(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

hi, mummies

our thread seems more alive today! hehe! was on leave today with hb to do spring cleaning, got very great sense of satisfaction coz we accomplish lotsa cleaning!

nowadays when i turn on the cam, rhyan will come near me to see what is on the screen. that explains how that pix was taken coz i just switched on my cam while standing and he wanted to see.

hehehehe! thks for complimenting my house!

gabby's mum
i didn't teach rhyan to interact with the little animals ... bcoz i am afraid of them!
but, i usually try not to show it by letting hb teach rhyan instead. anyway, rhyan likes these little animals alot (maybe through books when i always tell him more about them and he will pat or kiss the book etc) so when he saw the real ones, he practically chased after them. does gabby show any signs of withdrawl from cats and dogs? i thought most kids are keen to go near them.

self feeding
i hv not very really let rhyan try at self feeding yet though i tried very simple stuff like bread (he didn't like to hold it coz of the wet mushy feeling) and cereal (he shakes his head when i ask him to self feed yet opens his mouth wanting me to feed him instead!). something joyful though, he's been feeding me with imaginary food (esp cheerios) like athena nowadays though. very fun to watch and of coz must pretend to eat! as for real food, i think he is not very ready yet so i shall let him take his time to do it.

i like athena's "siannnn" pix! LOL! i really like her expressions, a joy to look at!

heeeee...... i started to imagine tat horrible lump of food T offers u... wahahaha!!!! quinn too, he will offers me his sandwich *WET* sandwich i i will jus smile and say "thank u darling, mummy is not hungry"

as for throwing things from HC, lucky u!!!! every meal time is like WAR ZONE!! besides cleaning him and the HC, i have to clear the floor too, full of things he throw like books, tiny toys.....

i am also VERY desperate abt quinns weight and also offer him lots of cheeze these days, help it helps
heard tat eggs are good to, for them to pile on kgs but quinn seems to have some funny reaction leh, he will cough a little the next day after taking egg...though my PD says its NOT a sign of allergy

** hey, tena is having the new ACUVUE DEFINE lense is it**

clean?? no ah!!! he got cereal on his hair, forehead and the wall and hes sooooo into the cereal on the wall, keep laughing and pointing!!!! i was like ........????

i tik quinn really got gals features.... alot pp say so leh.

dun faint hor, ur turn will come, soon...heeee.... *EVIL*

okie, so when self feed outside, meaning out of home, jus let them have some table food and as for the amt, its up to our tods? im sure its not as much as when they eat at home or when we feed them. i always blur about wat to do with his meal when we are out if i didnt prepare food example like porridge for bringing out. btw, since faye is taking more solid food, wats her milk intake like?

hey, u mention TALL ah????? sensitive hor.... :p

though R not really into self feeding but at least hes willing to let u feed... meaning hes eating well!! sometimes i really feel like pulling my hair out when it comes to meal time!
lil devil
1) type of food
I let lavigne self-feed any food. At the beginning, I offered her things that are more manageable like pasta, pieces of fruits/meat/veg etc. I avoided porridge as I was worried about the mess. But now she insists on self-feeding everything.

2) when?
Like you, I was worried about the intake if they feed themselves. When Lavigne turned one, I was told to let her self-feed by my health visitor (like medusa said, it's a very angmo concept). So I started by giving her a bowl and spoon and put bits and pieces of food for her to try out while I still do the main feeding. As time progressed, I put more food inside the bowl for her. She refuses to let me guide her so I just let her be. Now, she's getting quite good with scooping content from the bowl and putting into her mouth and I do less feeding. When we eat out, it used to be like I mentioned earlier, some food for her to self-feed while I feed her. But now as she's quite good, I let her feed herself. In this way, I can eat in peace too. Perhaps you can have 2 bowls of say porridge. One small portion for him to self-feed and one for you to feed. As he gets better at it, you can let him feed himself the small portion and scoop more into his bowl as he's finishing. In that way, he's not put off by a big portion.

3) or is it better to let them self feed during snack time?
Personally, I feel it's better to let them be very accustomed to feeding themselves finger food then proceed to self-feeding at every meals. I feel that consistency is very important.

