(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

blisse, hehe its quite a tall order for toddlers this age to 'obey' you and right away and have complete control over their own emotions and stop hitting you just because you say so. Even as an adult, say when we get mad at our hb or something, we can't right away stop feeling angry and immediately gain 100% control over our own emotions just because hb says 'dont be angry!' rite? But then again, everyone is different.


yingxin has got the flu....been sneezing and having mucus flowing today, and my mum put the blame on me!! said i did not put on long sleeve top and long pants on her whenever i bring her out at nites...and still shower her before she goes to bed
sharon, sharwyn's first day outfit beri sexy hehe.

puff, aiyo poor YX, hope she gets well asap. *faye sprinkles get-well dust in YX's milk*

sharon/pets, Faye also has a nice round tummy! I love it lots, v v cute!

pets, the outfits are really pretty! Are they hot to wear for visiting? Your girl's prettier and prettier as she grows older!

Athena at Sentosa Flower Show.

I love Sharyn's Viet outfit most- the one where she lifted the flap like she's posing. Beautiful smile!

Sharwyn's got lots of nice clothings for CNY! LOL, that bareback's really sexy! ;)

YX seems to be eager to explore the place- the way she was pulling u guys along to walk faster. Her hair as usual a source of envy leh.
Athena meimei,
Mummie brought me to the flower show too! The flowers were so pretty. I even brought home one petal :p ...Esther


all pix sooo nice, all so pretty and handsome! our baby really grown up liao.

i tik wayne looks diff, to me lah. her eyes very very pretty, look kind of sexy to me *though the word sexy not very appopriate* very luring type. :p

i really tik he has not COMPLETELY recover from the previous cold. lately starts to have running nose and today cough abit.... haiz!

i really dun know y he slepptalk lately! las nite again! tis time round he says "BOWL" then giggle at the same time :p wonder is it a sign tat he DUN sleep well...??

all bbs taken MMR liao?
Oh dear..poor YX. Hope she gets well soon. Weather is abit cold at nite these days. Seems dat a no of pple (adults & children) down wif cold oso.
Here's a pic of ur princess to cheer u up.
U must find time to come into forum leh. MIA so long. Couldn't get a pic of Esther looking at the screen...

Can't resist posting tis pic cos dat nite Esther so kay yian, carry ur bag ard. Hehehe...
<font color="aa00aa">berry</font>
*yingxin thank faye for the get-well dust*

she's extra grouchy these 2 days, a little feverish too

<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
guess yingxin was inspired to walk after seeing all her little flens treading on their own

<font color="aa00aa">little devil</font>
her MMR appointment is fixed on 18 Feb

<font color="aa00aa">skyblue</font>
*whistle*....very nic pix! thanks
started putting yingxin to bed in her own room for the past 2 nites; on the 1st day, she crawled to our bed in the wee hour at 5.30am, but slept thru on the 2nd day

hope this continues.....
<font color="aa00aa">jen</font>
do u still remember which day was it when we went over to ziztine's place on a weekday nite last year? kekek, u took quite a bit of pictures dat day....
Darn it! Yingxin was sleeping soundly since 3pm after she took her med but was awaken by the loud bangs of the lion dance
Hope YX recover soon. I think it could be the heat too.

$6 is soooo cheap for such a nice haircut :p

LOL on Athena expression.

Can see that Esther enjoys the flower show :p

carriane looks like a ge ge in her CNY dress :p
So nice to see all the CNY photos (argh! feeling homesick)....esp the gathering pics. Reminds me of the gathering at Ruffy's last year. All the bbs are now toddlers and some are having siblings soon.

Yes, time does fly indeed. Been a year since I left Singapore. Sharwyn has also grown up to be such a sweet and pretty girl. So many mummies expecting here, when is Sharwyn having a playmate?

Thanks for your compliment. I think my girls have way too much clothes. Haiya! Girls....so many nice things to buy hor...

Littleprince and Fruitcake
All the mummies here are great and Rhyan and Luke have fantastic mummies like you both!

Many congrats! Hope Keiran gets a sister!

