(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

OMNI THEATRE- anyone brought your tod for a show at the omni theatre before? They have this one themed 'Deep sea' right now, Faye finds fishes sea creatures v fascinating and I think she might like it, but wondering if it will be too scary for her since the audience is supposed to feel like you are IN the show itself, in this case under the sea?

It may be a little scary for tods. Cos for adults, if we do feel giddy while watching the show, we know wat to do but tods may not. N hor the sound system may be a little loud. But the theme does seem interesting. U try liao, let me know wat it's like? Hehehe...

little devil,
I add unhealthy things - either tweeny bit of sugar or condensed milk.

It's not the quality of ur BM lah. Today i oso brot Kayden to the PD cos his cough is not any betta. N hearing abt Ed's wheezing made me abit gan cheong. True enuf, my PD detected some slight wheezing sound and she said Kayden sounds chesty (watever dat means :p). I expressed my concern abt the frequency of Kayden falling sick cos he's only approaching 3 mths but has fallen sick twice, remb dat time when he was less than a mth old and then now. Both times oso same illness - blocked nose & cough. My PD said if we have an elder child at home, we'll find dat chances of the younger one falling sick at an earlier age much much higher. I oso dun remb Kieran falling sick with cough/running nose/fever when he was jus a few mths old. She advised me to isolate both children should 1 fall sick to reduce the chances of spreading the virus. Sleeping in the same rm is oso a no no. She said the best is not to let the elder one fall sick. I was like HUH??!! How is dat ever possible? Tis is esp so cos Kieran has sensitive nose. The recent haze is not helping... But hor i tink Pasir Ris air like betta than Punggol.

Wahahah, u can't get over Kayden's triple chin? As at today (3 mths next wk), he's 7.9 kg ;P

Congrats to u
Shaynenn looks so much like wyn.
Congrats on your baby girl!! Btw, your girls share the same birthday as me.

If my boy falls sick I will only bring him to the Baby Clinic. My boy sees more of Dr Ho but sometimes he sees Dr Loke too. They are the ones who cured my boy when he was suffering from Bronchitis earlier this year and discovered that my boy has sensitive ENT. Our visits to GP and another PD from TMC failed to cure him. Dr Loke is more gentle and soft, Dr Ho's tone is more stern. The nurses are nice too.
i tried with pure M.S liao but not so nice, i think becos of the egg i add in.

hey actually condense milk not as UNHEALTHY lah..... *though its 44% sugar i tik* but to me its acceptable since i am not 100% healthy food freak :p umm.... at least got calcium mah. me myself add tat to my milo also

and about the isolating the not well wan, i find its very difficult.... unless both are babies. but with the other 1 at age 2 and active, how to?? and theres also no way to prevent them from falling sick. so i guess its bobian wan. to quinns pd, falling sick is building immune but of cos i hope its not as often lor. like the haze issue, i will keep quinn at home if the psi is above 100 but anything below i still bring him out, how to stay home so long since this haze seems to last forever but luckily i think now improve liao. and everywhere i go i hear coughing and sneezing! the worst is theres this day, i brot quinn to taka and i think tat was the worst, i cant even see tangs from taka!!!!

yah, ur second princess has real nice nose leh!!!! i can tell even from the pix!
kypf & Sharon,

congrats to both of u on the arrvial of yours #2.

Any pics to share?? And really peifu you can leave the hospital in such short time...Compare between UK & SGP,think we are much more fortunate!!

Saw the double eyelid u mentioned. It's on her left eye rite or both also have. If at birth have double eyelid,then when she grows up,it willbe very deep. Think #2 looks more like Daddy this time rnd. Hope my labour will be like yours-(short)
I tink yuru's hubby took video. U really have a nice sis who helped u run the show dat day.
Was actually quite shocked to receive ur sms dat day saying dat u're on ur way to hosp liao cos we were jus abt to set off from home to the party. Hehehe...

little devil,
I used to like drinking condensed milk mix with hot water, like how our kids drink FM now. Hahaha...
I tink yuru's hubby took video. U really have a nice sis who helped u run the show dat day.
Was actually quite shocked to receive ur sms dat day saying dat u're on ur way to hosp liao cos we were jus abt to set off from home to the party. Hehehe...

little devil,
I used to like drinking condensed milk mix with hot water, like how our kids drink FM now. Hahaha...

Keep forgetting to post tis. The medi dat Kieran is taking to prevent allergy is called Ketotifen syrup.
Sharon, congrats! You must be over the moon, no need to induce and bb come out same day as Sharwyn! She is really gorgeous too! We should swap stories about our newborns, only 4 days apart.
Jen, thanks for updating the list, my girl was born 24 Oct and we are naming her Jacqui.

