(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

oooh.... gotta congratulate all of you who are becoming mummies for a 2nd time

wow... where'd the months go?

Am always looking at younger babies... sometimes, i wish jodie were younger and I could cradle her in my arms like I used to. I can hardly carry her horizontally nowadays. Rocking her for more then 10min and my arms might suffer permanent damage :p Wonder how heavy she is... hmmm... will know only next mth. Gotta bring jodie for her MMR shot then.

What's the plan for all you mummies-to-be? Who's gonna take care of the toddler? Am really wondering what I should do if and when we do have our 2nd one.

wah... puff, u still awake! hehe...

jodie's hair is a teenie weenie bit longer now. But just yesterday someone was asking if she's a boy again... sigh...

erm... never tried zambuk. Nanny uses winter green oil on her. I just leave the bumps alone :p

Anyways, I've stayed at century mahkota b4 also. It's ok i guess, but no bath tubs. From reviews, its getting kinda run-down now.
oh last thing b4 i sign off.... anyone joining gym? Am getting very "prosperous". Urgently need to shed the flab.

Which gym better ah? California/Planet Fitness/Amore? I've only had membership to california b4. The rest I've not tried.

Usually, I head straight to the sauna :p Didn't even try out the classes in all the 2yrs I've had membership there... hehehe... have absolutely no idea which gym has better classes.
<font color="aa00aa">beanie</font>
I used to join The Spa at OUB Building; loved their cosy environment, outdoor jacuzzi and pool and attend many of the classes

As for Cali, Planet and Amore, i only hit the machines and steam bath, did not join the classes

i *think* Amore would be betta cos it's an all female gym and not as crowded
anyone keen?

<font color="0000ff">**************************************************


A seminar that you wont want to miss. Featuring experts from the US and Singapore, leading pediatricians will share the latest tips on growth and developmental needs for your child.

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Time : 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Venue : Meritus Mandarin Hotel, Orchard Road
Fee : $12 per person, with free goodie bag worth over $50*

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Dr Low Kah Tzay, Consultant Pediatrician and Neonatologist, Singapore Baby and Child Clinic, Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre

3.15 pm 3.40 pm My Child Falls Sick Easily, What Can I Do?
Dr Elizabeth Khor, Consultant Pediatrician, Elizabeth Kids Clinic, Paragon

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yah, i thot i saw someone who look like you in the female but not too sure, and we both exchange glances....eh, u were asking someone about the pink colour pants right? were u in the salsa class today at 10.30am?
Beanie, Puff,
Haha, I'm a fan of cali's dance classes so I prefer cali over the other gyms.

Maybe next time can go together??

Sorry, I'm a bit slow in replying cos din login. U can borrow Meghan's bandana to try. She hasn't worn it in months cos she always takes it off!

Athena really can pose! Looks like she lost a bit of weight in the last 2 pics.
Yup, that was me! Since I became a SAHM, I've been going for the monday am jazz class quite regularly. Were u in the salsa class also?
haiz, i think not much time to post today as well. am busy clearing my work to go on long leave fm tmrw till next mon, leaving for Bali on thurs am.

thks! shall not waste the money then.

ok! i see if my friend can pass to me tdy for me to pass it to you tmrw. otherwise, i pass to you next wk after i return from Bali.

this pix of jodie is soo nice! yr hb stop travelling already? btw, are you still migrating?

eh, winter green oil is dong qing you. old folks use it to tui their legs when they get rheumatism. qing cao you is those brownish liquid tt you applied when you fall down, it stings like hell but dries very fast leaving a yellowish patch. i don't think this is it, rite? but hor, i don't think winter green oil is good leh coz i recalled when preggie, cannot use this oil so for bbs, may not be too good also? zam bak is safer, IMO.
Little Devil
Hope u have a speedy recovery :p

Peifu u two leh. I wish I have yr determination.

Sweet pic of Jodie. She is still so baba hor.
Yah share yr holiday story :p

think "the spa" is now "fitness first". my friend recommended that over calif fitness/planet fitness because the facilities are better and less crowded during peak hours. but more ex lah :p


heh, never thought about that qn, must go and find out which are the single session schools! which pri school are you thinking of? if different sessions, may not be too bad because then can spend time with each separately, just that maybe less free time for myself. luke will go to acs because my hb is old boy, v patriotic wan.
puff, OUB a bit far for me now that my office has shifted to orchard. Kinda difficult to get to any gym from here actually.

