat he can get a gf... smthing must be VERY wrong with his taste. :p:p:p yesterday at econ *buying diaper* and i was carrying him and he just hold on to a BIG pac of CONDOMS and ask me "NICE, BUY"......

heard the p.s wan quite good in terms of price, heard its cheaper compare to the wheelock wan... now i starts to tik tat doing scapbk so time consuming and EXPENSIVE!!! mayeb just do 1 to try out and maybe go attend their classes.

okie, tik alot bb already pottie train BUT i have not start quinn yet *so guilty* and lately he has problem with his diapers. m.pokko is okie but his day diaper huggies cant use lah, keep droping as he runs and climb and toss....... alot so yesterday went diaper shopping and bought tis pampers fit and dry i tik..... green packaging wan! super good!!!! fit VERY nicely and stay where it is til next diaper change. it written for ACTIVE BABIES!
hmmm...no signs of medusa tis morn in here n MSN. mayb she tried wat we suggested n she popped liao?

lil devil,
dun worry...i also havent potty train gabe. tried for a very short period. dun work. he still gave signal ONLY AFTER he finished poo poo or pee pee, not BEFORE. i also tired of bending down 2 clean up his pee puddle so he's back 2 diapers now.
little devil, kelly,
I'm also procrastinating potty training. Only recently got Meghan to sit on her potty to pee jus before each diaper change. Before that, she refused to sit on the potty at all & will cry like I torture her like that. Hehe, she very lady like when sitting on her potty, will keep her legs close together, feet crossed.

little devil,
No problem. Just happened to be notice the shop then u ask abt it. It's near the 1st few years, I din check prices tho cos only see from outside.

diapers - I use pampers fit & dry for nite, yup, it's really good! For the day, Meghan usually wears shorts over her drypers. I find this prevents the diapers from sagging.
<u>Pool Party</u>
<font face="Arial"><table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>24-Jun-06</TD><TD>24-Jun-06</TD><TD>25-Jun-06</TD><TD>25-Jun-06</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>11am</TD><TD>4pm</TD><TD>11am</TD><TD>4pm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>jen</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>kelly</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>cody</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Y</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>pcs?</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>sherhino?</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>KC</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>LL</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>yap</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD></TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>6</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>6</TD><TD></td></tr></table></font>
i was eating 4 slices of bread in the morning, then Athena wanted to play... now then come in forum hehe. NO mood for kinky stuff at 39wk lah. And err, no stamina for squats- think I'd dislocate something ahaha. Easier to just drink my raspberryleaf tea, at least tastes quite nice, LOL!

Am likely to be OVERDUE, so end next wk, or wk after that, so if I'm not online... either my internet got problem (again!) or I jalaning with Athena (hehehe!) or I'm stuffing myself :)P).

Abandoned for now! Only ng-ng successful, her pee puddles dong for one whole mth no success, I gave up for now.

Athena just discovered climbing, oh dear. She climbed her toy chest, my stool, our chairs, her FP piano... so scary!
TUPPERWARE- I heard there is a tupperware shop at level 5 in IMM, is it true? Does anyone has a contact for tupperware seller that is willing to travel to west area?

POCKET MONEY- I give Faye $1 (I put in her hello kitty purse, she carries it around her neck) everytime we go to a small mall/nearby place on weekdays. On weekends or when we go to bigger malls (places with many many rides and many 'ball machines'), I give her $2. Anyone else gives your tod pocket money? Jst wanna know how much is the 'market rate' hehe.

pampers dry and fit- is regular diaper or pull ups ah?