Sharyn looks very grown-up in her viet outfit...so cute!

All the jie jies and mei meis have pretty traditional dresses for CNY....unfortunately I don't have any.

Lavigne wearing angmo outfit on first day of CNY
Mummies who tie and clip their girls' hair, how do you stop them from pulling them out? I can never put a clip on Lavigne as she'll just pull it out.
thanks alot

yar time really flies. Think back when we have the gathering all the bb are still in our arms. now most already start walking n running ard n having another sibling soon..hahhahah

oh carriane will also pull off the hair clip
thats y i told my hb that each hair clip only can use once or twice as after wearing and when we go out, come back lost liao..hahhaha
so hb say jus use rubber band n tie her hair.
and i realise tie her hair she wont pull out, but if u clip on her fringe defintely will be lost one
oh look like me meh? hahahha her eyes still as small hahhahahah i feel the cheongsam look very funny n comical on her..hahahha
actually i donno her height lei
whew! wat a hectic wkend for me...
last fri, we brought gabe 2 husband's new office for "heng gang" and he was so amazed by the lion dance performance. i was covering my ears when it was noisy but gabe was happily shaking his butt, eyes peeled on the 2 lions walking around the office. when the lion got near 2 him, he wiggled out of husband's arms n walked to touch the lion's butt. at one instance, he even sat on the lion but came down quickly cos lotsa pp were looking at him. i took a video of him, standing on a table, shaking his butt nonstop, raising his arms n clapping away. video is abt 2mins long, cant upload to youtube leh.

after the lion dance performance, we rushed into JB abt 3pm n visited 5families from 3-7pm. after dinner, we left JB at 9pm n gabe KO on the way home. he was rather sleep deprived cos too much visiting liao.

on sat &amp; sun, we were busy visiting friens/relatives n rushed for dinner on sat (ren1 re4). gabe was a angel on both days, despite being very sleep deprived...barely 1hr nap on both days. mayb he enjoyed the CNY visiting cos new grounds for him 2 explore, kids for him 2 chase abt/play around wif or mayb he juz gets 2 spend time wif me. i'm also dead tired from all tis, didnt feel like coming 2 work 2day.

skyblue, sharon
thks for posting gabe's pic. nice 2 c my son's pic when i'm in the office. miss him a lot now

hv u done ur NT scan? bb ok?

casros, pets, blisseblisse, sharon, peipei, ziztine, pcs, medusa, jen, puff
after seeing pics of your girls, I WANNA HAVE A GIRL....*SCREAMS IN MY HEAD*

on sun morn, i dreamed that i having a boy. the boy looks like ben, rather tall (55cm) but his lower legs were filled with tons of pimples. so much of it until it looks rather scary. after waking up from the dream, i guess wat hits me most is the possibility that i may be having a boy. told husband abt the dream and we are now seriously tiking of boy names.
lil devil,
i wanted 2 bring gabe for MMR tis fri but tis wkend got some more visiting &amp; a big dinner on sun so cant afford for him 2 be ill.

i'll probably fix it in apr when he hits 18mths.
Hi kelly,
Gab so good boy can tahna so many visit. My nicole fuss whenshe cannot nap properly cos she nap during journey and we wake he rup when reach destination.

a boyish pic of nicole to share




She is so tomboy. she still cant walk but climb liek no body bsiness
Lavigne looks like a Jap girl in this suit :p
Any clip on keira's hair is for pic taking only. Cannot last for more than 10 mins. SHe will surely try to take it down even I scream "mei mei, mei mei, bu yao dong" Hehe.

U r making me anxious to know yr bb sex. wahaha.

