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  1. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hi all, I joined this thread when I was pregnant but couldn't keep up with all the posts cos I had no access at work. I'm now serving my notice and looking at being a SAHM to my lovely 10.5 months old baby girl very soon. Very happy with my decision and very thankful to my hubby for his...
  2. V


    Hi just an update on this thread. I'm feeding my 8 months old darling Yoplait for babies. Bought it from Cold Storage but since I've been reading up on homemade yogurt, I'm very keen on making my own. Anyone has recommendations on an electric yogurt maker? Read the posts above but they dated...
  3. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    BTW, I have started my ML and am waiting for my baby to arrive. Hoping that she'll come naturally else gynae will need to induce me this Sat [IMG=] Just thinking about the birthing process and BF make me nervous, but I'm trying to...
  4. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Blueberi, poor you! Have went back to read your previous posts, your husband is really 'qian4 bian3'! Really picked a bad time to act up! I feel for you and can imagine how fed up you are. Don't really know what I will do if I were in your shoes but just try to stay positive. He is probably...
  5. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hi ladies, Saw my gynae yesterday and my 39 weeks baby is still snug and comfy in me! Dr said that if I don't go into labour naturally, he'll induce me t 40 weeks. Kind of apprehensive so would appreciate if mommies can share their experiences? I know it is beneficial for babies to stay...
  6. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Congrats to all the mommies who have delivered! I'm still waiting for my little darling to arrive. Gynae told me 2 weeks ago to be on standby, but so far baby's not showing signs of coming. As long as she's healthy. To all mommies waiting like me, all the best!
  7. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Congrats to all mommies who have popped. Seeing my gynae tomorrow, I wonder what he has to say, nervous and excited!
  8. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Congrats Kate! What an exciting time in this thread! Jaime, my gynae didn't say anything yet. He's very pro natural so it's good. I'm seeing him every week and he's monitoring my placenta and amniotic fluid to see if the environment is still conducive for baby. I asked him about baby's...
  9. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hi Jaime, don't worry too much and try to load up on protein, and durian. My baby measured small too but after 1 week of intensive durian gorging, I gained 2kg and the baby also got bigger. Can give it a try. I hope everything goes well for you. Baby movement My baby is also moving less...
  10. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hi ladies, Seems ike everyone is gearing up for the big day. I did my 36 weeks checkup last Saturday and my gynae said that I should be delivering anytime in the next 2 weeks as baby's head is engaged. Really nervous now! To all ladies who are feeling the blues, hang in there! Mine...
  11. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hi ladies, I'm going to deliver at Mt E but didn't take the antenatal classes there. Would like to know if I need to book the hospital room in advance? I already paid a deposit to the gynae. Appreciate your advice, thanks!
  12. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Me! Will defintely use air-con on and off cos my mom, who's helping me to do confinement, said cannot use fan. So air-con fan speed has to be kept low. Re coconut My SIL told me to buy the green ones too, and not the young coconuts. She said the fruit drink stalls should have but I work...
  13. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Dot Sayang sayang, it must be very hard on you. My husband travels a lot too and he may need to travel in June, when I'm due! Imagine how I felt when he told me that. He even asked if I'm willing to do a C-sect to accomodate his schedule. Faint... But he's attitude is a little different from...
  14. V

    Any gd massage lady for post/prenatal?

    I wish I had come upon this thread earlier. My EDD is in June and Mdm Ida and team are fully booked [IMG=] And it looks like there are plenty of advertisments floating around on this and many other threads? Totally confusing for a...
  15. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Elise Yes mine seems to be popping out slowly. I used to think that everything will pop out at once lol. People have been commenting but I am not bothered by that, it's part of the package. Just clean it gently when you shower. Stretchmarks My ghnae also told me it's genetic, told me not...
  16. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hi ladies, Haven't logged in for a long time and this thread has moved so fast! I'm 31 weeks now, gained about 6.5kg so far (my MS lasted a good 6 months!) and going strong [IMG=] Gained 2kg in a week binging on durians, think...
  17. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Hi Bliss, Yup I'm seeing Dr Kowa. He is a very nice doctor, reassuring and patient. I'm not sure about how the charges compare though...
  18. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    BluBeri, really glad that the baby is healthy and strong. Happy for you [IMG=] I'm scheduled for my next visit on Monday, hope everything turns out well and we can hear baby's heartbeat. I'm starting to feel like each visit (or...
  19. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    Juliana, I'm very sorry to hear about your story. I think the person doing the ultrasound, as well as the doctor, should have explained everything clearly to you. I'm appalled to hear about their insensitivity and it's just so unprofessional, to frighten new parents like that! My heart really...
  20. V

    (2010/06) June 2010 MTB

    BluBeri, I hope all will turn out well for you. I think you are a very strong person and will survive this. Tiger Baby, I think the pregnancy symptoms waxes and wanes. Some days I feel like I'm permanently seasick, and some days I feel totally normal. Not sure why either...
