(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Tks for the tip.

LOL. Can imagine u keep telling them not to buy.
Athena is a sweet girl what. Anyhow pose also sweet :p
what's the age gap betwn ur darlings? How did Louisa respond to Lavigne's arrival? Were u taking care of them solo all along (u're caring for them solo now too, right)?

Yesterday at diaper-changing, a stranger mum with 2 kids 22 mths apart, chatted to me. Basically said it was VERY TOUGH for her but now a-ok (now her kids already 3YO, 5YO). But she mentioned she was all alone, no help lah. Very nice lady, but she (ominously) mentioned mine having smaller age gap will be even tougher.

FIVE kids? *faint* If I have 5 kids, plus being SAHM, waliao, I can forget about wearing heels for what- more than a decade???
urgh! how can ur husband say it's no big deal? it's so so so dangerous to be leaving such items lying around. luckily u spotted it. i cant imagine wat ur husband would feel if athena hurt herself with it.

btw, love athena's pics. brighten my day for sure.

lil prince,
how does rhyan pee pee into the potty? does he do so by sitting on it or standing?

ya, i tik it's e same bed we are talking abt. u can extend the headboard (to make it slightly longer) and the bottom part (to stretch the bed the most). u bought the bed in S'pore? u then brought it over to UK? it's quite easy for lavigne 2 climb up & down the bed rt? ya, gabe does it wif ease too. husband was tiking even if gabe does tumble or miss his footing, it wont hurt him so bad cos the height's pretty low (considering he fell from our bed 3x when he was 6-7mths old).

how hv u been? not coming back 2 s'pore for CNY? any festive mood over there?

5 KIDS?????? let me kowtow 2 u 1st... i cant imagine myself having beyond 2 at tis moment.

2 KIDS for me
lately i was telling husband if 2nd bb is a boy, close factory. if 2nd bb is a girl, also close factory. husband went, "duh? no option for me lah". unless he figures a way 2 ensure we hv sufficient funds for our retirement and the kids' education, i may consider a 3rd bb. a friend once told me, a child add 10yrs to the parent(s)' intended retirement age. if u intend 2 retire at 50, wif a child, u need 2 retire at 60yrs. wif 2 children, 70yrs mayb? gosh, i cant imagine me and/or ben having to work in fast food restaurants at 60yrs old for income and not 2 kill time.

after reading medusa's post closely, i realised i have a daunting task to potty train gabe. i dunno if my caregivers have the perserverance to bring gabe 2 e potty every 30mins-1hr 2 pee pee. both are already complaining tat their arms are aching from carrying gabe too much in the morn when he gets clingy and/or upset (cos i not around). he gets a lil betta in the afternoon when it comes 2 lunchtime and bedtime. by then, i'm almost home too.

on mon nite, i let gabe go without diaper at my mum's plc (after my mum nagged tat i shld start 2 potty train him blah blah blah). gabe then peed in the kitchen, creating a big puddle, walked around further hence leaving traces of urine in the kitchen n when he somehow walked past the puddle, he almost slipped & fell.

i myself also not keen 2 train him cos heavy 2 carry him for long lah...how huh? headache...
wow! you are going to see your 2nd bb soon! i am sure you look good!

you stock up fish so early ah? nanny scolded granduncle when he asked if he should buy rhyan's fish yesterday for the long weekend. hehe .. she told him to buy only on Fri so that the fish is fresh enough to last till Tues. Then, they go market again next Wed to buy for the rest of the week. very nice of them hor, but very bo eng for them. :p

wah, i also feel your method very "jue". for me, i will just say "thanks but rhyan don't eat these food lah, don't believe you try!" the person tries offering, rhyan grin and run away! i tell the person "see? i told you wat, mummy knows best!"

how you feed faye nuts? you grind ah?

how much do you pay to service your MBR room air con unit for 3 times a year? include compressor? i seldom use the other units at home too, almost fainted when i paid my air con company to do normal cleaning for these units the first time coz they charge $30 per unit and only wipe wipe abit and remove filter to wash. i am cleaning them myself too, save money mah.

