(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

eh u know my girl like beach, never ask us along! *pout* Earlier timing better cos noon sun is unsuitable.

wah so strong! Rhyan can support his wt! I'm not even sure I can carry him ah, LOL!


I was thinking, if u tiff with hb, should tell him u'll stop taking pic of him, not of A! So go ahead and take more pics of A and put them up.. otherwise waste of your photographic talent..
just had christmas gathering at my home. including me and Ethan, there were 18 ppl in my house, 9 under 3's. It was madness. I wonder how the rest of u manage to have such great gatherings, but i guess it's cuz my living room is too small.

we had present for exchange.. ethan got a "Mr Snow" book.
Nice meeting u too! YX is really so adorable, my hb also very taken with her.

Voted already. Hope gabe wins!

Rhyan's a really big boy. Looks like he really enjoyed the trial. Are u signing him up for it?
<font color="aa00aa">kelly</font>
i voted twice

<font color="aa00aa">deniz</font>
meghan was in the same contest as gab!! will vote for her tomolo

heheh, wait till your hb sees the "devilish" side of yingxin

<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
thanks for the info on tods yoga, signed her up for the trial on wed liao
anyone else going too?

<font color="aa00aa">skyblue, jen</font>
halo, can we join in the picnic huh?

<font color="aa00aa">little prince</font>
looked like rhyan is enjoying himself at my gym!! the swing is fun!! yingxin loves it
<font color="aa00aa">chihiro</font>
her bruise seemed worse and the nail looked as if it has thickened!!

IMO, no one FM is better than another cos it depends on whether it is suitable for your girl; i think they are more or less the same? just like vitagen and yakult or pepsi and coke or sprite and 7-up or various brands of instant noodles - just a matter of taste and brand preferences
the early morning weather that day was great, not warm nor raining.

hehe .. you better not try carrying rhyan with bb no. 2 in tummy, yr hb may freak out!

eh, post tena's pixs leh. i miss seeing her. :p

the trial was great but i personally find their packages are not suitable for FTWMs becoz the package comprises of a lesson and an optional free play per week. the free play slots are either during working hours on wkdays or wkend afternoons whereby it would mean we got to stay in Woodlands for more than half a day if we go for both lessons and freeplay. will give it a miss for now and look out for other classes.

oh dear! if nail thickens, then maybe the wound is quite bad? if the bruise is affecting yx, i would suggest you let a GP check in case its an infection?
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">i'm in a cheery mood</font></font>


<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Cos i had my hair trimmed and</font></font>


<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">I've got a new pair of shoes</font></font>


<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Plus, X'mas is jus round the corner</font></font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">HERE'S WISHING ALL MUMMIES, DADDIES AND MY DEAR LITTLE FLENS A VERY HAPPY HOLIDAY...HO...HO...HO</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">Happy belated birthday to Linus and Jodie</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Advanced Happy birthday to Nicole</font>
<font color="aa00aa">little prince</font>
i'm not too sure whether her bruise warrants a trip to the GP; but will check with my hubby whether to go or not
skyblue, prince, picnic ONZ!!

medusa, how u feeling nowadays??

puff, SO CUTE!!! Hb tell me to congrats YX in Top 5 too!!
<font color="aa00aa">jen</font>
wahahaha, u were saying <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">I'M CUTE HUH!!!</font></font>
thank you ah.... me blushing already lah...

oh, thanks pat!! jen u collected the prize already righ? hahah, me still waiting for your treat leh....
puff, yah... u oso damn cute!! sob sob... i can't see the video!! think my opic block...
the prize is nothing to shout for leh... jean's gonggong see oredi say like that is $200?!? keke... treat u during picnic lah... hahaa... but sandwiches lose out to why's one lah... kekek...
what do you all do with old shoes of your babies huh? i mean, those shoes that babies really walk about in. i read in a book that we should not keep the old shoes thinking our second baby can wear them next time bcoz the shoes would have been worn and moulded to the first owner's walking and not be suitable for another baby to wear anymore.

me abit heartpain to throw away rhyan's old Colette shoes so wanna ask your opinions. thks!

Wah... ur design appeared online, u got potential to be a designer leh. Dun be sad, normally they wun tell u wan but u shld be happy, got pple appreciated ur design.
Hi Mommies!
I'm new here. 4 mths pregnant, very nervous!

