(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

patl: *i like your "post"* hehe~ so nice to bathe bb right..? i also like!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cant wait!!!!! hurhurhur....


Re: Expo

I wanted to go down again today bt den hubby banned mi from goin. I definately will buy so much tats y he dun let mi go. He say I buy I enjoy den his pocket suffer so badly. Stingy man!!! Arghhhh!!!

Re: Formula Milk

Nt sure for KK bt den TMC will ask u for ur preferred FM. Its up to u to choose wat to give ur baby n nt them to help u choose. E more high ends 1 is Enfalac, Similac, S26, Nan. Middle range shd b Friso, Dumex. For mi, FM I'm givin Friso Gold.

Re: Labour

I was hopin for contraction on 6th june coz I lyk e date. LOL!

Re: KK

Tokin bout them really make my blood boil! Juz gt e medical summary for my #1 admission for fits tat day. They really noe how to cover their own butt. They wrote tat my #1 didn't haf any relapse of fits in hospital upon admission. Gosg! due to their neglience, they caused my boy to haf a relapse in hospital n now they say dun haf. WTH!!! They r really liars.

Bluberi, Irma,

my nesting instinct been on n off for some time liao. Last nite can feel more BH but still not regular enuf.. I hope bb can be out tmr since 6 jun easier to rem.. Ha


jia you!!


awe.. sorry to know abt the reply fr KK.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] "upon admission"? they can say like that ah?


i vow not to step in any stores for now.. very "ghostly".. confirm spend alot2.. that time only, wen to GAP, FOX, ZARA.. can go crazy.. what more this one fair and all? *shivers*

Formula milk:

gd ah TMC let you choose..

Hi Mummies who have given birth in TMC. Just wan to check that if I need to pack anything for baby in my hospital bag? During the hospital tour, they said everything provided even for the going home clothes.. Confirmed?

Just went for my checkup. Baby now 2.7kg, I put on 2kg within 2 weeks and baby only put on 400grams! I hit 57.3kg liao...praying hard not to reach 60kg when giving birth... Water level & heartbeat ok. So I'm still in the waiting list. Asked Dr why no VE or CTG, he said since everything look okie, there isn't any need for any test... I feel so insecure of not doing any VE and CTG... Good thing is I cleared the Strep B test[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


When i discharge i requested for S26 samples frm TMC for my boy though i BF him.. they got a lot to choose frm and i ask for recommendation but e nurse just ask me to choose what i want..

yesterday he's admitted for jaundice.. since i got not enought supply i got to ask nurses to give him FM, so they gave him S26.. but he regurgitated quite a bit and this morning my PD recommended Enfalac A+ RA.. it's some anti-regurgitating FM..

so for those who are buying FM to store, maybe shld get your bb to try samples first? Otherwise if nd to change quite a waste of money..

friends: i think your gynae same as mine. that time also, he do ultrasound, then saw water level still ok, he dun want to check ctg and ve.. still early he say.. eventually i believe they'll do one since they noe whats best..

the strep b test i havent do. maybe do this coming appt on 9.

FRIENDS, no need to bring anything....all provided for baby and you. Although I did bring my own clothes for daily and night time wear, they say you can also wear your home clothes if you like after the first day, as it's more comfortable and the hospital one is back opening, so not so nice if you are expecting a lot of visitors.

Trust Dr Tham, he is very good. I did not do any VE or CTG as well as it was not necessary. He will tell you what you need to do and what is not necessary.

He was also very helpful and calming all throughout the operation. The moment he stepped into the operating theatre, my fears disappeared! I had a painless epi c-sect and right after my operation, it was also painless! I could walk fairly briskly the next day as well. No problem getting out and in of bed and hardly any pain for the last few days. Compared to my 1st time, this was 100% better!

Dr Tham explained that it is due to the transition period between cutting, stitching and how fast between being stitched up and going back to the ward before the epidural wears off. The shorter the transition time, the better in helping us deal with the pain basically.

All under Dr Tham, we are in good hands!! He's very good and attentive. He came to see me every morning and was very caring and patient. Im so glad I picked him as my gynae!!!