OMG! your incident is just as scary, somemore not at home. i cannot imagine if we are outside somewhere, bb is locked in the car with engine on, wait till locksmith come or go home take spare key and return, i think bb cry till eyes swollen liao. think i will rather break the glass window instead.

the reason why i hv not start potty training rhyan at home is bcoz i am not fast enough to unstick diaper for him to pee. usually, the pee gets caught halfway in diaper and halfway in the toilet bowl + floor + his legs + my hands! but tt was few mths back so i think i shld try again. for pooing, he is ok on potty.

it was yr mum's tatami that got wet ah?

i like athena's 2nd pix, her eyes so cute!

i always eat at JTC leh, most of the time. you only saw me once ah? :p

weekday nites i most prob can. :p
I hv tried letting him pee into potty while standing, he only pee into potty sitting when he is pooing at the same time. at nanny's pl, she has a cup specially used for him to pee into but sometimes, she brings him to the toilet to pee.

to be honest, if you want him to pee into toilet bowl, then will hv to bear with pee everywhere than the toilet bowl coz difficult to position properly. also, his hands may get in the way when peeing, so must watch out to grab his hands. for me, i would use a cup or container for him to pee into, for a start.

i was thinking at first if that may give him the wrong impression tt he can pee at other places other than the toilet but i don't think its a very big problem coz my collg did this too and her son had no problem adjusting to toilet bowl at home and bottle if outside but no nearby toilet. its really much easier to train this way lor, easier to aim and catch his pee.

Rhyan loves mummy & daddy!

very very gay yian! he responds by saying "Yeah!" if we ask him whether he loves us, whether he is handsome, clever, self praise questions. but if we ask him if he is a naughty boy, or nanny comments him naughty, he blows his lips splattering saliva everywhere in response! if we ask a question that is not a yes or no answer, he ignores us! i dunno whether they are flukes but i hv tried a few times and seems like this! hehe!!
recent pixs!


^ dining at Kenny Rogers.


^ everytime he sees a sticker on the floor while walking, he will bend down to touch it. the whole stretch in Suntec had these stickers and he stopped EVERY time!


^ his favourite characters! held them and ran everywhere in Robinsons!


^ new swim trunks! sexy bor?
i gave up on swim diapers liao.
Meghan missed playing with Jean past few times lah. Weekday nites are ok for me.

Hehe...got support already, now u must organise!

OIC, but this way also quite relaxing cos u can prepare in advance. Meghan was natural delivery but induced, so I had nice breakfast aft my gynae appt then was admitted to hospital.

Take it easy hor, don stress urself out lah. Athena looks so cute napping!

Hehe..other way around, MIL stay with me. Think it definitely makes a difference cos it's MY house.
wahaha our thead is alive!

More BBs- hmmm for us, quality counts far more than quanity, so we'll only start planning for no 2 when Faye is old enough to participate and enjoy having her new sibling around, that'll be when she is 3-4 I guess. We dont wanna compromise the quality of our marriage family life just to have more kids (then whats the point?) cause we dont feel that we can handle the needs of a 1-2+yr old toddler PLUS a newborn(esp when I'm a sahm who doesnt want a maid :p). Thats just us lor. I DO know of some mums who have kids with age gap of 1-2 and they manage to cope v well tho, so I guess it depends on every individual mummy. :p

deniz, so far I havent really carried other kids, so not sure if Faye minds or not. Hmmm maybe one of these days I'll try and see how she reacts LOL! But hor, now thinking back, some days ago, one of my flend's son (few mths younger than Faye) took my thumb and held it happily (just holding it LOL!) and Faye who was on my lap did seem to mind somewhat initially. But I think after I said sometihng to her (cant remember wat, something like 'xxx is holding mummy's thumb!') and grin at her, she seemed ok again even tho that bb was still holding my thumb!

