(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Baby jaundice

My boy also having jaundice.extended one day stay at hospital when the level went up to 12.3. then came down to 11.6. brought him home. sent back to doc for check up and lvl went up againt o 17.4. sent back to hospital. now still in the hospital.

Heard from the nurse, now should not do breastfeeding alone, must allows mix, then jaundice will come down. there are some traditional method you can try too...can ask the chinese medical shop.got one medicine looks like red dates to put under baby's pillow and also in the bath tub.

nipple sore....i also had sore nipples few days ago. yes, apply purelan....and most importantly...LET IT AIR DRY...meaning let your nipples be naked, only then it will recover faster.

actually, i find that no harm pumping out the milk instead of latch on, though latch on can actually increase milk supply, but i wouldn't know how much my baby is drinking. end up, baby wakes up every two hours, asking for milk. too tired for me....if i pump out, at least i can monitor how much baby needs, and thank God i dun find that my milk supply is decreasing.

congratulations to mummies who popped!!!! fatique comes in 1st, but joy and happiness are way beyond that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to summerdaze and sberry! Bliss! Jia yuo!!

After i went kiddy yest had a cup of teh tarik then from 3.30am till 7am cldnt sleep. Juz stare at the wall and started to think wat to bring to hospital, wat else to buy. So many thoughts runnin tru my mind. Felt bh contractions too. Very painful to walk. My hub's snore made it worse to try to sleep. For me, if water bag breaks then i will go kk. If not i juz tahan the pain. Juz felt bh again. Tomolo wk 37 so time is quite near lor. Hehe.

Now thinking whether shld buy another car seat now or wait till pay day. See! So many things to get! Argh! Lol! Haf a gd thurs ahead. Wkened is near! My last wkened preg...weee...


I truly understand how u feel.. My #1 was also admitted for jaundice in the hospital esp when u see the bb so helpless in the tanning room without any clothes on but just the diaper and protective thing over the eyes...be strong for your bb k. I cried the moment they place my gal in that tanning room...try to keep your spirits high...

Thanks mummies for all the encouragements!!

I'm better now, thou I can't sleep last night. Just can't stop thinking of him.

Hospital called this morning informing tat baby jaundice level had subsided. So happy but think still need to stay one more day for observation.

Can't wait to visit him later after lunch.

Congratulations to Summerdaze and Sberry on your births! Very good to know you had a short birth Summerdaze and everything turned out well for you too Sberry.


Will send the invite to you tonight, have no access to FB at the office.

In case mummies have no time to look for Jaundice articles: http://www.babycenter.com/0_jaundice_89.bc

Congrats to all the mommies who have popped, and Bliss jia you! A fren of mine also popped at TMC last evening, hopefully my turn today or tmr so we can meet up there.. hee

I watched SATC2 at Century Sq yesterday.. gosh din know its so uncomfy in there, sitting thru for more than 2 hours! But one of the last movies before I can sneak out to watch I guess..


jaundice is very common, happens to my #1 too.. on the contrary I try not to see her doing the phototherapy, else i will feel sad. All will be well soon.

Now I am thinking if my prince doesnt want to be out by tmr, then I am gonna bring my gal to somewhere to spend a nice morning, else confinement month and thereafter I wont hv the luxury to do so..


ur little one will be fine, dun worry. i guess most nb hv jaundice. my #1 had some jaundice, for the 1st 3days, had to bring him to policlinics for blood test until Hubby buey tahan & called to complain cuz he heartpain when little one had to b pricked.

Congrats to Zinc, Sheryl, PatL, Summerdaze on your smooth delivery..

sorry Bliss... i think i mistaken Sheryl for Sberry.. on FB Sberry is known as Sherry Peh..

I must be daydreaming when i saw Sheryl FB and her bb picss and thought that you guys referred her as Sberry.

My little one also has jaundice and has to stay on. I decided to stay on also, so that can continue to breastfeed.

But I think am becoming engorged. Waiting for lactation consultant to come.

Who's in TMC now?

Abt wireless, dunno must pay or not. My hubby just ask ed for username and password.

My roommate is one amazing woman. She had her c-section yest, but now walking ard like normal. Walk very fast some more.

Congrats to all the mommies who have delivered!

I'm still waiting for my little darling to arrive. Gynae told me 2 weeks ago to be on standby, but so far baby's not showing signs of coming. As long as she's healthy.

To all mommies waiting like me, all the best!