Let me try to post pics now...
After she was born, she was placed on my tummy immediately. The pic is abit bloody so I won't post it.

This was taken 8 hours after birth:

Sometime the next day:

Abit jaundiced has to be suntanned.
Yuru, SheRhino,

I think the UK hospitals they take care of the things that really matter, as long as they know u're ok they bo chap u..

When I went back the next day for Jacqui to be checked over by the pd, I saw new mothers queueing up to collect their dinner.. I was horrified at first but I think maybe we get pampered in Singapore, hee hee. Anyway in SG we pay for service whereas here it is "free".
My birth story not that exciting as it was over in matter of hours, but here it is:

6am: Woke up with mild but regular contractions
10am: Phoned hospital, told to take paracetamol and stay at home.
11am: Phoned hospital, told to go in
12pm: Admitted, internal exam 8cm dilated
1:51pm: Jacqui born

Here's a pic of her sleeping on a pillow on my lap as I type.

btw, i should probably add that the after care in UK is quite good, the midwife visits me every other day and the GP has been here once, I think just to check that we're ok without us having to step out of the house.
wah!!! ur labour sounds like a breeze leh.... is Jacqui pronounce as *JACKI*??

hai yo... i tik quinn get so sian with his cranberry liao and he hates raisin...

yah yah, when i was young *not young as in toddler time lah* maybe when i was a teenager, my mum will use condensed milk to make a really hot drink for me plus stir in an EGG!!!!! tat time i find it nice lah but according to her, she says its good for complexion / skin. but she will use full cream fresh milk too, but must boil it first. she got lots of those so call DU(2) MEN(2) MI(4) FANG(1) tat *CLAIMS* to be good for skin.... now come to think of it, dun know if its true or shes just trying to TRICK me into eating / drinking wat she prepared.....hmmmmm....
skyblue, little_devil, Jacqui is pronounced like Jackie. Actually I prefered the spelling Jackie but my hubby said can't tell if it's girl or boy if spelt that way so we are going with Jacqui instead.

skyblue, think her eyes take after my MIL, I'm not totally fond of how they look, hopefully her look will change as she gets older :p

ziztine, I started feeling the pain around 10am but it was only around 1pm when it was unbearable and I was making embarrassing noises in the delivery ward.
Jacqui looks so much like Ethan in the blue background pic. Cannot imagine being admitted only when you are 8cm dilated - so nerve breaking.
congrats on such quick delivery- they really operate differently over there. Was idly thinking... if Sharon waited til 8cm to admit, she wld probly hav been present for Wyn's cake-cutting. BUT I think it's gd she went earlier to focus on labouring, and Wyn cld relax at her own party instead of wondering why everyone so kancheong. Cos I bet all the kancheong guests (me included!) wld have been hovering round Sharon and I'd probably be irritating her by freaking out. I never experienced contractions so I'd probably think every grimace is IT. The unmarried young Mac crew wld probly kancheong too, hehehe.

Jacqui is a very unique name- nice! Ur gal very fair
. I still can't get used to the idea of discharge on SAME day, wah! The aftercare home visits sound gd tho, can relax in own home rather than linger in ward I guess.

I din take vid cos Irvin not cooperative... but yah, rest assured everything went so well. Everyone enjoyed the gym after that too, hehe. The mums all sat in 1 row gossiping (tsk tsk!), the dads all chased after the tods in the gym!
yikes! do i sound as if i'm suan-ing u? apologies if it sounded tat way but it wasnt my intention.

i'm juz bemoaning 2 myself cos i was "suan-ed" by 2 chinese sinsehs (my mum's regular sinseh & e yishi at Yu Guo). when they asked wat kinda milk edward's taking, i said BM. e 1st response by both sinsehs was, "bbs on TBFg shldnt fall sick so easily in their 1st 6mths". my expression was like, "yes, i know but wat 2 do? my BM not strong mah"...i then said 2 them, "oh e elder bro or myself spread 2 him". e sinseh at Yu Guo can still say (in mandarin), "he also shldnt fall sick so easily mah" URGH!!!

when i carried kayden tat day, i told u tat he's abt 7.5-7.6kg. me almost there rt? i know cos edward's only 7.18kg last fr and kayden's definitely heavier (he already looks heavier & chubbier than edward).

he's our SUMO bb...so cuteeeeeee! really look like e laughing buddha.

thks 4 e gift 4 gabe. he LOVES it. btw, e book "birthday monsters" is e FIRST book i finished reading fr e 1st page til e last 4 gabe. he was already so tired out after attending sharywn's party but when we got into e car, he INSISTED tat i open e pressie. when i did, he saw e FP Lil People book. he again INSISTED i removed the plastic wrapping n he got so excited looking at the car, train, airplane then he dozed off.