MT, oh gosh, a sharp pin can be v dangerous!! I will freak out too! What if bb put in mouth and it pierces her tounge or worse, swallows it?!!?
MORALE- eh, just go and get some NICE (paragon got) maternity clothing, go for a good haircut, manicure/pedi and a facial. You'll feel TONS better after that. You feel lousy = tena + no 2 affected + you feel lousier, not worth it lar. Some things you cannot help wan, then no choice, some things you can help wan, if also dun help then drag too long beri cham leh .

kelly, LOL! *Faye passes you a box of tissue*
potty- Just like everything else, some kids are ready faster, by 2 they are 100% diaper-free, some kids are not even ready till over 3. And its not indicative of anything at all. I wont be PT Faye so soon till I feel she is really ready. If not then I'll be imposing on her what she cant do and that adds stress to our r/s, and thats not gonna help her be potty trained rite? No need to rush lar, take your time. If you wait till he is a lil older and able to use words to express urgency to pee/poo, PLUS his muscle control is better to hold it in, and able to play a v active role in going to the potty himself etc, there'll prob be lesser work/stress for you both. Just my $0.02's heh

lil prince, I give her the nuts she holds and takes tiny bites till nut is finished.
Wahaha *wolf whistles* R beri sexy ah!
hahahaha, wat a coincidence! i was talking to a biz assoc yesterday evening n learned tat she's 4mths preggie wif her 3rd child. she has a 5yr+ old girl n a 3yr old boy. age gap is 2.5yrs. i told her abt my position n i asked her how she manage. she said it was tough in the 1st yr. the girl was very very jealous n demanded lotsa attention. in the end, they spent more time comforting, assuring, doting on the girl and much lesser time on the bb boy then. the biz assoc said she & her husband felt very guilty but they didnt hv a choice. the bb boy was mainly cared for by the maid. her last words 2 me was, "must manage gabriel well".

my uncle has a similar situation...5yr old girl, 3yr old boy (both my cousins). i remember whenever we ask the girl if she loves her di di, she said yes n will sayang her bro in our presence. her mum then shared wif us tat the girl smacks the boy's face/hands/arms/butt in the absence of adults. now the boy is bigger, he smacks his sister in return and the girl can only cry & complain to my aunt & uncle. retribution? sigh!

after learning of such cases, i often wunder wat my situation will b. i wunder if i hv 2 boys, i tik i'll let them fight it out n i'll b pulling my hair out too. if i hv a boy & a girl, i wunder if my girl will bully gabe, will my girl b a tomboy (cos got a big bro 2 follow around, no girly toys around and probably lotsa boyish clothes for her 2 wear at home), will gabe bully her or will gabe ignore her, etc?

i know i can count on u for advices. thks a lot for ur 2cents worth.
in fact, i'm waiting for someone 2 tell me so tat i can put potty training for gabe on hold. i tik i holding too many stuff on my plate now n 2 potty train is DEFINITELY the last thing on my mind.

i'll get husband 2 check my pulse...but knowing my husband, he'll go, "aiya, cant u wait for a while more 2 get a confirmed scan from dr ang?"
i juz squeezed an appt for a haircut last sun, had 2 bring gabe 2 e appt n luckily there was a bigger boy there 2 entertain him. as for facial, mani/pedi, i cant get any appts wif my regular service providers. they all put me on wait-list and/or give me appts in the day which i cant make it at all.
i complained 2 husband abt tis. he told me 2 do my own facial at home by exfoliating, putting on mask, etc and do my own mani/pedi. URGH!!!
lil prince,
rhyan is definitely our sunshine boy here! always so smiley. puts a smile 2 my face too. makes me miss my gabe too.

medusa, CS, evelyn
at 12wks, me no weight gain yet. i know i gaining weight for sure cos appetite improving, MS slowly disappearing (no longer puking 2-3x in a day, now once every other day) but energy levels still not picking up (like when i had gabe, i can feel my energy level pick up in my 2nd trimester). mayb i have a lil monkey at home who clings onto me the sec i get home n probably zaps all my energy away resulting in him having lotsa energy 2 play until 11pm-12am.
wahahahah! u remembered the hazeline snow ah? i realised too, most of his pictures all have shiny cheeks!