Genice, the vendor is recommended by hospital. Green Pasture Pte Ltd, call Cecilia for the Photo therapy box - 63052583. However, I think they only rent if it is referred by the hospital or paediatrician as she asked me a lot of questions also. So if baby has jaundice, and paediatrician approves for treatment being done at home, then you can rent back home. It saves a lot of money as well, imagine paying for your extra nights stays (if you are total breastfeeding) plus baby's packages. I chose to bring baby home and doc approved only if jaundice level is below 10. My boy's was 8.8 so they discharged him. Cost about $450 for 3 days 2 nights. So I took it yesterday and they are collecting it back on Sunday afternoon.

Dear all, I be going to TMC to induce my bb later after 11pm. Currently 39 weeks 5 days so by tomorrow I be able to see my bb : )

Lin- I was hopin to haf contraction midnight or tml leh coz I lyk e date. Haha! If really so lucky den Dr Lim muz b really bz. Anyway haf a smooth delivery.

Zinc & Lin- Did Dr Lim ask u gals to do any test b4 u give birth? MY #1 thou wif him bt gt no chance to do anything coz he came out much earlier den EDD.

Irma- Exactly wat I feel tat they r a bunch of liars, juz becoz I didn't file a complaint, juz verbal complaint den they can treat as if nth happen.

Re: Formula Milk

I think all hospital will give u ur own choice ba no matter wat we shd b e one choosing n nt them. Yes, u can request for samples of ur choice upon discharge. Get from them those glass bottles as well for EBM.

Friends78- TMC do provide baby swaddle n clothes bt den some parents lyk mi prefer to bring my own set of clothes for my baby to change upon discharge. Tis 1 is more on personal reference. Tis time round, I will still bring 1 set of clothing, mitten, bootie n swaddle wrap for my newborn.

Sheryl, nope, not yet but startin to feel like it. Anyway, i managed to go after persuading hub and nag at him sayin i dun get to go out after bb pop this fri. I mentioned this is my last wkend of freedom. Blah blah blah until he buay tahan my naggin and said ok. Hehheh. Terrible hor! I bght huggies s size cos i saw the nb size and felt the cuttin a bit small. My bb now is prob over 3 kg and lookin at my tummy size, im certain i will start from s onwards.

Went over to madela section and saw the freestyle. Cost 799 after 20% disc. Yikes! So decided to get from tan leng leng spree but prob is i cant even post anything there. Stated i nd to b a member for more than a year which i am already am so now waitin for the admin to get bk to me regarding this. Sigh.i emailed to leng leng. Hope she replies soon.

The last time i haf birth at kk which was two yrs ago, the nurses gaf enfalac and pampers active. Not sure abt now...


Tan Leng Leng US set local dun regonize warranty,

u aware rite?

newborn in 1st few days of life will loose weight de..

Jolene, heehee yup dr lim will be busy .. I also like the date too ... I was told to do CTG as bb didn't move for whole day last week thus to play safe, he get me to do it .. Other then that it the normal routin check

Jaundice.. for babies jaundice lvl low, does ur baby still c visiable yellow anot?

mine went bk for jaundice checkup le, passed,..

but nw she seems abit yellow.. its like visiable yellow esp when she cry..

shld i bring her bk to doc?

FRIENDS, u oni put on 2kg in 2wks, i put on 2.6kg in 2 wks, oni 300g goes towards bb. tis is my highest record liao, total weight again is 10kg!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] dunno how to lose it off!!

for FM, my mum said see wat KKH recommend then we buy.. so i'm putting it off till i pop n discharge.

Lin, have a smooth delivery.

Sheryl, yah i am aware. But the diff is quite big hor. I think u shld col up ur hospital hotline and ask whether shld bring Bb bk there.


er...i think 10kg is okie cos ive put on 30kg! My first one oso 30kg. Manage to shed off 20kg in a year then put bk on when im preg wit this one. If i can do it, so can u. Lol

Patl, thanks for sharing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I thot ur bb 8.8 is quite ave eg normal level. U mean ur pd recommend the machine? Oops, my bb is 15 now, I dunno shld admit him or not. I dun think I will stay with him, will prob bring ebm to him. Very vex now cause my 2 other mummy frens, their sons level all 15, 16. Their pd told them to sunbathe n change to fm for a few days. Did ur pd say what is a normal level?

