(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

grilles- We are definitely installing, I dont want to be watching faye like a hawk every moment, esp now that she is older liao. I think grilles are v important, falling from the window is something I cant take chances with.

thks for ur advice (i didnt bring HP out 2day, if not i'll sms u). i got my MIL 2 feed gabe the pedialyte drink since 11am and he's up & running, playing & laughing (when i called MIL at 130pm 2 check on gabe).

whew! wat a relief for me!
<font color="0000ff">NTUC bonus points</font>
any one has any to give away.. i need to change a pot... the pot we have, the handle is breaking down into bits slowly...

thanks in advance!!
<font color="ff6000">sherhino</font>
will email u the contact tonite as i'm at my mum's place now; i asked for 5 quotes and the one which i settled for is by far the cheapest

<font color="ff6000">evelyn</font>
if install grille for whole house, should be around that price, mine costs $910 for 15 panels
plus the one which i chosed is slightly more expensive cos of the material (white powder coated aluminium)
Hi all,

I happened to stumble upon this thread which, I would say is so beneficial to me as I have a 19 month old child and all mothers here have children almost the same age as my child

Would like to check with you mothers, if your child is coughing but he has no fever and still eats and plays well, will you bring him to see a doctor?

My child is quite prone to coughs and he had been coughing on and off for the past 4 months, which I had brought him to see GP and PD. The docs prescribe strong antibotics for him which I am worried will harm his health if taken too much.

Now that he has coughs again, I am pondering whether to bring him to see a doc again or if I should self medicate cos he has no fever and he eats and plays well, except for few coughs now and then and when he lies down on the bed he will cough and cough
tis morning took my mum and yingxin for breakfast at Mcdonald; i fed yingxin hotcakes spread with butter, after a few mouth she spat out the hotcakes (she has been doing this lately) and my mum commented that it MUST be tasteless cos i did not dipped the hotcakes in syrup!! OMG!! the hotcakes itself *IMO* taste sweet plus the butter sure got taste mah!!!

how can it be tasteless?????

then back home, my mum prepared lunch and steamed fish with added soy sauce for yingxin; my mum said she only put in a little soy sauce and claimed it's not saltish at all!! i tasted it and told her it is saltish to me but she kept saying no taste at all!!!

wah liao eh!!!!

after feeding yingxin, my mum happily brought out a bowl of pao sheng and made yingxin drink and said it will make her stronger!!!

the other time i asked questions about Primary 1 school enrollment and no one answered me

i asked again hor: does doing volunteer work or joining RC/grassroot helps as in giving the child priority in enrollment?

got guarantee or not?
after reading ur posting, i kept thinking how did i fix my son up when he had phlegmy cough back in early Jan. i was tiking of sharing with u how gabe got well but i cant recall liao. URGH!!!! this is wat happens when i dun update his blog regularly now.

let me try 2 recall 1st. gabe had a similar problem when he was coughing for 1-2wks, no fever/cold n still active &amp; eating well.
Hi Kelly
Thank you very much... Do remember to share with me your method when you memory comes back

Although I do not have a school going child, I have colleagues and friends who have school going child. What I heard from them is that volunteering or joining grassroots increase your child's chances of getting into the school like instead of registering in the 2C phase (for child staying near the school but no siblings or parents connection) you get to register in the 2B phase. Phase 2B is for child who have connection to the school like volunteers, church members or parents are ex-student etc.
wat i heard from my GFs/relatives who have sending their kids to primary 1 these few yrs, they need to do volunteer work,donate $$,donate equipment, etc at the school. joining RC/grassroot does help too cos there are phases like phase 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 2C, etc for registration.

i share wif u my GF's experience who sent her boy 2 pri 1 tis yr... she sent her boy 2 a primary school in sengkang and bcos there's nothing for her, she ended up in phase 2C. according 2 her, if u r some grassroot/RC leader (must be of a decent position, cant just be a member), u can b in phase 2B or 2A. i cant recall the exact details but i know phase 1A &amp; 1B are for pp whose siblings are in the same school or parents are from the alumni, etc.