lil devil, As of now, Faye often picks up and points to things and ask me wat it is and wat it does- I am bracing myself for the day when Faye asks me loudly in a store wat condoms are :p
wah pocket money! Nope, A cant identify different currency yet so not giving her til she can at least tell me it's a $1 coin. She gives me money tho- imaginary "air" money (like her imaginary food). :p
MT, Then how much do you spend on Tena's ball thingys or rides normally?
hehe Faye cant identify either, so we only give her $1 coins so far. There was a period when she first discovered those ball machine thingys and kept asking coins for those. So we figured that giving her pocket money would be a good way to get her to take responsibility for these 'frivolous' expenses and so that she learns self control (like if only got $2 and want to spend it on a ball thingy then cannot have rides on the way to the ball machines).
But hor, I realise doing this takes a GREAT deal of self control on *my* part, sometimes I see her finish up her $2 and then later on want to have a ride or one more ball thingy, I have to tell her she's oredi spent it all. good lar, teaches ME self-discipline :p
A doesn't like rides when they MOVE :p . So none on rides? Oh she hasn't figured the ball-tikam machines either... well, she has an inkling that money supposed to go in money-slot lah, but we tell her no money. Those tikam balls are quite hazardous sometimes. My mum got her one with a hideous realistic fish, gives me a heart attack every time I see it, yucks!

Other expenses like food, toys (if I see something I want to buy for her, usually not she really wants lah), I pay lor.
Just to share, Si'en was induced. I had bad contraction on the night before. Warded in the hospital in the morning. Mucus plug came off, so the doc put me on drip and 3 hours later she popped. I had this idea that id you induce the baby, its easy to pop.

Wow sounds like you can pop anytime! Good luck
Very busy &amp; stressed as exams approaching and boss refused let me to go on leave.
Just respond to those I can remember.

Little Devil
LOL at Quinn shopping stories.

So relieved to hear that Rhyan is OK.
Hope his bruises go away soon

U &amp; Gab recovered? Take care K!!!

I think I can make it on the 25th Sunday
Sat working.

Won't be logging in from tomorrow. So just wishing u in advance a smooth delivery. Jia You.
isn't it very hot and sunny to swim at 11am?

potty training
i bought rhyan boxer shorts! been letting him wear them at home w/o diapers, he knows how to tell us he wants to pee/poo. but hor, *I* keep worrying he will forget to tell us he want to pee or I overlook. so, i keep asking him every 15min. *roll eyes at myself* he is quite ok at nanny's place though. pooing him is a bigger headache, he tends not to poo on Sat but poo almost daily for the rest of the week. there is no way to put him on a potty when he doesn't want to poo (on Sat), but when he wants to poo (eventually on Sun), he will go to the potty on his own and sit down there.

rhyan has a piggy bank that he puts in coins for fun, but we have not given him any pocket money for outings. most of the time, i only let him sit kiddy rides with coins once and the rest, without coins.

you mean you have given birth already? congrats!

WANT TO GO OUT - eh, what will you all do if your tot keep wanting to go out huh? as in go downstairs, go playground or go shopping etc? if you bring your tot down for a walk, come up liao and he wants to go down again, what will you do?
Lil prince, acherly recently Jean go down both Sat and Sun but during late afternoon... that's why I suggested 4pm... but some mummies prefer morning, and cannot be too early... so I just anyhow humtum a timing lor... hahaha...
little devil

Yesh, scrapbooking can get very expensive cos there's so many nice things to buy. Why not try digital scrapbooking instead? You can download loads of freebies online. Won't hurt the pocket in this way!

We brot nat to swimming twice-11am plus n 4pm plus. She was ok with the 4 plus schedule as the water was abit warm. But she refused to go down to water when we brot her to swim at 11 plus becos the water was cold.


U brot Jean to swim in the morning?
<font color="ff6000">little devil</font>
heheh, Quinn so funnie!! Yingxin also likes to put her hand inside my tee!! So ah, if I have to attend wedding dinner and bringing her along, I have to make sure I dun wear something so revealing, else....kekkek

<font color="ff6000">Little prince</font>
oh dear, hope your little price is alright now

if weather permits, will bring Yingxin out if she indicates her wants to me but will try to distract her if she still wants to go out after we are home; normally food or tv will do the trick

<font color="ff6000">Kelly, Skyblue</font>
yah, i wish i have little devil's long slender legs!! then can wear hot pants out!!

<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
mop the floor on all fours!!

