(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Congrats Evangelyn! Have a good rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haven been participating in the forum in months, having a hard time catching up with the posts! Good to hear that all mummies-to-be are getting all excited and prep up for the big day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just wanna share esp for those having problems getting those green-husk coconut juice. These are some of the places I managed to buy from:

- Jurong Point Banquet Foodcourt

- East Coast Lagoon Food Centre

- ABC Brickworks Food Centre in Bukit Merah (some fruit juice stall in the middle row)

Hope this helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi BlueBeri.. Ur hubby won't be $1278 poorer la.. dun forget the govt is giving us the cash bonus $4k wat.. so actually our hosp bills and initial bb investment on bedding, clothes and stuff are covered la..

At least temporary worried-less..-.-

Joelle, hopefully my delivery would be fine, then maybe can take $200-$300 back after deduction of medisave, etc. else if the bill reach the higher percentile, might still need to fork out additional $600+ lor. the baby bonus we intend to save up at least 50% in the CDA leh.. the balance 50% oni for emergency bb usage.


u need to bring marriage cert only if u wanna register yr bb name at hospi, which I intend to do so.


gitz n bliss r rite, a smaller flask is suffice, I regretted getting the .5l one so I hv 2 now, putting one at my PIL place.

My gal was born during my ROM month, so hopefully my son decides to come out in May to coincide my wedding ani too..

Philips carnival sale starts on 28 may for 3 days - perfect timing for my pump!


muz top up max to fully utilize the gvt payout eventually..

My bb seems to be stretching so much that I can see "bruises" or mayb juz the veins being very visible as tho my tummy going to be exploding.. quickly put a lot of stretchmarks cream, ended up he more active! Pengz!

2 more wks for me... Jia you mommies!

my bb was stretching away last night and it was quite painful..

anyway my aunt suggested that i pack a portable fan in my hospital bag coz she says usually ppl feel v warm during delivery..

Bluberi, no worries about sugar level cos I also failed mine during my last checkup and gynae said it's normal and common for the last stage of pregancy. As long as baby is of ave size and mummy's weight didn't increase drastically.

Dianajs, patl or peck, have u visited dr tham at tmc? How's e experience?

Morning all......


Thanks for updating the hosp for me.. keke.. me so lazy to tell you :p and also confused who is updating liao


thanks for advise, hmmm I dont I need to being it cos MIL dont let me register she said must "count" first and it takes a week after bb is born.. so no chinese name for now...


yah I also feel more stretching my bb... like she elbowing me every now and then sometimes can be painful but "tahanable"


good idea abt the fan... keke


I also thinking of putting the baby bonus into the CDA but was thinking full since they give out in installments so in a way I get double baby bonus.. keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

koaru, the govt CDA payout is max 6k for dollar to dollar, but is it every per yr match to 6k or is match to 6k for a period over 6yrs?

FRIENDS, oh.. glad to know it's common during last stage of preggie. my hubby n mum were chiding mi for taking ribena, soft drinks n bubble tea. really must cut down on all sweeten drinks intake. so far bb increased ard 0.4kg compared to 3wks ago, my weight increased 0.8kg.

Jus'us, since the bb bonus payout is in 4 installments, we will put in $500 into CDA per installment. dun wan to put in all coz cannot withdraw out one.. will open a separate savings acct for bb.

Good Morning Mummies,

My Baby has been stretching alot too... And here I am juggling with work and hiccups made by my staff.. Grrr....

I wish i can be on long MC till i deliver.

Mummies, I am feeling very DOWN since last night... I think my hubby is going through emotional roller coaster and it is affecting me.. He is getting upset for the smallest things and i cant help but to get real MAD....

I just wish that i can run away to a place where i can find peace.. And i also wish that they have fatherhood form where they can share their thoughts....

won't b logging that often as my replacement is here from today. abit sian cuz can't surf net freely & hv to teach new gal stuff. but think again, im quite happy to look forward to my ML! hehe.


juz booked my bed too yest, but Hubby paid 748 (that's what i rem). also b1 bedder.


extracted fr babybonus URL... its max 6K for the whole duration of 6 yrs lah.. else i sure put in 6K every yr also.. hee

You can save in the CDA any time until 31 December in the year your child turns 6 years of age. The savings will be matched up to the cap of $6,000 each for the 1st and 2nd child, $12,000 each for the 3rd and 4th child and $18,000 each for the fifth and subsequent child. The Government will match your savings in the following month.



hang in there.. soon we'll be able to take leave.. are you going to take earlier maternity leave or wait till the baby comes? your edd is coming soon right?