eh, you try viewing the vid using the same link again, see can or not?

yar, he has thinned down a little from all the running downstairs everyday. but, we noticed he has grown alot taller too .. hehehe!
hi kelly
nice to see u back in action. hope u have a bb girl soon. do take care and have plenty of rest.

hi medusa
tena sleeping postiton lokk so sweet. u too rest well, dun get urself too tired out

hi littleprince
rhyan look so smiliy just like last time i saw him at NTUC. His nanny is so nice to do the marketing for u.
btw I saw justin and ac last nite at PP but dare not approach paiseh

admire ur courage to ans and stop ppl letting kiera eat food. Nicole useless mummy dare not bark back just let PIL feed her watever they wan and still have to stand there to see and pretend to smile. Only go home then nag and grumble to hb. but if stranger give i will saw no ony to PIl i dare not oppose. but thinking back after all is their grandchild they mean no harm too. if i think tis way i feel better.

Hi CS rice
time really fly, do keep us update of ur delivery

Hi Sharon,
so nice to have reuion dinner outside, but my sibling all reufsed. so mnay preparation to do esp now with Nicole

mummy staying in punggol
thot very long whether to share tis news wif u all cos i myself dun no true or not.
last week while waiting to see doc, i overheard a few auntie and unlce at the shutter bus area talking abt fish stall at maket. they say all the fish stall fish cannot buy cos all wighing scale not accurate have to buy in NTUC. they say all stall belong to a boss and all scale is not to the correct amt. anyway i once buy fish once only as i dun cook for nicole just feed her cereal on weekend lazy mummy.
Just to share wif u all hope will not case any prpblem
little prince,
Yar we stocked up last weekend. Figured it's fine cos only once in a blue moon. Weekdays we dun have time to go marketing, so betta than ending up wif no fish.
*wolf whistle* Rhyan very sexy leh... I oso agree wif Sharon, his bah bah thighs n arms disppear liao. Now macho looking.

Hmm...the price of the fish in PP seems fine to us cos we used to buy in SK, oso abt same price. We can roughly gauge if we're cheated cos we normally get the fishmonger to slice the fish for us. The size so far abt the same.

Faye won't put the whole nut into her mouth? I dunno how to intro nuts to Kieran cos i forsee he'll stuff eevrything into his mouth. Sekali choke.

Wah piang, i see Athena sleep until so 'song' now i feel like taking a nap. *Yawn*
Lil prince,

Ya, i only saw u once somemore not in the canteen. Is at the main road, i saw u walking toward JTC compound.


My staffs will da bao the food for me from our canteen. I been to 1010 once, tried the fish soup, very nice.

Really hah.... like this i must weigh my fish next time wahaha... So far im comfortable with the lady that i bought the fish from as she will always choose the best part for me. Sometimes she even charge me cheaper. I bo bian lah, no other place for me to get the fish, unless i go to those big wet market at old estate which i think they already closed by the time i reached there(I always go market at 11am-1pm). Furthermore, threadfish got 2 types, normal-i think $20+ n gd one-$30 and above. Seldom market sell the gd threadfish.

as gabe dun reject any food tat comes 2 his mouth, i have to be very careful when i'm wif my parents and at gatherings. since gabe turned 1, my parents have been more adventurous 2 put anything & everything into his mouth. i hv 2 keep saying NO to oranges/durians (when gabe was having cough), prawns, peanuts and recently pineapple tarts, peanut cookies, love letters, etc. so far my parents have fed gabe diff types of cake (butter, marble, cheese, choc), ngoh hiang (homemade type - mum made it so basically it's minced meat and minced prawn wif water chestnut), fish cake, fish ball, diff types of fried & steamed fish (without the sauce), all sorts of veg (my mum stir-fries them), chicken meat, pork, mutton, etc. i had 2 constantly remind my parents tat as long as it's not too sweet, too salty, ok 2 give but still MUST check wif me 1st.