Fitness first... yar hor, totally forgot abt this one. Lemme check out their website first :p

oh yar... speaking of my office, dunno why there's been so many celebraties going to David Gan's recently. Saw so many last week and the week b4. Usually, we only see 1 a week in the lift :p
<font color="aa00aa">deniz</font>
u so on in going gym!! i went cos need to bring the car to workshop to check on the brakes and nothing to do after that

nope, i wasn't in the salsa class, but saw you there

thanks for asking me along but mine is a 2 hour comp pass for twice a month so if i go for class a bit rush for me; plus i dun go out on monday and thursday as my mum comes over my place

<font color="aa00aa">jen</font>
sigh, my hubby's 2 uncles already went to her for reno - one completed, one pending

<font color="aa00aa">little prince</font>
thanks! no hurry...

<font color="aa00aa">fruitcake</font>
hm, agree that fitness first facilities are much betta; i dunno about the cost as my sister paid for it last time

<font color="aa00aa">beanie</font>
ah, your office is above david gan's salon!!
<font color="aa00aa">beanie</font>
from you office got direct bus to cali orchard, think there's a bus stop in front of defi?
For those who are keen in knowing more about Will Writing:

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<font color="0000ff">CNY &amp; Sick baby</font>
Shanice is down with cough n then running nose on 1st day of CNY (was having cough a couple of wks ago but recovered few days b4 CNY). got quite bad on the 3rd day and wanted to bring her to GP before we catch the train to Malaysia, but was not open.

cough got very bad and was wheezing already. came back on the 6th day of CNY, brought her to GP on the next day (Sat) and was put on nebuliser. continued nebuliser 3x a day for 2 days. reduced to 2x a day on Monday. finally all cleared on Wednesday!

what a CNY!!! 1 uncle gave her "ma-ni-jar" on 1st day of CNY, 1 auntie gave her love letter on 2nd day of CNY!!! they shove it into her mouth b4 i can say a word! buay tahan!!!

now my mum believes cannot let Shanice eat "EVERYTHING / ANYTHING".

<font color="0000ff">#2</font>
<font color="ff6000">skyblue,</font> CONGRATS!!

hmm.. how many of us here are on #2 already? <font color="ff6000">jen,</font> maybe you can have a "sub-list" of those who're preggie! kekekeke...

<font color="0000ff">MMR</font>
Shanice also not taken yet. prob will bring her later this wk or next wk

<font color="aa00aa">peipei,</font>

<font color="aa00aa">wendypooh,</font>
hahaha, soon nicole will be walking all around n you'll be very boh eng.. hahaha..

<font color="aa00aa">medusa,</font>
Shanice also wipes her mouth with tongue sticking out.. LOL..
some pix taken during CNY

only took 2 pix (same pose) of this outfit after dolling her up, so wasted.. will doll her up again 1 of these days

day 2


at Genting


playing with clothe pegs.. LOL

OMG! shanice's ears not pain meh? rhyan whine when a clothes peg gets caught on his finger while he trys to twist them apart.
hi angelia

shanice so brave not scare of pain.
so heart pain to see them in neubraliser right.

ya i getting more tired nowaday with busy nicole. think she trying to walk soon had been asking to hold my hand and move ard.
<font color="aa00aa">angelia</font>
oh dear, good that shanice is alright now! like the pic of her in genting....eh, she dun feel the pain of the peg on her ears meh?
so besides skyblue, kelly, medusa, cs rice, gab's mum and evelyn, who else is preg? c'mon... own up...

btw, gab's mum &amp; cs rice, can u PM me ur EDD and gender (if u dun mind) pls?
little prince,

To answer your questions, yes, HB not travelling at the moment. But he's going to geneva next mth I think. Lucky only for 1 week.

No we are not migrating at the moment. Option is still open but we will consider at a later date when we are ready.

yar man... jodie still very bah bah... heavy sia.