Sheryl, what is the level for ur daughter now? My boy is very red n yellow ESP e eyes. Is ur daughter eyes yellow think that is more obvious.

Lin- Better pray for mi too baby can come out tml coz I really lyk e date den we can go look for each other. U haf to let him noe tat u wan to direct bf once baby is out coz e other time i oni bf in e ward.

Sheryl- For jaundice if low u wun c yellow le leh. U try pressing ur daughter skin wif ur thumb. IF aft pressin u still c yellow means still gt slight jaundice.

Many Thanks ladies for sharing! So tired nowadays that I went to bed immediately after posting and now then wake up... So envy that some of u are still full of energy wanting to go expo, shopping etc...

All the best to the mummies who are going to be induced for the next few days and Congrats to all who have delivered!

Re Freestyle from Tan Leng Leng

Mummy2nia and Sheryl, even thou the US set doesn't have warranty, I understand that Tan Leng Leng does help some of the mummies to send back the faulty sets to US and managed to get replacement. U may wish to confirm with her before buying.. I haven't ordered from her yet... cos I think I wld most likely stick to Enlac FM as I don't think I can pump every 3 hrs but I will still try lah during confinement using an old pump hand down by friend...

mummy2nia, mi already overweight before preggy, so 10kg to me is alot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Genice, actually doc wanted to keep him in the hospital for a few more days. But I said I wanted to bring him home since I am discharging and breastfeeding so I ask if I can rent the machine to do it at home. He refused to let baby discharge unless he is below 10, and provided we rent and continue to do the photo therapy at home. The reason why the PD wanted the special attention is also because my boy's jaundice is due to his G6PD deficiency and thus, his levels can quickly increase if not treated with more attention and mere sunbathing may not do the job quickly. So I have to put him under the light for min. 18 hrs or more a day, which is literally almost a full day, every moment, unless if he is feeding or bathing or changing. Poor thing.....I feel bad when he cries and cries and so I always try to feed him first so that he is contented and then put him back under the light box.


supplyment to boost ur milk flow..

if milk supply is low all the more u shld keep pumping 2hourly or 3hourly to simulate ur breast.


Aft pressing haf yellow.. when she cries and frown soo hard.. its visiable oso..

my stupid hubby keep saying dun haf.. feel like slapping him on the face.. still say i anyhow talk.. daughter ware gt yellow..


jus told him tml i feel like bringin her to doc.. he say waste money onli. He dun even feel she is yellow..

genice, he didnt say what is normal. Also Dr Tham is not pro sunbathing, as he calls it BBQing the baby....so poor thing and can get sun burnt if not careful. So he also recommends renting the light box. I sunbathed my 1st one when she had jaundice too, but hers was fairly mild and the PD back then said only need an hour or 2 a day will do.

Sheryl, trust ur maternal/mother instincts k. If u feel she's yellow just bring her to doc. Its not abt $$ lor.


aiyo, now then im thinkin abt the pumps. Haha. Actually i haf pigeon silent pump but i sumhow feel madela cld b better than pigeon so seriously thinkin of gettin one. Pis or freestyle? Currenlty leaning towards freestyle liao.


can i take before i pop? Cos im also takin pre-natal supp, obimin.

Jojo, yup2 i was there this afternoon but didnt buy cos felt the price is pretty steep so in the end i decide to get from tan leng leng if i really nd. Now using pigeon so wanna see milk supply how first. If a lot then i will invest in the freestyle. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear mummies,

Finally got a chance to log in. After having fought the long battle for 15 hours of induction (insert2 tablets) my cervix still unsuccessful to open. Only left with one option –cesarean delivery. Just came home yesterday and very tired. Shall share more after re-charged my energy.

pls update for me.

Birth method: C-section with epidural

add: 01 June

weight: 3.5kg

Congrats to those who hav popped!

ya, the freestyle quite exp in sg.. i also got cousin to help me buy from US..

congrats all mummies who've popped.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lin, have a smooth delivery!!

who went for maternity photoshoot with studio loft? did u pay to get back all soft copies?

