(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

yuru, Bras Basah Artfriend sells felt cloth of several colours & sizes.

angelia & jen, thx.
wahhhhh*jaws drop*
I am expecting to see a simple hse with cut open holes for window or door only leh.
(Maybe painted wif diff color)that's all but yr creation its really nice & unique..... Peifu Peifu.

Don't have to wait for exams.
Now rushing for assignment already very charm....
OMG! I am not expecting to see such a well furnished house also! Eh, you should have take pictures of the materials, then the pictures of each "wall", then half finished, then fully finished mah! I cannot imagine what materials you started with. :p

hehe! i am left with one assignment only, but my exam is end of this mth.
MT, *whistles* Your house is LOVELY! Hehe but hor, there is nothing much for me to learn from your house cause what I have in mind is quite diff from yours, I was thinking along the lines of something Faye and I can make together and something that she will decorate herself. Eh, you MAKE furniture lar, then can complete the set lol! :p

skyblue, yar lor, my friend scared her teacher dun give her gold star mah, so study beri hard! :p
wa!!!! ur house very nice!! really!!! does it takes alot of time and efford? for me i will be quite reluctant to spend alot of time for quinn next house, as his previous 1 was being TEAR DOWN with 1 month and withing the first 2 weeks, already abit PAI(4) liao....

actually i think i did MISS some of those IMPORTANT dates too, like when quinn say smthing for the first time and such BUT never forget when he says MUMMY :p i do SCRAPEBOOKING ad lately quite ON tats why no time to come in here much :p it takes alotttt of time and efford and also VERY pain to POCKETS but i really enjoy doing it and i guess its worth it.

this is one of them, i just do layout and leave the wordings til later. went to MADE WITH LOVE in plaza singaura, they just shifted their shop, now it looks sooooo nice but no time to really shop as quinn is with me.

Berry, at 1st wanted something she can colour... then cos WHITE cardboard is so ex, decided might as well make a nice-nice one, when all done, she can anyhow paste her stickers lah! Only bought 2 pieces of white cardboard, the rest is brown... already heartache liao.

lildevil, later ILs take A out fo brekkie i can steal more time lor. Slow cos I have to be very careful when A's around, I dun do cutting when she's hovering, must retract & lock the cutter every single time, can't do gluegun when she's hovering too. It will spoil if she attempts to climb THROUGH the window lah, but otherwise shld hold up fine cos I reinforce supports.
Wow, really impressed! Can't wait to see the finished product! Are the materials ex?
Me...lazy mummy plus I think Meghan won't give me time to do it, so was thinking of getting those playhouses from toysrus, think abt $25.
lil prince, wanna ask u if u visited the theme parks with Rhyan in tow? Then it's difficult for u to play the rides urself cos have to take care of him rite?

medusa, I think Athena is suited to play these... she's so gentle! If it's my gal, she's tear it down within one day of being up! hahaha...

There's a bell on the barn window! Wanted to draw a CALF but too challenging lah.



Draw nursery characters until sian... my WOLF (with the 3 little pigs) looks like a grey POMERANIAN haha.

WIP but can still play mah. Yah Deniz & Jen, she quite gentle :p .
<font color="ff6000">Berry</font>

<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
*blow whistle*.....you are so artistic!! can draw and design so well....!!! *Applause*
medusa... ur drawing is fantastic!! If I draw, it will DESTROY the effort to put it up!! seriously, if u take orders for mummies here, u can earn a HEAP!! $25 per house?! wahaha...
Next time can put up ticket for Athena's theatre at Sistec and collect commission for the shows that she performs
Very nicely made !
<font color="aa00aa">medusa,</font>
wow.. u drew so nicely, i thot u found stickers &amp; paste them on. if only i can draw as HALF as nice. haha..

