(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


You r not the only 1, im going to market this thur to stock up fish and other food for nat oso. Oh ya... the price is terribly high now, even last sat the price already start to increase, thread fish had increased from $30 to $55, so ex..... I believe it will increase further..... siao liao....

lil prince,
ya i can imagine gabe panicking if he sees me run off or shall i say, dash off. i tik rhyan must hv been very occupied by being in the driver's seat, playing with the equipment, hence not realising your absence.

the height of the ikea toddler bed i'm eyeing is rather low, barely up 2 my knee. tat's y husband n i tot it shld b fine for gabe. he does move around a lot when he sleeps and *i tik* it shld b fine if he does fall off. there were a few occasions when he fell off my bed onto the mattress and continued sleeping soundly. we juz let him b cos we too tired ourselves to bother 2 pick him back up.

tis is wat we planned 2 do but dunno when executing lah...
1) get the toddler bed from ikea
2) clean him his nursery, do some touch-ups
3) move the mattress from our MBR to the nursery n i co-sleep next to his bed with him
4) move the cot back to where the mattress was (husband n i dun want the cot to be in front of the toilet, next to the window and below the aircon)

in tis way, we are training gabe 2 sleep on his own in his own room and making space for bb no.2. it's our ideal plan for now but will work anot, i dunno. try 1st then c how.

alternatively, move cot 2 gabe's nursery so bb no.2 n gabe sleeps tgt. i dun want gabe 2 feel neglected once bb no. 2 pops. i'll also move the mattress to the nursery and all bunk tgt. space not an issue, juz need 2 move gabe's toys abt.

me not keen 2 get gabe any car bed now...mayb when he's bigger, say 5-6yrs old. a car bed will be nice IF my 2nd bb is a boy too. more mileage :p
evelyn, gabbymum,
Heng ah, we stock up on threadfin last sat. Evelyn, u bot from Punggol Plaza? Hubby bought at $45 per kg.
who's helping with Gabe now- u mentioned u have an english-speaking caregiver?
yeah I was thinking still have a few mths left to attempt any re-training, dunno whether have energy to re-train in last trimester! I'm currently at the "walk abit then must sit down liao" stage, very lousy.
On another tangent, I wonder how I'm going to start potty-training Athena... I do think she's ready in the sense she's not objecting, a matter of perseverence in frequently hoisting her up onto a trainer seat. I'm quite dreading everything.
you can guess how fast i ran, up the stairs and with heels somemore! :p

actually, you shld be more optimistic. who knows, they may be very close playmates instead. i hv noticed that rhyan is pretty gentle and attempts to pat a baby when he sees one. but hor, parents are always worrying creatures lah, forever worrying. hehe .. oh, my that friend whose bb bunk in the living room is actually 3 mths older than rhyan only. i think you may hv seen him during rhyan's birthday, his sis who is my god daughter is P1 this year. recently, my friend was telling me both of them are snatching toys fm each other and yelling "MINE!" the person who lose the tug-a-war cry lor. hehe ..

don't worry so much lah, if bb and Athena play well together, can hv a joint play area and save space!

if 2nd bb is a boy, can get double decker bed liao! hehe ..
use potty for training instead? likewise, i also think rhyan is fully ready to potty train but *I* need to get him started at home. at nanny's pl, he is w/o diapers all the time, knows how to let nanny know he wants to pee. nanny puts on diaper for him during naps and even so, he will wake when he wants to pee, return to nap after that.

last Sun, i put on a new piece of diaper and brought him out for breakfast. when we came home after 2hrs, i noticed the diaper was still dry. brought the potty to him and he will wait for me to aim properly before he pee, i was quite amazed. even with diaper on, he will signal to us he wants to pee when we are at home but we will tell him he has diaper on. think its really time for ME to do the same at home, save diaper cost too!
after seeing ur pics, i tik u organised the room very well. dun worry abt athena's cot-sized mattress. the ikea bed we eyeing, the size is also abt cot-sized. juz nice for gabe leh. at least u r worrying so much. i cant seem 2 bother leh. dunno y. mayb i still too tired to worry or i dun wanna to worry.

as for the space for ur boy, i tik it shld suffice for now. who knows by then, athena will make more space for her lil bro after realising tat she's now a big jie jie. i heard tat kids like such new responsibility, seems to make them feel more impt (mayb).

btw, hv u felt ur bb move yet?
wow wow... so many postings....