I've been borrowing pregnancy books to read, and I read that we will be given enema before giving birth. Is this true and the procedure is it painful?
YX looks so cute!! She really looks like a gentle lady...I like her trimmed hair

the sandwiches were prepared by itsun.. i only helped to taste.. hee hee..

oh.. i didn't know the design of cake was done by you... impressive!! Will ask you to help to design E's cake if we want to order next time

Can ask them to pay for "copyright"???

lil prince
E is going to outgrow her current shoe soon, was just thinking of what should i do.. think i will try to sell it away .... to see if i can recover some $$ for the next shoe
My little house has no extra space to keep for the second bb....

A just trimmed her hair right?? Show a pic of yr little darling leh...
Yingxin new haircut very well done! Agree with why she looks like a gentle lady esp. with her new hairstyle
She is very steady when pushing the chair huh!

congrats on being pregnant! i did not feel any pain when the enema was inserted. dun worry. it is a very fast procedure...nothing compared to the delivery process.
sorry to intrude this thread....
but was wondering if anyone has a nanny/babysitter (in punggol) to recommend? i'm searching for one to start in mid-Jan 2006.

pls PM me the contact.
evelyn &amp; why, actually the designs din come out to exactly what i wanted... kekeek...
probably only 80%? but very good oredi lah... so a bit "disappointed" when i first saw the cakes... LOL... haha...
i intended 2 keep them for keepsake but husband said, "throw lah, keep for wat"

i didnt know u cant keep old shoes for 2nd bb (i dun intend 2 anyway cos i not sure how my 2nd bb will react 2 e shoes) n i also dun intend 2 sell/give away. my mum also said dun let gabe wear 2nd-hand shoes.

in e end, i'll throw away those tat gabe cant wear anymore.
Hi mummies,

I'm a April MTB and am looking for a confinement lady. If you have had a good CL, please recommend to me.
[email protected]

I've not made up my mind whether to get singaporean (day only) or m'sia stay-in CL. I'm intending to BF my baby, so die die at night also must wake up and tend to baby right? Anyone can share on your own nursing experience during confinement if it's necessary/advantages to have a CL at night?

Thanks v much.
here are the long overdue nyc photos :p

"mummy, i'm still jet lagged leh, some more this carousel waaay too slow!"

dinos at the american museum of natural history

"i cannot move in this thick jacket ah!"


central park, sneaking a coffee fix

Hi Mummies
Have read about this charity organization in the ST last mth which provides assistance to young or single mums.
This center collects 2nd hand stuff suitable for 6 mths or below bbs
They welcome stuff like
1) Clothes
2) Stoller
3) Cots/Playpen
4) walkers etc etc.

If u r intrested in donating ,please call them up 1st to check coz they have limited storage place. Details as below

Tanjong Pager Family Service Center
Project Name : Cherub(the programe that helps these young mummy)

No 1 North Bridge Road, High Street Centre #03-33
Tel : 6337 3102 Attn : Madelyn

*Note : She is quite busy if u cannot get her u can leave a massage by calling the main line :63371201*

Linus wrote: Thk u, all aunties &amp; uncle.

Miss all of u.
Been very busy wif work, fell sick &amp; shiftin hse. Eveyday slept ard 2am, sigh.... Juz shifted to my new hse, everything is in a mess. Stuff still in the carton box, hv to clear asap as CNY is comin.
I'll try to login once i hv the time.

yes, she's cute but very fierce ;)

your parents anniversary cake is lovely....can't see the vid in office how about home?

why and ziztine
paid 10.50 for her fringe to be trimmed, very ex hor but at least neater than if i were to do it myself

awww.....luke looked so so so cute in the thick jacket

Hi there! I total breastfed my 2 girls and had 2 different confinement ladies . The 1st one was a full-time confinement lady from Malaysia. I had her as my mil said she didn't really know what to cook for me and so better to have an experienced lady to look after me. Basically, what she did was cook, wash my/bb clothes, boil water for me to bathe, bathe and clean the bb and do some light housework. She didn't wake up at night and had good nights of sleep since I was the one who woke to feed the bb (didn't express for her to feed as I was advised not to introduce the bottle during the 1st mth). 2nd time round, didn't want to have a confinement lady as I thought it's not really necessary but my mother and mil insisted on having one. Hubby said not to hire a stay-in confinement lady, 'Why pay for her to sleep at night in my home?' Hence, had a day confinement lady instead.

