(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Saw the pic of esther, remembered Lavigne has some similar ones.


<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
why feel sore over the ball house? no. 2 can always play with it when you go over your mum's place

i find it a little big to be put in the house plus with 100 balls all over, i'll surely freak out and i dun have the space to keep when not in use also....sigh

<font color="aa00aa">ziztine</font>
esther pic so funnie!! she's practising her retail therapy now is it

<font color="aa00aa">casros</font>
lavigne is simply adorable with the clothes she's wearing and lugging a shopping bag
Sam had her's injected early last mth.Everything goes on smoothly till now.

Climbing of Staircase
Same as the rest,sam likes climbing up and down staircase,escalators,stool,table,cabinets or anything within her means.(Eg: stool,she can climb up &amp; down more than 40x,toybox container,can climb up on her own and stand up and shout for me to look at her and quickly stood down when i rush over)Really pei fu their energy level...Well sam can make steps on her own now w/o assist BUT thats provided she walks as normal(dun rush up the steps i mean.First seen her did that while we were having dinner last 2wks at Bottletree entrance where they have 2-3 steps. And she knows how to JUMP too after watching Barney doing Hooray and always like to minic actions from the tune "If u happy &amp; u know to clap,step on foot &amp; hooray" She can do all three perfectly now after watching them almost daily.

She seems to be more talkative since last week till now...So far at least when we teach her some new words,she will try to say something back not like last time bo hew us!! Word she can say are like,Star(can show the hand sign together while saying the word),Apple is like Ar ple,mango is Go, No More is ne mor,MAcdonald is No nald etc....while ther are still some 1 syllabus word that she had yet to say like bus.

Testing Of BB Reactions
Duuno why i did this but who knows it turns out to be very funny. I asked Sam what did the Cow say,then follow by duck,dog,chicken say etc,she said all correctly. then i start to ask very quickly and u shod see the way they react.Also if i ask what did the frog say,she will stop!Cos i did not teach her this. Damn funny. it was me or my hubby who cant tahan &amp; laugh that stop the momentum..Well so far she get all right and also it does depends on their mood if they wan go along with u.

Hard Fall
Sam had her 1st BAD knock on her face while she fell from sofa ,hit the edge of coffe table and down to the floor.Did not notice how it happen as i was in kitchen and hubby having BF.The bruise on her nose bridge immediately surfaced and shortly follow by the swollen cheeks.

heee.... i tot quinn is the only not taken
okie, so i will wait till hes perfectly okie then.

quinn LOVES the stair too!!!! i tik ever since hes walking even its like those not stable steps, he always request me to guide him with the stair. now at mil place, he will climb up and down dun know how many times! and he will hold on to the glass at the side and i will be standing behind him for safety reason *me got to bend and guard till my back almos break*

quinn has been saying more words lately and i am happy tat hes clear about wat he wants and dun want. whenever i am feeding him and he likes tat dish or food, he will say " NICE" and smtimes not so accurate he says "NINE".

whenever we are eating, he will help himself with the disposable spoon and goes "POON" and start scooping food and taste it and he will give me tat cheeky face and say "NICE NICE" and carry on scooping! even during chinese new year, quinn also self help with those goodies, especially those containers where their cover is not being put on properly by previous person who ate it. without much tiking he will open it and help himself with goodies in it!!!! poaz! and i rem. 1 of my aunt bake very very yummy butter cake and serve it with a cake tray with cover, he will also lift up the cover and self help, i tell him tat its not nice if he keep pincing the cake so he AIM those tiny bits in the tray, picking up then put into his mouth and put the cover back on and will do the same again when he finish wats in his mouth!! its really very very fun to look at how our toddler behave.

wahahahaha!!!! R also love headstand!!! quinn too but now he got 1 new way, more adventurous for him maybe but i freak out! lets say hes standing against the wall, he will bend down and do headstand THEN he will try to place his 2 feet on the wall behind him!

lately brought quinn to yuguo, straight 3 days liao and whenever the tuina lady acts on, quinn will look at her real hard then say "NO NO NO" very loudly. and due to CNY, they play those CNY songs, quinn will insist he wants to stand and start dancing and singing!
wahahaha!!! really love the SPOIL CLOTHES PEGS!!!!! soooooo adorable *to me lah* dun play play hor, hes training his arm strength!!!!
hey, after i view again hor, i actually tik R is NOT spoiling them leh... hes actually doing some Q.C work to make sure wat u have in the bag is strong enough for further use.
Staircase, travelator and escalator is Keira's fav. I have several heart attacking moments when Keira rushed to the escalator before I can hold her hands.
U have many dreams hor.Hehe.
Nowadays I'm so tired that I don't realised I fell alseep while coaxing keira to sleep. Cannot remember when is the last time I have a dream. Hahaha

Bb Language
For Keira "ss" = fish/kiss/keys
I think all other bbs r very developed in their language hor. Keira has very limited vacabulary and she is not really interested in charts/books/flash card. Mummy is getting worried again.