Be patient, i found out #2 gender some time during the 6th mth.

Congrats, closing factory after #2 arrives?

So good to see so many pictures... keep them coming.

I am around 32nd week now. planned for c-section on 10 Mar. will start a lot of prep after CNY. Glad to say, i look prettier this time round, no much water retention... hope to post u all some pictures soon before i pop.

Ya, i bot from punggol plaza. Which stall ur hb go to? I always go to the stall that is further in. My mum said their fish is more fresh as compare to the stall that is outside(opposite the DODO stall). If i nvr remember wrongly, the outside stall thread fish is cheaper oso. How much u bot for normal day, $30/kg?
I'm back mummies but will be MIA from this Fri for a week again. Hehe

I cannot help but keep imagining Athena beaming wif pride after she says shoes. Sooo cute

You are indeed a xi xing mummy.
I wanted to sayang Quinn when U says he is on nebulisar(?) but LOL when u says he even sing wif it.

Pei Fu u leh. How can u manage to prepare dinner and do all the washing up while taking care of YX. I love 3rd pic wif her hair tie up that way. Donno how to describe - V V sweet, pretty and graceful and demure look. Hahaha
I'm used to my husband family giving all sorts of food to her during gathering (Must say HB side coz my family/relatives respect when I say no) and I've adopt this strategy to counter their "attacks"

Q : I feed yr daughter XXX hor.
A: Thank u but cannot

Q: Why? A liitle bit only lah.
A : Sorry A little Bit also cannot
(Imagine there is abt 40 pple in the family, each person give little bit is A LOT lor)

Q : Last time I also feed my son/daughter XXX
A: Yah last time its yr child but now is MY CHILD LOR so cannot. *Smile......*
Nice pics of Nicole :p

cannot blame Puff. I also thought u prepared 15 sets of CNY for Gab. Hehe.

**drooling and envy**

My Hb is in this line. If U need recommendations I can ask him. Basically Like what mummies say compare prices, know what u want and buy electrical items or sanitary items yr self if u can.

Agreed wif other mums. Pei u u can remain calm and act fast.

Haha yr bo eng days are coming **evil smile**

I agreed wif Kelly, yr room is well organised.
Maybe can wait for #2 and see how Athena reacts then u decide what to do.
gabe has 2 caregivers...MIL & my lil sis. my sis handles gabe on mon & tues while my MIL does wed & thu. i entrust my sis 2 teach him the english stuff while my MIL handles the mandarin & teochew stuff. so far so gd wif both of them but tis arrangement will stop once i stop work in end apr.

i very guilty abt potty-training. since we bought the transition potty, we put gabe on it a few times but he wasnt keen. as much as i like 2 entrust my 2 caregivers to potty train him, i also need 2 continue doing so when i get back from work - which is wat i dun wanna do. meanwhile, my mum has been nagging at me 2 potty train gabe since he turned one. looks like i betta get on with it soon 2 save $$ on diapers when bb no. 2 pops in 6mths time.

lil prince,
actually i very fearful of putting my boys 2 sleep in a double decker bed. i scared one or both will fall from the upper deck when they play, considering the height of the upper deck is >1.5m. anyway, pp are telling me tat tis bb will b a girl cos i look betta tis time round (supposedly prettier lah but husband says i still look auntish & sloppy compared 2 other mummies). husband n i discussed tat if it's a girl, our girl gets e other spare bedroom which we'll do something when e time comes (like 1.5-2yrs down e rd from now). IF tis is a boy, we'll put both boys tgt but probably no double decker bed.

gd response. i also say something similar whenever it happens to me.
Delivering in March!!!That's fast hor. It was just like a few mths ago when u announced u r pregnant. Prettier wor. Post pic quick....

Hehe. So far so good. Don't think anyone can be so thick skinned to insist feeding my gal.