my MIL is more careful cos she always asks me if gabe can eat tis, gabe can eat tat. she also shared wif me abt gabe's 22mths old female cousin who started eating laksa at 14mths, french fries, basically all table food & junk food. after eating laksa and french fries on separate occasions, gabe's cousin came down wif high fever n was sick for 1wk. i tik my MIL is being wary/cautious, after seeing how the toddler girl chomps down all sorts of food then fall sick. *i tik* MIL is also cautious bcos i very *niao* abt wat goes into gabe's mouth.

while at gatherings, during mealtimes, i pre-empt all relatives 2 ask me if they wanna feed gabe stuff. i outrightly tell my aunties (my uncles dun bother wif toddlers lah) tat they MUST ask me b4 giving anything 2 gabe. my aunties very nice, all cooperative except for a few occasions when an aunt didnt ask (i gave her the benefit of the doubt tat she forgot 2 ask) n i put it in a nice way when i refused the food she wanted 2 feed gabe.

as for CNY goodies, the only goodie i allow for gabe is kueh bolu. i not sure abt giving love letter (coconut content), i find all pineapple tarts too sweet (i give the pastry base but gabe insists on eating the pineapple paste so i ended up not giving). i love 2 feed gabe butter cookies but i didnt buy any butter cookies tis yr.

last nite, i fed gabe kueh bolu, breaking it into small pieces each time. he finished one, walked 2 my island in the kitchen n pointed to the kueh bolu, insisted on another one. i took one out n he insisted on eating on his own. the kueh bolu is rather crumbly so i told him 2 sit down while eating it. gabe kwai kwai sat down, chewed on the kueh bolu. when he came to 1/2 of the kueh bolu, he shoved the whole thing into his mouth. i quickly stopped him cos i fear he choke (which i tik he will). i got him 2 bite the remaining into 1/2 n chew slowly.

during CNY visiting, if i come across butter cookies at relatives' plc, i wont stop gabe from eating if relatives offer. as for the other goodies, i'll try it 1st myself b4 letting gabe try. who knows i may find a pineapple tart not so sweet.

(edited to add: bak kwa is a NO NO! husband has been chomping down bak kwa n wanted 2 feed gabe a lil. i've been saying NO NO NO!)
how 2 explain 2 u? u can find it even during non CNY period. i know bengawan solo sells it. it's a supermini cupcake. can b a bit drying if eat >2 at one go. so must drink water.
<font color="aa00aa">sharon</font>
how nice to be able to work in the same office as your hubby....save on transport time

<font color="aa00aa">little prince</font>
the previous one charges $35 per unit and same thing lor, he dismantle and just dust away the dirt and wash the filter which i can also handle myself but cos our master room unit leaks often so he also uses a water vacuum to suck the trapped dirt from the pipe

so 3 times a year = $35 x 3 (plus $10 for gas top up on one occasion)

the incident happened at tangs carpark on last wed after we went there for lunch and shopping; luckily not crowded

this year i used another servicing company and they charged $40 per unit for chemical servicing and gas top up...find them betta than the last one

My opinion only - If Gabe can take prawns / dried scallops (seafood) etc with no allergy then I think a little bit of abalone is okay lah, just remember to skip the concentrated soup that comes with it cos that one's quite salty. For seafood i'd only avoid giving them the shell kind like mussel, clams, cockles etc.
gabe has never eated dried scallops and i only used it as seasoning in his porridge when he was 6mths old. my mum gave me some 2 pop into his porridge but when i finish them, i dun use dried scallops anymore. when i served gabe the porridge, i avoided the dried scallops too.

as for prawns, the portion he took on 2occasions is so tiny tat i dunno if i can say he really ate prawns. i tiking of cooking spinach wif abalone on sat for our reunion dinner so was wondering if i can feed gabe abalone, u c.

ok, noted 2 avoid shell food.
I know u referring to feeding our tods wif abalone :p I tink i'll give Kieran abit of it. Cos scallops n abalone seems abt the same.
CNY Food/Goodies

I think i will let nat eat whatever food im eating(She'll come to me whenever she saw me eating) but wun be too much. Oh ya, got NO NO food oso, that is soft drinks n sweet.