Just checked fitness first's website. Very expensive compared to Planet and California leh. Think I might sign up with California and go to their Bugis gym :p It's new and very big. I just have to be seow on lor... go there during lunch... hehehe...
No choice lah. If i don exercise, I feel very lethargic leh.

Oh..that's too bad!
Now not so on lah, b4 preggie used to go like 4x a week! Even when I was 2 mths preggie with Meghan, I was still attending dance class.

Cali sometimes got those credit card promo which makes membership a lot cheaper. Isn't the orchard one a lot closer for u? Haven't gone to check out their Bugis gym yet.

Brought Meghan for the jab on Monday. Din know it had to be given on the arm. She cried so pitifully, but when let her walk around the doc's office, she stop crying liao!

I specified in my birth plan that I wish to BF ASAP after delivery. I couldn't remember precisely when already, but definitely before we left the delivery suite. I made up my mind to have epi way before I was due to deliver Louisa and as the birth was induced, the pain was intolerable. Really hated the cervix checks so I wrote that I wanted minimal checks in my birth plan for Lavigne. To my relieve, Dr Ang checked once when I was just admitted and then I asked for one just before full dilation (wanted to know how advanced liao). Quite scary, went from 7cm to 10cm within minutes. Dr Ang always says majority of his patients do not have epi. I wanted to go without it the 2nd time round as I couldn't feel the urge to push for the 1st birth. I'm so glad I listened to him because the gas worked for me and labour was manageable. If you fear you cannot relax to dilate, try what I did. I brought along a soothing CD to listen and imagine the cervix dilating and just let go and relax. Lavigne still listens to that same CD during bedtimes and everytime I listen to it, it's like I've been tranported back to the delivery suite.

Ziztine is right. Will get a painkiller jab before episiotomy and since already in pain, won't be able to differentiate. I remember feeling a burning sensation. Not sure if it's due to the cut or down there tearing just before crowning.

With my second delivery, I didn't have the IV drip. I think it could be because I stated in my birth plan I wish to move around freely during labour. I thought I could walk around the labour ward but didn't have a chance to do that as my labour was so short.

Expectant Mothers
I feel that all labours are different. Like for myself, breaking of the waterbag was extremely painful for my 1st one but not at all for the 2nd one. Also, cervix checks were horrible when I had my 1st bb but not so much for my 2nd one. Furthermore, it is quite true subsequent births are faster.
My 1st delivery (established labour to birth) - 12hr
2nd delivery (admission to birth) - less than 4hr
I think it's also good to have a birth plan. At least our gynaes and the nurses know what we want during labour when we can forget a lot of things. I regretted not having one for my 1st delivery as I forgot this and that when I was in pain.

How you get Tena to pose har? It's so difficult to take a nice photo of Lavigne without her running about. I take more pictures of Lavigne than Louisa. Maybe because I have a digital cam now, just click click click. I'm sure when your prince arrives, you'll take as many if not more as you did with Tena.
Shanice looks so girlish in these outfit. Very Sweet. Her face is less chubby but her arms &amp; thighs still ba ba hor.What's her height? She looks tall leh :p

Very inspired by u. Yesterday evening went jogging for 20 mins and I feel sooooo good :p
Meghan went for MMR oreadi! I very kia si. Want to delay keira's MMR coz they say bb will feel unwell after MMR *whisper, touch wood &amp; cross finger*
Thanks for the compliments,
. No lah, din teach her to pose... but eh, think can START teaching liao, they can probly understand instructions!
Eg. Whywhy's Esther can SMILE on cue, right? I'm starting to try teaching A that, er, not successful yet, LOL! So far A only understand "up" (stand up if she's squatting :p ), "turn around" (she literally walk 1 round instead of spinning :p ).

the bib I bought in HK... which is a trip I last took a very long time ago, sigh!

Shanice's got very pretty dresses and her hair's getting longer!
Such cheeky expressions, heh!