*Give me a five* Hahaha
very fast hor? that time i didn't announce lah, i kept quiet, someone announced for me.

i too pretty oredi, also scared if i post my pictures, u all will have the sudden urge to get pregnant again.

heheeh... pardon me huh... a bit siao now, maybe hormones problems.
evelyn, skyblue
i didnt know threadfin is so expensive until now (even during non-CNY period). looks like gabe has to rely on chicken/pork porridge over the long wkend.
Tidbits- I do somewat let Faye regulate her own snack intake usually. But her tidbits are usually wholegrain-based crackers sweetened/flavoured naturally, or seeds and nuts, or plain rice cakes etc. Stuff that are not loaded with refined sugar/trans fat (once in a while she does get these too lar, but lil bits, like er... max 2 pieces each time?). For a young tod her age, 3 pieces of 5 diff types of CNY cookies is not considered harmless imo. But then thats just me lor :p

MT, read that tods from the age of two (some start alot younger, say 18mth even?) till they are 3 or well after are at their most egocentric ever (toys' mine! mommy's mine! house mine! all mine!), its a natural part of their development tho.

lil prince, woww Rhyan's progress on potty training is really fast!

pcs, wahahha your tactics beri farnny :p But hor, it works ONLY if the giver ASKS before giving leh, if never ask and straight away give to bb then you got tactic for that or not ah?
RENO- your hb in this line as in wat line? reno ah? Got GOOD and reliable ID to rec me or not?
Buay Tahan u but I like yr style wahaha.

Last CNY my SIL tried to feed keira duck meat (imagine she is barely 5 mths old). My MIL is carrying her in the hall and I'm eating steamboat at the dinning table.
Even though I'm chatting wif someone I overheard hear saying wanting to feed keira meat
(The let bb touch oil on the lip theory).
My other SIL tried to stop her but she insist AND she did'nt ask my permission.
Guess What I do??
I RUN to her (yes run!!) and I push her hand away and say "Bu Ke Yi hor" and I returned to my seat and continue to eat my dinner blackfaced.
My HB, other SIL and MIL scolded her. I don't have to say anything more.Hehe

e-mail u regarding the ID
faye's taking nuts now? wat kinda nuts? is it ok for bbs 2 consume nuts now? i was told to avoid nuts until gabe's 2yrs old.

*high-five* u...
<font color="aa00aa">kelly</font>
thanks! she can only walk with support but quite wobbly though, without assistance, she can take about 2 - 3 steps

<font color="aa00aa">little prince</font>
my mum's place is a little small and 8 people cramping in the kitchen to have steamboat is a very "hot" affair, plus my mum and sister insisted on having steamboat at home so told them to come over our place lo, like dat can also ease my mum on preparing and cleaning up

i usually service all 4 units of aircon prior to new year and the 1 in master room will be serviced about 3 times a year cos we turn it on almost everyday

yes, non-package cos the other 3 units we seldom use and i can clean them myself and save the cost

*horror* lucky thing was rhyan can still giggle inside the car, if it's yingxin, she will wail like no tomorrow

last wed, hubby also accidentally locked the key inside the vehicle and the engine was running!! plus my bag with my wallet and mobile....usually i will first put yingxin in the car seat while hubby load the things inside

luckily cos the lot is small, i carried yingxin and waited at the side for him to load the things and drive the vehicle out of the lot

cannot imagine if she were to be locked inside....in the end, hubby gotta take cab back home to retrieve the spare key while we waited for him to come back

<font color="aa00aa">berry</font>
the home fairs will be held at suntec and expo; but i did a quick search and think the earliest is in July at expo...well probably there will be one or two at suntec earlier than july

<font color="aa00aa">sharon</font>
cocoa buffet? can go try ma la huo guo if you guys can take spicy food

<font color="aa00aa">pcs</font>

sigh....if only they know that Yingxin is MY child and not theirs!! even my mother also like dat one, dun respect me when i told her strictly NO
<font color="aa00aa">charsiew</font>
hahahah.....i almost fell from my chair when you proclaim yourself being too pretty....sorrie ahh......

<font color="aa00aa">berry</font>
even if relatives bother to ask and when i replied saying NO sternly, they will surely insist and try to shove it into her mouth just like wat happen on sunday, hubby's uncle after drinking the packet drink and passing it to his grandson wanted to let yingxin drink

then when the boy's mother saw it, told her dad (hubby's uncle) to stop giving him packet drink in case he gets cough, he still laugh and said never mind lah, cough will recover wan mah....

wahliao!! who doesn't know it will recover....it's not him who frets when the child gets sick and not him who pay for the medical bills etc......
kelly, I *think* the one that bbs are v prone to having allergies to is peanut? I havent let Faye try peanuts also (got once she eat HALF of one soft braised peanut at a chinese restaurant, er, but dont count I think). She likes cashews, pistachios and almonds! I buy those non-salted/sweetened type. SPF book says nuts are v nutritious. I also give her pumpkin and sunflower seeds(oredi shelled ones) but she not crazy abt them.

puff, *arbish rude people* Some ppl are just ?!?!@#$#$!!
Athena receptive to trainer seat only, not potty- I think she enjoys being brought to the toilet... like rarely visited room in the home like that, LOL.