Yes, i will let nat eat abalone but not other seafood at the moment. Scared she spoil my CNY leh...
skyblue, initially faye tried to pop into her mouth, then she realised instantly that its too big to chew, so will spit it out. Then I held one end for her and tell her to take small bites instead, after a few nuts she knows that its only possible to eat it properly if she takes small bites. Takes practise for them to learn how to handle it. Quite self correcting wan.

kelly, Faye ate half a piece of abalone during NY eve at mil's house, she hold one piece n chomp n chomp. wahaha got mileage ah, cause texture is v chewy, so one piece can last her v long :p
Offering food to toddlers

- Last week we were at Takashimaya New Year square trying and buying the CNY goodies when this auntie at Bengawan Solo offered RY an entire piece of almond melts cookie. We were distracted for a second and before we could say no, RY stuffed the entire piece into his mouth and went chomping away. The auntie could still say "Baby nice or not? If nice ask your mummy to buy for you...." Me faint!

Luckily we don't have a polka dotted boy the next day. RY hasn't taken any nuts before. Well at least we now know no allergy.
Wah Ryhan knows how to reject food *impressed* My gal will just chomp down any food pple offered her.
**drooling** after seeing nakkid Rhyan. He stills looks chubby to me.

I have no choice coz Keira gets heaty very easily. She also has weak digestive system.
She cannot take any food bigger than the size of half of a 5 cents coin or she will merlion.

I pei fu u . U actually inform all yr relatives to ask u B4 feeding Gabriel.
U r another very Xi xing Mummy
SALES AUNTIES- I ask u all ah, what do u all do/react when say, you and bb are in toy shop and there are sample toys displayed on low shelves for kids to check out. Then your bb happily plays with it, then the auntie comes and plays w your bb until your bb is VERY happy, then the auntie keeps saying to your bb 'you like this right? Beri fun rite? You ask mummy to buy for you, this one v good toy!' And kept repeating it over and over. How do u react ah?

This happened to us yesterday at a toy shop, and I pretend not to hear the auntie (gave a v polite and politically corlect smile hehe) :p After a while I asked Faye a few times if she is ready to go, but she stayed there for v long cause the auntie kept entertaining her non stop LOL(all the while trying to get me to buy her not-beri-nice toys)! In the end (like 25 min or so, v long for a tiny shop) the auntie kinda can tell I am not beri moved by her sales talk, so she stopped entertaining Faye and then Faye got bored and toddle off :p
me not xi sing mummy...i'm a KS mummy. i very scared the aunties try 2 feed gabe funny stuff so i must "xian shen ming" 1st. initially when i told my aunties 2 ask me 1st, a few aunties already lamented y i so fussy; how my fellow cousins were eating tis, eating that when they were younger; must eat then know if allergic; blah blah blah. i replied b4 and repeated on a few occasions that gabe's different n bbs r all different now, cant compare wif old days then i always added tat policemen wear shorts previously, now they wear pants. after my response, my aunties usually back off.
u c, back then i was taking care of gabe alone leh. if he falls sick bcos of something he ate, it'll b tough on me 2 take care of him.

i only have love letter, peanut cookies, pineapple tarts, shrimp rolls, kueh bolu at home. out of these, i dun feel comfortable 2 give gabe love letter cos coconut is added in it (he recently recovered from a 3wks runny nose to phlegmy throat then back to runny nose episode so i tot betta 2 avoid anything wif coconut), peanut cookies cos it has nuts, pineapple tarts cos the pineapple paste is rather sweet (even 2 me) but the pastry base is fine (when i fed gabe, he wanna take the whole piece &amp; chomp down his mouth so i rather dun feed him), shrimp rolls is a definite NO NO. hence only kueh bolu for gabe now.
if i come across other CNY goodies such as cashew cookie, butter cookie, i wont mind letting gabe try.
any CNY goodie ok for bbs? wat has faye taken so far?

