(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Unthinkable mummies is right... I don't want my delivery to be too drama..

Now everything planned. My mom will

sleep over the night before and I'll leave my house at 7am before my boy wakes up. At least my son can manage better in the day time..

Genice, no need to do blood test? I thought got to take blood so I'm scared...


Hi mummies!! I popped this afternoon at 1319hrs. Baby weight is 2.78kg.

The whole c-sec with epi experiencs will definitely b a 'memorable one'. Haa.. I can feel all the touching n pushing process n the pain was like immediate effect after the stitching. The pain was 10/10. But the amazing thing is after the epi is gone, I feel so much better now.

Now I can't sleep at all, as I'm feeling super hot, perspiring n feeling itchy n uncomfortable at the bottom part, and it's leaking n I'm using hospital pad. Argh.. Can't wait for morning to cm, so my drip n the urine bag can b remove.

Cyberbabe just came n visit me, she is going to b induced later. Jia you gal!!!

Hi Mummies,

Pls help add me to this forum.

Age: 27

Baby name : Javier (boy), 1st child

EDD : 18 Jun, ADD : 1 Jun

C-sect @ Mt.A (Dr Kenneth Lee)


and, congrats to mummies who had just delivered their babies :D

congrats Raleigh & Summerbel!!

Summerbel - yr bb is considered quite big..Did you have a hard time getting her out?

Raleigh - You mean you feel less pain after epi is gone? I have discussed with hubby, shd I need to go for c-section, I will go for full GA..doubt I have the courage to do half GA..terrified at the thought of that my tummy will be slit open while I am half awake..

Next on the list shd be cyberbabe, right?? Wish you a smooth delivery and a healthy BB!!

I went for my 38th week check up..lost 1 kg..was worried that the fluid level was low, but Dr said fluid level is good and BB is ready to arrive pop anytime but his gut feel is that mine will be a June BB, not May BB...very likely my next appt with him will be in the delivery ward, instead of his clinic. He even suggested that I shd go shopping during GSS before BB is out..:p

I told him lately, I experienced frequent intense BH contractions with dull backache and stomach cramp, and sometimes nausea (and the other day I had it 3,4 times within an hr) - they make me crappy, however the contractions are not very regular - and I felt better when I rested on the bed, he said these are pre-labour contractions..and could last from days to weeks. I am so scared that when actual contraction comes, I will not be able to tell them apart. I hope to have a definite sign of labour - eg leaking/bursting waterbag or bloody menses show instead of having regular contraction pain as pain is quite relative..my pain threshold can be quite high..and given that this is #3..labour time tends to be shorter..I m scared that BB will be out before I enter the delivery ward. Hubby is on standby mode liao..He has been staying at home with me these few days..and if I went out, he would remind me to take my mobile with me..

We also had some discussion on the birth plan. I asked if it is compulsory to do cervical examination - gynae said it is necessary to check the progress of the labor and unlikely to avoid, the best he can do is to minimise it. But he said if dilation is progressing well, and if I relax myself..I shd not feel any pain..how to relax when someone is "fingering" you from beneath? Hiaz..

Hi mummies, we are pleased to announce the arrival and share the joy of Princess Clovelle Foo Jie Xin weighing 2.87kg & 51 cm on 28th May in Gleneagles ward 521. Love, Jerry/Celestia/Jayden/Chloez/Clovelle

Will update my birth story later as I have lost all my strength pushing my little angel! To all mummies who's going to pop, Jia You!!! 

Congrats to all the mums that popped.

Just came back from my gynae visit 2 days ago (last day of wk 34) and my bb is 2.7kg, and the doc actually tell me that I can give birth to bb anytime I want as the bb size is ok, omg. My mum and mil all asked me what did i eat to make the bb so big. I ony put on abt 10kg and I think all the weight go to the big tummy as all the other part of my body is still skinny, i m actually hoping for my bump to widen n become bigger as i m worried that the bb is too big to pass through the pelvic bone and I will need a c-sect. Doc say chances for natural birth is high n ask me not to eat so much. I think this is the consequences of my earlier "pre-term labor" scare early this May, and I started to eat more just in case the bb popped early.

I m "intensifying" my own preparation for the arrival of the bb, completed my 1st round of washing bb stuff, need one more washing session for the rest of the stuff. Still hv quite a few items on the shopping list, hopefully can settle by next week in the Motherhood exhibition.