<font color="ff6000">Yingxin</font>
no pocket money for now, but will restrict her to taking 1 x $1 kiddy ride per day

oh, she has her own coin bank though, each time my mum comes over will pass her a dollar coin for her to drop it in

<font color="ff6000">PCS</font>
aiyoh, why your boss won't let you go on leave? u got exams mah - valid reasons

<font color="ff6000">Jen</font>
11am a bit hot leh....i will melt one!! but should be alright for 4pm slot on Saturday, 24 Jun

but i dun think i wanna go swimming lah, just hang around
<u>Pool Party Voting Date</u>
Venue: Hillview
Bigger Pool (1.4m deepest), is not very big, about 20m by 10m. No fountains or waves.
Wading Pool (0.5m) is very small, about 3m by 4m with one pathetic Sealion spouting water.
If you expect to have slides, fountains, etc, you will be sorely disappointed. Hahaha

Public toilets available downstairs or private toilets upstairs. You can change upstairs before going down.
I have some Huggies swimming diapers (S: 7-12kg), Jean is still using this size. Let me know if you need.

<u>Lunch or Dinner:</u>
Can order KFC or Pizza Hut for adults if some will like to stay for lunch or dinner.
Please don't expect me to cook porridge for the toddlers cos Jean doesn't like to eat porridge during weekends.
Don't think I want to make any toddlers suffer my poor cooking. Hahaha

<font face="Arial"><table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>24-Jun-06</TD><TD>24-Jun-06</TD><TD>25-Jun-06</TD><TD>25-Jun-06 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>11am</TD><TD>4pm</TD><TD>11am</TD><TD>4pm</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>cody</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD></TD><TD>Y</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>jen</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>KC</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>kelly</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>LL</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>pcs</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>puff</TD><TD></TD><TD>Y</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>yap</TD><TD></TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD>Y</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>4</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>5</TD><TD></td></tr></table></font>

what is the fee like from that agency? Which country is the maid from u r getting?

You mean the maid stays in ur in law's house? so u took ur kids over there?

I live in Yishun, will go there and have a look.
Do u have the contact? thk
sorry, i missed yr qns to me. can you IM me when we are in office tmrw for the link? i got something to ask you too, thks.

recently, rhyan kept wanting to go out. there hasn't been any major change like us bringing him out alot and nanny has been bringing him out on weekday afternoons to the neighbourhood shopping centre or some nearby relatives'place for so long. and, he can like want to stay outside for very long and when home, he wants to go out again or after nap, he pulls you to the door, take his shoes and say "walk walk!"

there are times when we think we shouldn't bring him out again since we just came back. am thinking whether should draw a line on bringing him out everytime he asks for it. its easier for me to distract him with other activity instead of going out again but for nanny and granduncle, they give in whenever he cries.

am just worried the sun will be scorching hot near 11am unless yr pool is quite sheltered. i usually don't bring rhyan to swim at public pools during the hot hours but if i bring him to my aunt's condo, any timing is fine coz the pool is sheltered.

i got not much food to attract him leh, he is selective over what he eats and currently, raisins are his favourites but i give him during our mealtimes so that we can eat in peace.

actually, i am fine to bring him for a short walk when he asks for it. but, i somehow feel he is asking for walks many times in a day.
Esther also bullies her grandmother into bringing her downstairs for walk walk quite often. &amp; recently started to refuse to come upstairs. partly cos my MIL allows it like Rhyan's nanny &amp; granduncle lor. BUT she knows that the same buttons on mummie dun work, so she does not press them. i think it depends on whether u hv the time to bring him down often, whether doing so will disrupt his daily schedule and whether being downstairs will be more beneficial than staying home? sounds like he is getting used to the gai gai that his nanny is taking him.
i've replied 2 ur email. thks for ur concern. i'm much betta.

can swim a bit earlier anot huh? i also scared 11am may b a bit too hot. how abt 10-1030am?
10am, can! You want to come at 9am also can! Hahaha...

Ziztine, belated thanks for the lovely dress... she'll probably wear during the day... ;)

Skyblue, thanks for the paper! Ur place surroundings like condo leh... the lifts got mirror!! wah!! got "Name" some more... hahaha... forgot to ask if can see the sea or not??

Evelyn, thanks for the dress! Ur place also very nice leh... very cosy... but a bit scared of breaking the antiques... hahaha...
Athena just started a few days ago too! When she sees maindoor, she wants "gai-gai!". I think it's a phase, like her CAKE phase and all that. So yeah, when she wakes in morning, sometimes first thing she says is "GAI-GAI!". Sometimes in her sleep she goes, "Sit down. Gai-gai! Cake! Eat!".