Brought my baby back home today! So happy. His jaundice level is 9.9, just under the level (10) the pd is comfortable with. Was supposed to sun him just now, but no sun and it was a bit windy.

Am now hiding in my room expressing milk as my in-laws are irritating me.

Congrats Shen and all other mummies who have delivered. To those still waiting, jiayou!

I just realised that I have not given my details to be updated:

Emergency c- section with epi as baby was facing upwards.

Baby was 2.8kg and 47cm long.

Thanks, Tigerbaby.

Dot: Hv have to monitor ur bb J level. if not ur next checkup, if the level goes up, will have to admit to tan..

My son last check level was 7.9. today wanted to sun him too but raining.. sian.. im so worried lo.. scare monday go c doc bb J level goes up again, then i will faint again lo... then my hubby will blame me for still giving bb to drink my BM. sian.. haiz...

sherly....if the jaundice getting more serious, better send for check up. where is your hospital? can send to KK, my gynae told me total bill will not exceed $100 plus.

by the way, you can also try giving more milk to your baby....let baby pass motion more frequently. If the stool colour is yellow, jaundice lvl will definitely go down.

doc told me that there is a "peak" for baby jaundice. your baby could be hitting the peak.

mummies who just popped....can I ask...do you allow your newborn to be in air-conditioned room?

My baby seems to dislike air con alot. only when I turn on air-con with 30 degrees, then he seems to be ok. no use if I put more blankies for him. he just want the 30 degrees.

but 30 degrees is too warm for me.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] his comfort zone is not my comfort zone.

Congrats Shen! and good Luck to you Lin! Hope it will be a speedy and painless one..

I also checked out the store prices for the Medela freestyle.. also selling $799 at First few years and KKH before i decided buy it from Tan Leng Leng.. even the expo sell with free gift also cannot beat the spree prices.. i heard it is controlled price in singapore.. so it is very worth the price if u get it from US spree.. i paid under $500 (all inclusive + express shipping).. even though no local warranty, if you handle with care.. should last U throughout.. anyway 1 yr warranty for local or US set.. by then time u use it 6-8 mths.. i think its the same la..i also emailed her my order and i got her to send the shipment by express.. within over 2 wks i got it..i tested it..so far so gd.. Just that now i need to go get some accessories from the speciality store.. in tampines 1 i heard..

Just wondering.. must we get the breastpad..? thats the only thing i have not buy..

Talking abt shopping.. buyng via online also Not cheap leh.. we will get too carried away sometime.. at least for me..been spending too much on GAP, ON, carters & Osh.. now i know where my salary goes the last 2 mths.. sigh.. anyway..GSS just come at the rite time.. just went to Mothercare.. 50%-60% off selected items like beddings and bb clothes.. bought a quilt and cot blanket for bb.. supposed to pay abt $180.. i only pay less than $80.. * YAY..*

Really happy that my lovely playpen is finally here, HOT from US this morning.. Bought it online and i actually paid slightly less than what they sell at the shops even though i shipped it myself from US.. Was abit worried if it does not come on time or worst still.. get lost in the shipment!!.. Lucky me..Happy with my purchase! really made my day cos i was quite moody this morning..and feeling zombie.. so excited fixing the playpen up i totally forgot to brush my teeth bfore having my lunch @ noon..haaah..

Jolene, dr lim didn't get me to do e strep b test even at 39wks but I think u can request [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi everyone,

i managed to deliver my twin girls, Emma and Clara, on 1st June. They're 2.33kg and 2.1kg respectively.

maybe its age but my c-sect wound hurts and so i decided to stay an extra day and only got discharged today. babies are not discharged yet though cos they need phototherapy sessions due to high jaundice levels. i'm trying my best to still breastfeed them while they're there so still a little busy.

will come back and write more soon.

Have MIA for the day!

Can't imagine I was around chatting with u mummies even after my csect.

Now I MIA due to engorgment that is driving me nuts.

After the whole day of fighting with the engorgement, it starts to get relieve n under control..

The pain is worse than my csect wound pain! Gosh!! I wish I'm back to those day I'm having BH non stop lor!!

Even want to give up bfing also can't now cuz only continue to feed n pump will solve this painful problem..

Mummy2nia, i heard pigeon is not as efficent.