4) do u let ur toddlers self fed EVERY meal during the trying period?
It's good to offer but if they don't want to self-feed, then let them be. Just offer again the next meal. Lavigne now expects her bowl and spoon on her high chair during all mealtimes.

Just a tip to share. I was advised to let Lavigne use a metal teaspoon for self-feeding as food can be scooped up easier. After trying, I totally agree to that. Also, shorter spoons are more manageable for them. Well, at least it is so for Lavigne as I realised that she couldn't feed herself very well with a longer spoon.

All toddlers are different. What works for Lavigne may not work for another. Just trial and error and soon you'll get the hang of it.

Lavigne wears an overall bib like the one shown below. As she wears long-sleeves all the time, her sleeves will get dirty if she doesn't wear one like that.

I'm also thinking of getting one of the bibs below so that scraps of food will not drop everywhere.

Daily feeds -
3 main meals
At least 4 feeds of breastmilk
Snacks in between

Just to share
I don't remember my elder girl, Louisa, feeding herself at this age. I did try to let her self-feed now and then but definitely not as proficient as Lavigne. I think it's because there were so many people wanting to feed her. Also, now that I have no helpers, and with 2 kids, I guess I'll do whatever to make my life easier. The other thing is perhaps due to the influence of angmo culture. I see so many young toddlers feeding themselves very well.
lil devil, its really up to Quinn how much he can/will eat at the table. Faye doesnt eat enough at our meals to have it count as a main meal, so for her, its more like a snack. Since she only has one main porridge/pasta meal a day, I usually feed her this before or after our outing at home (I dont have the habit of bringing her porr out). Then thruout the day she has 2-3 snacks. As for milk, she has 4-5 bottles a day. The amount of milk she drinks vary according to how much she ate that day. Of course the priority at this age is solid meals, but if she is not ready to eat like 3 main meals a day, I'm not about to force her. As with most things, I take her cues and go with her flow.
yup A wears similar bib as Lavigne! 1st pic bib u posted, except with extra ledge at bottom to catch mushy bits (or else they'd fall onto her skirt ;) ). I find the elastic at the wrists gd too for drippy fruits (reduces drip into clothing).

Is anyone else in pre-CNY decluttering mood ah? I'm so tempted to,
- give my sofa and ottoman coffee-table to my mum,
- move the bookshelf in living room to my bedrm,
- junk my bedrm bed, dresser, bedside.
Such that my living rm only has the built-in hifi console, and a rocking chair. :p But abit siao lah... actually what I want is a new sofa, or better still, move home so can renovate a different look again. I get sian very easily...
good morning mummies!! sigh... bz bz day for me again...

just want to lament about self feeding... I've been wanting to let Jean try... BUT it seems that her main caregivers (grandparents) not very keen... mentioned to hb and he say "aiyah, no need to teach one lah!"... think i have to wait until dunno when then Jean can self feed... that's the cons of not being SAHM lor...
eh, how come you teach faye to anyhow throw things into the drain ah? :p

we thought of selling away our 1 year old sofa (barely seated most of the time) away again! last year, we sold our old sofa to my SIL at a dirt cheap price (quite new hor) to buy a new set, this year thought of selling again, abit siao hor? didn't do it lah but we revamped our living room a little and best of all, managed to include 2 more shelving in my hb's collection cupboard to display more stuff - that was last year's resolution! donated heaps of soft toys and old clothes to Salvation army too, throwing lots of things until so shiok!

BTW, the old believes furnitures should not be moved when a preggie is at home. FYI only.
lil prince, wahahaha :p Oei, the water feature drain thing oredi got many small dunno-wat-floating-things liao mah, not we throw wan :p Actually that was my ploy to get her to start walking around lar. The first time I brought her there she tripped n had a small fall, nothing serious but she GENTLY touched her head to the ground a little and there was a tiny cut. Not v serious but it gave her a phobia about walking on stone pavements- since then she didnt wanna walk when we go to BG or other parks. So I was trying to distract her by getting her to do things she likes (er.. throw small stuff into ponds/pool of water), and it worked!

i bought one like lavigne's but made of plastic, not cloth, fr mothercare. turns out, luke feels too warm when he wears it!