when we got home, he remembered e book and kept flipping it. when i showed him e 'birthday monster' book, he said 2 me, "read" and i read e whole book

does faye has e same book too? i tot i saw a similar book b4
i tik yu guo really like to pick on mummies hor!!!! rem tat time how the sinseh suan me??she look at me as if i cant cook a thing and say i can always ask my mum for help and hey, we are talking abt rice and porridge leh!!!
yah the yishi will also comment if kid falls sick and NOT on BM- as in A's case! Told me FM not ideal etc.

ur Kayden heavier than my 3.8kg-at-birth sumo.
Cos my lightwt category sumo only 7.6kg/ 4mths. U know last time with A, I was so worried abt her being overwt? Now with Irv, I worry he's not chubby enough leh, even tho he's heavier than her at that age. Maybe cos now PD says A is "petite".
i heard gabe's PD/GP mentioned e word "chesty" b4 too...dunno wat exactly it means. will ask e new PD next time. hope kayden gets well soon. easier 4 u 2 isolate ur boys but i cant. sleeping separately...ok, done so 1mth ago. as for not letting gabe fall sick, very hard leh. i juz need 2 build up his immune system. tat's y i told u tat i not sending gabe 2 school next jan yet. mayb until ed's fully recovered, got all his jabs (by 6mths) and i feel tat his immune system's stronger. probably gabe's going 2 school next feb/mar? i play by ear lah...

dr loke said edward has sensitive nose and IMO, a lot of things can trigger sensitive nose so i need 2 watch him closely.

medusa, lil devil
i really buay tahan tat yishi fr Yu Guo. u shld hv seen her face when she told me tat breastfed bbs shldnt fall sick within 1st 6mths.
kelly, talk about bfg and bm.. at least the sinsehs r pro bfg. on monday my ILs came and after seeing Jacqui my MIL came to me in the kitchen and ask "Why is she yellow?" her tone abit accusatory. My canto not good enough to explain "liver", "red blood cells", "bilirubin" to her so I just said "Newborns are like that" she shoot back "Is it because of bfg? None of my kids had this. I think it's b'cuz of bfg." I just ignore her then later overheard her telling my hubby how good FM is, it will fill baby up better and baby won't always stick to the mother, that's why FM so expensive, and BM won't fill up the baby at all..

wa lao i hear already so annoyed.
IMAX- hehe today I brought Faye to watch 'Deepsea' at the Omni theatre! Initially she was quite overwhelemed(even I was too, the screen is HUGE and really up close, felt quite giddy for a few min) and grabbed me really tightly, but once the show started and the fishes appeared, she was very excited, pointing out all the sea creatues she could recognise and narrating what they are doing ("this red fish went there! has stripes! this sea urchin sleeping! this fish looks weird! this one some kind of sea bass! that one ran away!") quite loudly- as much as I am enjoying her company and observation, I am sure there are ppl who are grumbling about us under their breath :p Anyway she didnt last that long, about 25min into the show (total duration was 45 min) it started getting louder and more dramatic cause fiercer creatures like sharks and squids were appearing, and she started burying her face into me liao. Then I asked her if she wanted to leave and she fervently agreed so off we went haha. Anyway, Faye's own verdict about the show is "too loud! too dark! want brighter"
Quite an experience for us, but dont think I'll bring her back till she is at least 3 to try again.

kelly, I am glad Gabe likes the birthday monsters book, that one is one of Faye's fave book! I personally (faye too!) love all books by Sandra Bouyton (sp? :p), very funny, upbeat and hilarious. They have quite a good collection at kino. The little people book is also one of Faye's fave, she got me to read it like 10x a day when I first bought it for her haha.
SINSEH- waliao they sound pretty irritating hor :p

kypf, jacqui is a beautiful name and she looks equally lovely!

lil devil, if you add egg to it, then I guess you are making savoury oatmeal instead of sweet? Then maybe you can use stock and add carrots to naturally sweeten it?
i agree wif the other mummies tat jacqui is a unique & beautiful name. i love the spelling too. very feminine.
ya, jacqui does look like ethan. ur posting abt ur delivery at UK shocked me too. yikes! queueing up 4 dinner...i cant imagine popping & leaving the hospital in the same day. it's like going 4 a day surgery. at least the after-surgery service is still not bad.

i cant wait 2 c another pretty niece. dun worry ur delivery will definitely b shorter tis time round. i've not come across any1 who delivered naturally for subsequent births, having a longer delivery than the 1st.