i've never come across sales aunties but if i do, i'm sure my husband will tell the sales auntie that gabe has enuff toys 2 set up a toy shop too so we wont b buying the toy for sure. i need not open my mouth when it comes 2 toys. if husband isnt around, i tik i'll use the same excuse too.
kelly, so far Faye has only eaten CNY nuts(not peanuts) and few pieces of CNY cookies that my mil sneaked her last week. I think what bb can/cannot take is up to your own comfort level lor.

rhyan sure is sexy in his swim trunks. can i ask u where u bought them and how much? i intend to bring Ethan swimming in Singapore, wondering whether to buy swim trunks here b4 I go. i actual prefer the shorts type though.
wahahah! why paiseh to call AC and Justin? they are also very friendly ppl, look more friendlier than ME wan! hehe!

thks! i called up the contact you gave the other day, hv a better idea of the price from you now.
that guy did not explain very clearly and his kids kept shouting behind. anyway, i will service my aircon after CNY lah. tmrw, i will do the normal cleaning on my own. oh ya, you reminded me, must remember to suck up trapped dirt from the water pipe also.

LOL! eh, i met a similar sales lady like what you mentioned at one of the wooden toys shop in IMM the other time. she handed rhyan a smaller version of a wood toy with beads and kept recommending it. i just stayed there and let rhyan play till he was bored and wanted to leave lor, the sales lady talked and talked until she knows i wasn't interested in buying and gradually stepped off too.

erm, i am quite sure you can buy this kind of trunks everywhere, like KP and major dept stores. i happened to see it when we were shopping in Carrefour, it was the only piece (design &amp; size) and happened to fit rhyan, costs $13.90 so decided to buy it instead of buying swimming diapers. hehe .. my hb commented buying shorts type at that time too, coz HIS is shorts type mah. but i thought the little fishes on the trunk would look very cute on rhyan, so decided to still buy that.

are you going to stay in Punggol when you return to SIN? how long will you stay in SIN?

My girls' age gap is 25mth. Supposed to be 26 mth but Lavigne too eager to come out to see the world. I stopped working while expecting Louisa and am the sole carer to her, other than when I went to my mum's place where she and her maid will help me look after. Same thing after Lavigne arrived. No point getting a maid as she was only 3+ mth when we came over to England. I have to say it was really tough, especially after arriving here. My hubby came here 1mth earlier than us and I stayed at our flat with the girls for 2 weeks and then another 2 weeks at my mum's as it was rented out. I feel that Louisa was neglected at times (arrival of new baby and all the packing). My mum complained that their age gap is too close and it wouldn't be fair for Louisa but I feel that 2 yrs is a good gap. When they were both younger, I used to carry Lavigne in a baby carrier and let Louisa sit in the stroller when we go out. After arriving in England, it took me several months (yes! no kidding!) before I had the courage to bring both of them out shopping myself. Louisa was at her terrible-2 stage then and is an extremely active girl.

With regard to Louisa's response to her sister's arrival, we started preparing her right from Day 1. I brought her with me to my 1st gynae's appointment and she saw the scan. Then we'd keep telling her she's going to have a playmate soon and she'd be a big sister. She would also sing to my tummy. We prepared a present and gave it to her when she came to visit us after I delivered and told her it was from her sister. She was very cute, she would sing to her and also refused to let the nurse push her back to the nursery. She was also very protective over her, refused to let other people carry her sister, including grandmas and grandpas. Now, she's always snatching toys away from Lavigne and they fight now and then. I'm sure you can handle very well since you'll have a maid and your mum and ILs to help out. Even now without a maid, I think you're doing so well, just look at Tena's room! So neat and tidy!