So far only one big tantrum meltdown, I was quite fedup cos helper let her play at front door and A kept whining "gai-gai". So I took A away to nursery, locked the door and A started SCREAMING and CRYING. I let her cry (I'm in same rm as her lah) until HB rescued her and brought her out for short walk. I think Ruffy put a link on tantrums- remove the source of agitation or PREVENT the source of agitation in first place b4 it blows into full-blown tantrum? Now I ban A from hanging around the maindoor/ her shoes.
Agree with ziztine on her pts "depends on whether u hv the time to bring him down often, whether doing so will disrupt his daily schedule and whether being downstairs will be more beneficial than staying home?"

If I'm not up to it, I see whether my mum or HB will bring her for short walk.

Anyway... yesterday brought Athena alone to Paragon!
*sob sob* mop on all floors? Cannot lah. Err, spirit is willing, flesh is not, lol!

Thanks ladies for all the well-wishes, I'd still be hanging ard quite long lah.
lil prince, since you can mange ok by distracting him then I guess the issue is not big on your side? As for nanny/uncle, I think there's very little you can do for them if they relent every single time just because he cries. personally, my take is that if they dont mind, why should you :p
Just sharing about wat we do- when Faye wants to go out again right after we reach home, or when we just reached home after a long (n tiring) trip out, it will depends on how much is left in my 'battery bar'. If the place she wants to go is not too far and we are not in a rush to get anything else done AND if I feel that I am up to it, then I do agree. But if my battery bar's empty or if we need to get home to get some things done (or too late or watever), then cannot lor. For us, its a her need vs my need thing. Both our needs are just as important to me, so I find ways for us to meet in the middle whereby nether of us' needs has to take a backseat too often.
Initially she wasnt very receptive to me meeting my needs obviously :p but I do let her know as a matter of fact that mummy is really tired, and I have no more energy left to go anywhere else. That I understand how disappointed she might feel about that, and what I can do is to bring her to that place she wanna go tomorrow/day after/(specific date). (then of course must fulfill promise) After a while, she's pretty ok about it liao.

Personally I find it very understandable why tods would wanna go on as many trips out as they possibly can- at this stage they are growing up so fast (mentally) and discovering so much, like a little scientist who's never been to earth in action (hehe I read this analogy in a book). So naturally they will wanna get out to touch/see/hear/feel all the different stuff that's not available at home.

(wah so long, sorry for writing essay again :p)
thks to all mummies who answered my qns.

hmm, i would say his shoes are the culprit coz once he sees them, he remembers he want to go kai kai! but if i hide his shoes, then when we want to go out, he won't know where to find them lor.

eh, the issue is not big on my side bcoz weekends are short and we go out often anyway. as for nanny and granduncle, i would say they mind coz when rhyan cries and want to go down again after coming up, they do scold him. but when he continues crying, they also relent in the end. *roll eyes*

for me, certain times when i can't let him do something he wants due to some reasons, i will tell him i promise to let him do it tmrw. so far, he is ok with me on that. personally, i am fine to see him react this way but his caregivers do scold him at times for wanting to go out all the time, which i wonder if there is anything i can suggest to them to improve the situation. don't feel very good to hear them scold rhyan mah, yet can't blame them for it. i will try on the idea you gave me earlier, hope it works.
Mebbe u let ur cousin know ur fears &amp; then see if they are ok with it. I actually think it's cute when little flower girls misbehave a bit. My flower girl was 4 years old &amp; she refused to walk on her own. Ended up coming in holding my bridesmaid's hand.
hmmm... not feeling to good..... guess too much heaty food liao. but wanna share the following with mummies, laugh non stop after reading

Bobby came into the kitchen where his
mother was making dinner.
His birthday was coming up &amp; he thought this was a good time to tell
his mother what he wanted.
"Mom, I want a bike for my birthday." Little Bobby was a bit of a
He had gotten into trouble at school &amp; at home.
Bobby's mother asked him if he thought he deserved to get a bike for
his birthday.
Little Bobby, of course, thought he did.