CNY spring cleaning

definitely have to unclutter my crowded, small house! i have no plans to get rid of big furniture, just need to get rid of unncecessary items, like luke's old stroller, old clothes/shoes, old bedside tables. but hor, we usually don't have visitors during cny, only visit other pple's houses so wahahaha, i don't have a real deadline to unclutter :p


has faye tried feeding the swans, ducks at the pond? she can share her bread with the birds and throw to her heart's content :p
<font color="aa00aa">littleprince</font>
i'm used to sleeping late, normally around 1-2am

very busy lately cos was laden with loads of spring cleaning tasks ALONE...envy u got help

<font color="aa00aa">berry</font>
oh, so much things to take note of when putting ear drop.....

<font color="aa00aa">sharon</font>
i've been to sakura couple of times and kuishin-bo too....both also not bad but i prefer ikoi jap restaurant
fruitcake, no cause I dunno how to get to the swan lake myself leh. Maybe I'll get hb to bring me there once and bring Faye there myself next time!
Aiyah, i can't view the video from my office. Haiz... Hey i jus remembered... F won't dare to walk across AC's bedroom :p

A still looks as cute as ever.

little prince,
Tsk tsk tsk... throw away the sofa? How can??? Eh, wanna help come my hse to do spring cleaning?

Nvm one lar whether jean knows how to self feed or not. She's so pretty, next time can get pple who will volunteer to feed her *winks* *kieran dun mind feeding such a pretty gal*
skyblue, wah lau... win leow lor... haha... jean also dun mind being fed by such a handsome boy... wahaha... jean thanks auntie skyblue for ur compliments... erm... i think all the mummies read leow the goosebumps will stand ah... haha...

Re: CNY spring cleaning
last nite did some spring cleaning of the kitchen... throw a lot of stuff man... lots of empty containers and microwave boxes... hehe... also dug up a lot of unused mugs and glasses... i think those were given by our parents when we first move there... wah lau... 5 years untouched... eee... anyway, returned some to my ILs leow... can see the "disappointment" but bo bian!! why will 2 of us (well, now 3 lah) use 50 over cups/glasses?!? *faint*

medusa, prince... re: shifting of furniture... dunno if it's a trend... hb also "felt like" shifting some furniture to create more space... so we did it lor...

puff, ur hb no help? no good leh... maybe he think u whole day at home very free... must psycho him to help lah... we also all do by ourselves... everyday do a bit lor... soon will be able to invite u and ziztine over... haha...
oh dear, shld psycho hb to work. i can't imagine taking care of rhyan for the whole day + detailed springcleaning. anyway, there are certain territories at home that hb and i take care of so he do his, i do mine lor.

KNS! i hvn't completed my house's spring cleaning hor. :p

talk about glasses, i have as much as yours too! i bought a set previously and happened that my gf bought the same set for me when i moved into my new house. then hor, my MIL gave my hb more to bring home that time. i returned all back to her after that and she was not very happy too, said we just shifted and cabinets got alot of space to store what. *faint*
prince, they obviously use children's new flats as extra store room... wahaha... my MIL still say give my BIL who just got new place, getting married soon... haha... anyway, it's just their xin yi lah... so i store for 5 years very good leow... hahaha...
Me back home for awhile to do laundry :p . Hmm the upgrading people removed my laundry hangar temporarily, plus weather so poor, thank gdness for dryer.
My long-awaited utility room add-on is finally going to be ready next wk! :D Then I can put storage shelves (currently I s-q-u-e-e-z-e storage items in A's wardrobe!), a bed for the maid! *maybe* in time for CNY! :D

oldies tend to be reluctant on self-feeding. Have hard time convincing MIL and mum- at least MIL (in front of me) will let A self-feed (but shove food in her when my back turned, haha). Mum will geh-geh let A hold spoon- then spoonfeed A with another spoon! It's too angmoh and messy for them to contemplate.

yah ur sofa new leh! I never liked my sofa and bedrm set since I bought it (rushed to buy cos MIL complaining was nagging pre-wedding). At 1st I was very "noble" :p , thought declutter living room can fit A's ballhouse instead... but finally I'm still very resistant to the idea of A's toys outside the nursery. Til now, I've managed to keep her stuff within nursery- die die also must persevere, would rather sell her toys cheap :p .