my uncle donated $10K to red swastika and my cousin got in immediately.

as for doing volunteer work outside, i'm not sure if it helps. i know volunteer work in the school itself helps but u need 2 do it for at least 1-2yrs b4 yingxin goes 2 school.
i recall passing by temasek primary school some time back (1-2yrs, i tik) n they put up a poster, asking for volunteers from parents who like to send their kids 2 temasek pri 2yrs later. the skills they ask for are IT skills, gardening, arts&amp;craft, etc.

u c lah, i remember things tat happened yrs back but i cant recall stuff last mth. let me ask my husband 2nite. if i call him 2 ask him now, sure tio meh.
Glad to hear that Gab is recovering :p

Just for yr info. If yr child is getting 18 mth Booster jabs in polyclinics, they insist that u MUST take the MMR 1st (min 1 month before the booster). If u are taking at pte clinics then it does'nt matter (although the health book says 1-2 yrs).
<font color="ff6000">jesebelle</font>
thanks for the info

<font color="ff6000">kelly</font>
crazy! where do i find 10k to donate??? kekek

wahliao, do volunteer work in the shool for 2 years!!! if working parents how ah, since they can only afford time on weekends?

then if join grassroot or RC, must be damn ON in the committee and make yourself very high profile then can get senior posts lah....else where got chance?? tkk!!
even if you are volunteer in the school doesn't mean that your child may have chance to enter if there are limited places and there is ballotting.

Phase 1A - for Clan association members/teacher's kids/ siblings of those in the school. after then that it will be ballotting for the limited slots. In my previous sch. they had 100 places and 500 applications.
i was told tat even if u like 2 do volunteer work for the school, they'll interview, assess, check ur credentials b4 allowing u 2 do anything. if u say u have IT skills n like 2 conduct computer classes, the school administration (not MOE hor) will check on ur experience, qualifications, etc. i tik they allow parents 2 conduct such enrichment classes on wkends but dun get the impression tat u wanna do volunteer work, u can do it.

Hello and welcome!
With regard to your question, I used to bring my elder girl to the GP in Singapore whenever she gets cold or fever etc. However, I no longer do that (I'm now living in UK). The reason? I was told (by the GP) that my children do not need to see a DR when they have common illnesses like cough and cold. What more, he said that it's no use giving them cough or cold mixture as they don't work, other than giving them paracetomol when they have a fever. It took me quite a while to get used to their health system, even then I'm always complaining how stupid their system is (you have to wait for weeks to see a DR of your choice). My younger girl went for a chest Xray as she didn't recover from a cough even after taking antibiotics. She'd been coughing for 3 mth. They say what! Don't take anything, bad for their young bodies and they don't work. Even antibiotics, always say dun need until I kept bringing her in. Back to the Xray story, I waited for 4 weeks (!!!!) before getting to know the result. Luckily it showed nothing, if not sure sue them left right centre!
I think it's all personal choice whether to bring your child to the DR or not. If I'm still living in Spore, I believe I will go to the GP when my girls fall ill. But in UK, I just don't bother anymore.
dear all long time no see no tok mommies

been so bz at work dat i hv no energy for anyting else except play game heheee

J is cutting his 1st molar, and he is beri cranky! he can play wif his toys smiling, then suddenly crying, then smiling again!

short trip....we are planning to go kota kinabalu in may, at least 7 days...then today got news dat i might not be able to go coz of work haizzz.....

anyway...THREE of my frends are pregnant, wat isit??? tis yr beri good yr ah?! :p

i checked wif husband who cant recall wat happened too. If i not wrong, we didnt bring gabe 2 c GP at all. i merely gave him a chinese med called hou zou san and he was ok after 2 doses. actually i completely forgot abt this "hou zou san" while he was having phlegmy cough for abt 2wks.

whenever gabe falls sick, we usually dun bring him 2 c a doc ASAP (either PD/GP) unless his condition made him lethargic, uncomfortable, etc. as long as he's no longer his perky, active self n he dun seem 2 improve after 1-2days of being sick (i try 2 let him fight the illness on his own), then i bring him 2 c doc

in ur condition, 2 make urself feel betta since ur boy has been coughing for so long, wanna bring him 2 c a specialist,go for xray, seek TCM?
Thanks for sharing your experience. I have heard from my aunt who's working in UK that British won't visit a doc unless very neccessary.

