(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Anyway Juliana

same here.. also in my 6 weeks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



sorry to hear that but you are a really brave girl.

jia you!!

doc said im 5 weeks but when i signed up for babycenter (sg) website, it stated im 6 weeks. so am i 5 or 6 weeks?? blur.

missbluey: did you go for a scan when you visited your gynae/doctor? if you did, the gynae/doctor measure your pregnancy following the size of your Gestational Sac. The Babycentre.sg measure following your LMP..

yup, i did. so the scan is the accurate one lah? LMP is? though this is my #2, yet im so blur in all these SAC, LMP etc. keke.

hehe~ yeah..i believe so its accurate. LMP..oops! sorry.. its Last Menses Period. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sac is the pregnancy you're carrying. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i understand, coz its not like every single day we're pregnant.. i think i'ld forget too in the future..


Sorry to hear that and thank you for your sharing. Ok i'm not going for Oscar le, scary! Tat person who did your test ought to be sacked!

EDD changes as time passes? Week 6 i had a scan doc say 6th June, yesterday scan says 5th June although doc say take it as 6th June for now. Strange hor. I forgot to ask her why.

During my 2nd pregnancy, I experienced intense pelvic pain during my third trimester. I could not stay in same position for long, could not walk/stand/sit/lie for too long. It was such a chore even to lift up my leg and put on panty. Hiaz.

I am afraid that the pain will come back and haunt me in my current 3rd pregnancy. Anyone knows what I can do to prevent pelvic problem in the 3rd trimester.

For diet wise, I am not particular or restrictive. Just have to exercise moderation. But I will avoid raw or half-cooked food to be on the safer side.

Good afternoon ladies,

Missy, my dr is Dr Kee Wei Heong at TMC. I think I am in week 7. Still a bit confused as how to calculate.

CJ - thanks for updating my particulars.

Vanz, thanks. I will do my best to be positive and think happy thoughts.

Friends - Welcome! I've been married for a very long time too, before becoming preggers. But not because of health concerns.

I dun really have morning sickness. At the most, I will get a bit queasy. I know that those of you with ms will be thinking that I'm so lucky, but for me, I worry: What's wrong with me? Does this mean my hormone level is too low to support this pregnancy? lol Haiyah. I will always find something to worry about one.

Juz to check wif u mummies, duno izzit i eat too spicy today, i seem to feel lyk gastric n e pain is terrible. Izzit ok or I shd go c doc.

If tokin bout MS, bout which wk does it start? My #1 dun haf any MS at all bt seems lyk my #2 givin mi alot of problem.

Info bout my pregnancy:

EDD: 23 June

Gynae: Dr A L Lim

Hospital: TMC

No: 2

Hi mummies to be/mummies,

I have tested positive on 17 oct. as for the exact edd, its still unknown(but will be end June).. sad.. As right now we are in usa. So, its not like I can make any time I want for my 1st appt.. have to wait till 10 Nov for the 1st..

this is my 2nd pregnancy. I've a 13month girl and right now i'm still on breastfeeding.. intend to breastfeed all the way till give birth.. so I dun need to go through cracked/sore nipples..

its much much more tiring for this 2nd pregnancy.. As i cannot be princess anymore.. I am craving for sleep.. Miss all sg food..

i've also craved for spicy and sour food lately. Still finger crossed that this time round, my MS will not be bad.. as my #1 is quite bad.. bloated all the way frm morning to night and vomit.. gynae was so worried when he saw weight drop.. so hope this one is a smooth one :D

right now still not that bad.. feel giddy and nausea at times.. But I still make sure I eat all my meals.. N i've also feel more thirsty.. kp having the erge to drink water.

Jia you ladies.. Cant wait to see my baby.. haha i've also brought a test kit to test for boy/girl on my week 10.. hehe.. so i can start buying clothes..

I've read yr posting and I feel sad for wat some of the ladies are going thru. Now i'm also worry.. hope my baby is fine.. haiz.. i kp having cramp/pain on my lower adominal area.. hope this is normal.. anyone of u having this? somemore sometime the pain is on left side.. so wierd huh..

Do u ladies have cold feets/hands? Erm.. wonder is it the weather or this pregnancy?