Yah I heard abt the saying, but with A I was moving her nursery furn and decorating too. Cannot hands-off lah, I will freak out if things not moved to my liking.

am sooo sad... before kid(s), we used to entertain at home- parties and visiting. Now no one (those people all SINGLES lah!) wants to come our place *sob sob*. Athena so scary meh? :p

Swans bite! I was nipped by swan before, so be careful with tods feeding them, haha!

wahaha, yah I suspect AC put that pebble flooring in her bedrm as BABY BARRIER! :p

Jen &amp; lilprince,
cos u all very nice DILs mah
Jen/ Littleprince

talking abt cup, i have tons too plus plate, pot etc. all from my mum. she say new hse mah got more place to put. mil oso give but i never take at all from her cos i tell her i had too mnay alry can tell she not happy but no choice.
she say last time she purposely buy for his son when we get married can use whose know all i dun want.

I tell hb to tell her keep for her other 2 sons haha.....

me oo did not really do spring cleaning really no time just throw some stuff away. cant take levae to do cos alry taken a few day last week to take care of sick nicole

how is kieran now?
Spring Cleaning
i care off yingxin with my ILs on monday so i could complete some of the cleaning by myself....so far i only managed to scrub my master toilet walls, floor, shower screen, toilet bowl, vanity top and toilet door and dismantle all 4 fans and washed them, changed 2 ceiling lights and wiped the kitchen cabinets and kitchen top

hubby will be helping me this sunday cos i had arrange for the aircon to be serviced and he wants to be around.....
<font color="aa00aa">wendy</font>
oh dear, how's nicole now?

<font color="aa00aa">little prince and jen</font>
my MIL gave me loads of very big sizes pots and pans (cos she's so used to big sizes), plates and bowls of different designs and colours and mismatch fork and spoons but all brand new lah...with the price tag still on and can tell it was bought for over >10 years cos the NTUC logo was different

MIL said she bought them cos got sale but never got the chance to use....duh!!!

i was very relunctant to accept them cos i wanted a whole set of cutleries of the same design
hubby knew i was upset and told me to throw them away and get new ones but cannot throw lah, cos if MIL comes over will surely ask

and my mum wanted to pass me plates and bowls too but due to space constraint i had to turn her down and she was kinda disappointed as well
my MIL wanted to give us a big toy car (something like those u pay certain amount, and u can zoom around the area for 10 mins type). previously owned by her other grandson, but that boy seldom visits them. anyway, i told hubby no way i want that vehicle to be in my house, 'coz no space to park. if he brings it back, i will throw it downstairs.

i know in laws not happy, but i don't run a salvation army.
wah, our MILs/mums very nice hor, all give us things .. hehe .. actually, i heard that when you shift to a new house, must bring along some used cutleries from the old house to signify that you will always have some food at home. but, no need to have them in huge quantity, just a set of each for keepsake. my MIL bought us a whole new set of plates/bowls (10s or more) etc and nanny (hb's aunt) still wanted us to take some from her place. i finally threw some new but really old fashioned designs away this year, no choice coz too much and no use for them.

me sticked to most toys in rhyan's room too, only his push car (the new pooh one that i posted rhyan on it lately) is parked anywhere at home. one thing though, i limit rhyan's photographs in frames anywhere at home except our MBR coz that's hb and my room mah, though he sleeps with us at night.

happy for you that you have help this Sun, must write down the list of things for hb to do. hehe!

hope nicole has recovered.

hey, motor car very expensive wan leh. it would be so fun for isabel.