LOL on Rhyan vacuming the floor.
LOLL on the headstands.
insects bites - Recently keira also kenna MANY these type of bites. What did u apply for Rhyan? The bites are taking ages to heal and I'm afraid it will leave marks on her face.

OMG so far I have bought about 7 pairs of shoe for keira. Thought that is normal!!! HB is going to kill me if he knows that most of the bbs have 2-3 pairs.

Wahaha. Can imagine Athena licking the tissue.

Both pretty gals are tai tai in the making :p
Hehe, alot of tods learning to say "Apple"! Wonder if people named Apple got sneeze more anot. :p

Fruitcake, yes- "mummy" is my fave word ever from tod's lips! Esp if in gd mood &amp; not the whiny tone sort. LOL!

Sherhino, wow Sam can JUMP! A still cant jump but understands the word. But both feet no "take-off", haha. Oww abt the nose bruise, poor darling looks so kelian, yet so sweet, has a "want to sayang" face!

Eh when Athena bumps against anything (usually not serious, was just telling HB so far we've never had to apply Zambuk and dun even have it on stand-by), she will cry and say "pain-pain". AFTER she STOP crying, if u ask her, "where pain-pain?", she will come to me with a ke-lian expression on her face. Put her face close to mine, cry "pain-pain" and start wailing with FRESH teardrops. Until I sayang her all over again. LOL!

wah I cant picture the headstand with legs on wall! Must take pic (while someone else standby in case baluku lah)!
Q is very advanced in both speech and motor skills.

Esther looks very sophisticated despite being in diapers, LOL! Definitely got tai-tai AIR!

Lavigne looks so sweet in her nice clothing... I wonder if next time I'd take as many pics of #2!
eh I realise her shoes last longer when she doesn't grow TALLER. Once she shoot 1-2cm, will outgrow a pair of shoes :p . Ur Keira shooting very tall very fast mah. My Athena has reached... *drumroll*... 72cm. Sigh.
Rhyan headstand pose is very cute
he is very cute...will follow ur hb vacumm..next time u good life..got them to do chores for u..hehe

dont worry. dreams r opposite. u tell bb that if you r a ger alot of nicey clothes

YX has really alot more
hehheeh look like me? alot of pple say still look like my hb...a mould of him..hahahahha

Esther is very fair hor. She looks so "jing lin"

Lavigne is so happy with her shopping bag..hahha

oh dear...Sam look so swollen. Hope she is fine. did u apply any med on her? her fringe very cute lei.

Carriane also haven take MMR as she not feeling well last week.
LOL abt R's vids. He very serious during vacuuming and very serious doing QC for ur clips, haha! I think he can handle more heavy machinery/ heavier chores liao!
puff, medusa
ya, gabe understands more than he can speak. he can identify objects around the hse but he dunno how to say it. like when i ask him, where do u find ur cheese/yoghurt/apple (or any other fruits)? he hurries to the fridge. when i tell him to put his dirty laundry into the basket at the balcony, he picks up his clothes (1-2pieces) from our bedroom, walks to the basket, dumps them in. sometimes he drops a piece along the way, he'll stop, turn back, picks it up &amp; completes the task. so far, we've been asking him 2 pick up stuff, do this, do tat (of course we dun do it when he's busy playing, watching tv or eating lah). during CNY, when we dress him up in his new outfits, i'll ask him, "do u wanna c the handsome boy in the mirror?" while i'm carrying him, he'll point to the mirror n move his body forward n when we get to the mirror, he'll smile n pat his chest. very funny!

gabe has 2pairs of tollyjoy shoes but when we 1st put him in it, he froze and wont move 1inch. when he started walking, we let him wear the shoes again but the friction is terrible. husband then agreed that expensive shoes is worth the price. now we have 2pairs of tollyjoy shoes which we dunno wat 2 do with them.