Hi everyone,

I'm a new mummy here. First timer one. I'm in my 10 week now.. I can see from the thread that I guess, I should be the first EDD here.


EDD: 2 June

Gynae: Dr Cordelia Han

Hosp: RH

Gender: TBC

First child.


I feel so sorry for you. I think this doctor should really be sued for his license. Nevermind, I really admired your courage for having another bb now. I dont know what i'll do if it was me.


I'm quite a special preggy mum, I have no MS since I was preg but I burp alot. I feel hungry almost every hour. I didn't even know I was preg initially still went up and down. Doc say cant eat alot spicy, oily food but I dun really care. I cant have food without chili even before I preg oso like that. MIL say cant eat this, cant eat that. alot nonsensical ones, cant raise hand. Cant eat Kang Kong, Jelly... But all those she say can eat, my doc say cant eat. she upside down.

I also very disappointed coz I book trip to go bangkok and taiwan, now cant go. Worst, cant even get any refund even though I put deposit of $1k.hai... for the sake of Baby!


is pelvic pain similar to the pain due to epidural? cuz i had back pain as i took epidural during childbirth. since 2008, i have been experiencing back pain (only left side), sometimes so pain/ache that it affect my left leg & i can't sit/stand on my left side for too long. recently, the pain came back again & i realised it was due to epidural. hubby kept telling me it was the side effects from epidural but i refused to believe it initially. perhaps i didn't take care of my back during confinement bah.


congrats on ur #2! me too, im also craving for more sleep & spicy food. i too make sure i eat my 3 meals, cannot skip now unlike last time. i had slight cramps before i tested positive but after seeing doc, the cramps seemed like disappear? but i do feel bloated at times.

got test kit to test for boy or girl? never hear about it before. where can get it? im curious to know bb's gender too. =p so far, i don't have any cold feet as i already have it before preggie.


better see a doc soon. don't self-medicate hor. at least doc can advise you ma.

btw, none of you ladies have piles problems? that's good leh!

Hi bibibabba welcome

umm why cant go to bangkok and taiwan, did your gynae say not to travel,


congrats!! your edd is my wedding date. heh. are you staying with your in-laws? you sounds like you are. i still do eat alot of spicy food, i try to avoid oily/fried food cuz i don't want to put on unnecessary weight. my mil also do impose rules like eg. i can't eat "la la", beef but i can eat crabs. funny right? aren't they the same category (seafood)? i also cant use needle at this time. of cuz i don't eat all these in front of her lah, haha.

talking about old wives' myths.


Depending on ur agency, my sil booked her Japan trip b4 discovering she pregnant. The agency was kind enuf to refund her deposit but did charge a $500 for admin fee. Otherwise you can ask see if can postpone e trip & go during ur 2nd tri mah.


I din know there is such a kit! I am keen to buy 1 too.. whats e name of e kit & any idea SG got sell? Can only test after week 10?

bibibaba, i booked korea tour b4 i discovered i'm pregnant too. paid 2k deposit for my parents-in-law, hubby and i. tried asking the tour agency if i could cancel or postpone the trip but they only allowed to lower the cancellation charges for me and hubby (i.e. 125 each), but still full charges for parents-in-law (i.e. 250 each). considering a total charges of 750, we decided to go ahead with the tour since i shd be in 2nd trim by then. however, hubby is still worried abt it...

i just realised i got a tiny dark brown stain on my panty liner. is that spotting? should i be worried about it? >.<


I think dark brown stain shd be spotting. Take note that the stain does not change to bright red. If it does, notify yr gynae ASAP.

Nope..the pelvis pain is not from epidural. The pelvis pain occurred in my 3rd trimester before delivery. Gynae said it was partly due to pelvis expansion (in anticipation of delivery) and also pressure from the baby on the pelvis bone. During my first pregnancy, I did not have such pain.

I did not use epidural for both my previous delivery. Went thru the vaginal birth naturally - I am going to do the same this time round if conditions permit.

I am surprised to read that most of your gynae disallowed spicy food. So long as you eat moderately, it shd be fine right? If you are suffering from heartburn or indigestion, it is good to stay away from spicy stuff for a short while.

I do not have piles before (touched wood) - I know it is not uncommon for expectant mothers to have. May be cut down on heaty food will help?