Pei Fu Pei Fu, pei fu u can do all this cleaning by urself. Me ah.. lazy until i din even want to tidy/clean the drawer. Very jia lat hor. Last time before i married, i still help my mum with the spring cleaning but now haiz....
SPRING CLEANING- heh, I think I wont have time to do a real spring cleaning, but will be deluttering what I can, throwing/donating away stuff (esp faye's!) that we no longer use.

puff, wahsay u are my housework idol, you really do a fantastic job! So nice of your hb to help you this sunday
medusa, if my MIL hear u say that, she sure peng san... haha... i'm probably her least fav DIL... =P

wendy, that's why good to have BILs... hahah... can "share" the burden mah... hahaha...

puff, wah... puff, u very thorough leh... i luff like mad at ur bought >10year ago cos logo different... haha... pple think i'm crazy...

sharon, why you go and buy?! I GIVE you lah!! hahahaha.... =P

evelyn, u got excuse mah!!

sorry, today weather too cold so i quite seow seow oso... :p
<font color="aa00aa">sharon</font>
my standards very high wan, so dun wanna engage a cleaner and then clean up again myself

by the time i finished those cleaning, already like half dead

<font color="aa00aa">charsiew</font>
heh heh, i like that "salvation army"

last time i wanna give them a table and called them up to pick up but when they came they said too old they dun wan cos cannot sell away and nobody would want it...aiyoh, so picky wan

<font color="aa00aa">little prince</font>
list of things to do? dun have leh, will just tell him on the spot on ad hoc basis

<font color="aa00aa">evelyn</font>
eh, u better not do spring cleaning ah, will tire yourself even more now that you are preggie

<font color="aa00aa">berry</font>
no lah....u making me blush

cos it's my own house mah, if i dun make effort to clean who will

well, if you do housework often, you will be good at it, same goes to any kind of work or tasks
<font color="aa00aa">jen</font>
weather has been cold for the past few days leh, so does it mean you have been siao for quite some time already? ahahahahahahahahha

sigh....no sun to dry the laundry
and i've got loads of bedsheets to wash next week
Old pple always say must bring on the 1st day or 15th day of the mth (lunar calendar) for ear piercing. U not worried YX will go n tug at her ear?

Kieran is fine
Bz wif zooming ard the house like a hurricane n blabbering his bb lang. He's been down wif cold, then fever n then cough since last week. All thks to my hubby who spread to me oso :p Hey, post pics of ur gal leh...


Dat sounds like a nice toy leh. Y u dun like?

Re: stuff given by ILs
Hmm...yalor, our ILs very nice
How come i dun seem to throw away stuff huh? Alot of things i always can't bear to throw wan. Dats y my cupboard more n more junk these days. Haiz...
wow our thread finally alive after all these "cup, bowl" and spring cleaning

thanks for all the concern. she is recovering slowly down. she start wif throwing out her milk in large qty. on gog for abt 2 day then follow by diahorea. all these never happen to her b4 so we rather worried. doc oso cant diagnose wat happen say could be teething, virus infection. but lucily now she better back to her cheeky.

u really my idol do so mnay thing in a day. me do a bit every day when nicole not ard. guess u have the same habit as me, i cant stand hb doign hsework cos i like my style of cleaning and my hb cant do a good job.

sharon / skyblue
i want to "showoff" my nicole too leh but i dun have the pprogram to shrink the picture so till now have not post. will ask hb to upload to yahoo and let all of u see soon

sharon: my hse have alot of cutley too leh why buy, i can oso give u keke....
in fact recently i gave a lot to my best friend who just shifted hse heng....

skyblue : nice to see keiran running ard. saw u posted his condition in the other thread so wonder how is he now.

ya good to have share burden but they are all now single so still logn way to go keke

hyper active
anyone heard tat 1yr toddler will experience hyperactive. We wonder is Nicole having this syptom. She is super active, cant sit still for a sec. she can woggy in our body, sofa, bed and make herself so sweaty and we are so tired after all these but she still very alert.
puff, been very busy last few weeks mah... my workload is killing me... sigh... especially when there are weekly deadlines... sian...

wendy, haha... then be like me lor... store for them until they planning to get married then everything give back...