Thanks for sharing too...When my boy started coughing last month, my colleague recommended me this 'Hou Nin' from Eu Yan San to help him clear his phelgm. I fed him a few times and it did help. But now, his cough comes back again

I bought a cough syrup from a pharmacy yesterday. The pharmist recommended me a cough syrup for my son, I can't remember the name, it's rhinotol or phinotol or something like this. It's for children aged 5 yrs old and below.It's supposed to clear his phelgm through coughing. He coughed so badly last evening after I fed him the cough syrup that he couldn't sleep until about 2am. But this morning, he seems to be better. Only heard him cough once or twice... I think I will monitor his condition again and see how it progresses, most prob will bring him go see his PD if his coughing doesn't improve by another 1 to 2 days. Maybe want to ask PD let him go for x-ray to see if there's anything wrong with his lungs

for me, i do bring Ethan to the doctor whenever necessary (fever, eczema, sometimes even things like asking for more cream!), usually wait 2 or 3 days to see doc of my choice. but for things like cough, i agree it's "useless" as the docs always say "children get this, they will get well on their own"...

but i have grown to accept the system here, ever since Ethan got allergy to antibiotic, i prefer not to give him any med at all.
welcome to the thread! i agree with Kelly that we should let our toddlers fight the illness on their own 1st b4 seeing the doc. it gives your son a chance to build some body resistance. hv u tried bringing him to a chinese physician? i wouldn't advise self medication for cough, unless u r very sure that it is the right medication based on the symptom he is displaying (then again, sometimes this is not enough). cos there is just too many types of cough each needs a diff treatment.

aiyoi, pao sheng very heaty leh. one bowl ah??
Pao sheng is heaty not liang meh
Before injections I will feed keira pao sheng so as to reduce possibility of having fever.
Pao Sheng (American Ginseng)

- Removes heat
- Supplement body fluid and relieves thirst
- Reinforce the spleen (digestive system) and replenish the vital engery (qi)
rhyan's shoes got 3 mths mileage only. eh, i prefer bintan's pool actually though if we compare beach, bali is better.


i didn't buy the HRC pillow cases coz the material was so-so only, much prefer my own bedsheets at home.

wahhhhh, go holidaying ah?

nice to see you here, welcome to our thread! do post jayden's pixs here to show us, i hv not seen him for quite a while

eh, did you try TCM? a few mummies here brought their bbs to Yu Guo before, you should be quite familiar with this place mah. maybe wanna try?
I brought my boy to either Singapore Baby &amp; Child's clinic at Tampines, The Paediatric Clinic at TMC or my GP at tampines...

I have brought my boy to see a chinese physician before. In fact, the chinese physician is my MIL's friend. So I thought give it a try. But, the medicine somehow worsen his cough... Then my colleague recommended me this 'Hou Ning' from Eu Yan San. I would say it's quite effective for clearing phelgm and easing cough, but it's very very expensive. It cost $55 for a bottle about the size of my last finger.

Little Prince
Nice to see you too
I will try to update a few jayden's pics...
Btw, erm, where's Yu Guo huh?? Sorry for being a bit blur...
Tis mth's YP got a Q &amp; A abt prolonged cough. If i'm free tonite, i type out the doc's advice fro u. Hey, Jayden is very handsome
I love his eyes... So mesmerising.
jayden looks very cheeky &amp; cute.
which PD do u c at SBCC? i usually bring gabe 2 c dr ong eng keow at the SBCC, TMC. i'm full of praises for him and he has treated gabe well so far.

dr ong only goes 2 TMC and the AMK clinic. he's very popular so the queue is often very long. betta 2 make appt b4 u go c him.
Kel, how's Gabe?
Lildevil, how's Quinn?

Welcome Jessebelle, and your handsome Jayden!

