(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

whats the VE test?

i think last Sat doc got do a HPS & VP3 test for me.. but didnt ask. oops..

got anything to do with the swab test?


Elise, tentatively my ML will starts on 14jun but juz nw was discussing with hubby. he said better start early to rest more. so might start on 08jun instead, provided i can handover by then.


VE is vaginal examination..

The gynae will insert his/her fingers into the vagina to find out if ur cervix is dilated or not.

elise - my swab test cost around $55.60 den CTG cost me $56.70 where i remember tat Missbluey n some mummies is much more cheaper.

Irma - swab test writen on my receipt is (CULTURE LVS for GBS)...

Dianajs - gynae insert finger or whole hand? i got the feel like whole hand cos quite deep inside :p...so evey week will they do VE for us or oni @ week 37?

just went for my 37th weeks checkup. dunno abt bb's weight as gynae was @ "normal" clinic instead of tps. did VE & swab test. dislike VE as i felt uncomfortable after that. bb's head still quite high & cervix haven't open, so shld pop during my ML week bah.

swab test cost abt $32.80.

congrats bibibaba!! hope mine is as short as yours.

piglet > insert only finger... how could be whole hand so scary hahaha.

Tomorrow im going for my abt 36weeks checkup too, haiz recently tummy really feel so tight & alot of heartburn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] very moody now.


i feel so heavy nw, wish that can unload heavy tummy nw. sumtimes i juz can't breathe suddenly, & pain vagina doesn't help either. been complaining to Hubby but that's nth he can do. gynae said could been bb pressing on to it, that's y pain. sigh. even shifting positions during sleeping is such a pain, so pain i feel lk crying. >.<

elaine - i keep tinkin is whole hand haha...cos feelin is very deep inside...but couldnt be whole hand rite..lolx..my tummy owas tight especially @ nite...

missbluey - tis feelin gonna end soon...endure...3 more weeks oni

missbluey, now we are complaining about our pain soon will complain about not sleeping enough zzzzzz... im having the same situation as u, baby head is pressing down below [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My #1 & #2 i dont have such problems at all.

Lets all Jia You together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piglet > tummy tight at nite & also kena boxing/punching/kicking from the baby too right hahaha

Mummies with small bb, does your bb kick very hard? Because i have a small bb and i can only feel very light kicks even at Wk33. Thank you!

Gd morning..diana,piglet: tq.. Anyway,whole hand? isnt tt "ouchie"?

Elaine:agree,we'll complain abt not enuf sleep ltr on.. Hehe


reading your post makes me feel more at ease cos this morning I woke up with some cramps but cant figure how to explain it but its near the bottom so worried that bb wants to come out already.. even told my hb better open the bb playpen soon :p so now considering if I should just have more rest... take half day and go home and sleep it off


yep, soon will complain nt enuff slp/rest. if i hv natural, i will hv to complain abt my piles. haha.

me too, dun hv dis prob for my #1.

Morning all!

Congrats, bibibaba! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take care n have a gd confinement.

I am back from checkup. BB's weight is est. 2.4kg @ 34.7weeks. Gynae commented that it's gonna be Anytime & bb is kinda low in position already as I highlighted about having crampy feel whole of Mon.

Makes me worried about 'Anytime' coz I am not prepared yet. Hospi bag yet packed, feeding equip yet sterilised, bb clothes yet washed, room yet prepared, etc. Still not done with confinement prep. (e.g. getting herbs for shower, etc)

Hoping that can tahan till 3rd week June for the scheduled c-sect date.


Your d-date is tomorrow! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All the best & jia-you...


Yours on Vesak Day... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You too, jia-you & All the best.

Re: low fluid level

went for gynae checkup on mon, was told that the fluid level seem to decrease thus went for a scan at TMC.. Waiting time was a killer as we waited from 1pm+ til 5.20pm for the scan and hence after that we went back to see my gynae. bb head is down but yet engaged. From the report thou the level decrease to 6.9, it still ok unless it decrease to 3, then gynae need to induce. ideal range is 8-10.

