(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


Aiya, I just gave away my Medela Pump last week!


Mine is also good thus I had to entice her to stay. Else with 2 kids ah I surely cannot managed de.


Hopecg, I see. But I've no playyard. I play one or two balls at a time so it's not too overwhelming.

Funny zz can't nap at home today. He had his morning nap in his stroller n now napping outside also. Dunno y he can fall asleep at home. Fuss n fuss, cry n cry... 3 mins out of the house, he fell asleep le. Wierd.

Missbluey, yalor. So she better clean the house properly lor. Actually your maid very capable. Can do housework, cook for 4 adults, look after two kids. But your pil n yourself also help out with the children right? So actually shd be manageable la.

xiao xiin,

actually she is still ok. but lately she like chu stunts leh, request this request that when nobody is around except me. -.-"

her cooking ah, still ok lah. have to lower my expectations. =p

ya my inlaws & myself do help out with the boys when she is showering/washing clothes/cooking/in toilet/off days.


I Juz cancel my pd appt for my boy review today - yest he also develop fever for no reason so I am thinking it's teething or maybe fake measles - so far no rashes outbreak. But I scared cos my ger school start to hv HFMD.. another wave starting.. So sian.


I had such a gd laugh wif those cute answers!! LOL


I always stick to hub one b there was once when we had to go separate ways so we just arrange to meet this time this place, so far ok. B I guess for u just make sure u off e notifications updates n email updates , all these auto updates sure incur overseas data charges.

Luggage: Ey u go 13 days I only went 7 leh, almost half n I brought 1.5 luggage, 1 big, 1 small . Makes sense that urs is double mine! Haha.. Anyway did u use vacuum bags??it totally compressed e stupid bulky diapers , it's a must to use them, actually I think 2 big luggage w 2 haversacks or carry on shld be gd enuff. But then it's winter soon so u might be packing more winter wear that's y a lot of stuffs? Even more reason to use vacuum bags, super useful for winter clothes .

It's def tough to pack! Wait till u unpack n wash when u reach hm, even more sianz


i shared your question with my hubby earlier. he had that amused look when i told him you had this ans "both are dead". he even said "good!" =p

guess what? my bb just fell down from my bed again! haiyo!

but this time, the bolster surrounding him never dropped onto the floor. wonder how he rolled down. i even used a comforter to stop the bolster from rolling down.

looks like he gonna migrate to the mattress from tonight onwards.

Zinc- Nowadays kids r so creative. I lyk tat...

Bluey- I can ans ur qns as in how Elvan fall while everything is still intact. I witness how my boy do it. They will crawl up den roll down slowly thus nth will fall off. He's too fast for mi so now I dun put him on e bed without supervision.

at student answer...

Anyone haf any idea how to get rid of 'hong mok' My 1 has it all over e body n e itch is really killing him. Any advice?


hais, he sleeps also want to crawl. -.-"

today 2nd time in less than 3days.

will 'snake powder' helps?

i had that when i was in my teens, but forgotten how i lessened the itchness.

Bluey- All bbs e same 1. Mine slp halfway suddenly sit up den start screaming coz he forgotten how to lie down. Haf to b vr careful wif them.

I duno can use snake powder ant le. I'm oni using calamine lotion for e time being.

finally my boy's fever break. So i reckon its due to teething or just growing pains from bones. Sigh...waste money at PD to check this and that.


Take care. Hope your boy is ok. Now its HFMD peak again. very scary esp we have 2 kids at home and one attending pre-school now.

haiz.. if u r marking the 'creative' ans will make ur blood boil haha..

mezzo, you know when my hub was at dr lim clinic 2 wks back w my baby, also do urine test. then my hub want to check if he peed.. so he wanted to go to the treatment rm but there's a couple w a kid inside.. waiting for dr tan.. but since my boy was screaming (tired/hungry alr) so the nurse let him go in and check. while he was undressing my boy, dr tan came in and the couple told her that they suspect their child is having HFMD.. and they dont even bother to inform my hubb when he brought bb into the rm.. and the nurse also nv say anything!! so ridiculous right? my hubb quickly dress my boy and carry him out.. actually if your child suspected HFMD maybe can wait outside clinic or something?? otherwise dangerous for other kids there also..

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I thot I spotted some red dots on my boy body but can't confirm if it's fake measles so din see pd since he seems better after some panadol. Will continue to monitor. Luckily yrs fever break liao..