Argh, unit directly upstairs drilling big-time ah! Thank gdness dropped A by ILs. I'm going to escape from this place too.
Oh, want to share something... my girl confirmed TV addict. After a relatively LONG toddler VCD, she bursts into tears when it ends. Inconsolable! Have to quickly REPLAY VCD, then distract her with Yakult, and then wave "incentive" to leave the couch by saying "go gai-gai?".
how many hrs of TV does athena watch? gabe clocks abt 1.5hrs every day and i'm kinda worried abt him watching too much tv.

wat i mean by 1.5hrs is really sit there, eyes fixed on tv and wont budge at all. other than tat, if the tv is on, he watches a few mins, then walks away. i dun count these "few mins" sessions and if i do, i'm sure he's clocking >2hrs in a day.

thks for ur concern. gabe's fully recovered from the tummy virus but he developed a dry cough since fri evening. he did have a fever on fri morn (abt 2am) when i quickly gave him paracetamol. my MIL gave him med again at 2pm on fri afternoon and he was playing/laughing/running abt/dancing on fri nite. i dun intend 2 do anything abt his cough yet. husband &amp; i suspect tat his brief fever incident could be due 2 his MMR jab.
kel, it's length of one Blues Clues VCD... then she'd burst into really distressed tears at the ending credits. I buy time by pressing replay, then try to con her to leave the sofa :p ... so far works lah. But she demands to watch TV a few times a day by pointing at it- if refused, more tears lor. Then have to try distraction method again.

Glad Gabe's recovered from tummy virus!
ya, gabe points 2 the TV at times of the day too. we usually distract him by getting him 2 play wif his toys, read his books or do other stuff wif us.

on a few occasions, we tried 2 bluff him tat the tv is spoiled but the lil fellow knows which is the "power" button for the tv and which button 2 press on the remote control - all these are things we DONT teach him. *faint* now husband resorts 2 switching off the main switch so there's no way he can switch on the TV on his own.
TV babies
I tell my dear son that barney is sleeping so that he wont watch too much tv too!!! He only loves barney anyway...
AICRON- mummies who use your aircon regularly, what brand are you using and is it good? I'm trying to decide whether to pay a deposit for this Toshiba inverter system 3 at $2830, 12000btu x 2 and 22000btu x 1. The saleswoman told me that prices for aircon is going up by several hundreds because the humid weather is coming back, so must confirm asap. Any aircon advice for me ah?
skyblue, NS/why
will u be sending ur darlings to Kindermusik's Our Time (the session meant for 18mths &amp; above)?

cant help u abt the aircon. i dun even know what brand my aircon is.
my mum just asked me a very silly question: she thot i was on pill cos how come i'm not expecting No. 2 after such LONG TIME??? wahliao!!!

still remembered 3 months after my wedding, my MIL questioned me how come i still do not have "good" news for her?? she insisted that i must go see a doctor if i still do not get pregnant after 6 months cos something must be wrong!!!
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
am using Fujitsu Multi-System 3 for my 3 bedrooms and a 24,000 BTU Ceiling Wall type for living room

we seldom need to turn on more than 2 aircon at the same time so did not get the inverter system which is supposedly more energy saving

not too bad, i would say; only complain is that my room's unit not cool enough due to long piping connection

National is highly recommended and a very reliable brand; my sister used it for 4 years and did not service it at all and still in good condition

wouldn't recommend Mcquay....had it installed in my bedroom before i moved out - lousy
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
inverter system is definitely more expensive...by the way, which coy did u go to for the aircon purchases?

quinn SHOULD be okie *keeping my finger cross* went to yu guo since fri, sunday last session but still got the herbal bag to finish. so far so good. i tik i really getting very attach to yu guo :p

for the aircon, if u keep ur aircon on for very long hours, its good to get 1 with inverter. becos u need to on the aircon for very long hours in order to see $$ saving. meaning pp who dun on their aircon often or long hours, they can hardly sense any saving, mayeb just a little.

nice pix! nice outfit!! heeee..... gals are always sooo adorable and pretty!

ur boy looking soooo handsome!
