(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

skyblue, ruffybear
i was technically induced for gabe. my waterbag burst but i still dun hv n i also dun feel any contractions. cervix was only 1.5cm dilated e day my water bag burst. e next day when i was scheduled 2 b induced, my cervix was only 2.5cm. gynae said i'm dilating too slowly so must induce me.

inducing not tat bad for me cos i was on epi. in fact, wif induction, i dilated much faster.

hence, i tiking of inducing ed out cos i getting very tired in tis pregnancy n wif gabe n i falling sick very often lately (so much more often compared 2 1st pregnancy). i tiking of inducing on 10 or 15jul. ed's 36-37wks then, shld b enuff liao...

Your case same as mine. Gynae scanned Louisa and estimated her weight to be 3.6kg so kena induced. Came out only weighed 3.21kg. I'm not much taller than you but delivered both my girls naturally. I think it all depends on the gynae's practice and preference. Dr Ang (Kelly's gynae too) is very pro-natural and discourages epidural.

The weaning process went quite smoothly. But my boobs seem to have disappeared.

Hubby going to Portugal in August for 6 days. Plan is for me and Lavigne, my younger girl, to go with him and my mother-in-law will look after Louisa. I feel very bad leaving her behind. Hubby says cannot cope with 2 and her airfare is too costly. Medusa said I should go. What are the rest opinions?
oh yah hor, the goat sweets wld be her first sweets then! I've only ever given her biscuit-types b4. I'm always worried abt choking on sweets but these are really tiny/ chewable/ milky type.
I have opposite problem with sleep- if A naps well, she'd be Happy. Or else she'd be Cranky.

Long naps- depends what time it ENDS... eg. today she napped 12:30-4:30pm, she shld be sleeping abt now (except HB brought her out and ain't back yet!). If nap ends at evening, yah, will have to let her stay up abit later but it's never that late as to be a real problem. I try to never interrupt her naps cos she's really more cheerful when well-napped. She's like a real Groucho if interrupted, hehe.
My waterbag didn't burst with Ryan.. even after induce still 1cm.. so had C-section no epidural.. yeah.. no point to prolong the pregnancy if everyone is suffering..but just dunno if after inducing you will be able to deliver at 37-38wks. Will your gyane wait till you are fully dilated ?
My gyane said that he will let me try for natural birth this time..but if it takes too long then will go for another c-section.
Nanny and Rhyan had a fall yesterday night. Nanny brought him downstairs for a walk and on the way home, she was carrying Rhyan and tripped onto something. both fell to the floor at the carpark, nanny had pretty bad bruises on her knees and arms while Rhyan had a bruise on his face. so, hb and i took urgent leave today to take care of Rhyan so that nanny can have a rest.

i can't confirm on the pool party yet bcoz my hb can't confirm whether he is working on a Sat or Sun for that weekend (recently got these odd shifts). so, you all go ahead and i will let you know if we can make it. thanks for inviting.

we won't be celebrating for Rhyan most likely. maybe just buy a small cake and cut at home or with nanny and granduncle, his birthday falls on a Sunday this year.

medusa / skyblue
i usually walk all the way to the end if i need to go to the toilet at expo .. hehe.
little prince,
Oh dear, did Rhyan have a bad bruise? Kieran so far fell twice at the car park, and both times, his knees kena bruised badly, but to fall from a height, i can't imagine!
If walk all the way to the end jus for toilet, i tink i'd rather go home liao. Hehehe...

Wow, 10/15 jul is abt 1 mth's time
So fast. I'm beginning to feel a bit nervous.
dear mommies

if looking for confinement lady, i have a frend working as an agent, so can call her for info
Chanelle 91822035
she's a beri kind lady
Tks jen!!

Pool Party
Date: 24 or 25 Jun 2006
Time: 4pm
Venue: Hillview
Pls indicate interest and date preferred... we'll settle for the date when most can make it...
- pcs
- sherhino
- kelly
- sharon
- cody (24jun, sat)
Pool Party
Date: 24 or 25 Jun 2006
Time: 4pm
Venue: Hillview
Pls indicate interest and date preferred... we'll settle for the date when most can make it...
- pcs
- sherhino
- kelly (24jun, sat morn pls)
- sharon
- cody (24jun, sat)

thks for organising!
gabe napped for 4hrs45mins today...1 amazing record. i didnt know he napped for so long cos i napped wif him too (me napped for abt 3hrs). i suspect tat it could hv been e fever med i administered 2 him just b4 he napped. he started e day feverish so i decided 2 give him a dose 2 play safe.