Jodie's still got the chubby babyface look ;) .
<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
wear dress of cos lah..
i let her wore normal (causual) shirt n pants, on the bus ask her to "gong xi gong xi" to the aunty, the aunty said "good boy"!

a few other occasions also like that.. all said boy / di di. !#@$!$#@

<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
hahaha.. guess that'll be quite a while before i can "take back ownership" of the list, hahaha..

aiya, u continue lah, since u doing such a good job

<font color="0000ff">MMR</font>
how much is the jab?
<font color="aa00aa">sharon,</font>
tying her hair is like going to war for me leh. gotta let her play toys, n she can't sit still, head keeps moving, so i gotta move wif her. worse still, tying 2 ponytails so war x 2! hahha.. after finishing her hair, i'm covered wif sweat! anyway, i'm very rough wif her. hope she doesn't go bald at such a young age, hahahha...

Shanice's not tall lah. maybe it's the angle of shooting. think she's only around 75 cm (i also forgot alr).
MMR jab
i was told by gabe's GP that he'll apply some kinda anathestic (did i spell correctly) 2 numb the area and 1/2hr later, then come back 2 take e jab. this helps 2 minimise the pain.

i'll come back later to post. got some silly issues in korea 2 handle n an irritating boss 2 handle
<font color="aa00aa">sharon,</font>
maybe you check wif the nurse if chickenpox can be taken 1 mth after MMR. cos i think if the booster can only be taken 3 mths after MMR, then prob it applies to all other jabs. i.e. the next jab (no matter what jab) has to be 3 mths after MMR.

Shanice has taken the chickenpox jab at 13 mths, $80 if i remember correctly. her flu jab is still on KIV cos back then no stock. when stock came, she's sick.. now has to schedule in her MMR &amp; booster... hmmm....
Hi ladies,
I've made an appt to bring my 15 month old for her chicken pox jab this Friday. Her next jab will the the booster at 18 mths. Weather is getting hot, so I think safer to get the chickenpox jab done asap.
RE: chicken pox vaccine
I've heard that it's betta to let the toxics be purged out from the body, dat's y until today I've not decided if I want Kieran to take the chic pox vaccine.

Kieran is oredi 17 mths and he's taking his jab tis sat :p He was actually due to take it in dec but cos of his surgery so PD advised us to delay. Then January very close to CNY, so i delay it. Now nothing impt coming up, so can finally schedule his jab liao. It's okie to be late i guess cos some parents actually delay the taking of tis jab until the child is much older cos research has shown dat MMR is linked to autism (duno spelling correct or not).

Shanice still looks abt the same.
The clothes pegs on ears looks so painful. Ouch :p

It's been so long since u last post Jodie's pic. Cheeks so chubby. So cute
i paid $190 when i signed up wif dr leslie tay in sept. i tik he increased his price cos he has included bb assessment.

i just spoke 2 dr tay and he said betta 2 take e MMR jab b4 the 5-in-1 booster and no need 2 wait for 3mths apart. there's also a slight chance he may kenna fever 1-2wks later so i decided 2 bring him down 2nite.
<font color="ff6000">beanie</font>
your lunch time 2 hours?? else travelling to bugis and back already take up some time, u got time to exercise and shower ah?

<font color="ff6000">pcs</font>
actually me dun have the determination, very lazy....sigh, my exercise regime is on and off one

used to be "quite" on last time before preggy, 2x a week (gym and tennis)

u so slim no need to exercise lah but still wanna applause you for taking the effort to jog 20mins

<font color="ff6000">deniz</font>
i wish i can join you too! the classes looked fun but me not member
once a week is good enough already....and you got very sexy figure leh....you see me wrap up like frumpy auntie in t-shirt and track pants...haha

i know of someone who plays badminton and jog everyday during pregnancy till she gave birth! for me, i can't cos was spotting and bleeding

<font color="ff6000">sharon</font>
Yingxin took the chicken pox vac at $75, and i have scheduled her to take MMR this Saturday, i think it cost $30 if i remember correctly

<font color="ff6000">skyblue</font>
it's good to let the toxins purge out by itself but we are worried about the pox scarring so we let her took the vacc which will greatly reduce the chances

<font color="ff6000">skyblue</font>
where are you bringing kieran for the jab this saturday?

i asked my PD about the link between MMR and autism and she said it's not proven....she continued that many people tend to put the blame on MMR cos it so happened that their baby got autism around 18 months right after the MMR jab and this occurence is more prevalent in Britian

anyway, MMR is compulsory in Singapore, 3 of my fren's daughter took it without any problem