My mum want to make me vomit blood liao- her idea of potty-training is really NO DIAPER lor. Last time kanna so many accidents on mattress- she said learnt lesson not to do so... recently AGAIN let Athena go diaperless and ended up accident on TATAMI MATTRESS (how to clean? And such an expensive item compared to tilam!). Mum told me she she learnt lesson- OF COURSE wun let Athena go diaperless while training... see how long her statement lasts lah. *vomit blood*

oic. Hey MIL mentioned getting a double-deck bed, I told her NO, definitely not even suitable for a long time yet. Then she clarified she meant 5yrs old... wahliao, isn't that the Superman/ Supergirl age? I told her no way, already IKEA toddler bed I dun dare, my own bed also dun dare... next time when maybe 5yrs I *may* consider PULL-OUT bed. Not so high as double-deck.

Told her I need to retrain Athena to cot-size mattress, she was most disapproving. Said way too small. I told her no space- bohbian, either that or Athena "jaga" in living room ah?

My temper very short lately- got alot of complaints abt mum AND MIL. I think even my dogs also I want to complain :p .

Yeap, felt kicks some time ago, alot more active than A was, I think.

LOL! Aiyah that time u posted pics already VERY radiant liao, now I'm sure even more!
Yah, I'm thinking of close factory, all this baby-bearing and rearing is making me quite sian, I want to RUN AWAY. Stoopid HB still wistfully talking abt 3 or 4 kids... *VOMIT BLOOD*!

yahlor, I'm quite sure Athena will be "mine! mine! mine!" all the time
. Already can see the signs in the stars...

wow, power!
I like, haha! I think my PILs very lucky I'm considered extremely laidback (later I must remind HB how lucky HE IS ALSO)- cos even tho I very laidback, sometimes I still snap cos MIL will deliberately put SAUCE on plain rice for Athena. Athena likes plain rice leh, sauce got SPECIAL height-growing nutrients meh?! If feed her a dish that HAPPENS to have sauce, I'm ok leh. But not purposely scoop from 1 dish to flavour A's rice.

I think the older generation dun get it one. *Vomit blood again* Best thing is to barricade the baby ie. HB and I flank both sides of Athena- intercept all chopsticks! (and dun get me started on feeding food from their own utensils, argh!). But CNY tidbits very kankor, now they are toddling, and relatives like to offer food to tods to "break the ice" lor.

Which leads me to another complaint- MIL offers food to OTHER tods without asking their parents first! Melted gummy sweets! The tod immediately grab and swallow (and sneak a furtive glance at his own parents). Wahliao.

OHHH, and the other time, MIL was coughing/ sneezing into a tissue paper... walked along shopping mall. Saw a cute boy and with the hand that has the tissue paper- TOUCHED THE BOY'S FACE. I almost fainted.

Plus the other time Athena's b'day, I saw she tried to kidnap Faye. I specifically told her alot of parents dun appreciate others trying to hoist away their babies leh, remind 100 times before... sigh.

MIL say I "meow/ mao" abt cleanliness, tidiness. *VOMIT VOMIT blood*!



Athena making funny faces at my MIL. Did I mention I'm starting to feel JEALOUSY?

I'm complaining alot cos I overdose of MIL- saw her Sat, Sun, Mon, Today. Today even joined them at Taka to gai-gai with Athena. Dinner with them almost all those days... OVERDOSE!!!

Louisa is sleeping on the toddler bed you're thinking of getting from Ikea. It's white and can convert to a longer bed right? Like you and Medusa, I was very worried that Louisa will fall off while sleeping since she is one like Tena, pattern aplenty and turns a lot. What I did was place a mattress on the floor next to the bed and block the edge with a big bolster that was heavier than the normal ones. We trained her to sleep there in her own room when she was 21 month since Lavigne would be arriving in a couple of months. Luckily till today (no more mattress on the floor or bolster) she hadn't fallen off yet though she moved a lot. I didn't get the bed guard as hubby said we'd try without it first. It worked out fine. I'm now thinking of letting her sleep on a normal single bed while Lavigne will take over the toddler bed. But I was advised against it as she (Lavigne) is still a little too young. She has been climbing up and down her sister's bed for sometime now without any incident and I hope to put them in the same room really soon.