in fact, it gets shorter &amp; shorter. my GF was juz sharing wif me tat since i only took abt 8hrs 2 pop (starting fr the time my contractions became regular). if i hv a 3rd child, it'll b <8hrs.

hai...which is y i dun fancy going 2 chinese sinsehs unless i hv no choice.

i tik i'll announce here tat after seeing shaynnen, i really feel like having another bb. i know i did say i wont hv any more but i now itching 2 have another one. ok, i know i also wont produce a girl wif high nose bridge, eyes wif double eyelids but i wont mind a girl or a boy. gabe also said he likes another bb...1 day, he wants di di. another day, he wants mei mei. i asked husband after leaving e hospital. he said, "we'll discuss when e helper arrives"
i guess he dun mind but we really need 2 work out our finances.
bear wif it...ignorance is bliss. try 2 ignore them if u can. how 2 take care of jacqui's jaundice over in UK? by sunning too? do u bring her back 2 e PD for a review, like wat we do in s'pore?
Don't let yr MIL words affect u, just laugh it off and do what u think its right.
I nearly got into depression during confinement by my MIL. She keep coming into the room while i was expressing Bm and commented "why no milk hur" and keep pestering me to REST &amp; EAT EAT EAT. xiao!!!!
BB #3!! I admire yr guts.Hahahaha

It must be an adventure for Faye. Sounds Fun and exciting.
kypf, wow... *i'm sure u hv heard enuff* but... lovely name!!! hehehe... u rest well and dun be stressed by ILs remarks...

kelly, skyblue, I hvn't got a chance to carry edward and kayden!!
u saw edward 3x liao and still havent carry him. aiyo...when we meet again, i'll remember 2 let u carry him ok?

yuru, pcs
no need 2 pei fu...u can do it too. husband &amp; i love kids and i itching 4 a girl lah (i know there's no guarantee tat i'll get a girl but i also dun mind having a 3rd boy - my boys r so fun 2 b wif). we also tiking abt it since there's a helper...more hands 2 help us out
if husband can afford, i dun mind having 4kids.

yah i dun mind having my 3rd one... in fact im thinking of little piglet for my children...
hee hee... my 1st labour was ard 8hrs...2nd one was 4hrs... so does that means i will oni go thru 2hrs of labour for my 3rd one? hmmm... worth considering...

Kids are fun to be with... but of cos we need the 'extra' hands to help out.
:> otherwise too siong for working mothers...
i tiking of piglet too but i scared too rushed and my edward barely 15-16mths then. i wanna enjoy him as much as i'm enjoying gabe's company now.

i tik so leh...for ur labour. my GF who has 3kids, boy, girl, boy. 1st labour 24hrs, 2nd labour 6hrs, 3rd labour 50mins. she got strong contractions at 615am, reached MEH (she stays at bishan) at 645am, popped at 705am. scary anot? tat's y my GF told me 2 hurry 2 hospital, once my water bag burst and/or i got contractions. true enuff, my 2nd labour was only 9hrs+. e 1st labour was abt 32hrs (starting fr when my waterbag burst). if i hv a 3rd bb, i'll go without epi tis time round. wah lau, e epi for my 2nd labour no effect. i felt EVERYTHING. waste $$ and i also kenna suan-ed by e doc who administered e epi. so 3rd labour, no epi 4 me.

bcos of e extra hands i'm getting, husband &amp; i tik everything shld b manageable since i'm doing well wif both boys now (my helper will practically b in charge of hsework and help very lil wif e boys cos i only need her help when both are cranky at the same time)...of course e next thing 2 consider is finances.

i juz saw KC's daughter in another thread...pretty girl. hai, me itching again. later talk 2 husband...see when he will gimme green light 2 b a "whale" again. i miss preggie days a lot.
UK hospitals

Yeah, Louisa was admitted for wheezing a couple of days back and we had to queue up for food too. You get to see all the food and choose what you want. But then again, we can't complain much as everything's free.
<font color="ff6000">congrats sharon &amp; kypf!</font>

<font color="ff6000">sharon</font>
wow, both of ur gals born on the same day .. gd lei.. bd can celebrate together..juz need to have headache for once a yr ..
ur gal look so cute.