i did tik of Mac West Coast but quite far for gabe's friens who stay in e east (tamp, bedok, simei, punggol, sengkang). i love to prune gabe's guest list but very hard to do so. so no choice, need 2 settle for a big & cheap venue like mac

IMO, i tik u shld go without both girls. treat it like a retreat for u & ur husband or even something for u 2 rejuvenate urself (for all e hard work u hv done for e family).

for me, it'll b hard 2 go wif only 1 girl, esp when e bigger girl would probably get very jealous. need 2 remedy tat when u all return fr e trip.

LOL abt ur boobs! i dunno abt my shrunken boobs but they have sagged a great deal.

sorry i dun quite understand wat u asked.
"but just dunno if after inducing you will be able to deliver at 37-38wks. Will your gyane wait till you are fully dilated?"

u meant 2 ask if my gynae will induce me at 37wks? i tik he will IF i insists. he kept saying tat since i hv a history of delivering a 2.8kg bb, i shldnt hv problems delivering a bb up to 3.5kg. then again it's hard 2 say cos there may b other factors 2 consider so he kept telling me 2 let nature takes its course.
lil prince,
oh my...is rhyan doing ok? how's his bruise? not easy for ur nanny 2 carry a 14kg tod. hope rhyan gets well soon.

SLEEP - gabe needs min 12hrs of sleep in a day. on average he gets abt 10hrs of bedtime n 3hrs of naptime. if he manages 12hrs of bedtime, he naps abt 1-2hrs. in a day, if he gets <10hrs of sleep, he KOs by 9pm tat day.
u must be very gan jiong in the fitting room while R out there "MUMMY"!!! :p i let quinn into the fitting room with me when trying on clothes, this started ever since when i brave enough to go out with him alone... *not long ago nia* :p so now even if hubby is ard, i also let quinn into the fitting room, hubby says me VELY brave tat day when i allow quinn into FOX fitting room!! so i ask him why he says so?? then he reply "if ur darling decided to do something funny, ur BODY will be a public display pcs of art"!!! after some thingy, i finally know wat he meant, THE FITTING ROOM NO DOOR, JUST CURTAIN!!!!! wahahahahahaha!!!!!


yah man, i really put my heart and soul and watever i can to feel better. i tell myself almost every minute that quinn is just acting his age! and its much easier for me but when im not feeling well or happens that tat day is not my day, its tougher.... and i REALLY succeed in 1 thing, i really can bo chap how other pp look at me / us when he throw tantrums in the public....

sharon, glad that wayne is better!!! a gal surely melts ur hubby heart!!

good to hear tena is okie
quinn also taste sweet.... i use the word taste becos tat day mil gave it to him! of cos when i was not ard, went shopping with gf. hubby told me abt it when i went home. he says quinn look at my nephew when hes enjoying his candy, hubby says its not so bad lah as its the dun know wat brand, its ORGANIC! i guess he purposely says the word ORGANIC so i will be okie. :p but he says quinn just use his tongue to lick it twice then have a small bite and refuse the whole thing liao. :p

hey maybe ur WEIRD craving is due to ur boy boy wants to eat that goat sweet??

and hey, u got any secret recipe for making A more guai???!! care to share??? wahahahhahaha!!!!!!!

yah, so happy to see u, kieran and ur hubby too!! u too, looking all so radiant and looks like u mainly put on kgs on ur tummy and not anywhere else, so envy!!! hubby keep saying kieran sooo very adorable after we part, says that he likeshis shy shy face and smile! but i like it when i saw him running after the barney ride!! so excited and ganjiong! ha!!!

after reading, i quickly check on quinns bb book. okie, his head cir. is 34cm and i rem my gynae says "lucky u had c-section" and i dun understand wat he mean and now iknow... me also small build so i guess tats the reason lor. but i tik my gynae knows tat im abit sad tat i end up c-section so cheer me up by say that quinn is a good boy to daddy, as he PROCTECTING daddys TOY! piaz!