Personally, I feel that if you intend to have good night rest and plan to express your milk for someone to help feed the bb, it's probably good to have a full-time confinement lady. But if you decide to direct feed, then I feel it's not necessary. However, day-only confinement ladies are hard to find and can be expensive. I won't recommend mine to you as I found her napping or reading newspaper on many occasions.
fruitcake, such blue sky can never find in sg... :p

puff, home no internet... haha... so got to dial up... then diap up can wait till next morning to see lor... LOL...

casros, the creative juices flowing again?? hehe...

before I got no time to greet u dear ladies (&amp; gentlemen)...
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">MERRY CHRISTMAS &amp; HAPPY 2006!!!</font></font>
thks mummies for answering my qns! guess i will most prob give away somewhere.

luke looks sooooo loveable in tt jacket!

All Daddies, Mummies and Babies
Merry Christmas!
Hi Mummies

A Merry Christmas and a joyful new year to all of you!!

Voted for Gabe! Let's hope that he wins! So how are you coping? I have my wish. No 2 is a girl! 3 cheers now can close shop!!! Let's hope that yours will come true too!
Hi Mommies, Daddies and Babies,

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">M</font></font></font><font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">ERRY CHRISTMA</font></font></font><font color="ff0000"><font size="+2"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">S</font></font></font> <font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> and </font> <font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">A W</font></font></font><font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">ONDERFUL NEW YEA</font></font></font><font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">R</font></font></font>
Hello all mummies, daddy &amp; babies,
MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!!!
May you also be blessed with good health, happiness and prosperity in 2006!

To the preg mummies here, may your littles ones in your tummy enjoy all the yummy xmas and new year food too!

With love,
Dean &amp; mama Cody
The pix with Luke on the bench is so cute!!! Nice pixs! looks like he had lots of fun

Merry X'mas! I think depends on whether u went b4 u arrived at the hospital. I did, so not much output :p
very sian....went to my mum's place yesterday and she kept on complaining that yingxin is small, small, small just becos i did not feed her RUBBISH; she said when i was 6 months old, she started giving me all kinds of food and now i'm so grown-up!!! i rebutted her saying rubbish or not rubbish, i will still grow to be an adult wat!!!!

i had already trimmed yingxin's hair but my mum is not happy still, said it's TOO LONG thus always making her perspire; i told my mum with or without hair, one still perspire and baby has higher metabolic rate so they tend to shed more water but she refused to believe me, only attributed her being sweaty due to long hair

then had dinner with in-laws and hubby's extended families (3 uncles); the uncles kept on nagging at me saying yingxin hair is way too messy and making her so untidy and covering her face and resulting her looking so solemn; insisted that i should have her hair cut like a boy!!! said i should not keep her hair long must wait till she is 7 years old!! siao!!!

they also passed remarks that i did not feed enough to yingxin thus she is so small and ask me to bring her to a doctor!! told them everything is normal then the uncle suggested that i should leave her with my in-laws place for 2 weeks cos the oldies are more experienced and will feed her <font color="ff0000">FATTY</font> food thus fatten her up and she will look more pretty!! siao....
Hi casros,
your report on your CLs very comprehensive. thanks for your effort. really apprecaite it.

ya.....some CL don't do a good job one. My mum's friend told her that her neighbour's singapore CL charges $2600. xxx lagi worse, that CL also don't really know how to do things one.

Told my mom that I'll rather pay for a m'sia one for that price. thought Sg CL not 24hr should be cheaper than a m'sia CL.

still no news on an avilable CL.......now waiting for the CLs'friends who's available in Apr to call me. Me too sian to call and get rejected liao.

BTW, any of you using / used Ameda Lactaline pump? good? cos there's a bulk purchase going on and me considering to buy.
Dear Puff,

I understand the frustration and impress on you, that you didnt give in them. My gal was big size yet, i still feed her our food(tiny bits to begin with) coz i do hear many comment of 'thats Its ok WhAT'...(even walker, i refused but give in afterall)
The only thing i didnt give its salty stuff and her porridge wont have salt. If you know what i feed my gal, you will faint..
If you can 'ren' thru, just dont bother..after all, its your gal..for me, i am staying with my parents..its tough to stop sometimes..
I do love your gal hair..just let them know, its ur gal..regarding the hair, its up to you to cut or not etc..
usually when i am super pissed, i will just said that, 'its my daughter, so i do what i want..ur time of bringing up children had past, now its my turn'...usually, i wont snap at my parents, just on strangers..and my dad always take my side when i comment that my mum really spoilt my gal..


Puff, I think YX's hair is beri nice! Chey, why must wait till seven year old, now oredi can have nice nice hair mah :p