According to the scan, bb estimate to be 3kg - 3.3kg

Not wise to go for induce unless on medication issue or the water level has decreasd to dangerous range.

Agree with bliss, SueLynn & Daphne,when baby and mummy are not ready it results in epidural or emergency c-sect due to stress.

Congrats to bibibaba...

from the looks of it, it seems like my baby is rather small... 36+wks, baby is only 2.5kg... jus hope that when i pop, baby wld at least 2.8kg... for a good size to handle...

Good morning mummies

Soooo tired today.. My gal had blocked nose and keep waking up at night.. Then I neva sleep properly.. Now a real zombie at work..

And ya.. Me think I got piles lei.. It is very painful when I go poo poo.. Anyone got experience it..

Sighz.. Today is not a good day.. But really looking forward to seeing hubby later as it is Wed and he will be booking out !!!

Sparkle, i was reading thru the thread n realize tt we r hving the same EDD and exactly the same prob...my gynae oso said tt my bb is too small..juz went for chk-up ytd n bb wt at most 2.1kg..i hv been stuffing myself with tonnes of high calories and junk food, as per wat he had instructed me...but..the growth rate of the bb doesnt seems to improve...he is requesting me to see him every 4 days...and already cfm that need to induce (the latest) by wk37...but again he this could happen in next week oso... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].. did ur gynae made similar remarks/comments?... so worrying for the health of the bb... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Eunice, my little bb doesnt kick as much now..but her movement can still be felt, esp when she sticks her leg/elbow/knee out against my tummy... :p I m not sure if tts norm..u started to count the fetal kicks/movement?

Hi Jaime, don't worry too much and try to load up on protein, and durian. My baby measured small too but after 1 week of intensive durian gorging, I gained 2kg and the baby also got bigger. Can give it a try. I hope everything goes well for you.

Baby movement

My baby is also moving less now, I feel. I'm now 37 weeks and the doctor said I could deliver anytime, so very excited. Perhaps our babies just have less space to move, but as long as I can feel my precious one jabbing me, I'm happy and relieved. Even if that means I am throwing up again after eating. Never knew my stomach real estate is so 'short in supply'!

Hang in there mommies, the end is near and very soon we'll be holding our little ones in our arms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vanilla, thanx for the advice...I m trying to load myself durian as well..so far not much improvement..seems like i m the "beneficiary" of the food tt i m taking..maybe i hvnt take enuff durians yet..:p i m keeping my fingers crossed tt my bb can hang in there till wk 37...still got 2 more wks to tahan.. did u hv any special advice from ur gynae then (eg. need to induce, etc..)?

Hi mummies.... Been a long time since I last post. I have deliever to my twins on Monday through c-sect. Both babies weight are pretty small 2.05kg n 1.96kg only.

jusus, yeah. severe stomach pains may not be labour pains, actually i also suspected braxton hicks initially but then doctor says i need to rest, so now here i am, doc giving me 3 days MC, which means long weekend! haha

Ms blue, i also wanted to unload my bb out earlier. intially i even have a dream when the bb comes out, she became a 'He'. got a shock of my life and i woke up.

Bliss_ling, why do you need to wait so long at TMC? wah, the whole scan took 4 hrs!?

Congrats Kate!

mi also feel lesser of bb movements nowadays.. makes mi paranoid lor.. day time really min. movement, at nite will be more. it's a nitemare coz my mind will start to stray towards negative things. just hope bb come out faster.

my bb est weighed at 2.1kg at 34wks and 2.3kg at 36wks. my gynae nv said small but instead said avg leh.

eunice, my bb's movement peaked at 32wks. since then, movement becomes regular. however, i dun actually rem her kicking. it's more of her feet rubbing across my stomach wall tat can get uncomfortable at times. and her movements are not hard also.

btw, noticed u're not on the list. do let me know if u wish to be included.