wah lau... yesterday gave back a few more plates to my MIL... kekek... think she want to faint leow... everyday bring back a bit of old treasure for her... but I really not using lor... some more no chance to cook much nowadays...

conversation went something like this:
HB: "plates for you..."
MIL: "what plates? aiyoh..."
HB: "your plates you brought over last time..."
MIL: "your place got space to store wat..."
HB: "we packing... no space then return to you one..."
MIL: "your cabinets can put wat..."
HB: "you know my cabinets got so many things, so messy... now pack a bit, slightly better..."
MIL: "so now your cabinets very empty/neat lor..."
HB: "no lah... anyway, no space leow..."

Little Prince, Skyblue
Yeah, nice toy lah, that's why i had hubby to suggest to in laws that have it parked in their house and when Isabel goes there, can bring downstairs to play. They said their rooms got no space, and BIL ordered a bed, thus need to clear out the toy... this toy needs to bring downstairs to 'drive', if play at home, i cannot imagine the consequences.

they also tried to pass me a can of Pediasure, but Isabel is drinking another brand of FM, i cannot possibly switch like that just to help them to clear stock mah.

that day quite pek cek with all these lah, really upset me.

if only i knew u ladies so interested, i would bring the toy car back and rent it out to u all, since we stay so near to each other
wendy, I think its more like nicole experiencing the "active-curious baby syndrome" whereby at least 95% or more of healthy babies will experience

(disclaimer: in case anyone thinks its for real, I am kidding lar
BTW, ADHD(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) usually cannot be accurately diagnosed till the child is of school-going age, usually at least 6 or 7 onwards.
hi berry

haha... actually we know it should be normal at tis stage since she is so curious on eevrything. but just wonder why and anoyone experience it.

she simply touch anything she see and her play span very short and throw away thing vry fast. MIL keep saying i eat crab during pregancy but the true is i hae crab and did not eat any at all

btw how is faye now?
<font color="aa00aa">wendy</font>
i dun believe about eating crab during pregnancy will make the kid "itchy" hand cos i ate them!! and furthermore, kids are curious and explorative in nature

dun worry lah, yingxin is also very hyper....last nite, she slept from 9.30pm - 10.15pm and played till 2.30am!! she kept wanting to stand up and free fall on our body (it really hurts you know, now my body got a lot of bruises caused by her cos she does this everyday just before going to bed) and roll all over our body and also wanna walk around the house!!

she also cannot sit still for 1 minute and bringing her out is a nightmare now cos she fusses so much and we always cannot eat in peace
<font color="aa00aa">skyblue</font>
i never heard about piercing ear only on the 1st and 15th of lunar month, wat's the reason behind?

hm, quite true hor, about tugging the earring cos she likes to do that to me so now i dare not put on anymore

think i recall i had my ear pierced when i was in primary 1, maybe she's still too young for it
Superstitious belief lah i tink... smthg abt the ear will not kena infection or smthg. U know when sometimes if we're allergic to gold or smthg, then will have those yellowish liquid coming out from the place u pierced the ear. My cousin had hers pierced when she was abt 2-3 YO i tink. My aunt says betta to do when younger cos the flesh tender. Oh well, i tink it depends on individual bah.

Hehehe...Kieran oredi has 1 such motorised car which i let him play wif at home. Now he knows how to step on the pedal so dat the car can move. He'll drive the car &amp; then it'll crash loudly onto my main door. Luckily i have the crocodile pool which acts as a 'protection' for my not as sturdy feature wall. If not dat wall will collapse i tink. For the time being, he only knows how to drive forward n back. I can't imagine the day when he can turn the steering wheel.
hi puff

thanks for sharing YX schedule. very similar to nicole. if i lay on bed she will climb over my body too. if i carry her, she will move ard i almost cannot handle her alry. u right bring them ou is a nitemare i feel now eating food is like swallowing and not chewing. after meal i usually feel awful cause of the rush

nicole sleep very late nowaday usually ard 11pm and interval will wake u to fuss.

i heard pierce on 1st and 15th, the "hole" will not "close" if we dun wear earring. my grandma do this and till now my ear hoele still open

Carriane has a similar those motor car given to her too. Its parked at our hse..hehhe
but she donno how to step on the pedal yet. only know how to sit inside n play with those button.
Helloooo mummies
I'm back from Perth. Very hectic week for me but memorable too.