i totally forgot abt the 18th mth 5-in-1 booster jab. i juz called gabe's GP 2 check. looks like i need 2 schedule gabe's MMR sooner. thks for ur advice. if not, i blur blur sure overlook it.
i had a gd laugh when i saw esther's pic. she looks like she wanna go "hang gai" n chio yingxin 2 go along.

lavigne looks very happy wif her purchases from muji. she also looks very huggable in tat outfit of hers. so adorable!
i think quinn was the first one that started doing headstands at sharon's place 2 months back and very shortly after, rhyan started doing it. i tried so many times to capture a pix, got a nicer one in handphone before i got it on digicam.

yes! we bought a water feature, its more of a fountain lah. hb was dying to get one for ages, especially when he saw the one at your place. :p eh, we thought rhyan will disturb it but hor, realised he can't coz he is afraid to step on the grass mat! thank goodness, coz i don't want him to ruin the 3 frogs and 2 ducks on the fountain!

rhyan fights for the magiclean at nanny's place! LOL! nanny got a short one (broken) and a long one. sometimes, she uses the long one while rhyan uses the short one - very comical! then hor, at times nanny stop to talk to me, he make noise to ask her to continue! nanny's son laughed, said rhyan is asking her to do housework properly, cannot eat snake.

wahahhaha, help me thank your collg! :p

wahahahaa! yr mum very innovative. eh, can dye the shoes to blue colour lah.

the bites are almost healed but i think they are still itchy coz rhyan will still scratch them. no choice lor, and i think will leave a mark there for a while.

yup, thats the Rainbow cleaner. hb was cleaning the bed with the power nozzle, he was so sleepy yet insisted to vaccum with him, which explains the solemn look.

*applause* yx got 3 pairs of shoes and the total cost is less than 1 pair of rhyan's colette shoes! hmm, but i bo bian lah, very few shoes can fit rhyan's feet well so this part cannot save.

luke sleeps in the same room as you and hb, or alone in his room?

wah! i think esther looks exactly like you leh!

i just called PD, booked rhyan's jab 1st wk of next month. was advised fever expected 1 wk after jab (not all bbs will get). next jab is booster jab which will have to be 3 mths after MMR (by right is 18mths coz MMR supposed to take at 15mths). after booster jab, can take chix pox jab (its optional) else no more jabs till when he goes to Primary 1.

sam is very advanced leh!

ouch about her fall! hope the bruise goes away fast.

lil devil
LOL! pegs are like that wan what, i just bought 2 new packs last night!

eh, alot of bbs can't pronounce the s-sound properly yet leh. i only know faye does it very well, kiera is advanced in her way lor.

BITES - i tried a few cream, not much effect. nanny applies this ointment called Skin Liquid (smells like vinegar) but works quite well coz it dries up fast. but hor, most of his bites leave a mark after recovery. you mean kiera got such bites too? got pus also? and on her face?

wah, 7 PAIRS! rhyan has 1 almost grown out Colette, 1 Disney (bought when we forgot to bring his shoes during shopping trip, used for CNY) and 1 Snoopy squeaky shoes (to leave it at nanny's place) and i already feel he got too many pairs of shoes liao!

JUMPING - rhyan is very tempted to jump off our platform step in the living room. hehe! but hor, he usually change his mind right at the last minute after standing at the very end, half feet OUT kind, wobble abit. hb nearly got heart attack a few times when he looked as if he gonna wobble off and fall flat on his face.

yes! its really so fun now. when rhyan wants a shower, he tells me "wer wer" (sho"wer") and walks off to the toilet! oh, i wore shorts without diapers for him for a few hours on Sun and he really pulled me to the toilet when he wanted to pee. i also managed to bring him to poo at the toilet bowl (carried him coz no toilet training seat) successfully when he signaled that he wanted to poo! so happy and motivated!
aiyo, auntie kelly wanna sayang sam. tat is a VERY BAD fall. gabe bruised his right cheek on 2nd day of CNY, resulting in a greenish patch below his cheekbone, husband &amp; i already heartache. i c sam's bruise, i wanna cry liao (me very emotional lately, i shed tears as easily as athena now). luckily miss her right eye, if not more jia-lat. are u applying anything on her bruises?