its usually 2.5 - 3 hours for quinn and for some days like wat medusa says,good weather, can also up to 4 hours. he can still sleep at nite but there are also some days he sleep like 45 mins and wake up super cranky! and sometimes no nap at all lor. just like last yesterday, he woke up at almos 11 am and refuse to nap till 6 pm, he DEMAND for tat nap and i fell asleep with him too as tooooo tired! and jump out of the bad at 8pm, wake him up and decide to date some frens out for kopi at H.V so can let him run ard the 24hr supermarket and reach home 1 plus am and slept at 2 am!! :p
Hubby had wanted MIL to look after both girls but she's worried she can't handle. Since we're here in UK, she's never looked after them before. If we're in Singapore, it's more feasible as there are more helpers. But to ask her to look after both of them when she has never done before, I think it's quite siong for her. But I'm looking forward to going out with hubby alone when she comes. Can't remember the last time we went on a date.
My gyane quite pro c-section and also not into early delivery. Ryan was quite big 3.7kg this 2nd one maybe equally or even bigger. Hope you get your wish with your gyane.

when are you having Faye's party? Even at Macs will have to book in advance for the venue.

Hope that Rhyan gets better soon.
sometimes induce when cervix not ready, higher c-sect chance.

oh dear hope R's better, did he get a fright? Got baluku?
Yeah I walked to end toilet- still long queue. But my tummy BIGGEST in the queue, got people let me cut, wahahaha.

my thoughts were that it'd be a gd break for you. And won't be any bad impact on Louisa- her airfare wld be such a bomb and can be better spent on having FUN 1-on-1 excursions with her granma. I was also thinking... with Lavigne around, Louisa might be missing some "alone" pampering/ focus with her loved ones- ur MIL may be able to offer that?

popping mums,
hmm HB just phoned me to tell me his fren's wife 4cm dilated in hospital. Her EDD later than mine. *me gulps gallons of raspberry leaf tea again*

quite depressing ah... i specifically chose my current gynae cos he's really the top choice for natural/ VBAC... and even he also not very gd news for me. And I've surfed onto another blog where another lady also ard same EDD as me I think, also trying VBAC, also this same gynae, and her chances are VERY POSITIVE.

Ever seen a pregnant Incredible Hulk anot? That wld be me. Green and Big all the time.
Relax lah.. at least u experienced labour pain right? me never.

evan's edd was on the 20th mar, my scheduled c-sect on 10th mar. after 5th mar, i hoped evan would decide himself to see me earlier. it's not really against the mother of nature if that happened though i still would need to be c-sect. i could also know what is it like to be in "pain" or at least have a feel of water bag burst. as to why i hoped it happened after 5th mar, 'coz 5th mar is my MIL's b'day, i prayed real hard evan won't be born on that day

on the 9th, my right feet started to swell a bit. i reckon if mine wasn't an elective c-sect, evan would still be delivered ahead of his actual EDD.
eh I never experienced BHC or labour pain leh.
Waterbag never broke on its own either.
Only minor cramps ONCE when I drank too much tea heheh, so today maybe I try to drink 5 sachets raspberryleaf tea, see whether got "any rumbling" anot. :p

YAH! I was praying Irvin doesn't come out on MIL's b'day (last wk)! Hehehe. But same mth leh. *grumble grumble*

HB doesn't seem ready to see his son leh. Tell me he very busy lately.
Can can can... I keep for u
Her pic very very big, the biggest on dat page.

little devil,
Hey, thks for ur compliments.
I put on kgs on my tummy and arms :p So far, 31 wks liao, i put on 10 kg, even though appetite dropped.
I oso dunno y Kieran these days will do those shy shy actions. He didn't use to do dat. But can tell he's pretending nia, cos though he's burying his face on hubby's shoulder or hiding behind my legs, can see dat he's grinning away.
Kieran is crazy abt kiddy rides. Mon i jus brought him to punggol plaza 4th level where there're many kiddy rides. He had to sit on every single one of them. So hard to drag him away.
Quinn very cool looking leh. N u realy really look gorgeous with dat shorts :p

U dun have many weeks left to see my preggie state. Hehehe... Next sun i gotta rush off to my granny's bday leh.

Wah, so gd got pple gave way to u. There was twice I took bus, no one gave seats to me, not dat i gian :p
eh this may interest u. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/270192/432447.html?1149315895

Basically my HB wld NOT hav signed for Cordlife if I din insist. He's of the opinion it's not much use (only ONE case they used, in which u can call it "100% success rate" lah, hehe).