Thanks jus'us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am planning to wait till the baby comes.. today is my start of 37th week. If babe is not out by first week of June then i will start my ML from 7th June onwards...

How about yourself?


my plan is to get hubby to deposit into the CDA account instead paying direct to my gal's CC.. so can earn the 6K dollar for dollar as well as use that to pay off my gal's CC fees. Then the $4K cash goes direct to my account.. all thought out already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_babydust.gif]


I think its best to talk it out - rather than second guess.. dads also need our support even tho we r also struggling ourselves. Often, we neglect the role of a wife after we become a mother, and I am guilty of that too!

Thanks for your advice Koaru. I shall try to talk to him tonight. Sometimes he doesnt give me a chance that is what really upsets me. As i am a person who would like to solve it there & then... Hope i will get there....

missbluey, are u see gynea at normal clinic A/B or TPS? coz mine $1,278 is dun have govt subsidies as i'm seeing gynea at TPS. by rite must take premier package when see gynea at TPS but the recept at the admission counter said we can still opt for classic package (cheaper) but our gynea would oni deliver for us then not their biz liao. but for premier package, our gynea will take care of us all the way.

gd morn... :D

bluberi: book alr ah the bed.? ehe~ i still havent.. anyway, good la bb half engaged alr. she comfy in tummy la, tts y not time yet to come out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missbluey: you lei? hehe~

was at home whole day yesterday (off day). i felt so uncomfortable and dunno what to do at home. was wondering what i'll do if i were to take early maternity leave.. but tired la.. walk slowly go work nowadays..

when book bed, then you all pay deposit liao ah? cos i book the bed thru my gynae, nothing was being asked to pay lei... hahaha, later go there, no bed for me...

i also not taking ML early, cos still pretty mobile now.. scare take liao, then dont know what to do at home... the earliest i take wld be abt 2-3days b4 my expected due date...

this sat, going for checkup, mayb see if gynae says any chances of baby coming early or wat lor...

Morning all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats! U're the first!

Take care n rest well. Have a gd confinement. Enjoy your new bundle of joy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wow, you're next... Counting down n feeling excited?

Sorry! CDA means I deposit 1000, gov will give another 1000

and I can fully pay jabs using this right?

Can use for #1 also? Cuz my #1 no CDA


used to go a/b clinic then changed to tps le. it was gynae's suggestion to tell us take classic. the nurse @ admission depr thought we r taking premier as my appr booklet hv the premier hospitalization package slip. ya, like what u said, gynae oni appear when we r abt to deliver unlike premier. same like my last time lor.

i hope i wont hv to go for emergency c-sect. can save on few hundreds.


i also feeling v tired these days, so diff to walk with my painful vagina. like as if something poking down there. ouchhh!!

koaru, tink we will just put 2k into the CDA account first n slowly put $ inside since the 6k dollar to dollar is for a period of 6yrs and not 6k every year.. lolx.. the balance 2k bb bonus will put in my hubby's acct for emergency bb use. he dun want to put in my acct coz he tink i will buy those bo liao things for bb.

Irma, yes.. booked yesterday already coz i scared bb will come out earlier.. ended up gynea said estimated at least 3wks more before i pop. sian lor.. will stick to my original plan to start ML on 14Jun. was hoping to start earlier coz i teach the temp until i want to vomit blood.

missbluey, i see.. my hubby tink it's better to have gynea take care of us all the way and not just for delivery oni n bye bye liao. since he's paying, i happily stick to premier package.. nw oni fingers cross will not have any problem during delivery else must top up more cash.

Hi ladies,

Seems ike everyone is gearing up for the big day. I did my 36 weeks checkup last Saturday and my gynae said that I should be delivering anytime in the next 2 weeks as baby's head is engaged. Really nervous now!

To all ladies who are feeling the blues, hang in there! Mine started a couple of months ago and I feel especially depressed at night just before bed. Hope we all survive this period. Soon our little ones will be here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding the CDA thing, my friend told me it's better to start an account with OCBC, cos they offer more benefits in terms of merchant tie-ups and stuff like that.


yes, gvt will top up that CDA account by watever amount u put into the next mth, subject to a max of $6K or more depending how kids u hv. And yes, can be used for all children as long as its under the list of approved instituitions. So u will first need to check with the respective "AI" if they accept GIRO or NETS payment for baby bonus


All these based on my read up - so maybe other mommies can comment more fr your own experience?