Regarding the cramp - it could be due to your uterus working hard to expand and allow room for your growing baby. It shd not be a major concern, but if you are still worried, you can ask your gynae to take a look.

For travelling - I travelled in my first trimester during my first pregnancy. It was a work trip and I went alone. Not a very good experience though as I had MS and felt sleepy all the time. But I did look up for the contact of the hosp nearest to my hotel, in case of emergency. This time round, I am travelling again - a short trip with my mother. I shd be near to the end of first trimester, and think it shd be fine.

Old wives tales - my mother has tons of them..no moving of furniture..cannot use scissors or needles, cannot do this and that. I just take them with a pinch of salt. Right ear in, and left ear out. Ha ha.

Missbluey - yr #1 is boy or girl?

Missbluey, CJ Junior - for the kit, its IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test kit. I brought it frm Target(usa). I know last time when i'm preggie with no. 1, I went to marina square, there's a shop that sell n rent maternity clothes at level 2. So after knowing they sell gender test kit frm a magazine, we kp going to that shop frm week 10 until I confirm the gender through ultrasound, the lady kp telling me they are still waiting for the stock.. maybe u can give it a try?

Think i'm only 5 weeks pregnant.. so still waiting till week 10..

Hi ladies, wat do u think abt tiger bb? Heard so many old wives tales abt bb tiger are bad temper. wat do u think?

hi qqq

my own daddy and bro are tiger...so am happy going to have tiger baby..although they are hot temper, but they also got many soft points

Ytd nite took my boy Ru Yi oil to apply, feel better le.

Miss Bluey, its better if u take note of e brown stain coz its spotting n it get worse or turn fresh red, it can b vr dangerous. For mi, my #1 i gt spottin, for my tis pregnancy was fresh red blood.

qqq, actually i think zodiac is all e same 1. Its more of Ba Zi of e kid leh.

thanks bebe75 & jolene,

im still monitoring about spotting. heard about spotting, actually had it during my #1 but that was when my tummy was bigger, definitely after 3 months liao. gonna c a doc tmr to give me a peaceful mind. im still experiencing a little cramps (as if menstrual cramps), wonder is it im overly sensitive?

wah bebe75, ur endurance level should be pretty high, i initially dun wan to use epidural but i couldn't take the labour pains.

as for piles, i had it since sec sch days, could only blame myself for not listening to my mummy back then. i love chilli alot. now even maid advises me not to have chilli during these 3 months. haha.


did u see your doc regarding the fresh red blood? hope you are ok.


my #1 is a boy, hoping for a girl. actually prefers a girl, but of cuz health is the 1st priority. i think that shop's name is maternity exchange??

im also 5 weeks. =)

as for tiger bb, im pretty thrilled cuz my family dun have any tiger. once, my hubby was joking with my mil about the pig (my son) will be "eaten" up by his 2nd sibling, got a small scolding from her.

qqq, thats interesting. u mean got such gender kit? cool man. how much does it cost???

bliss, hw many weeks u r in to eligible for the package with dr woo?

aiya, i find that dr woo is quite chin chai but then not really conformtable with him.

Juliiana, sorry to hear about your story but God have blessed you with another baby so fast. Your baby will be a very healthy one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

qqq, is the kit you talking about the same as what this shop is selling ?


bibibaba, why cancel off your trip ? actaully i plan to go to bangkok this coming CNY the day before i tested postive and i've cancelled it cause i think it will not be easy to bring a toddler along when tummy is already showing. But i've changed to a short bintan trip instead.

yaya, 2nd visit able to take up the package. no need to be 12 or 16 weeks. i find Dr Woo okay. my previous gynae is more chin chai. consulation is only 5 mins. haha

wowo...cool. i should ask my gynae whether i am entitled packages or not.

by the way, is the breast sore feeling and sickness come and goes at times? meaning u could be better yesterday, tdy get serious?

for me,my sickness quite 'serious' yesterdae. tdy not much. breast not as sore as yesterday. is it something to worry about???

so far, no cramp, even have, also v minor....


Yah I tik that is e kit.. so amazing hor but price too steep. Only can test from week10, like that I wait another 2-3weeks shld oso know e gender liao. Usually by end of 1st tri will noe gender right?