Just came back from 39th check up..baby is now almost 3.5kg..though gynae reminded me that it is just an estimate..but range shd be ard +-300g. He said I am ready to deliver, so either I go for induce or wait for BB to decide his birthdate. I am worried that the BB will be too big for natural delivery if I wait till next week. After discussing with hubby, we decide to wait till this weekend and observe. If still no sign of arrival, we will opt for induce next week.

Dot, wow! U stayin on? Hopefully bb can go home fast ok.

Bebe75, ive heard of mothers who can gif birth naturally when bb is 3.9kg? Think i read here sumwhere. Jia yuo! I for one cant do it. My gal was 3.5kg and the nurses were like no wunder u got tru e csect. But actually it was due to her head looking up and cldnt go tru the birth canal. Induce or not, wats imp is bb cm out safely. Wish u all the best in ur decision making. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dot, ur roomate superwoman. Haha. When i started to move ard i was super slow. Maybe she using binder so cant feel the pain hence can walk so fast

Bebe75, mummy2nia,

I hv fren n sis who gave birth to 3.7kg+ baby natural too - impt is the head circumference of bb, cos if too big, then might need forceps or vacuum..


I am also waiting, to think my EDD is tmr!

Mummies, any good diaper bag to intro? I lookin at the brand chic o bello; bowling bag design.. Cos gt stroller attachement

Hi all!

I've delivered Ezekiel this morning via csect with epi.

Last min changes as my gynae thinks is safer to go

with epi instead cuz of my cough. And can't confirm that I am

not having asthma.

Ezekiel weigh 2.91kg and doing really well.. Had latch on 2nd

time and my milk actually spray onto the LC. So pai seh!

Had a long 2 hours of shivering after the op..

Now the pain starts coming buy overall the csect was good. Epidural done very well too..

Until now still can't sleep well as the pain is become more painful.. Am waiting for my pain killer!

Congratulations Bliss!

Powerful sia! Good to know your breastfeeding is going to be a success heheh....

Enjoy your time with the little one and hope your painkiller comes soon. Take care!

Congrats bliss! So happy for u! Wah! Ur milk supply so gd. Im juz readin a preg bk now saying dat elective c sect may result a delay in breast milk supply but so not true for u lor. Hehe. Take care! Yah, painkiller very imp!!!

Suelynn & mummy2nia,

I start leaking at 7mths liao.. Last night I try to squeeze and already have colostrum. So at least not so stress..

I had milk also cuz of my #1. I wean him off for a year but breast still got milk..

Now got to see if bb wants to be good and latch well!

wow, so many mummies had already popped. congrats to all of you!!

For those mummies who are going to be popped soon, wish all of you have a smooth delivery.

Week36 checkup:

Just went for checkup. BB is currently weighing abt 2.78kg. Gynae commented that it's average weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Had done the StrepB test and the results will be available next week. Hope everything is OK. Gynae said BB will not be out so soon. So, need to wait patiently. The checkup will be on weekly basis from next wk onwards.

NB shampoo and bath:

I bought the Avent No Tears Body & Hair Wash from Mrs Wong prenatal class recently.

Birth Plan:

Any mummies prepare the birth plan? Can share what we should state in the plan? Thks.


congrats, saw ur bb's pic in fb! u still gt the strength to log in...

i wish i will hv that paiseh moment, hehe.

happy to hear u r doing well despite the pain. =>

Congrats to all the new mummies who pop today.

me feeling paranoid now everyday wondering when am i due to pop although EDD is 17 june cos last time my no 1 pop at week 37 and today is week 38. My no 1 was predicting didi will come out on 5th june so hopefully wat she says come true haha...


Gynae commented that the BB will be the size of #1. Based on the scan pic, BB has big tummy and quite chubby cheek .#1 was quite big size for me (3.35kg)..almost opt for c-section, as her head circumference was just nice for my pelvic. As #1 was posterior labour, her face was facing the other way during delivery..I can still rem her shoulder was stuck during delivery..took a while to push her out...had a bad tear too. So now I am praying that BB will come out, or rather slip out swee swee with minimum tearing.

Bliss - congrats!! Salute you for checking in alone to the delivery ward!! Also envious of yr milk supply. Since last week, I have been massaging my breast daily..hopefully can have milk flow ASAP when BB is out.

belle abb

My birth plan is very simple - No epidural unless request by mummy. Minimum vaginal examinations. Total Bfg.