One qn: do we need to wash the cot bumper, bb pillow and bolsters? or we only need to sun it?

congrats, cyberbabe! well rest. =)

bebe75, i share the same fear as u! and i'm also hoping for apparent signs! pray pray! :D

amy, i put on abt 12kg and likewise all went to bb and tummy. arms and legs still the same (it's a gd thing, i suppose?). often ppl comment tat from behind can't tell i'm pregnant. lolz!

this one week i've done the following:

- wash bb clothes (all hand-me-downs and up to 3 months for brand new)

- pack hospital bag

- setup bb cot

- sterilize sterilizer, breast pumps, bottles, pacifiers

and yes, i actually washed everything... cot bumper, pillow, bolsters and comforter... but i washed them at low spin.

yet to be done are setup sarong cradle and install car seat - these i will leave to my hubby.

Good morning ladies..

Just saw all the new baby pics from Of Raleigh anf Cyberbabe... So niceeee..

Me cannot wait for my turn.. hehe

Congrats to summerbel, cyberbabe and raleigh!! Hope u haf a gd rest! Mine's just two weeks away. Seems so near already!

Mummies, just wanna remind tt kiddy palace sale ends on 2 june. Tot i read sumwhere its 13 june but saw on asian parents its 2 june so better stock up those necessary stuffs quickly. 15% for non member. 20% for member. Very worth it!

Tigerbaby, me dun dare wash cot bumper. Hehe...im goin on my leave soon. Better start packing and preparing thr clothes for the little one!!

mummy2nia: yeah. worth it la the KiddyPalace Sale.. just stocked up some bb items..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just havent pack my hosp bag.. and still yet to wash/sterilise bottles.. hehe..


1. does the cot bumper become "out of shape" after u wash them in washing machine?

2. may i know why we hv to sterlise the bottles now? where do u keep these sterlised bottles? i tot we only sterlise before use as the effect only lasted like 24hr?

Juz came back fr philips carnival sale.. Hot n crowded.

Congrats to Raleigh, summerbel n cyberbabe!


I also wash the cot bumper, normal spin - gets a little out of shape but I can't imagine not washing it otherwise.


I thot I read the KP poster mention 13 June too - anyway I got nothing more to buy as of now.

hi ladies!!

my mum have started washing bb's clothes at her side, but those at my place oni starting next week.. coz we haven bought those bb detergent yet.. coming wed will be finishing up the bb shopping.

hospital bag is packed except for disposable panties, mi still dilly dally haven buy yet. :p

cot has been delivered n set up but haven wipe yet.. told hubby to wipe it and put the mattress, cot bumper, etc oni 2-3 days before bb 1st mth coz wait got dust n i'll be away at my sis place for confinement mah..

mummy2nia, dat time i ask kiddy palace staff they said the sale ending on 19jun, now is 02jun? tink later i better drop by the compass point outlet and check again coz my hubby said we will go there to finish our bb shopping on 02jun itself.

amy, i have 2 sets of bedding... one is the classic pooh one, the other from aussino... both okay aft wash... just shake shake a bit all will go back in space...

since i was sterilizing the breast pump, might as well also sterilize the bottles and pacifiers... will sterilize bottles again before use. ;)

Congrats to all mummies who just popped..

Im only in my 35 weeks this week but been having BH contractions since last week & most terrible is my both sideS of my Pelvis bone Super Super pain cant even stand or walk already for 1 weeks liao!!

Izit a sign oF dilating or delivery?

My 36 wks checkup falls on next tue, must I wait or go see doctor tmw?

amy: yeah... i sterilise becoz of one reason, i gt my bottle fr my sister. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now to get rid of the "bacteria & stuffs". guess will go for another round of sterilisation when due or somewhere there..

sito: sorry to hear tt.. had my fair share of BH also during week 35.. m into 37week this Sat..

i'd advise dun go c gynae.. later pay alot.. but if you're really uncomfortable, then just go, maybe they'd be able to do CTG scan for you?

Irma, yup2. I bght the bedding set usual price $80 plus. Pay $60+ only. Worth it. Tot ending on june 13 so my hub and i bght bit by bit. Now cannot liao. Must quickly write down wat to buy and get. Haha

bluberi, not too sure cos i tot i read here. Sumone mention 13 june then just saw a post from asian parents on fb so must quickly remind u all. Better b safe than sorry. Hehe. Sales must share one. Kekkek

sito, hmmm if u r unable to walk tink dats quite bad leh. If u can tahan wait till ur gynae appt. If not just go down. I get bh now and then but not strong and painful till wanna rush to hospital...

Congrats to all mummies who have popped.

My gynae is going on holidays from 2- 9jun. Oh no... I expect that i may pop in that same week too. So sian. In the end, maybe it is not my gynae who is delivering for me.