i'm also impressed tat sam can jump. when we show gabe how 2 jump or when he sees kids jumping on tv, he brings his butt downwards as if he's abt 2 jump but no further action.

lil devil,
talk abt back breaking...husband complaining abt it lor...tat's y whenever we visit relatives lately n there r steps/staircases, we *faint* 1st.
LOL abt quinn's version of headstand. i cant wait to see him do it.
we brought gabe 2 visit husband's god ma last nite. as usual, gabe entertained himself wif the dog, walked around, carried goodies/packet drinks around, etc. he came across a glass plate (when u visit HK, u take a pic n the pic goes onto a plate) on the tv console, he picked it up. husband n i made a dash 2 him, took the plate out of his hands. my husband's god ma has to "scold" him n she beat her hands tgt 2 show him tat she'll beat him if the plate breaks. gabe broke into tears cos he probably wasnt expecting such behavior. i carried him in my arms n calmed him down, talked 2 him, telling him tat wat he did is wrong.

THEN...husband's god ma gotta tease him further by pretending 2 smack him, scold him for being naughty. she said, "u notti boy rt?" gabe who has already calmed down, started 2 wail again. husband's god ma started 2 "poke" him n gabe flapped his arm 2 stop her. she continued n gabe accidently smacked his left hand onto her face (looks like a slap to me). in a split second, husband's god ma took his left hand &amp; smacked him right hard on his arm. gabe of course cried further. in front of her, i kept my cool (despite me boiling inside) n i turned to my husband, telling him 2 leave cos gabe's cranky, needs 2 sleep.

when we left her place, husband n i are hopping mad. the spot she smacked gabe turned red. gabe's so big n we've never even smack gabe so hard (even light ones on the butt is rare, like 2-3x so far). if there's any discipline tat needs 2 be done. we shld b the ones 2 do it. URGH!
i agree with all the mummies tat our toddlers are very fun 2 be with, fun 2 watch them in action now hence i've decided to stop work by end apr. by then i'll b abt 6mths+ preggie, no company will wanna hire me and i also dun wanna work.
going 2 work these few wks has been very difficult cos gabe cries very badly when i leave for work. after that he wont 1 2 drink milk, wont 1 2 freshen up (brush his teeth, use his hot towel, change diaper, change out of his sleepwear, etc), he'll keep sitting by the door hoping 2 c me come round the corner n he kept insisting on wearing his shoes 2 go out 2 find me. when the caregiver (my MIL or sis) brings him home, he wont 1 2 take off his shoes. he also dun allow any1 2 close my main door. this pattern continues until lunchtime/naptime. it's hard for me 2 concentrate on work n i also miss him badly. i'll also need to work 5days soon cos my boss will be travelling extensively and i'll need to hold the fort in the office.

b4 CNY, i discussed wif husband n we both agreed tat i shall revert back to my part-time work after this stint. after i give birth in jul, then i decide again wat kinda working arrangements i want.

in summary, i'm dragging my feet 2 work these few wks n i miss gabe very much. sob! sob!
I'm so shocked! I wld hav freaked out and blown my top too!

Talking abt physical discipline- recently A started climbing out of IKEA highchair (ok, abit slower in this aspect than most tods, LOL). I scolded fiercely, she din stop, so I smacked her thigh (but not very hard lah). She paused and cldn't make up her mind whether to cry or not.
HB said I shldn't smack lor- my rationale is if she feels PAIN, she wld STOP doing the forbidden thing. HB's rationale is he rather she fall out of the chair and feel REAL PAIN, then STOP of own accord.

Wahliao. I really dunno.
lil prince,
u staying in hard rock hotel rt? shld b safe enuff. juz check wif the hotel if they provide a safe in the hotel room. it's even not safe 2 bring ur passports 2 walk around the streets of bali.

if i bring gabe for MMR tis fri, he may kenna a fever next wk but we have a wedding dinner which *I* dun wanna miss. we got invited to a ex-TCS artiste wedding dinner n Fann Wong is the MC. she n christopher lee will be there n they'll b singing a song. if i schedule end feb, i have another function on 4-5mar which we must attend. aiya, headache!!!!
despite being able to say other words, Athena still will not say "poo" lor. She will just look very unhappy before and after pooing. No verbal cues whatsoever.
yikes! why that god ma like that wan? i will definitely lose my cool if anyone dares to smack my little prince!