Missbluey, I don't think I'll log in if I don't have iPhone! Don't know why I feel like I'm lying on the bed for sooo long and is only 6pm!! Got to tahan until tml!

Bebe75, I feel is okay to check in myself cuz my hb got to settle his work first at office and I thought I was going GA so no point asking him to hang ard while I answer the routine qns asked by the nurses..

But I feel quite scared when on the way to OT. Especially in OT.. I don't like the feeling of being in OT. Just felt no peace and my gynae was asking me to consider epi. And thinking when my GP told me ydae, seems like everyone is convincing me to take epi. That time I only can lie down there thinking so hard! As I'm scared of epi.. Can't get hb too.. Really feel like crying then. Haha!

After that my gynae said to go for epi in case GA makes my csect complicated and I kept repeating "pls call my hb!!" and kept asking "is he here?!" I don't want to go thru that process alone lor..

Luckily he manage to reach on time and everything is so chaos.. Nurse quickly prepare consent form n get him to change. Hb also not prepared himself too.

Everything just end with a breeze.. I slept throughout the csect after bb is out..

Vey funny thing is when they put bb on my chest, after 5mins I tell my hb to carry him away cuz I'm very tired and I feel like sleeping! But felt very relieved after csect.. At least not another horrible experience!


I latch and also stimulated my breast by pumping in the hosp. I let bb latch and every 2hr, I was pumping, whether got come out or not, doc say nevermind. It was very painful and I had to endure the pain in the hosp. Gynae and nurses emphasized the importance of massaging breast and also to stimulate by pumping diligently every 2hr. Gynae ask me to hold pump, covered my pump with a cloth, ask me to watch tv, told my hubby to feed me grapes and gynae stood by me to feed me cups and cups of water. think everytime she come in, around 5 cups. She'll say, "DRINK! Dun look at the pump, u must relax and u will have more." After I pump, although oni colostrum and look like its onli a stringe full, it got more each day. Encouragement is very important, she kept saying, "See, u have milk, y u say dun have. Dun be impatient, u will have it.Pump every 2hr." In fact, I wana give up coz I pump till left breast bleed. My hubby also heartpain and told me not to continue if it is too painful but I thought of my bb and told myself not to give up.

I think my gynae is so mummy to me... after that I come home, I still diligently pump every 3hr. Before, I discharged from hosp, nurses pressed all the "rocks" away for me. 1st few days at home, I had rocks in the breast, everytime I pump, my hubby will massage for me and when I latch on, daddy always tell bb, " BB, daddy will cooperate with u to help u drink milk k? Daddy massage rocks for mummy for bb to drink, bb help mummy to suck out everything so mummy not pain in breast. We are a tag team." u c la, my hubby really so cute.

Anyway, Bizzymum, my hospital provided the breast pump so they did all the sterilising and ater I give them what I expressed, they gave me a new bot to pump. It was free.

Bibibaba: Good to know that your perseverance re BF paid off. Lucky to have such supportive LCs as well.

Bebe75: Care to share the resource on how to massage the breast to stimulate milk for BF before baby comes? My doc advised me to start as well, but just mentioned - rotational movement?

Congrats Bliss... U sound so chippy even after your csect... Super envy leh... Hope I also can happily chit chating after giving birth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bliss, Congrats!!

Re: Jaundice

Daphne: I check with my CL, she said those so call Chinese medicine frm Chinese medical shop which can be use to baby. Is not really tat effective. She said the bb skin will

become more yellowish. So she dun encourge.

Earlier when to hospital to see my bb. So happy to see him lo. But also pity to see his dry skins peeling off. The whole body became super dry lo..

Feed him milk n both me n hubby took turns to cuddle him. He also refused to slp after feeding. He is tired but can feel tat he also feel insecured lo. He close his eyes then suddenly open again. Making sure tat we r still with him.. So sad lo.. Haiz.. Luckly tmr he can b discharge liao. If not, I think i will go crazy liao.. Heee..


my mil used red dates to bathe my #1 once he reached home. & that carried on for a few days, i didn't noe it was for jaundice. i sunbathe him @ kitchen window for abt 5mins every morning.

jia you k. or mayb can use any mild moisturiser on your bb?


u reali li hai lor. stillcan type so long post!

u r reali lucky to hv a gd gynae & nurses!

congrats to the mummies who have delivered..


not sure if i shld express and bottle feed.. afraid of nipple confusion.. but if not.. bb is like requesting in odd intervals.. sometimes within 2hrs need to feed 3 times.. sometimes he's so sleepy and doesnt even want to latch on..