I've also decided to 'close factory' liao. Hubby also would like to have 3 or 4....say 2 not enough. Aiyoh....so hard to get to a stage where they are now older and more easy to look after, then want to start all over again?! I love children and used to want more but I've come to realise too many means too much divided attention. So think 2 enough for me lor (at least for now). But hor, my hubby is the eldest and I have 2 girls so I wonder if I'm obligated to have another in order to 'bor' for a boy. Luckily I've got one brother-in-law so I think will let him and his future wife take over the job. I've already told my mil that I dun wish to have any more. My mother has 4 girls and no sons. All the san gu liu por always say so many girls and no son lor.
Yup, definitely sounds like u've had MIL overdose! I lagi worse cos my MIL stays with me.

I like how u used the play yard for
Athena's bed. Might need to do something like that cos Meghan seems to be outgrowing her cot.

Berry, Medusa,
I think Meghan already very egocentric. She's very possessive abt her toys, me, hb, my mom &amp; dad. She won't let my dad carry her but she'll cry when he carries my cousin's little boy. She definitely doesn't like sharing her toys!

U organising gathering at ur place is it?
Wow, din realise time passed so fast! 32 weeks liao! Just curious hor, how come already planned c-section?

I also like the YX's hairstyle in the 3rd pic. My hb saw her pics &amp; said again she's soooo cute!
Very angry. Quarrelled with HB.

I found a sharp PIN, the kind used for tacking paper onto corkboards... on the FLOOR NEXT TO ATHENA'S MATTESS at PIL's. I didn't kick up a fuss with PILs.

But I'm so incredibly pissed that when I highlighted it to HB, he doesn't think it's a big deal. Maybe Athena should have rolled onto it and had a puncture in her flesh, OR, picked it off the floor and poked her eyes with it???

right now, i think i'll like to have 5. but after reading your post, i think maybe i will also change my mind after having #2. let's see..
Usually who buys the fish dat Gab eats? Now CNY threadfin more exp, cos pple like to use it for steamboat.
Hey, I oso have a phobia dat tods will fall off double decker bed. So, dats out for me temporarily too, until they're at least 5 YO. Gab can't eat peanuts until he's 2 YO cos he has eczeyme?

Hubby buys from the stall opp Dodo stall. He prefers tis stall. He usually buys threadfin at $35/kg.

U nearly made me choke on my breakfast leh :p Post ur pic lah n let us drool... Hehehe... U due so soon. Excited? Y must go for c-sect?

RE: No of kids
My ideal is 3 kids. But now, i tink i'll stop at 2. Mebbe after a few yrs, when i got the guts again, i'll try for No. 3.
hi mummies,

juz in case u r wondering how come i am posting so regularly cos i found a way to read the thread n type my postings in the office.

i discovered tat i can read the thread from my MS Outlook without having to open Internet Explorer. after speed-reading the postings, i type my response in a blank email. in tis way, i look as if i'm typing an email meant for work and reading emails while in actual fact, i'm reading the thread.

my mum does all the marketing for gabe's porridge since he was 6mths old. i only buy his veg, beef (my mum cant buy beef &amp; put in her hse) and fruits. she buys all the pork (either minced or loin pork), fish (a few types) and chicken every sun and i just pay her a token every mth for her wkly mktg. she does so bcos she insists of buying the freshest ingredients for her bao bei grandson. lately gabe has been chomping down 1 bowl of porridge at lunch &amp; dinner so i have 2 run to NTUC by thu/fri 2 stock up.

thks for e info. i tot bbs shld avoid all sorts of nuts and didnt know bbs shld only avoid peanuts. i know nuts are nutritious and husband n my dad often wanna let gabe try but i always stepped in with a "NO". now i'll let gabe try the other types of nuts after CNY. i definitely dun 1 him 2 break into some allergy and we cant enjoy our CNY.

it's your hormones at work now that you are feeling frustrated easily with everyone. for me now, i cry very easily. i cried when the reverend ming yi cried on tv, i cried when i watched "stepmom" (the scene where julia roberts and susan sarandon sat down 2 share their fears abt being a mum), i cry when gabe does something new n i know i wasnt the 1st 2 c it, lastly i almost cry every evening when gabe runs 2 me when he sees me coming home. i'm even abt 2 break in tears now as i tik of gabe.