Btw, anyone knows of any baby gifts website - apart from Orchardflorist.com.sg or Noelgifts.com? cos my company ask me to search for a baby gift on my own and let them know so that they won't order something that i don't like.


Had my gynae check up on Wed. Baby at 36wks plus at 3.2kg so consider quite a big baby. Gynae predict wun due within tis 10 days bt den stilll keepin finger cross since my #1 born on wk36. Most likely I'm goin into labour ward myself coz hubby most likely goin overseas. Feel so stressed over everything.

So many mummies popping!!

I think genice also popping soon right??

Am having alot of BH everyday now. Comes and goes.. Plus baby kicking will make it very painful..

Today set up baby bassinet and changing table..

Spring cleaning starts today in case next week my energy level drop to 1%.

I'm telling my hb I'm left with 6% of battery life now cuz I'm left with 6 days.. Feeling so tired and I slept till 1pm just now after breakfast :p

hi Mummies....My baby popped yesterday 27 May at 8:25am at TMC.

Was a very dramatic experience....tried Induced labour, went through whole night of dilation with epidural, expiriced 30 min pushing normal delivery and eventually did C-Sect at 10cm dilation coz it's too risky to continue normal delivery with a big baby's head. Baby just couldn't pass through my bone. Gynae said 30% baby may be damaged and I will denifinitely have a terrible tear. We decided on the spot to go for c-sect.

My husband stayed with me during c-sect, gave me lots of encouragement. he actually came in late and saw my tummy wide opened. Thank God that he din't fainted and happily described the bloody tummy scene to me.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Estimated baby's weight was 3.5kg. Actual weight is 3.33kg. a healthy and beautiful boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thank God for everything!

Bebe75: my veryvery recent tells me that c-sect with epidural is really nothing serious. You should try it. dun go for full GA. You really cant see anything when epidural is there, doc actually covers everything, except that you will definitely get to see your baby at the 1st moment.and your husband can be with you and give ltos and lots of encouragement.

daphne: congrats! wow.. drama la ur delivery.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway thank god everything is fine.. :D

wow. so many mothers have given birth. Congrats!

Recently been busy with my 7 days old baby. He had jaundice at value 17.2. So decided to put him at hospital for 2 days. Managed to discharge today. Heart pain, seeing him under the lamp. and the skins are all so dry.

Now still busy trying to pump my breast to increase the milk supply. not much. think can only support half day supply only. haiz. trying to latch on first few days, but the baby dun wan and keep sleeping. Maybe because of the jaundice. Will try again to latch on so that my milk supply can increase.

wow! quite a number of mummies popped!! so happy for you all!! esp after seeing the posted photos!! congrats!!

I'm seeing my gynae tomorrow as well. C how bb has progressed till date. but dun think will deliver for next 1-2 weeks... cos gynae on leave. Bb hold on first!!

missbluey / Rainelle: I've found the coconut liaoz. At last. THANKS!

Donate cord blood: contacted me the day i emailed to them. they asked me a few questions over the phone and arranged for their rep to meet me to sign papers coming week. quite fast.

congrats sheryl, raleigh, daphne, cyberbabe & summerbel!!! more & more mummies popping! make me more excited.


thks. im still deciding #2's Chinese name.


ur most welcome!


i still cant get over the phobia of waxing leh. heh.

re: coconut meat

oh, nobody tell me cant eat leh.

Congrats to all mummies that just popped the last 2-3 days.. U gals just promoted to be May mummies! Very brave for those who go all the way natural delivery..

Did my checkup on wed, also 2.7kg @ 37wk.. Most probably will still go for natural birth...doc told me my tummy looked like much bigger.. he tot i was overweight but i put on total 11+ kg.. so its quite acceptable.. Funny thing he asked if i was expecting a twins.. i was like??? Unless he did not detect at all for all the visits..?? He said there was alot of twin bb patients tat day and mine looks so much bigger than them.. i told doc.. i wish la.. so i can close shop onces and for all..

So far so good.. i have no BH and no swelling yet, still feeling energetic even though i hate the hot weather spell.. Doc said then bb shld be here to stay for another 2 wks.. so my next appt is still on 2wks visit.. that seems a long time man, especially i see more and more mummies popped.. so anxious to hold my bb in the arms yet quite scared abt the process.. haiz..

Daphne, it must be worrying for you at first during the delivery. You are very brave and decisive. Congrats for overcoming the odds. Both baby and mummy are so brave!

Thanks Friends for the link... am looking at it now..


sito: CTG is Cardiotocograph.. it actually to check if you have contractions and also to check on bb's heartbeat..