U have more time left to delivery than me, perhaps u can read that link- seems u can contact KKH wks in advance, do some paperwork, have them send a kit over to Mt A to collect cordblood for DONATION to public cordbank (the link provides info on y donating makes more sense than pte storage).
Never? Ehh... paiseh, must be i mixed up with so many birth stories.

Yeah, same month... i foresee next year MIL's b'day, she will want to share the same cake with evan, grandma and grandson celebrate b'day together?? wah lao eh...

Hehehe... once you pop, your hubby will be with u no matter how busy he is.
thank you... sorry mummies, no time to read posts recently... very very bz...

<font color="ff0000">Any mummies of bb gals, got white/offwhite nice hats or lacy hankies (can use for bandana)? I want to borrow for Jean to cover her messy hair for family wedding dinner on 17th Jun... very much appreciate!!!</font>
Did for both the kids, just a form of assurance. Am planning to let them pay their own once they start working, or they may wish to discard, leave the choice to them.

Somehow Evan's cordblood were not being stored at the required temperate after he was delivered. luckily it's ok when sent to the lab.
thks 4 e link. very interesting 2 read. looks like it's betta 2 store publicly than privately.

i also avoiding MIL/SIL's bdays for edward. gabe's bday falls on e same day wif my MIL's malaysian bro n last yr alone, they kept asking us 2 celebrate tgt. luckily gabe had 3 bday parties so managed 2 avoid. tis time round, can also avoid but dunno abt next yr.

husband also not keen on cord blood banking (probably 1 of e reasons y he didnt 1 2 go 2 e motherhood fair). he finds it pointless n definitely a waste of $$. he probably knows tat if we go down, he'll b convinced by e Cordlife pp 2 sign up (wif me egging or nagging at him) n *regret* later.
thanks, mummies.

skyblue / kelly / medusa
he got a blue black bruise near his right eye, side of his head. luckily, no open wound. nanny said he cried quite badly when they fell, fortunately nanny's youngest son happened to go out and heard rhyan's cry so ran over to see. he carried rhyan home (struggling crying rhyan coz this uncle never carry him before :p) while nanny limped home.

he recently got alot of blue blacks leh. got 2 recent small blue blacks on his arm coz we brought him to an animal resort on last Sun and he went to point and talk at a duck resting under a tree, the duck got angry and gave him a peck. he held his arm and ran off, whining and grumbling at the duck.

eh, he can narrate the story to nanny and granduncle leh when they asked what happened to his arm. he will hold his arm and say "Pain! Duck Duck!"

lil devil
i usually only try clothes when hubby is around to look after rhyan. even when i am in the fitting room, he will be shouting for me outside and when i stretch out my feet to show him which room i am in, he tries to bend down and peep at me!

here's wishing you an advance smooth delivery before i realised you have popped!
kel, skyblue, CSR,
I was thinking... store privately, and if no problems after say 5 yrs, terminate and transfer/ donate to public bank. Cos according to the link, the quantity stored is only enough for tod 4-6yrs, more than 1 donor needed for older recipient. Also the info states quality deteoriates after 10yrs, I may not want to pay yrly for so long?

If, *touchwood* got problem need cordblood, see whether can use. If can't use (need somebody else's?), maybe can donate this batch and see if there's a way for priority in the public bank?

IMO still better than NOT storing at all. But HB disagree with me lah, he always sing different tune from me one. :p
lil prince,
luckily he didnt hurt his right eye n there's no open wound. oh my, ur nanny must hv hurt real bad 2 b limping. hope both recovers asap.
oh dear, sounds nasty the bruise near eye. But hor... the duck peck is funny :p . I was pecked by a stupid swan before. All these birds ah, anyhow peck one!

VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section).
Quality deteoriates after 10 years.. oh... these the sales rep didn't tell me... i guess she presumed i knew before i signed up? anyway, i think it's good to go for it lor.
Apologies Jen! Just realised i cannot make it for the pool party on sat ... so i change my date... sunday also abit siong for me cos dean has kindermusik at 5pm. whatever the date / time, go with your own convenience k? tks again!