Missbluey, I also opt for premier package. After all, its quite funny u see the gynae for all the checkup sessions then he only guest appearance at the final hour during delivery. I heard if you opt for classic package, you are also attended by trainee docs and all..

piglet, yday i was still thinking if ur bb is small for 2.2kg in 36 wks. i just went for my 36 wks checkup and my bb is 2.3kg. so quite close ar. hee hee! oh ya, i did the group B strep test too. it was done in <5 mins... gynae just inserted something into down there. how come u said need to lay down on bed for 30 mins? baby still not engaged yet. my gynae will be on leave next wk... so my next appt will be on 1 jun.

koaru, thanks for the advice. i ordered 0.5L already but think will probably change to 0.35L. where will the philips carnival be?

jus'us, bigfish, no problem. i enjoy updating the table... so far!... hee

vanilla, enjoy the next 2 wks before bb pops! i abt same EDD as u. i was still hoping gynae to tell me bb already engaged this morning, but nope. ;)

missbluey: pain hor!? i also...

bigfish: hey. good idea too to get ML just few days b4 EDD. my hubby look at me then shakes his head everytime. i think in his mind like, "haiyo, pity my wife". haha..

vanilla: excited hor!!! :D *giggles* i oso!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bluberi: hehe~ this one another temp ah?

Hi Shalini.. my situation is similar too.. feeling very DOWN and Depressed especially last few wks... my hubby also getting jumpy these 2 wks for no reason.. i thought i'm supposed to be the one getting the BLUES.. but instead he will pick a fight with me and blame everything on me..

For instance I have to initiate that we shld complete our shopping for bb asap as we don't have enough time.. bring him to shop for bb things then he will questioning y i take so long to buy things when we just came to the shop for 30 mins. There’s so many to buy and I’m not even comparing prices at other places to get the best deal…. He’s like so fed up and dump everything in the basket without thinking..

He wanted to send me to work every morning since the start of my 3rd trimester and pick me up from work every day. I thought it was very thoughtful and sweet of him.. he now shouted me for treating him like a taxi driver just becos I cannot go home on time at 630pm the last few days.. In the 1st place i never request for him to send me and pick me everyday @ work.. now i'm acccused to make him look like a taxi driver...

I just told him to only pick me after 7pm this wk and he can get so worked out for stupid issues like tt…I have been going off work early at 6-630pm the last few months and now my work all piled up and there is no temp help or replacement during my ML which could start in 1st wk June. My boss already warned me to clear all outstanding if possible and pressing me every day.. So stressed out at work and I seriously don’t need these kind of treatment from him.. Very impatient all his life and I thought since the bb is going to come along, he will change.. perhaps I was wrong..

Then he will go out drink with frends, get drunk and only home at 3-4am.. will wake me up in the wee hours and talk nonsense… have to try to pat him to sleep so that he can stop talking ..then he will toss and turn in bed in the middle of the bed in such a way I can’t sleep properly… He is so heavy that I can’t push him over to 1 side of the bed.. sometimes I feel like I’m better off sleeping at the couch in the living room… This morning he even steal the blanket from me I had to cover myself with towels to sleep properly.. haiz… By then I’m so wide awake I can’t go back to sleep until 5am or so.. by 7plus I have to get up for work again.. if not I usually overslept.. come to office feeling shitty and tired.. He’s been doing these for the longest time… already told him things are different now and I don’t have the patient and strength to do this.. but all gone to deaf ears.. sigh…

He is the one who wanted the bb and promise to play an active role to prepare for this change.. but seems like the change is not a process for the impatient.. impatient pple like him..

I too wish I can find a hole and hid myself.. at least I know I can have some peace..

Sorry to all for listening to my ranting.. I’m just having too much that is bottled up inside me.. feeling teary..can’t concentrate at work.

babygal, relax.. i tink when we are near our delivery dates, we tends to get more emotional, besides we don't rest well n all those uncomfortness made us more short-tempered too.. perhaps yr hubby is feeling the stress when the Big day is approaching.. stay cool okie..

Raleign, Joelle

i have booked next Monday session with Maryann.

But she sounded so sianz over the phone.. hopefully she will be ok on Mon.. haha..

i told my hb, abit rush but no time liao.. i wanted to leave some memories of my preg state.. guessed wat he said? he commented u tink i so free ahh.. easily apply leave.. :D but i don't care..

wat clothes shld i bring? pls give me some ideas.. totally no idea.. i will be in my 37 weeks n i m bringing my gal there too.. :p

joelle: awe.. huggss... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun think too much abt it ok. i noe.. not ez.. but we have to focus on bb n ofcoz us.. :D

koaru, thanks.. now i get a clearer view of CDA.. Am still thinking if i should deposit the $$ into CDA account.