<font color="ff6000">kelly</font>
so fast tinking abt #3 liao? pei fu ah.. *bow*

<font color="ff6000">peipei</font>
i guess gynae wld advise u to head straight to hospital if u have any labor signs for the 3rd pregnancy.. mine did, coz 1st preg took me 6hrs and 2nd one took me 3hrs.. if i ever have #3 (which i tink not likely), i wld hv to go hospital immediately

counting down to end of my confinement..8 more days to go..
how's ur confinement so far? how's kenith? ur kenith &amp; my gabe share same birthday...mayb in future can celebrate birthdays together (not kenith 1st bday lah).

ya lor, i havent come across any1 whose 2nd or 3rd labour is longer than the previous.
thanks for compliments on the name.. i've been thinking of names for months but the name only came to me the day after she was born. now i hope she doesn't grow up and marry someone surname CHAN haha.

baby #3
me also been thinking .. altho many factors telling me not to get pregnant again, at the same time i don't want to miss the boat and regret it when i'm 40. if i do have a next one i'll wait a few years tho. thinking of cow baby..

casros, hope Louisa is ok now? i've heard hosp food is awful is it true? one of the factors that made me rush home after my delivery, at least i get home cooked food served to me.
kelly, the gp came to check on us on monday, and said i should bring her in if she's still jaundiced at 2 weeks. abit apprehensive, dun want her to be admitted for phototherapy!

pcs, lucky for me my MIL lives 2 hours away so i dun see her often. but when she talks to my hubby on the phone she keeps telling him that i should lie down on the bed as often as possible. i told him to tell her if i do that who's going to look after Jacqui and tidy up the house since my mom is busy with cooking, washing and looking after Ethan, and my hubby her son is busy watching tv.
i juz realised tat jacqui sounds very french-like huh? so r u sunning jacqui now IF there's any sun in UK now? by then tat CHAN fellow old enuff 2 b her grandpa liao...

LOL abt ur hubby watching tv...men!

She's much better now and is looking forward to going back to school tomorrow. You've heard it right, the hospital food was quite awful. But the ward has a big playroom with a couple of really nice ladies to help entertain the young patients....quite like play school. You made the right decision to go home after delivery. Nothing beats the comfort of one's own home. Hope you're coping well.
aiyah... sharon, i missed out replying ur msg yesterday... lovely shaynnen! btw, did u get my sms?

ac, happy wedding anniversary today!

casros, i oso read abt louisa... hope she's better already!
kelly, chihiro, kypf:

for my no 2, i din have epi. Everything happened too fast and my boi was 2 weeks earlier from my EDD. I felt 2xtimes of mild contraction on the previous night but I ignored them and continued to sleep. Then the next morning 8am, contractions became more regular, then i realised this was it and my son came out at noon.

So for my no 3 (if i can presuade the 'worm' supplier to agree to it) i guess will be faster lor...

next year will be piglet, then follow by mouse, crow, tiger and rabbit.

If I miss the piglet season (and i hope for a early month Jan-Mar bb), the next suitable char for me and hubby will be rabbit... and i will be 35 by then... old-age pregnant lady liao... a bit risky by that age lor...
I was also noding my head to yr last sentence "and my hubby her son is busy watching tv". Wahaha
hi oranges,
i only have dr loke's tel no cos i dun hv the card wif me. e no is 67831955. the clinic name is Baby &amp; Child Medical Group.

we had a bad experience wif dr ho when she treated gabe when he was young so i wont go back 2 her. i'll stick 2 dr loke and if dr loke not available, will go 2 SBCC or Kinderclinic. i agree wif u tat dr ho can speak wif a stern tone but she can b very sarcastic too.
hi mummies,
thks 4 all ur concern.

edward's much betta, almost fully recovered. his cough/runny nose was gone since wed morn but his runny nose (strangely) came back yesterday afternoon. 2day, it was still runny in e morn but not anymore by mid-day. i continued wif his medication but reduced his doses since wed, after seeking advice fr e nurses. i'm bringing him back 2 dr loke 4 a review next mon. need 2 make sure he's well b4 his next jab on 25nov.

kelly, ya sunning Jacqui now, there's sun coming through the room at the front of the house, so just leave her on the bed there. ethan had breastmilk jaundice until 5 weeks when PD asked me to stop breastfeeding, so it may be awhile before Jacqui's jaundice goes away.

peipei, sounds like u're same age as me
i have heard that 2nd time labour is faster so despite my reservations i agreed not to have any pain relief, halfway thru labor i was thinking how stupid i was, lucky it was over *relatively* quickly. still i wonder what i'll do 3rd time round, i mean the first time i decide not to have epi it's out of ignorance, now i know how bad the pain is, how to reject pain relief?

anyway the factors stopping me from having 3rd kid is more because of less time for my older kids. now, ethan is sometimes really good and playing on his own but that makes me feel kinda guilty, sometimes he whinges when I'm nursing Jacqui and those times i feel helpless. it's like, ever since i got pregnant, with morning sickness and all, Ethan hasn't been getting 100% from me, and never will again.