Bobby's mother, wanted Bobby to reflect on his behavior over the last
"Go to your room Bobby &amp; think about how you have behaved this year.
Then write a letter to God &amp; tell him why you deserve a bike for your
Little Bobby stomped up the steps to his room &amp; sat down to write God
a letter.

Letter # 1
Dear God,
I have been a very good boy this year &amp; I would like a bike for my
I want a red one. Your friend.

Bobby knew that this wasn't true. He had not been a very good boy
this year, so he tore up the letter &amp; started over.

Letter # 2
Dear God,
This is your friend Bobby. I have been a good boy this year &amp; I would
like a red bike for my birthday.
Thank you. Your friend Bobby.
Bobby knew that this wasn't true either. So, he tore up the letter &amp;
started again.

Letter # 3
Dear God,
I have been an "OK "boy this year. I still would really like a bike
for my birthday.
Bobby knew he could not send this letter to God either. So, Bobby
wrote a fourth letter.

Letter # 4
God, I know I haven't been a good boy this year. I am very sorry. I
will be a good boy if you just send me a bike for my birthday. Please!
Thank you, Bobby. Bobby knew even if it was true, this letter was not
going to get him a bike.

Now Bobby was very upset. He went downstairs &amp; told his mom that he
wanted to go to church.
Bobby's mother thought her plan had worked, as Bobby looked very sad.
"Just be home in time for dinner," Bobby's mother told him.

Bobby walked down the street to the church on the corner.
Little Bobby went into the church &amp; up to the altar.
He looked around to see if anyone was there.
Bobby bent down &amp; picked up a statue of the Virgin Mary.

He slipped the statue under his shirt &amp; ran out of the church, down
the street, into the house &amp; up to his room.
He shut the door to his room &amp; sat down with a piece of paper &amp; a

Bobby began to write his letter to God.

Letter # 5
BIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

He refuse to take off this outfit when asked him to bath and changed to pj, he made a big fuss. Mil said maybe he find himself too handsome so refuse to take off. In the end, we waited for him to sleep then changed him while he is in his dreamland.


Took this pic when we arrived at Genting


Bad boy look...
Deciphering babble-
Athena kept repeating something to me and wanting to come out of the nursery. I couldn't understand what she was saying. 10 min later I realised- "MEALTIME". She was HUNGRY, aiyoh. Felt so lousy that I din understand and kept distracting her with toys. Usually she wld say "EAAAAT!", but she din this instance.
ur boy so handsome

hey! dun need to feel lousy. sometimes it happens to me too and i guess its really not easy for us *parents* to understand wat our darling trying to tell us as they are learning new words every now and then. they exposed to sooo many worlds from us adults, so they actually understand them just that dun know when they will start using them

any mummies already / intend to install? me going to install real soon, for all rooms plus living area and hubby says kitchen can leave out BUT if i wanted it, he n.p with it. so is it better to get the kitchen done up too??

so how is ur reno going? work done up i guess, when can u start moving back in?

umm... tat day at pd *for jab* and was complaining to pd that quinn fart alot, seems like alot of gas from his nan and i say its STINK :p and ask if hes too heaty... so pd says it could be the lactose causing it, not ness. tat hes heaty so suggest changing f.m. told him did try enfagrow, quinn loves it but after 1 tin, he starts to constipate. so he says y not try pediasure. so was telling him tat pediasure in terms of taste is very diff from nan so i guess he might not want it. he gave me samples and i try on quinn, and hes okie
now the thing is i still need to monitor before i call it a successful switch. BUT now i start to wonder.... can pediasure replace all his f.m feed?? meaning 4 mugs a day? or can only use it to replace 1 milk feed???
do install grilles everywhere. Athena started to pull out adult stool, climb onto it (ie. can stand on it). Next step would be for her to place near a table, climb on it to get even higher. Or push it near the windows.
My gal relatively "slow" in these kinda things- I bet your Quinn already has this Master Scheme all worked out in his mind liao, LOL!