Last night my hb is on night shift.. Didn't expect that i can sleep so well!! Last time i couldn't sleep if he is on night shift. But last night i dozed off as soon as my son goes to his dreamland.

No one to quarrel with or make me upset so i can go to bed in a peaceful mode.

Actually both hb and us are going through a emotional roller coaster now. Last night my hb was so pek che before i went for my csect. His face was black like charcoal and he doesn't feel like talking at all.

Actually they doesn't know how to express their anxiety. My bro does that too.. Went drinking till middle of the night when my SIL is pregnant and go on talking about his sorrows till early morning and my mom was like nagging at him to stop his talking and let my SIL go to bed.

Now after my SIL delivered, he is back to normal.

For my hb, he doesn't go drinking or go out with his friends. But he will dazed in front of the tv and go to bed as late at 2am.. From 10pm i got to nag him to bed till 2am .. Sometimes earlier.. Cuz my son couldn't sleep unless daddy and mummy goes to bed at the same time.

Can u imagine if he sleep at 2am and once he goes in the room he will knock off and i got to handle that cranky tired toddler before i can sleep! i got very fed up cuz i'm very tired too and wish to go to bed as early as possible.

But to him maybe he just want to daze and forget about his problem for that short while..

I'm very frustrated with his action lately too and even asked him to go back home to sleep as i really want to be left alone. Although we don't quarrel everyday and it irritate me when i see him sleeping beside me like nothing is going on... if i get angry that he sleep and leave son to me, he will scold my boy and ended up my boy will cry and become more noisy and sticky which makes me feel worse as i simply got no energy to coax my boy at bedtime.

That day i was telling him i wish to pop asap.

He even ask me "won't you feel more tired after delivery cuz got to take care of 2 ?"

I told him i rather take care of 2 then being pregnant at this stage. taking care of 2 will end up very tired but after a good sleep everything will be refreshed.

But being pregnant is not! After so many months of carrying a baby, our body gets really tired of holding a weight in tummy. And the pain and aches will never go away unlike non pregnant. I just feel i'm cope up in a box which makes me can't breathe and move.

Really hate this last stage of pregnancy ... No matter how much i rest i just feel my body is giving way ..

Another thing is that people around me has been telling me that i shouldn't have a 2nd baby so soon. Cuz we are young couple, hb not earning and life is just picking up to a better one and we got pregnant again making our life worse once again.

I can't help feeling my baby is being rejected and i'm very upset about it.

But for me and my hb we planned this pregnancy and we know is going to be tough but we know we will pull through it very soon.

But still i can't help feel upset and guilty that people is making such comment about my pregnancy. Like my baby is going to make our life very ke lian for the next few years.. Sigh ..

Joelle: I can feel you from here.. but dont worry we will get there very soon and hopefully everything will change once the baby is out. God will not forsake us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I just had lunch with my colleague cum friend. Feeling much better after letting out everything to her.... Looks like mothers like us have to endure all these. **Hugs from me to make you feel better**

Vanilla: I am very excited for you and i really hope that my gynae will give me similar good news in my next appt. Cant wait for the baby to engage.


oic, u took premier de. i read wrongly juz nw. my last time experience with other docs was ok, most nurses were pretty gd. hopefully dis time will b a gd experience.

Irma, tis is the replacement temp after the first one left..

Bliss, i've just dropped u an email.

missbluey, yup.. i chose the premier package coz i prefer my own gynea to take care of mi thru out. my hubby feels the same.

FRIENDS, yup, went to see Dr Tham on 17th this week. Met Tywong there too with Avens. Dr Tham made his first delivery in TMC right after my appointment! It was a busy day for him as his clinic/patients were crowded and it seems he's got the busiest room with nurses and staff going in and out constantly!

He did the Strep B test for me and I'll be seeing him again next Mon and the following Mon (1 day before I deliver). So literally 13 more days to go!! So scared and yet excited to see BB.

I'm not use to small hospitals, so finds TMC very worn down and old, even WC Cheng's clinic looks so old town, compared to the sparkling facilities of KKH and its private suites.

I didn't get to see the wards though, but Tywong did a hospital tour, she said 5th floor is a new floor and rooms have windows, so we booked our rooms there. Go for the Premier Single - cost $588/night.

Btw, our boy has "same" name.