oh, &amp; what a nice show Athena has put up. *applause*
hey, wanna ask u gals smthing. do u tik its ok for BOYS to play with DOLLHOUSE and such? my fren wanna wanna buy smthing for quinns bday and she decided to visit tis shop in takashimaya where they sell lots of nice toys and mostly made of wood. and in the beginning she pick a set of PARKING GARAGE http://www.plantoys.com/products.asp?parentID=5#


^ obviously its meant for boys lah but after paying and we walk out of tat store, smhow i feel tat quinn might NOT want to play with it as i did bot smthing similar from fisher price and hes NOT interested.

then we browse the window display and saw their DOLLHOUSE and such, very nice and i smhow or rather feel tat i can TEACH him more things with the DOLLHOUSE. example like daily life, family values, different roles in the family, taking care of pet *if we buy the pet*, playground visits and taking turns to play....... theres so much to sort of EDUCATE him with compare to the PARKING GARAGE and such or similar theme tat only consists of cars, vehicle and nothing much. so we went in and exchange to this:



and with some furnitures like the bedroom set, toilet, living area and such to occupy those empty rooms. but now i sort of NOT comfortable with the idea of BOYS VS DOLLHOUSE though i feel tat theres more space for role play and educating daily life which wat we are doing every single day. and by checking wats available for the DOLLHOUSE, theres soooo much like playground and such BUT whereas the PARKING GARAGE wat we can add in is things like bridge, petro place, ice cream parlor....... and like not much activities can be carry out from there, maybe just cars roaming around????

maybe can help me by looking thru the website and tell me wat is more appopriate?? and do u think DOLLHOUSE and such is JUST for the GALS thing??


maybe can change to the FARM range??? how how how????
for that expensive range of toys, i prefer garage/ barn... if i recall, can get wooden dollhse cheaper elsewhere? If I have only Ahboy, I might not be inclined to get dollhse... I notice that friends with boys only, have rather masculine toys? Last time people talk abt genders being the same, but now studies show they're really not? Unless my Ahboy tells me he wants one lah.

Mom2nat, not archi but designed real theatre before :p . Oh size limited by size of cardboard lor, this the tallest I can find, happens my girl petite. Once roof peaked up shld be higher too.

Angelia, hehe thx but I never take Art in upper secondary... was just asking HB the other day if I shld take art lessons, then can teach portrait/ still-life etc to the kids next time. (HB said expensive :p).

Want to gush- yesterday evening HB came home &amp; we played the theatre! Switched roles back-forth, one minute we're the audience, next we're backstage... and sometimes Athena the audience popped backstage to "interfere" haha. Had so much fun my MIL said the theatre "bu4 zhi3 $100" and HB was so delighted he gave me a peck (we very unaffectionate type one :p ). I think if I go buy a bag today, he wun complain... hehehe.
Does anyone know the lyrics to the chinese song A was singing? I don't know it, so can't guide her when she trails off at the end. Something like,

Zhao3 Ya1 Zhao3 Ya1 Zhao3 Ya1
Zhao3 Dao4 Yi1 Ger1 Peng1 You3

then something abt bowing, circle???
<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
wow, the playhouse u've done up is is very well drawn lei!!!
lil devil, eh why do you say that the parking garage is obviously meant for boys ah? I personally cant think of a single reason why boys cant play with dollhouses (or why girls cant play with cars and trucks). I mean, boys will grow up to be men and have a home and family on their own mah, so why dollhouse only for girls? Sorry I abit confused haha :p
lil devil
wah, your scrapbook is nice! but, i definitely got no time to do this lor.

how much does the garage and dollhouse cost?

price aside, i would not mind to let Rhyan play with a dollhouse coz like what you say, can teach lotsa daily stuff!

we didn't visit the outdoor theme park coz hubby's relatives too old for theme park, rhyan too young for theme park. we didn't go the casino either, it was mainly just a trip to let Rhyan have fun and for me to do some shopping.

i am very impressed with your drawing skills.