How do you read the thread from MS Outlook? Teach me can? I have the exact problem in the office as well. Open concept plus a passageway just behind my workstation. People walk past can all peep at my screen.
I think u really a very nice DIL. I CANNOT and WILL NOT go shopping wif my MIL coz she will keep nugging when I say I wanted to buy anything for keira then worse HB will sure agree wif her. Sianz......

U stay with yr MIL?? U must be one strong lady. Hahaha

5 kids!!!! *Fell from the chair*

I also want to learn leh. How u do it??

Is co entitlement. We chinese co so normally CNY shut down very long. Our china plant shut down even longer, 2 wks....

Oh ya, wanted to ask you, is ur hb oso working in Tai Seng area? That day i think i saw him near the JTC canteen.
wah liao... tot i posted just now but didn't see it, gotta retype.

Deniz, Skyblue
on c-sect, i had a minor surgery on my womb before preggie with #1. had some problem after giving birth to isabel. in general, not advisable for my womb to take the pressure from labour pain, that's why need to have a scheduled c-sect before EDD.

sorry if i make any mummies puke/choke for my remarks y'day hor.

me too, was like a whale last time. this time round, still ok lah. in fact, i gained like around 6kg so far. last time during 3rd trimester, was over 10kg already. ok, will post my photos once available.
I have opposite problem leh- everytime go out with A and mum/ ILs, I have to repeat- DON'T BUY! They are very fond of buying things I'm not very keen on. Yesterday told MIL, "don't buy- later troublesome for me to exchange the item hor." :p
I very guai in shopping lately- haven't bought anything for A in ages! LOL.

oic, well just rest more after ur C-sect, so exciting to be able to see #2 so soon! U r taking ur pregnancy so well compared to me ranting abt everything and anything. 6kg is such an enviable total wtgain, I broke the 60kg barrier last week... *WAIL*.

I dun feel radiant- I just want to run away, or hide in some cave til next yr (by which time baby #2 out and 6mths old, haha). Haven't cut hair for CNY, complexion a mess, and I dun even have enough tops to last me a wk w/o laundering.

Only miraculous thing that happened today- while I was toileting, Athena dozed off in her "new bed" in the midst of Mothergoose VCD. Hopefully dun wake crying or else must carry-carry-carry! My mind abit sort-sort, 1st thought that came to my mind was Athena FAINTED.
eh then I how? With Athena also whacky hormones, with this supposed boy also whacky hormones. :p Conclusion: I am just plain hormonal all the time, hehe.

Today's newspapers: Fann Wong say she ate birds' nest daily when filming, for gd complexion. Now I feel like going to buy a truckload of it.

Athena napping NOW. :p Such a darling hor? With her fave 1-armed teddy bear, LOL. I din "re-arrange" her leh, sooo sweet!

Tested her in her "new bed" last night- slept from 9+pm to 6am, hope the streak of good sleep continues. *cross fingers*. Maybe cot-sized mattress not that small after all, for a petite tod :p .
Wahahhaha...truckload? Go n hint hint ur ILs lah, since u expecting a boi boi. Kekeke...

Ur mum is so nice.
If u can, mebbe try to stock up earlier jus in case. Hey, i thot u're on leave, dats y can post here. I'm excited to know if u're expecting boi or gal leh.

Wow, so little weight gain. Dats gd...so no nid to go for slimming prg after delivery.

Tink many pple r waiting for u to organise the next gathering liao. Quick ah, dun wait liao...


Now 6 kg, like this i believe by full term u be less then 10kg. I oso target to put on less than 10kg for this pregnancy, hope my wish come true. Im now 16wks, put on 2.6kg. So far still happy with the weight gain but my hb is worried


I nvr go 1010 for lunch, lazy to walk there. Ya, my co is at the JTC building, 1026. I seldom eat in canteen so not much chance to meet u all. But i saw u/ur hb once in the canteen taking breadfast when i drive pass the canteen. And saw lil prince once when she walk to our canteen for lunch but oso no chance to call her as im in the car.