hehe! the morning is almost over and after lunch and a few hours later, you will be hugging gab again!

don't worry, sharwyn may be on the way to toilet training liao since she knows how to say she needs a diaper change! hehe!

thanks for the passport info, i also think that way but hor, if we go out for walks and kenna pickpocketed or what and passports gone, also cham rite?

hehe! i remembered something that happened over the weekend. we went to hb's sis pl for a CNY gathering and rhyan was sitting down on the floor to play with some toys, with his 6 months older cousin. hb and i noticed his nephew's pull up was worn the other way round (back to front) so we told his sis to change it. after hb's sis turned the pull up the right way round, rhyan suddenly cried very loudly. both of us were shocked and tried to calm him down but he kept crying and pointing to his pull up. we were thinking whether it could be that he wanted a diaper change, but we just changed him before we reached their place mah.

then hor, hb's sis brought out a new pull up suggesting we change for rhyan and ... rhyan pointed at the diaper and shouted as he was sobbing "yes!!!" we then realised he was upset because he thought his cousin wore his pull up!! it took us a while to calm him down and explain before we quickly left for home.

i remembered also when we were at sharwyn's place to pai nian, he also kept holding on to sharwyn's Barney (so happened that we bought him the same toy on that day but his Barney was in the car) and refused to give anyone though he gave me to hold after a while. then when he was walking to sharwyn's room, i left sharwyn's Barney on her bb high chair and he saw me. he quickly walked to the high chair, took the Barney and made me hold it again. am thinking he may have thought that was his Barney and am reminding me to remember to keep it for him.
Scan thru the forum abit..

Medusa, my hub feel exactly the same way as ur hub..he told me to let Trixi fall than she will realise when she stand on her high chair..nowadays, its tough to bring her to places when there is no belt attach to the highchair..haiz..for me, i will scold, yell n hit her..BUT i wont allow her to fall..i think they are still too young to fall at 'this height'

Stairs> Having a tiring time catching her ever since she learns to walk..YES, from crawling up the stairs to walking up while holding to the side..This is how naughty my little one behaving..

Self-feeding- Again, its hard to bring her out as she insist on self feed all the time..even water..imagine i have to bring extra clothes with me..n..will always leave the dining place feeling kind of embarass after the mess Trixi created.

Talking- Oh, she has not been talking since the last updates..The same old mama, papa, ah ma, mump mump...hmm..is she abit slow??

CNY- since Jan, I had visit the GP 4X till now..kept kana infection n not recover yet..haiz..Trixi had visit her PD 2X after i spread to her..What a yr to start...
yar, Hard Rock. thats what i think lor, but hb sure thinks its safer to keep it with us. everytime we travel, sure got this dilemma.

wedding dinner - wah! so happening wan ah? must take pictures to show us hor!
Actually I'm confused too. Donno which is bitten by what insect. The one on her legs has pus and has left marks even when healed. She got bitten on the face but has no pus &amp; I'm beri worried that there will be marks too.
Donna why leh keira outgrow her shoes very fast one. Out of 7 pairs, she has outgrown 4 pairs.
LOL on Rhyan crying over the pullup.

I will also boil if I'm the one. BTW I've checked wif the PD. MMR is not complusory at 15 mths. U can delay it and the deadline is B4 P1 registration. But bear in mind that our bb is at risk lor since they have not taken the jab.
I will let Keira take 1 mth after the booster.

I also feel that is extremely dangerous for bb to fall at this height. I smack keira thigh's when she does that too.
oo- gd idea! I postponed MMR til 18mth but forgot all abt the booster, ok looks like I'd postpone MMR 1 mth after booster. She's not in a childcare facility anyway.
lil prince,
y dun u gauge the situation when u get 2 bali? when husband n i were there, we left our passports in the hotel cos we definitely dun feel safe carrying it around wif us, unless it's a wallet wrapped round husband's waist. moreover u have a toddler 2 take care of, stuff 2 bring around, mayb a bit leh cheh 2 bring passports out. how abt putting it wif the hotel's safe at the reception? some hotels allow tat.

i'll definitely take pics of fann wong &amp; her beau. hahahaha! not my frien &amp; his wife!