I love Nicole big rosy cheeks. Very pretty gal :p
Keira also learn to climb before she walks, what to do? Born in the year of monkey mah. Hahaha
Hi pcs

thank you..
she getting bad to worse climbling eevrywhere.
ya we alway joke, really born in the year monkey cannot sit still. even i car seat oso struggle to free
i love nicole's cherubic cheeks! makes me wanna pinch her cheeks and makes me wanna have a girl!

i'll definitely announce once i know my bb's sex. i also very kan cheong now. my GF who is 17wks preggie, saw our gynae (dr lawrence ang) tis morn n the gynae said her bb is 80% girl.

i hope so too.

hi mummies,
any of ur bbs fanatic abt climbing up &amp; down stairs now? since CNY, gabe has been crazy abt climbing up &amp; down stairs. he cant do it independently yet so have been asking for our assistance. when we are not around, he relies by holding onto the wall or the railing. at a few occasions when we are visiting pp, he shocked us by making up a few steps on his own. we have to keep pulling him from staircases, steps (some houses have a few steps leading to dining room, living den, etc).

a few days ago, he also discovered the flight of stairs juz outside our flat. the moment he walks out, he heads straight for the staircase (he wanna climb down from 6th flr to 5th flr). whenever we approach the flight of stairs near our carpark, he wiggles out of our arms, wanting 2 climb up with our assistance. previously he still "bo hew" the steps at all. siong leh...

since gabe started walking in mid-dec, he has trying a few stuff: climbing onto everything he can (sofa, chairs, low coffee tables, beds, his tricycle, rocking moose, etc), running (still trying 2 run but not as fast. any faster, he stumbles), walking sideways and backwards. i tik learning 2 climb up &amp; down steps is the next step ya...

I know recently some mummies were sharing wat their bbs can say. i kept wanting 2 post abt it but kept slipping my mind.

gabe's recent new words are toes &amp; cheese. he mastered them over the wkend n said the "ss" sound quite clearly. husband heard him too n was rather pleased cos we tot he a bit slow in terms of speaking. so far he has managed "um ma" (tat's me), "pa pa" (which he has been saying so clearly until husband is grinning from ear to ear), "ah mai" (the hainanese way to greet my sis who is gabe's aunt), "hello", "thks" (said it 1-2x b4 but long time never hear him say liao, mayb a fluke back then). now he's trying 2 say apple. he can point to the apple, says "ap ap" but no "ple".

on top of trying 2 speak (cos he's making lotsa funny noises lately), *we tik* he understands 4 languages so far...english, chinese, hainanese &amp; teochew. when we speak 2 him/give him instructions in eng/mandarin, he understands. when we/grandparents ask them 2 point out body parts in dialects, he manages to do it too.

*edited to add disclaimer*
at times gabe gets it right when it comes 2 pointing out body parts in dialects, there r also times when he dun do it. somehow have 2 c his mood 1 lor.
rhyan had some terrible mozzie bites on his legs on CNY eve. the bites developed liquid pus the next day and were terribly itchy. this is not the first time rhyan got these bites and we realised sharwyn has the same kind of bites too. fortunately, the bites are almost recovering now. i also bought a mozzie vaporizer to put in the room.

rhyan also popped his hand in to see who is in the lion head at the lantern festival that time! hehe!

thks for rhyan's pix!

all bbs are so lovely!

little devil
i will send rhyan for MMR when we return from our Bali trip, most likely 1st wk of March.

wow! carriane has grown up so much. i think she resembles you more right?

where got tomboyish? nicole's cheeks are sooo chubby!

rhyan enjoys climbing stairs too! he does tt all the time whenever we go to my uncle's place (a terrace house) for dinner. intially, he crawled up but now, he hold the wall or railing up too! he can climb all the way up to the 3rd storey but not so good at climbing down, need very close supervision.

2mths back during X'mas, hb's sis had a bbq outside her flat and the kids were running along the corridor. he kept staying at the staircase to practice climbing (then crawling) up, but i wasn't very keen coz the stairs were so dirty!
lil prince,
looks like it's something our walking bbs are up to now...climbing stairs. i guess it's driving us (more like my husband) nuts cos we have to accompany him. i "siam" from this task cos tiring for me.
CNY Day 1


HUAT ah!!! (got style hair with gel)

CNY Day 2


gongxi gongxi!


lion dance! he offered an orange in the midst of the performance!


playing with the pedals of my grandma's bed at my uncle's place. :p


recent fave pose - headstand!
little prince,
Wahahhaha... did the tods do dat at sharon's place cos i noticed Kieran doing dat headstand very often recently oso. Do i spot a water feature in ur living rm? Look at Rhyan's cheerful pics sure HUAT!!!