BTW, can you show me a pic of the bib you were saying the other time? Where did you get it? Is Tena still using the suction bowl? Lavigne keeps pulling it till it comes off, making more mess.


Yah we bought the bed in Singapore and then shipped it here. She started climbing it long time ago and I was really worried. Dunno why she liked the bed so much.

Unfortunately, we're not going back to Singapore for CNY and no, there's no festive mood here at all. Chinatown should have though. Went to a Chinese supermarket last Sunday to buy some new year goodies and there wasn't much new year atmosphere. I'd wanted to go back but hubby has teachings to do and it's term time for Louisa so cannot lor.


Woa! 5 kids! Peifu! But if you have help or is able to cope, y not? There's this caucasian mother who brings 4 boys to Louisa's music class, all about the same age. Hubby said kowtow to her.

Agree with Medusa, can forget about heels then. Even now, I feel so much like an ah soh. No more time to da ban. After getting the girls ready, where got so much time to dress up? It's always jeans, tees and coat. And bag? a haversack to hold the girls' stuff....too lazy to carry another fancy, pretty handbag. Bought quite a few bags since coming here but no chance to use yet, still waiting. Then when Lavigne was younger, had to wear suitable clothes for breastfeeding which means limited choice. Now, though I no longer bf her when we go out, still have to wear nursing bras for comfort.

All these discussion about CNY is making me feel more homesick. Come to think of it, I didn't even prepare any new clothes for the girls. Hubby always complains they have too much clothes and too many pairs of shoes.



These pics make me feel all the hardwork is worth it.
Medusa, Skyblue
me still have around two months to go, not too sure whether weight will zoom or not. i try to control my diet this time, 'coz extra weight from last pregnancy yet to shed mah.

Yeah, hope to put on less than 10kg in total this time. I don't know how did Wong Lilin put on only total of 6kg during her last pregnancy.

have you got a maid? if that mum u saw at the diaper-changing room hinted to you it will be tough, then i siao liao. sometimes, i do wonder things will be so much easier with only one baby... but certain things if we think too much, we can only conclude it's fated.

My colleague told me to concentrate on #1 after i deliver. I think it makes sense, 'coz #2 can be taken care of by another care giver, and at that point of time, #1 needs a lot of attention, especially from the mummy... i m aiming to work on this way.
<font color="aa00aa">little prince</font>
you are welcome! u have the water vacuum? how much did u pay for it and wat is the brand and capacity?

<font color="aa00aa">casros</font>
so sweet to see louisa holding the little sister by the hand
both of them have very nice clothes


arghhhhh.....the worse has happened!!!

yingxin's right fingernail which got caught under the door on 7 December finally came off last nite!!!

*ouch* i felt so paiful when i saw her flesh but dunno how she felt
Hi puff,

Don't worry too much, I don't think she will notice the difference. Can see that the new nail is growing out to replace the old one. Why do you remove the whole of old nail instead of letting it stick out like that?
i think you are a great mum and has gone through the hard times well!


yep, i just bought the water vacuum - Rainbow. i was very impressed with the guy who came to do the demo at my place, learnt alot from him yet not pushy abt his product at all. it costs $3.2K (can pay over 24mths instalments interest free), we thought for 2 weeks and decided its worthwhile to buy since there are alot of functions like cleaning mattresses, sofa and air con.

OMG! so heartpain for yingxin!

no worries!
Ouch!!! It looks so painful
Poor YX.

No worries...i understand. When u're up to it, then jio us, okie?

How do u ctrl ur weight?

So heartwarming to see ur gals' together.
i try to reduce my carbo intake, but i still like to eat sweet stuff. in fact, i tried to fast for 10+ days during the fasting month last year, when i was about 3-4 mths preggie. right after hari raya, i put on 3+kg. after that, it's like 1kg/mth.

1 kg a month is a good weight gain. When I was pregnant with Meghan, I ate less than half a bowl of rice cos no appetite but ate more veggies. Think I ate less than when I was not pregnant. Gained 9kg in total.