i dun smack gabe when he stands up in his ikea highchair. i demo-ed 2 him wat happens if he falls (i carried him, let him topple over n let him off gently on the flr). nowadays when he stands up in the highchair, he calls for me (i tik 2 tell me tat he has stood up). i'll usually run 2 him n ask him, "wat happens if you falls? it'll b pain pain, u know" if he intended 2 come out of the highchair, he'll stretch his arms out 2 signal his intention n i carry him out then. if he merely wanna "play", he'll kwai kwai sit back in the highchair.
after visiting husband's god ma, we popped by husband's frien's plc 2 pai nian (who stays a few blocks away from his god ma). husband's frien is currently 7mths preggie n has a 4yr old son. the sec gabe reached the plc, the boy Isaac ran into his room. gabe got excited, followed along.
once gabe entered the room, Isaac said, "he cannot touch my toys!" i said, "share your toys wif gabriel ok?" Isaac said, "NO!" (a loud &amp; firm tone)

when gabe moved around, touched around, took some toys 2 play, isaac would say, "he cannot touch that, he cannot touch this", "he'll spoil my toys", "he cannot bring the toys home", "i cannot lend him this toy". I kept saying, "isaac, share wif gabriel ya...", "we wont bring your toys home", "he'll be careful wif your toys".

gabe then spotted a motorised bike in the corner of the room. when he got near the bike, isaac quickly said, "he cannot ride tat, he's too small". gabe bo hew him, held onto the handle, stepped onto the side step n stride his leg over. he cant get his leg over so i helped him. Isaac was buay song abt it. i pushed gabe out on the motorised bike (no battery) to the living room n he kept shouting for husband 2 c him in the bike. *i may buy something similar for gabe* when gabe got off the bike, isaac quickly went onto it, pushed it back to the room.

gabe then spotted a vacuum cleaner which comes wif trolley. he pulled it out (quite heavy leh...i so worried the trolley &amp; vacuum cleaner fall on him) of the room n isaac followed behind. isaac tried 2 take the trolley back from him by standing onto the trolley (hoping that gabe cant push it anymore). gabe also copied him by trying 2 stand on the trolley. when gabe went back 2 room, he saw isaac jumping on the bed. he also wanna follow suit. wah piang! when he tries 2 interact wif isaac by holding his hand, hugging him, isaac refused everything. when gabe pushed isaac, i told him, "darling, u cant push gor gor". isaac quickly shouted, "i'm not gor gor. i'm isaac."

gabe went out of the room n husband's frien offered him a tricycle (something similar 2 wat gabe has at home). b4 gabe can even put his leg across it, isaac snatched it away n rode off.

i shared watever happened in the bedroom wif husband cos he was busy talking 2 his friens outside. husband &amp; i wondered if age gap closer is betta cos we've seen friens whose kids r abt 2yrs apart n they know how 2 rope gabe in 2 play wif them.

i betta add some details...isaac goes 2 sunday school on wkend, goes 2 nursery/kindergarten since 3yrs old.
Ziztine, LOL I love the tai tai picture v much!

kelly, wahliao eh! Eh I take my hat off to you for being so civilised and calm after someone smacked Gabe.

sulivyn, the more she self feeds, the faster she'll get the hang of it, and the earlier she can eat without getting all messy hehe

lil prince, I usually leave the passport in the hotel rm safe cause wat if we kenna robbed or wat, then at least passport still safe? Now come to think of it, maybe shd also leave a spare credit card in hotel safe? then wont be left stranded if anything happens to your bag?
Wahaha Rhyan beri farnny abt the pullups!

MT, er obviously I wont agree with smacking lar but thats just me
Bur hor, I DEF do not agree with letting her fall from HC leh, at this age, imagine a young child falling from that height, can cause really serious or even permanent damage leh.

sherhino, oh my goodness, poor sam! Hope the bruise on her nose recover asap
Lil prince,
Actually Sam is more advanced as in motor skills compared to Vocal.Nid teach quite a while b4 she can pick a bit...My freind's son who is 1wk younger than sam,can say Xie Xie(thank u in English),Nite Nite,Macdonald etc accurately... I was shocked when i heard them...Very advanced.

Sam's bruise is much better.Did not put ice pack onto her immediately and apply a bit of Zambak(rub very gently)...

thx mummies for showing concern to Sam's .Will make sure she recovers SOON.
thks for the info. i'll get gabe 2 take his MMR 1mth after the booster jab then. he wont b in childcare facility too.

i dunno if u heard of this artiste, Cansen Goh (his chinese name is wu kai shen). he's my colleague in my other job that i'm holding.

how not 2 b cool? i need 2 "respect" husband's god ma n give some face 2 my husband rt? if it's my parents/ILs, i would have SCREAMED at them liao.