PPle always say dreams will be opposite of real life leh. So still got chance dat urs is a gal.

Wah sey, Nicole has got such shiny and chubby cheeks. I feel like pinching or kissing her hard.

Lavigne looks so diff now.

Yep, done my NT scan liao. Within acceptable range. Next wk going for blood test.
i dun wish tat my dreams dun come true leh...i dreamed tat i tio toto, held onto a $1m+ cheq in my hands. i also dreamed b4 tat gabe fell from his cot, then in <2wks gabe really fell from our bed. i recently dreamed tat i'm staying in a hse wif 2boys running around the hse. u tell me lah...me in dilemna.

good 2 hear tat ur bb is ok. i doing blood test tis fri. i psyching myself up for it now. i HATE blood tests.

lil prince,
i cant watch videos in the office leh. love 2 c rhyan in action wif daddy.

gabe loves 2 do stuff wif daddy too. when ben cleans the flr wif the magiclean, he "fights" wif ben to do it. when ben picks up fine hair/dust from the flr wif tissue, he also grabs a piece of tissue n does the same thing. when ben climbs onto a foot stool 2 do stuff at the fish tank, gabe zooms from wherever he is, then he hangs around at his daddy's feet, trying 2 climb up the foot stool too. very funny 2 c father &amp; son in action.

gabe has been doing the headstand position since seeing his frien do it some time back. he was doing it on a cushion but after the last outing, he more gutsy to do it on the flr too. LOL!
kel &amp; Skyblue,
I am hoping very hard both of u kanna girls. Wahaha, then I CHOPE to swop baby clothes with u 2! :p

Today I complained to my mum about Athena's shoe expenses: 1 Red Bobux (3-4mths usage), 1 White Colettee (2mths usage), 1 brandless Hello Kitty (still can use for awhile more!), 1 Pink Colettee (just bought yesterday) = ~$140!!!
My mum said the RED Bobux with BIG FLOWER can alter for baby boy. Just snip off the flower woh.
Then she said the WHITE Colettee in Mary-Jane style, with RED FLOWERS can also alter for BOY. Just snip off the flowers also.

*faint* Cannot lah!
hi kelly/pcs/skyblue/littleprince
thank for all the compliment on Nicole cheek. her smile very cheeky hor. many ppl wan to kiss or pinch her too. my pil alway poke her cheek.
she very rough i so scare she grown up to be tom boy. will post her cny dress once i download

how is rhyan now? Nicole bite is still red and leave a mark tink will take time to heal

hope u all get girl girl tis time round. but boy or girl oso good as long thye healthy and good is aperfect gift from god alry
Athena still not helping with cleaning floor or wiping tables leh. She can't even wipe her own mouth (she open mouth while press tissue- tissue always sticks onto her tongue!).

But when she sees us pick stray hair off the floor, she will say "YUCK!". My mum lor- everytime say that. LOL!
LOL abt ur mum's remarks. so i assume ur boy will get a pair of red &amp; white shoes minus the flowers. i also wanna *faint* for u.
dun talk abt shoes...gabe only has 3pairs so far n we've spent abt $130. husband not very happy abt it when i recently complained tat gabe is slowly outgrowing the blue sandals. husband commented tat gabe MUST outgrow it then i can buy another pair. wah piang!

i also wanna chope athena's clothes IF i have a girl. not only athena, i also KS, wanna chope sharwyn, both esthers, yingxin, etc.

husband grinning from ear to ear when i told him i dreamed abt having a boy and my earlier dream abt us staying in a hse wif 2 boys (more like rascals) running around the hse. *i tik* he's very happy deep down inside cos he know we'll try for a 3rd bb then cos i dying 2 have a girl so his wish 2 have 3kids will b granted.

lil prince,
my colleague walked past my workstation n saw rhyan's pics. she commented, "wat a handsome boy! so cheerful" i cant help but agree.
<font color="aa00aa">casros</font>
ya, girls got plenty of stuff can buy but of course cannot everything also get...later kena scolding...hahah

yingxin also loves pulling out all sorts of clips from her hair and will attempt to put it on again, so i tied up her hair instead...she will also tug at it and mess it up so gotta be more hardworking and re-tie many times in a day lor