eh, do you mean your MIL say the house is worth the money spent or not worth? you spent $100 in total for materials?
lilprince, no lah she always like to speculate how much to profit from sale of whatever. I make box house also must speculate, grr. I din tell her how much. She meant as compliment, that it's worth not just $100, cos we were having so much fun (FIL was filming hehe).
yah, i also quite like the barn and such range when i browse thru the catalog. but its OOS and maybe not going to comes in so soon *just call them up and check* but again when i browse thru wat can be UPGRADE from the barn set, meaning Accessories and such, pretty limited unless i have to expand it by buying those HOUSE *meaning like a foundation* like Country Stable, Farmhouse ..... and they are quite pricey compare to just adding in Accessories. but the DOLLHOUSE has soooo much to add in and more activities i think. so now since the FARM range is OOS, im left with only choice like the TREEHOUSE and such..... spoken to the pp in tat shop just now *i tik its their manager who already has kids* and was saying this to me "when u buy something, smtimes u need to know wats ur OBJECTIVE and from wat i hear from u, u made a rite choice and no worries abt BOYS playing dollhouse, it will NOT turn him into GAY" wahahahahahah!!!!! he seems to know my concern :p see howlah......

actually IMO hor, i really think theres no restriction for gender when it comes to toys *mostly* and tats the reason why i ended up taking the DOLLHOUSE instead of the PARKING GARAGE. but as a whole, mostly DOLLHOUSE = GALS and whereas PARKING GARAGE = BOYS. even in the shop, boys will be running ard with cars in their hands instead of DOLLS :p but my reason for picking the DOLLHOUSE is my objective. which i mentioned like daily life and such and also like wat u said, 1 day hes gonna start a family too
and even for now, he has a FAMILY. maybe i am just concern about is it becos *I* am looking at it in a GALS point of view as i am a mother? and thinking theres more fun abt the DOLLHOUSE? or maybe quinn will actually like the more MUSCULINE range? i hate it when i feel i am making decision / choice for him as i dun often practice tat.

yah, scrapebooking takes up time but as i go along, i find myself using LESS time to complete, like the page tat i post up, it took me less than 10 mins.

as for the choice of toys, like u said, u *dun mind* letting rhyan play with it but if theres a *choice* will u get a DOLLHOUSE or MUSCULINE range? but again, seems like i am still firm on my objective so maybe will not switch to others.

mine scrapebook consider the NORMAL range leh, wait til u see those really **WOW** wan!!!! tat day went MADE WITH LOVE and i was like drooling while i shop when i saw their sample pc.

me too, dun *really* see any problems with boys playing DOLLHOUSE, but i really dun know wats in me tat make me feel not at ease....??? maybe if i have a gal at the same time, its another story liao...kekekekeke......
lil devil, maybe you will be more sure what is a better choice for him if you ask quinn? He will prob be able to tell you which one he prefers?
lil devil, he is not into pretend-play yet ah? As in like 'driving' little cars ard the carpark etc, or getting the little people to go into dollhouse to do stuff, cook, bathe and so on? If you elaborate verbally the possibilities to him, will it help?
Little devil,
Dollhouse and boys. I don't think boys should't be given the opportunity to play HOUSE. Ryan has 2 dollhouses (sulvanian family ones). He likes to bring the baby from kitchen to bedroom ...bring the mummy rabbit to the kitchen to cook etc.. like telling me what his FAMILy is doing etc. It does add in their speach development .We also have the sulvanian kitchen.. can use it to teach him how he should behave in a restaurant etc.. different parts of the house/restaurant etc.. lots of things he can learn from it. He also plays with his Thomas the train trains.. and brings them around the table.. if they fall off..they had an ACCIDENT etc..
Then it stands firm? Will topple? Isit one or 2 layers for the "walls"?
Really impressive leh, I even asked my hb to take a look!!
ummm.... pretend play ah... i dun know if wat he does is pretend play. he will play with his car and such, like zooming ard and smtimes he will CREATE accident. but just now smthing happen, actually i have not show him his NEW toys and they are all in my studyroom. and he happens to be roaming in there and he discover them and i was in the living area so i just watch wat is his reaction and such withing calling out to him. i saw him staring at them really hard and was trying his very best to move those boxes *but cant lah as very heavy* then he got abit frus as theres nothing he can do :p but it was late and its almost bedtime so i dun wanna fix all up for him *will take smtime* so i just offer him a box tat consist of 4 family members. he was quite excited when he saw them and start playing. laughing along when he push him down from standing position *i told him please dun treat them tis way* but he was soooo thrill by wat he does. and the reason why i didnt fix up the DOLLHOUSE is i am still considering whether to have them exchange.... but since now the opyion is so limited as their FARM HOUSE is OOS and might not be comin in anymore or so soon, i might just keep the DOLLHOUSE unless i dun mind the TREEHOUSE *its not feature in the webbie* and maybe 1 will bring him down to the shop 2molo and let him explore in there.