Gabe's encounter with Issac reminded me of this group of kids we met during CNY at a friend's place. There were 3 girls + 2 boys between 4 to 7 years old playing Playdoh and RY got very excited seeing them. These were the only kids in the house, the rest of the guests were adults. RY walked towards them, sat down between 2 of them and tried to touch the Playdoh they were holding. One of the girls " No, you are a baby, you cannot touch this". Then she shifted herself away from RY. This happened many times, when RY tried to play with them, they will reject him with the reason that he's a baby and cannot play this and that.

My questions is how should we as his parents react? Should we ask the kids to include him or bring him away to play with something else (but there's no other kids nor toys around) or let him try the hard way, he may decide to walk off after many rejections.

This was the first time something like this happened and I was at a loss at what I should do .....
i'll use the same method i use wif Isaac. I'll keep telling the older kids to share, play wif gabe and let gabe play wif the toys. if they choose 2 ignore gabe, i'll still make sure gabe has a few toys 2 play wif and let him mingle wif the older kids (if he wants 2). if the older kids shove him off, i'll also tell them not to. i wont bring gabe away cos he wanna be near the older kids and i also wont bring toys away 2 let gabe play by himself.
yup, rather handsome fellow. i often "drool" whenever i c him. according 2 wat i heard, he &amp; fann &amp; chris very pally pally. fann not only MC leh, singing song too.

i told husband i MUST go 2 tis wedding dinner no matter wat happens.
little prince

wahahaha about the pull-ups, rhyan is so cute! luke sleeps in his own room - we leave the door open so we can hear him but with the baby gate latched so he cannot wander about the house in the middle of the night. his room is pretty safe although when he wakes up, he generally cries for us to come get him in his bed.

i would leave the passport in the safe. i personally feel that chances are higher that you may get mugged/carelessly lose the pp than you needing to take flight suddenly.


i too would be furious if someone did the same to luke! i would avoid that person like the plague too in future. awww, gabe really misses you, i'm sure he would be v happy to spend more time with you before no. 2 arrives. hehe, must enjoy your wedding dinner, take pics with celebs :p


ouch, ouch! sayang sam. she certainly is a v fun-loving and adorable girl!


LOL! esther copy you ah :p


lavigne is so pretty in pink!
Kelly, I think next time you betta post a warning before you post such stories, I have a weak heart, nearly fainted in horror when I read abt gabe being smacked by godma :p

KC, just like I will respect Faye and her posessions and expect others to respect her and her posessions, I will also expect her to have the same respect for other ppl's belongings. I had such experience too (several times in fact), with much older (older than 4/5!) who refused to share, usually I will just tell them v nicely 'Do let me know if you change your mind ok?' and see if Faye wanna do other stuff. Usuallly Faye will still choose to stay and watch them play even if they dont allow her to join in. So far, for the 4-5 times we encounter this, when the older child/dren sees that we respect their personal spaec/belongings and didnt insist on invading their space and playthings, after like 5-10 min they will sorta offer an item or two to faye. Then I'll go 'hey look! they have decided to share after all, how sweet and kind of them!' and thank them v sincerely and tell them its so nice and sweet of them etc, and usually after I say that they will be v keen to share the rest of the things liao hehe. But if they insist on not wanting to share at all, I will def not force it lor, its their stuff and they have the right to decide. Like if someone wants to borrow MY book/CD/bag/watever, I also have the right to agree/decline rite? In my book, children have the same right to their posessions. Its nice and v kind if they agree to share, but they reserve the right to decline too. As for Faye's side, its a v good learning opportunity for her too, she'll get to learn that it doesnt feel good when others dont share (I'll tell her in her ear that I know she feels bad and she wish she can join in, but these are their stuff and they have the right to decide, so meanwhile we can either just watch or we can go do other things), and she gets to learn to respect other ppl's right to their posessions. For us, so far even if the maid/parent personally hands us some toy and its obvious the child minds it terribly, I will still not take it or let Faye have it lor- its like some acquaintance visits my house and wanna borrow my bag, and I say I am sorry but I cant lend it, then my hb comes along, snatches the bag and passes it to her and say 'must share! you can have this bag!'
Just my personal opinion lar
fairness is about the only thing (appearance-wise) which Esther takes after me. which is a good thing! cos her daddy very tan :p

little prince,
thank u very much. u r one of the few ppl who say Esther looks like me. heh.