I rem when my ger broke out in rashes aka fake measles we were told by the clinic asst to wait in the treatment rm also leh.. Maybe cos it was empty?? Luckily Yr hub alert enuf.

its my boy turn to be down with fever...and he's coughing very badly too..

gg JB tomorrow for church retreat, have lotsa marking to do.. now with a sick baby.. i hope I can be in one piece after the loooong weekend...

Aiyor.. Jenn I shld have asked around earlier.. My sis only gave birth last Sat so she tot of getting a medela to standby. She is using my Avent manual.. So far so gd.

Bb falling from bed.. I also scared leh.. So I usually pat her in bed to fall asleep then I transfer her to the play pen.. In the morning she will be sleeping opp. side or not half sitting half lying.. Very weird..or not I put her betw me n hubby.. But I need to wake more often to check in case she has been suffocated by my hippo hubby.. Lol..

I see lots of bb having fever lately...if ur bb's fever persist more than 4-5 days, better send to KKH straight.. Dun wait liao.. Or waste time n $$ at ur pd..They may be infected by Kawasaki disease.. This type of fever cannot b treated by normal paracetamol..need strong medicine like aspirin.. And only hosp doc will issue these to help bring down the fever..

I came back from hosp after visiting my godson.. He suffering this fever now.. Hospitalised since yest.. So poor thing.. Want to sleep but can't.. Eyes so red and teary. Lips are like strawberry red.. Didn't eat much...see anyone also cry.. Very touchy.. Sigh.. Heartache lor.. I went back home see D n check her temp immediately.. Very paranoid lor..

Sick bb

My niece was hospitalized for fever which did not subside for a few days. She got virus infection n infected a little of her lung. So poor thing..


last time my elson was suspected of having kawasaki disease about 1yr+ ago. also had that strawberry tongue. it started from his ear infection, fever refused to go away totally.

was so afraid then. thankfully, antibiotics helped.


how u managed to teach E coming down from bed?

last night he slept on the mattress, this morning i woke up, he was sleeping horizontally instead of vertically.

Hi hi everyone

Take care to all bb and mummies not well. I've just Finally brought Gale to hv his 2nd dose of 6 in 1. He's feverish today cos of jab.

If any of you are interested in getting baby shoes, can go to my fb and see - very very cute. Comes with a free gift. I could get staff price for those interested.

Zinc, I was reading your old posts on the science qns n answers. Really funny! Like some 欠扁问答题! Which Dino feeds on plants, none cos they are already dead!!! LOL. Creative junior!

babies who's sick, Zoie/Koaru/Cath/Mezzo, may the little ones gets well soon.

Joelle, this kawasaki disease seems so scary. does it only affects babies, or those from 1 - 3?

Bluey, when E crawl tO the bed edge then I'll turn his butt n slowly let him slide down.

After a few times he get the idea of turning his butt instead of head down first.

But I still got to hold his hand. Then I realize he can go down on his own so now he just go down as n when he likes! Sigh!

Sigh, my little one has been refusing milk since yesterday.. not even a single drop! Not eating much... and today, he is even refusing water.

I decided to shorten my stay in JB and brought him to see doc at Mt A A&E. Dr said he will have to be put on drip if his liquid intake continues to drop. Keeping my fingers crossed...

Zoie, my ger is down too. Doc says she's struck with stomach flu. She was having loose stools n I thought it was due to teething. Silly mum. Hope Josh is feeling much better liao...


Ur girl any symptoms other than loose stools? My boy had loose stools too, but I was thinking it was the cauliflower.

Thanks mummies. J has been admitted to hospital. Bronchitis and dehydration. Hopefully there's no chest infection.

It's such a loooooong weekend!

Zoie, how's Josh? Did doc say when can he go home? Poor boy...

Dot/Elise, she poo poo ard 5-8 times a day. I brought lots of diapers to our weekend RWS stay n she almost used up them all. But other than diarrhae, she didn't show any symptoms. Was playing n laughing. Her usual level of activeness. Doc did say that other babies may vomit or hv fever too.

Tersher, my boy has been diagnosed with bronchitis and mild chest infection. Started to eat abit of porridge but still refuses milk. Can only be discharged when he is eating and drinking well again so that drip can be removed, and when phlegm results are out so that doc can prescribe specific antibiotics.


hope your LOs will get well soon.

now my turn to fall sick, having weird throat, don't even feel like talking. & yesterday, my #1 having fever suddenly, shot up to 39.6 (break record). cuz partly we hug him as he was shivering, scary sia. gave him ibrufen (orange), then fever slowly decreased. also refused to drink milk. only drank water, linyang & had some bread. we suspected he as usual has throat infection, he is so prone to it. -.-"

Tersher, my zz also stomach flu, LS every 1-2hrs in the day for 1.5weeks. His poop just return to normal yesterday. He din really take the medications cos sigh... pil dun like to see me force feeding him. I only gave him his probiotics 3X a day n it really helped. Anyone got any lobang to get this cheaper?