<font color="aa00aa">blisse</font>
carriane has lotsa hair too! very pretty girl also, looked very much like you

<font color="aa00aa">wendy</font>
nicole is so lovely with her smiling face and cheeks! no lah, not tomboy at all....yingxin can be very rough during playtime too, that's just kids i guess

<font color="aa00aa">little prince</font>
rhyan so cute, imitate your hubby doing household chores! is that black vacuum the steam cleaner from rainbow?

<font color="aa00aa">kelly</font>
my ILs stay at a terrace house so each time yingxin is there, she loves to scale the flight of stairs up; she's been doing that since november and she can crawl up very fast without supervision

now that she is learning to walk with assistance, she will lead us by the hands and want us to guide her up and down the stairs

back at home, we have 2 platforms (one in living, one in master room) and it's her daily routine to crawl/walk up and down the platform

nowadays this little monkey also likes to climb up the sofa and stand at the top of the backrest

<font color="aa00aa">pcs</font>
maybe she ate too much cny cookies so too heaty, hehe, anyway, i gave her some barley to drink on saturday and she's fine now
<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
think betta get new pair of shoes for the brother cos athena's shoes already shaped to her foot

yingxin has 3 pairs of shoes (1 Baby Gap and 2 Tollyjoy) and total costs me $27 only

<font color="aa00aa">kelly</font>
about speaking new words....yingxin is not as articulate yet, only managed to hear her say "ma ma", "ma meeee", "mum mum", "pa pa", "eh eee" (prob means daddy) "no more", "elmo", "ye ye"

but i think and believed that she can understand a lot of words cos each time i ask her questions or request her to do some thing, she will respond postively
<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
was at toys r us yesterday and hubby saw the ball toyz house and wanted to get it for yingxin; we thought for very very very long and in the end didn't buy
I still very sore abt ballhouse leh, A really liked it. So sad we dun hav space for it. Even sadder #2 wun hav chance to play with it.
I find toddlers like hiding under tents/ tables, it's a more intimate scale for them... like their special hiding place. Athena resorts to hiding in the FP Ocean Crawler thing, and my gf's tod always under their dining table!

At 1st I thought can buy cheaper shoes- but her brandless Hello Kitty really doesn't function as well. The insides more uncomfortable, no insole "arch", and the whole shoe lacks support. So bohbian bought another Colettee lor. Maybe should have bought more unisex design, yikes.

Yah, definitely can understand ALOT more than they articulate. My gf's tod doesn't say much, but can comprehend more complex sentences and instructions than A.
what lovely cny pics of all the tots!

CLIMBING STAIRS - yeah, luke's a little fanatical about them too. everytime we go out, he will inevitably get me to guide him up and down. he has incredible stamina for stairs.

SPEECH - luke's not in the fast lane but his vocab has increased lately. most delightfully, he calls me "mummy"!! (and also "ma-mi-mi", "mi-mi", "meh-mi" :p) most of the time, he cannot pronounce accurately but at least he is trying and i understand what he's trying to say. for example, "fish" is "ish" and "clock" is "c-ock". he's also got his own word for dog/cat, calls them "neh", have no idea why, hahahaha.

BED - luke has graduated to a toddler's bed liao (converted the cot). so far so good, the bed guard prevents him fr rolling off and he seems to sleep better. we do have a thin mattress next to the bed just in case lah.

u might want to do the MMR earlier than 18mths. cos at 18mths, Gab will hv to take the next jab. about new words, Esther fav for the moment is "mai na" - "no" in Hokkien.

i very bo eng leh. u saw how bo eng my girl is after all of them were "released" fm the play yard that night right? heh. thanks for the pics! remember i mentioned that i took a pic of Esther looking like a tai tai with shopping bag &amp; mobile in hand?

little prince,
i love the vaccuming video! rhyan looked so serious &amp; somemore move fm one area to another