how is Yingxin today? any fever?
so many about sharing toys and i have my story, a very very ANGRY 1.

theres this day hubby and me brought quinn to the playground in the evening. most kids there are familiar faces as they are there almost everyday i guess. and there this BIG boy about 5 yrs old i tik, hes riding his motorbike, those tat has battery tat can be recharge. ACTUALLY quinn has 1 himself jus tat we keepit in the store as he DUN even seems interested in it, will jus play awhile and tats it. quinn is someone who can join anyone and hes not afraid of strangers. so he head towards tat boy and when quinn is about to get near tat boy, tat boy react in such a way tat SHOCK hubby and me and of coz frightened quinn!!!!! when quinn is near him, he stood up *still with his bike* and starts BANGING his bike against the floor! not once but its those NON-STOP type and accompanied with loud screaming! quinn was like 1 - 2 steps away from him, its tat near and quinn got frightened, he FREEZED there *didnt cry though* then tat boy granny whos busy chatting with those auntie merely turn ard and say CASUALLY " dun do tat" then get back into her conversation with her friends. i mean i am not siding my own child BUT i really tat tat boy really has very BAD behaviour lor. quinn didnt even touch his belonging and i really cant imagine if quinn did!
Esther looks like ur hubby.

Poor Gab...he must be traumatised after being smacked.
Actually ur hubby shd show his displeasure jus in case it happens again.
My blood test is next week. Not fair hor, hubby no nid to do blood test tis time.

I tink Kelly has nicer boi's clothes cos hers more branded leh. Hehehe... But if u wanna give me A's clothes *if i have a gal* I definitely dun mind. :p But hor recently i have tis feeling i'm gonna have a boi again.

I have a few more of Esther's pics. Can give me ur email account, so dat i can email to u? Wahahaha... Esther very kay yian wif dat phone n shopping bag.

Lavigne looks very pretty in these pics

Poor Sam. Dat looks like a very nasty bruise. Did Sam develop any fever or reaction after the MMR jab? I'm oso scheduling Kieran's jab sometime next week.

little prince,
Wah, gd dat Rhyan doesn't touch the water feature at all. Kieran stopped playing wif the water and the fishes for a while liao but he hor, last fri when i was alone wif him at home, and i was in the toilet washing something, suddenly i heard the splashing of water. I dashed out and saw him squatting by the side, having a great time splashing the water. Then when he saw me, he still can grin, point and say,' -ish.' Wah piangz!
the bites on the face and legs look different? by the way, are the bites here and there or like a few in a row near to each other? if its the latter, then it could be bed bugs leh. rhyan's bites are far apart so i know its mozzies lor. recently i am very ks, vacuum the mattresses each time i change bedsheet and i spray insecticide outside my place, stick a vaporizer in the room etc. very heartpain to see his bites, so must try to prevent.

thanks for all the advice, i will brainwash hb! hehe!

i like your reply to KC's post.

lil devil
wah! quinn can be Nike's spokesman liao!
If i were the bride, i won't feel good lor, 'coz it seems that 80% of the guests more interested to see fann and chris
u kenna influenced by me, is it? i going for scan n doing the blood test tis fri. hopefully can c bb's sex then. i'm 15wks+ now n pp who c my belly, tiks i'm 5mths preggie. OMG!
ur husband did the blood test the last time. my husband didnt leh.

ur approach is fantastic. i'll learn from your approach.

YES, i'm already tiking of avoiding husband's god ma next yr BUT we only c her once a yr and she kept asking us 2 bring our 2nd bb 2 c her next yr.

i cant speak for my frien's wife cos i dunno her. who knows she may b pally pally wif them too. 2 her, fann &amp; chris r juz ordinary friens, helping out at her wedding.
From yr desciption, the ones on her leg should be bitten by bed bugs and face by mozzies. I'm also paranoid after all these bites. Wanted to sun the mattress but cannot find time to do it.
What is vaporizer for??

Quinn looks very handsome in red :p
True also lah, maybe fann and chris are just like any ordinary couple. also, i think it's no big deal that they announced they are together, afterall, they are in their 30s, no one would really bother.

but must show us photos hor.

when is your edd huh?