A good pump is something very important to bfing mummies. Although it might be a waste of money to buy before u confirm u have milk or not..

But investing a good pump also can build up ur confidence as u are able to express more.

U may consider second hand? I bought my second hand freestyle at only 280 in very very good condition.

I know second hand pump is not very good but i think freestyle is better cuz the milk

doesn't get direct conta t with the tubing unlike PIS soni decided to buy.

At least get a avent manual which I think Works much better than pigeon..

No harm investing a good pump! Cuz come to think of it we tends to buy useless stuff for bb on impulse too. Spend the money on strollers etc. So spending abit more on pump doesn't make alot of difference :p

Joelle.. saw ur post on fb too! So happy that u got ur playpen, still remembered u were contemplatig whether to order or not. Can i just check with u how much u paid for the playpen in total, how much was the shipping? Just want to find out in case if i want to order bulky stuffs from US. Post pic of ur playpen on fb leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummynia, i agree with bliss.. u can try investing in avent manual pump first. Its really quite good, infact today i used it and it can clear my breasts in abt the same timing as freestyle but of coz more tiring but a very small investment to kickstart bf.

Daphne, my boy also has the same problem with aircon room, we switch temp to 26 degrees and covered him with blanket, husks pillow seems so comfy already yet he doesnt sleep well. Tonight i moved him to the living room w/o aircon and ehe seems to sleep better. In the dya time, he can sleep 3 hrs str at the living room on his bouncer. Maybe u cna try to do w/o aircon... btw 30 degrees seems quite warm already like our normal temp, i think dun need switch on air con .. save electricity also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Patl.. thanks for explaining! BTW, forgot to tell u, ur boy looks so cute and chubby!!! I can imagine my sil's son will look like him too... her hubby is british, urs?

Wow.. 18 hrs??? u mean they have to be 'baked' for so long in the box.. poor thing..no wonder u wnat to bring him home too.. at least can spend the remaining 6 hrs to feed and change him. I somewhat agree w ur doc that sunbathe is like bbq, 3 days ago, i put my bb under the sun ( between 9.30 -10) and i think i made the wrong decision, the sun was too hot.. have to go for the early one like 8 plus, for these 2 days, i will continus to sunbathe tikk the next review and c how. At least now i noe the acceptable level is below 10. Thanks for sharing.

Sheryl, can bring for blood test.. u delivered at MT A? i brought K for blood test, only $11 not expensive so u might want to check if u are worried. Continue to sunbathe ( i think it will still help)

Congrats shen and azureoct!!

Lin, have a smooth delivery!! Jia you.

Re: weight gain/loss

bluberi, 10 kg is ok.. dun worry,, just control ur diet.. u are due soon, can shed all these very soon too!!

How much have u all ladies shed after delivering.. i only lost abt 7 kg from b4 deliver till now..still got abt 8 more kg to lose...hope can lose a bit more before bb full month. now eating less rice and keep on milking...

Mumy2nia... If u wan try out with a pump get avent if u dowan spend so much.. Compare to pegion it's better.. Before I get my electric single pump frm medela I'm using avent manual pump de.. Disadventage is hands tiring aft long pump, suction is good. Try the selling corner, will be able to find brand new for a lower price..


when u due for bb? brand new avent manual i can get @ $83.30 direct frm Philips cos im a loyalty member dera..

BUT won't be that fast lehx! My confinement ends 27 June =x =x

Hi ladies,

Saw my gynae yesterday and my 39 weeks baby is still snug and comfy in me! Dr said that if I don't go into labour naturally, he'll induce me t 40 weeks. Kind of apprehensive so would appreciate if mommies can share their experiences?

I know it is beneficial for babies to stay inside me for as long as possible but I can't help feeling a little disappointed cos Dr told me 3weeks ago that baby's engaged and would arrive anytime. And now, having to wait this 1 last week seems like an eternity!

Re breast pump, I also bought a 2nd hand freestyle set at $400, bought from US so no local warranty. Didn't know that I can get a brand new US set with the BP else I would have done it!


good morning mummies

Can someone add me to the fb for the Jun MT?

I cant find it on the FB.

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congratulation to all mummies that have given birth and jia you to those that are still in the race, like me...