I also cancelled my Ho Ching Ming trip when i found out i was preggy. Doc advise not to go so the rest went w/o me SOB SOB. I also dun want to take risk cos last year i m/s so this time must be more careful.

Cramp is normal according to my gyane. I experienced cramp when i was in my 5th week.

bebe75, really pei fu ni for not having epidural. I already decided on epidural before i got preggy hahaha. I'm so afraid of pain!

yaya, yup for me all this come and go de. i was having headache yesterday and today vomited twice. Don't know what will happen tomorrow....

Wah the kit is very expensive! I think i will wait until 4th month to check the sex of bb with doc haha.

Ladies, will you buy new Maternity clothing or rent?

wah!! really expensive sia. =(

for me, my breasts soreness is always there but nauseous/giddy comes & goes.

i don't think i will rent maternity clothes, doubt i also will buy expensive ones as i will probably stop at #2.


my gal is also a piglet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] For tops, i just get the larger sizes, for bottom then i think need to get the maternity types so its adjustable/expandable. Now that i am not working, so i prob can make do with the old ones, or if any more hand-me-downs..


i can't rem the retail price, but yes its 2 separate items, 1 is the tonic oil, the other stretch marks cream. Personally, i dun quite like the smell of the cream, so i end up using the oil more.

Re : OSCARS test

Being the practical sort, i hv gone thru the test before, so will do it again, just to be sure. And if test is unfavourable, will definintely go for the invasive test to be "more sure" cos i dun think we can handle a DS kid..

Re : epidurial

The only side effect was vomit within an hr after given birth for me - i had a good confinement lady and i rested well during that 1 month, so i din hv wrist pain or backache, etc.. hopefully the second one will be the same.

koaru, your confinement is very good ? i'm thinking if i should get one since my first CL make me so mad. Thinking of getting catering and that's it. but on second though maybe should find a better one since i'm going csect and my son will not be going cc after i deliver.

Juliana, I'm very sorry to hear about your story. I think the person doing the ultrasound, as well as the doctor, should have explained everything clearly to you. I'm appalled to hear about their insensitivity and it's just so unprofessional, to frighten new parents like that! My heart really goes out to you. All the best for your current pregnancy.

cj, hwo much this kit is selling in sg?

i am thinking of getting it via amazon.com

qqq, this kit accurate?

missbluey, i dont feel nausea for 2 days already. breast sore/nipple pain still there for me but not really v v sore kind..

I also dont know, my doc say I can only travel after 17week. Haiyo, then when my hubby heard tis, he say, all better dun go. I so sad. Actually I also do not have any MS. I ask the travel agency, they say coz I book during natas fair so cant refund. nevermind, MIL and BIL gg on our behalf and we top up $300 lor. Bangkok, I tryin to persuade hubby to let me go. he say there alot people, say any how bump then cant.

I also dun understand why even after 1st tri, cant go must be 17 week onwards. Doc more worried than me.

Oh, I dun stay with my MIL, we have our own house but I'm very close to her so haha... also the first DIL to be preggy so she very worried. Aiya, whatever thing she say, i just ask doc but I find my doc, super paranoid too. very MAMA too. Doc say cant eat too much spicy coz later scared got heartburn. haha... I still dun care, just eat and have pimples, heartburn, then heartburn as long as dun harm baby. Harm me, nevermind...

wana ask silly question again: Do you have sex now when you all are preg? I very funny, no special craving for food but have craving for sex... aiyo... very looney?


As shown in the link given by Bliss, its $130 incl postage. Which I find exp lah, if <$50 still can consider. How much are you getting via amazon?

cj, so expensive!? no wonder u said u rather wait for the scanning.lol.

amazon selling USD 30 lidat.i still not sure how much is the shipping. the spree organiser will let me know whether my order is in later. i already feel the pinch when it going to cost like SGD60 liaoz.

tdy dunt feel nausea at all.normal????? my mama ask me to relax...

hi bibibaba,

hehe~same qn as i asked in the earlier post. somehow im scared to make love due to my prev m/c.


so you confirm getting it ah? How accurate is this? any idea? $60 b4 shipping ah.. I tik still exp, wait for scan bah, FOC hahahaha

linda - so nice to hear that..