Zoie, take care!

Zoie, hope that J recovers soon. My gal was down with fever, running nose and phlegmy cough on Easter Sunday and didn't want to take much milk too. Last Thu brought her to see another PD and was diagnosed with mild bronchiolitis and ear infection and had to be given antibiotics. She is now recovering and is slowly resuming her milk intake.

Tersher, could it be that bb is teething thus having loose stools?

Xiao xin, u giving zz biogaia probiotics drop right? I got from kkh pharmacy at $36.36 per bottle. Giving my gal now in between her antibiotics. I thought only give once a day?

Tiger baby, that's cheap! I'll go n stock up. Hee... Pd prescribe 3X a day for tummy upsets. When bb is well, then it's back to once a day. At first I also thot zz teething. Until I myself vomitted frequently then i know I kena the stomach flu virus from him.

hubby just brought #1 to pd earlier. pd said he has 1 ulcer in his throat, hence don't want drink milk. hope it won't upgrade to hfmd. ~>.<~

taking half day to go back home see him.


the maid guidelines very XXXXX ... like commanding a person

Ulcer? better check for bubbles on palms, under foot & buttocks.

Zoie, dun worry. Babies hv amazing recovery powers. Josh will be up n running very soon.

Xx, poor zz also kenna ah. Doc only gave me some satchets of powdery stuff which I need to mix with water n feed her twice daily. Will tell hubby to get that probiotics thing.

Tigerbb, I initially suspected teething too. But she LS till her butt is so red. N some are watery greenish stuff. Doc diagnosed it as stomach flu n the greenish stuff is due to infection of stomach n intestines. Thank goodness she didn't vomit.


Hope Josh is better now


For the Biogaia drops is it can just buy fm the pharmacy at KK? cos my PD is selling them at $41. If can next time i will just get fm the pharmacy since its much cheaper


Hope elson is ok. try to seperate the boys first since PD says there's a ulcer in Elson's mouth now. (touch wood, just in case its HFMD cos its the peak period now).

mezzo17, yes just go to the pharmacy and tell them you want to buy the drops. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

I joined this thread when I was pregnant but couldn't keep up with all the posts cos I had no access at work.

I'm now serving my notice and looking at being a SAHM to my lovely 10.5 months old baby girl very soon. Very happy with my decision and very thankful to my hubby for his understanding, but really worried about how I would cope. I have a lot to learn from many super mommies here!

So you mommies will see me around here more often [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sigh.. My boy also can join the sickly club. Started wif Jie Jie hving high fever then running nose n now didi started to hv running nose n cough - hope not another bout of bronchitis again!


Oh no, I think my ger also complained abt ulcer in the mouth but I dun see it on the tongue tho.. N no blisters but I heard HFMD may not hv all the symptoms ;( - even hubby is very sick.. Sigh

May all our LO recover soon!

hello everyone, been so busy and had no time to pop by. Saw that a few BBs r not well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My #2 also just recovered from oral thrush... Got it twice within 2 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Zoie and Tersher, speedy recovery to your little ones!

Zoie, saw Josh's photos on your FB... He's a real darling! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw... what r the symptoms of bronchitis? My #2 is having hoarse voice for a week plus already and I am getting worried. I think it's probably heatiness but it's been a week, so wondering if I shld bring her to the doc

hope the little ones all recover soon

mummies who are giving your LO friso.

There is promotion at guardian. take the coupon from guardian. $5 off with minimum spend of $50 on Friso products (except promotional items).

Valid until 11 May 11.

uhhh.. sorry i side-track a bit.. all mommies received the polling card? cos i have not received mine leh.. how huh?

Elise, Kawasaki disease normally affects young kids as young as under 5-6yo. and occurs more often to boys than girls.. actually there is no clear explaination wat caused it..


hi mummies

how's everyone? saw some babies falling sick. hope get well soon.

btw, what shampoo and/ body wash brand you using now for baby which is good? I using Pureen's and find my hands abit dry after using. Got any good ones which are not so x?