Wah isn't Pediasure expensive? Yeah, Athena farts quite abit and it's rather pungent haha. But only if she's been eating lotsa junk, not her FM.
2 share my experience...
i got my 2 yr old niece 2 b my flower girl. my uncle/auntie got excited, bought matching outfit 2 match my evening gown. i even got someone 2 lend me a hand-made flower basket n filled it wif rose petals. i got her 2 walk wif a bigger male cousin (who supposedly will guide her down e aisle). they even practised b4 e whole dinner started.

when it was time 2 walk in, the guy opened e ballroom door, e lights were dimmed, my dinner guests were clapping, there was smoke fr e dry ice effect n my niece bawled so loudly tat she stood there n wont move. i couldnt walk in as she blocked my way n her mum quickly pulled her out of the way. my flower boy ended not walking in too.

my advice...i tik wait until sharwyn's bigger 2 understand.

long time no c. busy wif school &amp; kiern? he sure is a handsome boy! 'yan dao'

lil devil,
how abt giving quinn 1 meal of pediasure, keeping the other FM for othe milk feeds? slowly give him more pediasure milk feeds if u like.

i also have been tiking of giving gabe pediasure cos he hasnt been eating well since he started teething his molars abt 2mths back. after 1 molar erupted, he kenna stomach flu. then another molar erupted, then dunno wat happened - he not eating well again. then another molar erupted - not eating well again. big headache 4 me!

i asked husband abt it n he said 'up 2 u, u decide all his meals'. i not sure if i shld stick 2 giving him his multi-vits or give him pediasure. how huh? any advice 4 me?
I have friends kids on pedisure but it doesn't really improve their eating problem. My neighbour's kid is on it also 2 bottles a day.. as supplement but she still takes cod liver oil etc.. I think taking both shouldn't be a problem.
Hallo! Have not come here for lo--ng time. Last time I looked, the topics were on maids and childcare.. not so relevant to me.

Update: am now 21 weeks, strongly suspect that it's a girl (sonographer refused to tell). We have the option of paying and going to a private clinic to get an ultrasound done, but I can't help feeling as if it's abit superficial.. should be happy as long as baby is healthy, right?
Casros, if I were u, I would bring both my kids along. But I think I'm a basket case.. I'm very sticky to my boy. I cannot imagine being away from him. I think you'll be able to manage as you're looking after both of them on your own everyday. But it's up to you what you want from the holiday, if it's to spend quality time with hubby and if you can trust your MIL with your girls, then go ahead without them.
lil_prince, last Thurs when we got home from playgroup (which is just 1 minute walk away), Ethan starting banging on the door and crying wanted to go out again. And I thought, since it's early, and I need to go to the supermarket anyway, I brought him out again in the pushchair.. and he fell asleep on the way out! I have a feeling that when he's tired, he doesn't really know what he wants.

And falling down.. he had a nasty fall in end April and his cheek had this nasty abrasion, literally can see the print of the road on his face (now when I look at the road, I'm reminded of the scabs on his face). Now the scabs have fallen off, but sometimes the area there abit red.. I worry he's scarred for life.
Medusa, oh my gosh, Ethan had the same tantrum as Athena just last monday! He was in the backyard and wanted to go out the back gate, I refused to open it for him, waiting for him to come back by himself, of course he didn't so I had to go carry him back, gosh, he kicked and screamed, brought him into the house he smacking the back door, brought him upstairs to try to calm him down, absolutely no luck at all! Finally hubby took him away so his need changed from "want to go out through the back gate" to "want to go find mummy" so after I picked him up again he was fine.. I have to say I was quite spooked by the whole incident though.

little prince,
Is Rhyan very bored at home with nanny and granduncle, dats y he wans to go out so often?

So long nvr see ur posting, thot u went to pop liao. Hehehe... When r u due?

puff, kelly,
Long slender legs not enuf leh. Must be smooth some more then can wear sexy shorts.

U only say my place surroundings like condo, not my hse... *sob sob* My flat too low to have a gd view of the sea, but i can't complain liao, cos can see a tweeny little bit. AC's hse lagi betta view. Aiyah, Punggol flats all got nice names one.
Pai seh leh, can't entertain u when u came over. Next time if got chance will be a betta host

Handsome boi u have there

little devil,
My house has window grills for all windows. To me, safety is very very impt. U nvr know wat will happen 1 day. *choy, touch wood*
I have frens whose kids r entirely on Pediasure.

Wah, ur side there dun reveal gender of bb? Can die from being kept in suspense leh.