Jolene - ya.. agree..

missbluey - same as me.. this time round, i hope for a boy.. but health is the most impt.. hehe..

yaya - i brought it at only abt US30.. I went to the website and there are doc of well known hospital recommended.. so I guess it shld be pretty accurate. But has to refrain frm sex for abt 48hrs else the test will show its a boy..

bliss - OMG! that is so ex.. over here, its just US30

CJ Junior - if its a boy then shld be v fast will know the gender thru ultrasound? I know my bb girl at 4th month thru v scan :D

qqq, i am really surprise got such thing wor! but anyway, just buy 1 to try for fun..

lol... what matters the most to me is to have a smooth and healthy pregnancy for me. boy or girl doesnt matter.

hi yaya and qqq

yes..the most impt things is a smooth and healthy pregnancy journey...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and i wish all sisters here too

yes $130 is quite ex. i told my hb and he said only able to test at 10th week. must well wait for another 6 weeks and save the money. haha although i feel like knowing the gender earlier as i wish for a girl. but is test show is a boy also no choice so just let it be ba. wait till 4th month and know through scan.

just went to see doc regarding abt my sudden spotting. he did a virginal scan (i think that is a medical term) on me. thank god everything is fine, bb's heartbeat is strong (120) & good according to doc. he gave me this "an tai yao" which costs $70, rather expensive but at least i know my bb is safe and sound. =)


i do have cramps now & then, sometimes giddy out of the blue, but i still drag myself go to work. if im nauseous, i just pop in my hu hua guo.


though your mil says this cannot, that cannot, she meant well & is anxious ma. my mil also concern about me just that her tone isn't that nice.

re: making love

i don't have that urge for now, too tired for all these exciting actions. lol.

thanks linda,

im in fact hoping i won't be using epidural for this 2nd time round (cost more $ ma) since im working now. hopefull all these walking movements can help me to shorten my labour. my 1st labour was really loooonggggg, about 24hrs. -_-"

Mothers who already have 2 kids,

Can I ask if you are already showing your bump? Seems like when I had 2nd one, bump showed earlier... about 3mths. Now with #3, seems like it's starting to show already. I'm still in my first tri...

Also want to ask if we can colour/highlight/perm/rebond hair during pregnancy? Manicure/pedicure? Advisable? I forgot if it is safe to do so when pregnant.

HI sourfish I am eight weeks and already showing, cant hide it any more my first I did not show untill after five months, second was prob before that, as for highlighting hair etc, I know not to in the first three months after that it is meant to be ok, but I guess its really if you feel confatable with it or not, I have always done mine and its always been ok.

manicure/pedicure no problem.

I also need to dye hair cos my white hairs already 3cm long. Cannot imagine my whole head is covered with 50% white hair if I'm able to carry my baby to full term... Sigh.....

CJ junior, add me to your excel list leh...I think I will pop in regularly if my heart specialist gives the go-ahead of my preg...

sourfish, don't do chemical treatment that is what my gynae warned. I'm not sure if this is only for 1st tri but i heard alot from my ex-colleagues who are mothers of a few kids, they said no chemical treatment throughout preggy cos yr bb will get the chemical.

I would love to do rebonding nw, my hair is AWFUL. But no choice i must wait until after my confinement.

Pedi and Mani is ok. I'm not sure abt you ladies but if i were to paint my toe nails, my tummy will hurt. Maybe i will wait until i'm out of MS to get someone do up my nails :>

Sourfish/Aven2009 - I shd be 8 eight weeks along....and I thought this time round, my bump is showing earlier than previous pregnancies. I thought it was due to me being such a glutton over the past 2 weeks..but apparently my shorts are getting tighter But my hubby said he cannot see any difference leh...@#$@%#@

Anyone feeling breathless? Ever since I tested positive, I found that I am always easily short of breathe. I inhale and exhale heavily. Climbing the overhead bridge and carrying my gal's schoolbag is now a challenge for me.


Let me know once you got ur EDD then will put ur details in k.

By e way anyone of you read today's straits times, there is a short article on H1N1 vaccine, recommend pregnant women to take since we are more vulnerable to e virus. So confusing.. now oso duno listen to who better. But I tik I won't be taking, just avoid crowded places for these 9mths. Cos this vaccine is new, duno got any side effect anot but I heard my sil said,Japan e jab priority for all pregnant women...