Tigerbaby, updates, will be naming my boy Thomas Dylan.


no hurry, most impt is to first submit all the forms to get the baby bonus $$ and open CDA account. To transfer from one account to another shld be a breeze..

Sometimes, people just like to make such senseless comments, dun hv to bother. Just like some couples i know try so hard n still futile in hving kids (and u get people asking them why still dun want hv kids lah, blah blah...) I guess there's always a trade-off in life. So try to avoid those people if u can or completely switch off when they r in one of those "I've told u" modes... It's your life, none of their biz!

Currently, i am my gal bedtime mate, i dun think my hubby wanna lie down there for 15min or 30min doing nothing! Usually i will go out of the room once my gal is asleep, unless i am also too tired. I shudder to think the bedtime routine woth #2 coming.. will take it as it comes.

Re: Kiddy Palace sale on diaper

If u buy pampers, the discount will apply. Just bought 1 more pack earlier..

bliss: aiyo! y got ppl say like that one?

its up to us hubby and wife when we want to have our 2nd 3rd 4th or 5th child/

lets put it this way, prob they're worried we're not able to "feed" the bb when either hubby or wife not earning well. dun take it to heart on what other ppl say ok? im on your side. coz these ppl they're not living in our shoe,so they dunno.. :D

Koaru & Irma, indeed is quite hurting to hear that. From the start I get negative comments.. Poor means cannot have 2nd bb meh... I'm not like having the 4th or 5th one mah..

Our living still okay. Just can't spend on useless stuff every month. I feel my son is enjoying his childhood like others.. Going monterssori school at 2 years old. Not cheap but we still manage to squeeze the money out..

Somemore these comments comes from close ones which is more hurting like look down on us etc..

But I wish to have 2nd bb so both grow up together. By the time my #1 in pri sch, #2 in kindergarten and I can go to

work already..

I didn't want to wait till my #1 goes to pri

school and have #2 at that time meaning I'm going to be a

sahm for the next 12 years. By then who will

want to hire me? Want to study or learn new skills also too late liao..

But people don't understand.. Nowadays people look at money more important then anything else..

But I am really feel bad about these comments.. Can't help

thinking if having #2 is really a bad decision.. Keep feeling my baby is not welcome by people around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


isn't it sad that everything is measured in terms of $$.. no wonder our country fertility rate so bad. Maybe cos u r young, hence yr frenz may not understand if they r around yr age. Sure it hurts, but I am sure once u look/hold at yr 2 bundles of love.. u won't look back.

And i think its good to hv a sibling to grow up with, share n fight along the way. More so, a mom to be by their side in the initial yrs.. we will hv to stand by our beliefs!

Bliss, don't be discourage. Some senseless body never know how to sensitive with their words.

If I were u I will tell them off. "Eh... my baby can hear what you say ok.. if you like that say hor.. my baby will feel hurt, next time u come to visit my baby, he/she will ignore you, cos' u don't like him/her."

Moreover, we give birth to our babies, we pay for our baby's expense.

Not as if we borrow money to give birth to a baby.

Not as if we ask them for money to let us raise our kid.

Don't take it to heart. Is always a bless to have a baby.. cos' babies are blessing (gift) from God

tigerbaby - Our baby is abt the same weight..but did ur gynae says its small? hope our baby eat more durin tis few weeks n come out bigger...

bliss - some ppl juz speak their mind out..they might b concern in some ways but did not 'look' after ur feelin..since its u n hubby plan, dun bother wad other says..bcos its u n hubbby hand in hand n support the family up..stay in positive side ya..as i'll b goin thru the same situation as u, eversince bein terminate from employer..i feel so useless whenever i wana buy someting i like..=( n feel like eatin someting good oso nid to tink cos hubby is the one who're earnin..


ya...dun take heart and be bothered by those ppl who said it. Anyway, its yr life and you hv the choice of the way of how u wan to live yr life....true that money is impt in some ways but money cant buy everything....i feel tat quality time with the kids are far more impt....stand by your rules...at least u r young but u r taking responsibilities for your own actions...so ignore those remarks....and pls dun feel tat your baby is not welcome by other people...he/she is strongly welcomed by all the mommies in the forum!!! *hugz*

Be strong...jia you!!


Bliss, my 11 yr old posted this on facebook "Be who you are and say what you feel, beacause those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter!". I say, live your life as you and your hubby choose it. It's nobody else' business, not even your parents. Close and sincere friends encourage and support you no matter what, not discourage and belittle what you do. Do not take heart, but take heed that you can discount this people off your life.

I empathise with you as I have friends and relatives like these, of whom, are now no longer in my list.