U really put me to shame. I havent done any spring cleaning yet and I keep giving excuses to postpone it
<font color="aa00aa">pcs</font>
welcome back! oh please dun feel that way cos u got good excuses mah.....gotta study wat!!
This thread getting very quiet leh, where are all the pretty and handsome tods ah?
CNY coming- got pics of CNY clothes?
yingxin stayed over at my ILs place on saturday and sunday, will be picking her up tis evening so i can have the time to spring clean the house today

before sending her there on saturday, i cooked her porridge so my FIL can feed her whilst she's at their place and she did not finished them

yesterday we went over to collect some stuff from MIL and she happily told us yingixn finished the porridge she cooked unlike the day before, yingxin did not finished wat i cooked

then my FIL commented must be my porridge tasted badly and he said dunno wat kind of rice i use cos the texture looked so "strange"

so pissed off with his remarks......luckily my hubby stood up for me said i used brown rice and eating also depends on one's mood one and that yingxin sometimes can finished 1-2 bowls
Yah Good excuse hor.
I also face the same problem with my parents and my MIL coz they also commented that keira prefers white rice rather than the brown ones
So now I just mix a little brown with more white and keira can finish about 1-1/2 bowl compared to the usual 3/4 bowl.
my FIL is a very strange man - we went to pick him up after his work on one occasion and requested him to wait for us at NE line Outram MRT station, Teo Hong Road Exit

he couldn't find the exit and came out from the EW line station

then when he saw us, he exclaimed that there is no "Teo Hong Road" exit and insisted that the station he came out from was North East bound (it was east west bound) when our car was clearly parked in front of the North East bound station along Teo Hong Road

he even showed his displeasure about us going to pick up him!! he said why bother cos taking train and transfer bus is so easy for him

then on xmas eve when we were at hubby's aunt place for dinner, we saw a very bright glittering star in the sky; FIL said there couldn't be such bright star in the sky and claimed that someone had "put" the star up there !!!

somedays when we went to pick up yingxin and FIL needed to report for work, we wanted to drive him there cos it's along the way, but he said he prefers to take public transport
I was packing the wardrobe and I saw a packet of 12-18 mths clothes which I had bought at fox 1 year ago (KS hor).
I've totally forgotten abt it and lucky I found it before CNY
CNY clothes Settled without spending any $$$$ I'm sooooo happy.
<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
cny clothes? u mean those cheena type? i was very against the idea of buying one for yingxin cos i felt that it's very hot wearing that

my mum wanted to buy one but i stopped her....then MIL insisted that she wanted to buy the same too and wanted her to wear on the 1st day!!!

so now me and hubby hunting high and low for it
<font color="aa00aa">pcs</font>
good for you! yingxin has 6 new set of clothes given by relatives, and 3 sets bought by us but MIL said i should let her wear the cheena type wor!!! told her very hot weather during CNY and but she said no choice wan....cny must wear that kind of dress even though weather hot!!!

pcs, hahaha yup very KS! U prepared CNY clothing 1 yr in advance! :p

puff, no lah, just wanted to see some eye-candy on this thread lor, all the mummies dun wan to parade their darlings' new clothes ah? :p

I din buy any clothes for her since her b'day. She rec'd 2Y and 3Y clothings, haha... plus she's not seeming to grow taller much... can last a few yrs, methinks. I set aside a few brandnew pieces for CNY, but all rather loose on her. :p

Anyone buying SHOES? I bought her 1 pair recently, don't feel like buying new pair leh. But MIL and mum sure complain...

I think cheena-type will be difficult if no aircon and moving from place-to-place. Won't be pleasant if toddler cranky because too itchy/ hot. I don't mind if she wears for awhile in suitable environment, but no lah, not buying for her this yr. :p She already look very "chinese", like the girl pics for those CNY decor, hahaha!