Hi Mummies,

I am from the July 2010 thread. Just to share, I delivered my #1 through inducing as my placenta was aging at week 39. I was not dilated at all when I started my inducing. But I managed to give birth w/o c-sect. I was on drip for inducing at about 7 plus in the morning and I gave birth at 5.20pm. As I was on epidural, the whole process was quite stress-free except when the pushing came.

good morning ladies, i just came back from the gynae. at 35 weeks, baby finally reached the first 'healthy gate' of 2kg. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] amniotic fluid seems to have gone up a little bit but still require monitoring regularly, thus, need to go back to check every week.

super relieved that the constant gorging of food for the past few days works. will continue to keep eating and hope my little one absorbs well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jaime - gynae did mention if the growth doesnt improve, might have to deliver early. we are still monitoring the situation closely at the moment.

He mention try to nibble high protein food whole day round instead of eating full meals so that its easier to digest and absorb.

eunice - i felt very minimal movements before 32 weeks. in fact i have to press my hand on the tummy to feel in order to satisfy the 10 counts a day challenge.

recently, i can feel more stretchings done by the baby, guess she is also running out of space. hee.

congrats Kate!!!

eunice - Im in week 36 now, I can still my baby movement quite alot and he kick quite hard sometimes. My baby weigh 2.5kg at week 35.

mummies....now I have to decide to induce or not to within hours....may have to induce today and deliver tomolo...baby weight hitting 3.5kg and I am very petite in size. Gynae said can consider to induce the baby and mentioned so far he has not failed in induced labour


Wow that is a fast decision that u have to make.. Think it over.. Gynae would definitely not suggest something if it is not good gor u or baby.. All the best !!

Kate : Congrats on ur twins baby ^^

Sparkle : Big Claps...finali keep eatin din make ur effort waste..we shall jia you more together ya..

Elaine : Yes..all the kicking,punching come togetehr when tummy is tight..sometime the movement even very ticklish

bigfish,Jaime : we're in the same boat..is quite upset when we absorb more than baby...

Congratulations on your twins Kate! Rest well and enjoy your little babies!

And wishing you a good birthing experience to Daphne (if you need to go in early)!

congrats kate!

have a gd rest!


all the best for your delivery! remember to update us ok!


did you have blood in your stools? something popped out after your output? try to push the "grapes" in.

my gynae prescribed me syrup for constipation & fybogel, much better now.

Just joined this forum and glad to know we're in the same boat regarding the anxiety, counting down the days, all the lovely aches and pains just before our EDDs :p Curious if any of you are looking for a confinement nanny at the last minute? Thing is, I just cancelled on mine and feel bad about it. I know she's good, cos she's helped my SIL twice already. Great cook, knowledgeable, yet doesn't insist on her methods (ie. not overbearing!). I cancelled my booking after much consideration cos I feel I will have enough help at home. If interested, pls PM me. Thanks and good luck with all your deliveries.

Hi Mummies,

Just caught up with all the posts....Very happy to see the mummies popping one by one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I only slept at 5am and got up at 640am to get to work and am having a splitting headache since morning. Can you advice if its ok to take panadol....??? Its killing me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


nope no blood.. just something pop out after i pooped.. Then damn painful when I sit down.. So scared to go poop...


Me too only managed to sleep around at that time coz my gal was super duper fussy.. Poor thing got stuffy nose.. Now I feel like a zombie at work and keep dozing off

Dianajs - Oh no. Hows your gal now? Hope she is much better.. I can feel you as im in a turmoil state now with killing headache... Not sure how to cure it without panadol. Took coffee (after a long time) today morning and now sipping green tea... I am contemplating if i should just take Panadol....

Shalini, when i am sick, my GP also said can take normal white colour panadol. but i still never took, becos we dunno if bb will absorb. if u got headache, try this method. try H2O fizzy drinks, it will help


mayb u used too much force while output. must push it back in. drink lots of water & eat more fruits. some mummies here recommend dragonfruit, helps too. warm water also helps.

its tough onus parents when our little ones are sick. tc k.


Hi suelynn, thx for the clarification. My hub initiated but i refused. Haha! Cos i was afraid of infection. Seriously now im feeling no mood oso cos feel so fat and heavy. Sigh! ;)