glad to hear tat quinn will not be the only wan *boy* who owns a DOLLHOUSE if i decided to keep it. i personally feel its okie actually but maybe i am thinking too much in terms of *HIS* personal choice, thinking tat will he pick smthing else and such. but its almost impossible to let him take his pick as whenever we are in toys department, he NEVER ask or request me to buy him anything, even when i ask him which wan he likes .... when i ask "u like tis, u want tis"? his answer is always "NO" even hes playing with tat particular item.
for mummies whos giving beef to ur toddlers, where u normally buy them? and which type of beef u usually pick? and also which machine u use to mince meat? i dun buy ready minced meat.
lil devil, I buy either organic ribeye (jelita cold storage) or grassfed rump from esprito(sp?) at great world city B2, they can mince anything you want fresg for you- as in you pick out the cut and amount, they mince it up on the spot.
Little devil,
haha. Quinn and ryan opposite.. he will tell you I want this I want that.. everything also he wants.. Thomas the train series.. so we agree only can get one PROVIDED he finishes his star chart weekly..and does all the listed chores etc. Today we picked up Disel + Milk( Thomas the train friend engine) I wanted him to choose another one but he insisted on it.. still happily playing with it now.
thanks for the infor. but quinn just *this afternoon* clearly declare to me tat beef shall NOT be in his menu! actually i tried cooking his meals with beef afew times, most of the time or should i say everytime he REJECTS them! and same goes to today lunch, when it was ard lunch time, he keeps saying "porridge" "mummy cook porridge"? and i say yes and while preparing to serve him, he keeps repeating over and over again. and even ran to his highchair, trying to help me set up the table and such. but when he take the FIRST mouthful of porridge tat i cooked for him, his happy face DISAPPEAR and stop eating altogether! when i ask him wat happen, he didnt say a word and just return me a SMILE. so i further ask him is it tat he dun like his food? he says "YES" and i ask him again "do u still want to carry on eating" he says "no" so well, i respect his choice. i guess i will try again in future, just with BEEF BROTH and not the meat itself and see how it goes

im smiling while reading ur reply as tis evening, i brot quinn to tat shop as i decided to let him explore in there and see wat catches his interest. in my mind, i was still deciding wat to change to?? to a treehouse, a plancity set *like parking garage or city parking....* BUT ended up hes playing with their train set. tat shop display 2 brands of train set, 1 is BRIO and the other is THOMAS THE TRAIN. he seems to like THOMAS THE TRAIN better as he dun really want to play with the BRIO set. he has never seen T.T.T *except for occasionally shopping trip* and so i dun tik his liking id due to the CHARACTER itself, for myself i just find tat T.T.T sets are more appealing in terms of colours and things they have. but i was still browsing at the PLANCITY products while the sales person attend to me. he intro to me wat they have and asking wat i have in mind and such. so after hearing wat i say, he actually rec. me T.T.T. reasons being quinn is playing with it and seems happy and it is much more interesting. and he says very often TRAIN SETS are very appealing to boys and even MEN :p but most imp is tat quinn likes it and theres rooms for future add-on *infact its almost unlimited* and he walks me ard the shop showing me those interesting T.T.T thingy, frankly speaking, they are quite cute and interesting, very realistic i should say and he told me tat most T.T.T trains and such is in MANUAL play, meaning toddlers have to push the train along the track and such and just with some add-on feature such as when the train is being push *by hand*, it will either lights up or gives out some sound. he urge parents to get the MANUAL play rather than battery operated trains *meaning trains tat runs by itself on track* as its lack of creativity and also imagination. maybe hes very helpful but i guess i didnt follow wat he says blindly and reason i get the train set is becos quinn SEEMS *cross my fingers* like it. and just now in the car on our way back, quinn says "TRAIN" but he dun know tat he actually got 1. so i just top up the balance of $50 ++ and finally decide on the train set. quite interesting:

little devil, you cooked beef porridge ah? For Faye, she only like her beef when its in a stew, really soft and falling apart, melty sorta texture. If I serve it that way, she will eat (sometimes) several cubes heh.
Little devil,
hehe.. then ask Quinn if he want to come over or Ryan go to his house so that they can combine their set and play with extremely big train set with the 5-6 different trains that ryan has .. the brio set..the tracks can join to the thomas the train wooden train set.. for mine I bought the brio train extension set to add on to the exisiting Ikea on that he has..

If you interested in thomas the train VCD .. Ryan also has the entire collection of the 100++. short video.. his godfather bought him the boxset from China.. Here they are selling 6 short stories for $12.90 per VCD.
i did try diff cooking method but still..... NO BEEF! :p but will still try and try and try

hai yor, the thing is he DUN MIND playing and does not mean he LOVES it. as for ryan, guess u can tell tat he LOVES T.T.T?? but for quinn he has NO particular toys hes fond of??? just now i fix up the train set for him, hes playing and for the FIRST time hes playing with a TOY for more than 15 mins. even when he stop playing, he will still goes back to the train set and play again. so i guess hes quite fond of the train set but i think hes NOT into it becos its T.T.T ..... i guess his fav *at least prefer* character is barney or maybe elmo and blue clue but again NOT crazy over sort. his fav activities is things tat he need to concentrate on, maybe like tearing papers and sticking on papers, anythings tat need him to consentrate gets his attention. but for the train set, at least theres more respond from him from wat i see. i tried to show him the T.T.T vcd, to see if he can relate, and yes, he looks at the trainset then the tv BUT again, not really interested too...ha!!!!! til now, im constantly wondering wat can atually make him goes crazy!! :p but maybe its just me or wat, i find the T.T.T vcd quite UNFRENLY hor, some of them constantly having angry face wan leh!

okie, if quinn is interested, i shall meet u and ryan 1 day so they can play 2gether!
lil devil, ohh ok, maybe Quinn just really dun like beef then. Hey I totally feel the same way abt TTT. I mentioned it sometime ago, that everytime I pick up a TTT book to read (hoping to find a book with a pleasant storyline, so I can buy for Faye since she likes TTT), I end up putting it back on the shelf in disappointment. Its always about some grumpy and jealous train or vehicle who hates his work, or about some train/plane who thinks that other trains are not as good as he is. And in the end the other trains end up proving him wrong and so on. Hmmm... not the type of book/vcd I'll be buying for Faye for now considering that there are so many other very pleasant and lovely characters out there. Just my personal opinion.
Little Devil,
Ryan will tell you out loud if he likes/loves or dislikes the stuff. For him at the moment he keeps on asking about TTT stuff etc.. even if he has one train..he will ask me to buy the other one etc etc. He has outgrown barney.. now only listens to the Barney CD..doesn't even want to watch the BArney VCD.. but sometimes he doest watch Hi-5 on TV. The weather these few weeks has been very bad due to the Haze so keeping him indoor more. He can play with TTT every night and day...

Celebrated Isabel's b'day in advance last evening, some photos to share. Evan was already sleeping when we cut the cake, but managed to capture some pictures with him.