Just discharged today when bb not even 48hrs old yet.. and PD says got a bit of jaundice so nd to sunbathe.. but when i see his eyes just now, his iris alr has yellowish tinge and i m so worried.. bringing him back to the PD tmr to check for jaundice lvl.. Anyone's PD is also Dr Keoy frm Novena Medical? I actually requested for Dr Lim at Sengkang but she's away at the moment so Dr Keoy is taking over her duties for the time being..

oh wow! Congrats all mummies who have popped before me and after! I havent had a chance to get online to give you updates! Thanks for updating for me!! hhehehe.....

My Thomas has got jaundice and G6PD, so we'll be staying for another day till Sat I think. He's 50cm at birth and we did C-sect with Epi! What an experience! My hubby manage to take the cut and most things in video! :)) I'm so glad I did it with Epi! Can someone update this information on the chart for me please??

Otherwise, he latched on immediately and has been sucking well since day 1.

I hope all other mummies are doing well and if baby is not latching, be patient! Relax and don't be too stress as sometimes, being relax helps a lot. Remember, baby is getting to know us as we are getting to know them, they can't go into a routine right away and it takes time and many weeks to get into a routine. The first few days will be inconsistent, so our patience is very important as we are able to control ourselves whilst our babies are unable to and will demand and cry whenever they have discomfort. Let's all give each other some encouraagement and feedback on how we can help our babies and ourselves pull through these stressful moments, but yet wonderful experiences that only mummies can enjoy!!

Friends, am keeping myself awake throughout the day and nap a bit once in a while cuZ #1 is around. Got to talk to him to make him feel more secure.. Miss cuddling him and he only can stand on the chair and touch me over the bed railing..

But also thank god this csect is really managable. Till now I have not taken pain killer. Hope I can tahan for tml too..

Now what is painful is the contraction of the uterus ..

Raleigh, glad that ur bb jaundice is improving.. Now got to moniter if my bb has it too.

I can understand the heart pain feeling.

For #1 I brought him home, I rented the light home too. But I gave up cuz I can't bear to hear him cry. In the end I return the light and sun tan him instead.. Take awhile to go away but as long it doesn't exceed the safe range it will be good.. Just need more patience to sun bb..

Misbluey, I'm so bored lying down here! I'm lucky enough that nurse are quite pro in bfing.. Got a good LC that keep encouraging me and checking out on me too.. Most lucky thing is a have a good CL that actually hold bb to my breast to let him suckle while she stand at my bedside..

So most important thing s to have a supportive family and CL is hiring one.. Will really affect the success rate of bfing..

Zinc, before u give in to bottle check if latch is correct. If yes bb will get milk even sleepy.. Feeding 2-4 hrly is very normal. Totally bfing is to feed on demand omao is very tiring the bb wants to feed every 2 hours but this won't last.. Soon bb will be more awake and will be full after each feeding. Try to tahan the first week.

Re nipple confusion

is very hard to say if bb will or will not have nipple confusion. Some babies can take bottle n breast at the same time. Some very fussy.. just One bottle feed will affect the latch on after that.

It really depends on bb.. So is like betting with them.

If want to give bottle or night feed, must make are bb is doing well on latching. Meaning bb latch well. In this case not much to worry.

If latching is still not good enough can use cup feed. Messy but a safe way to prevent it.

Some mummies prefer to give bottle in the future then makes no difference to latch or jot. But need to pump every 2-3 hrly..


Thanks bluberi! Envy that u are still able to do last min shopping.. I was like mad woman rushing ard yesterday.. And shopping all done yet!

Re bf: my bb refuse to latch.. But in hospital she was ok.. Went to c lactation nurse once condition improve but it last onli for 2 days n refuse e nip n turn back to teat.. Mummies whu WANs total bf I will suggest latch n not pump unless reali engroge.. Total bf feed bb on demand cos bm easily digested compare to fm.. Nuttin beats latching on.. E feeling is. Different n I'm missing it

Mezzo, same here. My edd is 16 June and my #1 is out in week 38 - which is supposedly now! I am getting a lot of contractions already and they are getting more frequent.

But my gynae is on holiday till 11June. I think baby can't wait for him liao... i estimate i will deliver anytime on 7 june if not earlier...

Any one else having a lot of contractions?


Congrats to Sheryl, Bliss, sBerry and other mummies who has popped.

Really xciting... must take good care and have good confinement.