Pool Party
Date: 24 or 25 Jun 2006
Time: 4pm
Venue: Hillview
Pls indicate interest and date preferred... we'll settle for the date when most can make it...
- pcs
- sherhino
- kelly (24jun, sat morn pls)
- sharon
- cody (25jun, sun early afternoon if possible)
hi mummies
cant keep up with the thread as there are too many messages.
My gal is now abt 18 months and i am expecting another child, most likely a gal. Hubby quite disappointed as he wants a boy and i intend to stop at 2. I have no preference tho a gal and a boy would be ideal but we cant decide on the gender right..
hi mummies
cant keep up with the thread as there are too many messages.
My gal is now abt 18 months and i am expecting another child, most likely a gal. Hubby quite disappointed as he wants a boy and i intend to stop at 2. I have no preference tho a gal and a boy would be ideal but we cant decide on the gender right..

EDD end of nov..

Also looking for a maid to take care of my 2 kids, anyone can give any advice or recommendation?? thank
yah, can see Kieran pretent only lah, hes really grinning away and when we caught him doing that, he will flash his teeth!! wahahahahahha!!! thanks for ur compliment
for me hor, when i shop i do buy like 3/4 pants, cargo pants and such BUT always reach out for shorts whenever go out, weather so hot and must gear up in a way that i can CHASE after quinn!!!!

wahahahhahahaha!!! R will check if u still in there!! so adorable... talking abt this, lately quinn got tis very WEIRD habit! he will stick his hand into my tee or he will try to see wats under my tee!!!???
and tat day whileshopping with quinn *in bra / panty dept.* he was running ard and so busy playing with bras / panty and he hand me a set of YAM color CARTOON bra and panty and says "NICE, VELY NICE"!!!!! i then reply him "ummm.... its looking quite okie but they dun suit mummy" then he put tham back, pp ard us keep laughing!
maybe try to educate ur huuby abot the C.B banking??!! if i preggy with second bb, i will sure go for it! sort of hou hui not doing tat for quinn and also bb no. 2 chances seems slim lah...

i know most mummies keep blog for their precious but i really want to do VELY nice scrap book for quinn, any ideas where can find nice nice materials?????
Just came back from 39th wk gynae checkup. Siiigh.

Irvin's head is past 34cm (gynae said 34cm and below is gd chance for natural/ VBAC).
so low chance of VBAC lah!

Gynae thinks I'd go overdue and will let me overdue til natural labour occurs whenever (so Irvin's head will continue growing. Eg. Athena was 36cm at 40wks).
so I'd go into OVERDUE labour and end up c-sect due to too big head?

Gynae will not induce labour cos he says even tho Athena was induced at 40wk, my body wasn't ready, hence one of reasons ended up c-sect (the other main reason is A's head lah!).
so wait until overdue labour, head too big, STILL end up c-sect?

Like this how??? No solution offered! Might as well elective c-sect, dun have double whammy pain/ costs of labour + emer. c-sect?

My HB's fren's wife gave birth liao (the one who was 4cm dilated this morning).

I feel as if I shld have gorged on DURIANS ALL THROUGH PREGNANCY. And not bother with this VBAC thing. Bl**dy h*ll.
i agree wif u tat lil devil is gorgeous in shorts. she not only gorgeous leh, she also super hot &amp; sexy.

my husband calls her a hot mama!
Hi Medusa,

Just take things naturally. Don't be too stress over this natural delivery. My friend once told me no matter what way the bb is delivered, as long the mother and BB is healthy any way of delivering will be alright.
yah. I'm just very mang-zhang (cantonese phrase, dunno translation... grouchy?). Gave up all those durians. I even *dreamt* HB bought durians for me leh.

Abit irritated with gynae's wait-and-see-how attitude lor. Even tho I know I shldnt blame him, not his fault lah.

Today drank 3 sachets raspberryleaf tea liao. later I go down 2 more sachets *fingers/ eyes/ toes all crossed*
oh my...to tik u didnt take durians n irvin's head still going &amp; going. probably cant blame e boy, it's in e genes rt?

i read in another thread (cant recall if it's apr or may MTB 06)...a mummy got her husband 2 stimulate her nipples n engage in sexual intercourse. e next day, she popped.
Hi Medusa,

You can try this method. Dunno how true. That time I wanted very much to deliver Sharyn but no sign. Hubby helped by stroking the nipples. Half an hour later my water bag burst.
kel, CSR, Pets,
gynae suggested those too... eh, but err, need cooperation from partner leh. Not to mention I'm too mang-zhang for anything like that. Present mood is want to eat and eat and eat.

sorry to interrupt, my gynae told me that if you want to "speed up" the delivery when you are full term, can do the following:

1) intercourse
2) nipple stimulation
3) squats (repeat for 10-15times each time)
4) take a loooooooong walk
