(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


same as me.. I also put on only 4kg and at 30 wks.. hopefully next gynae visit I will put on a bit more.. was told by my fren that she saw a mummy at 4 mths bigger than me.. oppps


Re: Sleepless nite

Tend to slp only 3-5am in the morning.. can't adjust my slping timing back to normal even if i got to wake up early for appointment and din get to slp well, at nite still can't slp any earlier.. dunno y..

Re: Baby Movement

Start to felt lesser.. but at a certain time of the day, my tummy will go out of shape.. think baby doing stretching..

Re: Stretch-mark

I dun think stretch mark is genetic.. mum was saying she dun have during her pregnancy.. but i got tons.. think skin tissue can't accept it.. =( pretty sad.. so ugly.. but the color of red is starting to fade.. which i'm glad.. good thing is i'm not a fan of bikini.. if not i sure cry!! lols..

Re: weight gain

Wah wah wah.. envy mummies with single digit weight gain.. *sobsob

i tink my weight gain really starts fm 3rd trimester.. 1st n 2nd trimester oni 0.5kg per mth.. fm 3rd trimester, it increase 1.8kg in 4wks time!!! nw i wonder how much i will increase when i take my weight again in 2wks time.


huh? put 2 pads?? aiyoh..then walk aso veri farni rite?? i dun tink i will use 2 la...i will use the normal heavy periods with extra long, tink sofy brands has it...

the green tub fm mount A?? haha...i hv tat too...bt dun knw leh...i find a bit small after few mths...hahaha...maybe i put too many toys inside liao.. :eek:P now it is used to soak my #1's clothes...

Kelly, my sis also said put 2 pads.. i used to have really heavy flow period which even using 28cm pad still no help.. so i ended up with 2 pads overlapping each other.. i can even overflow with a 35cm pad occasionally..

hi mummies,

went for my 31weeks checkup this morning. bb is weighing @ 2.1kg, so i have gained 10kgs minus his weight, keke. gynae said his growth is very good and his head is down already. hopefully, he will stay in that position till i pop but i think still quite early to say so, ya?

he said i have quite abit of water retention on my calves, advised me to put up my legs when i sleep which i always forgot, heh. he asked me whether i walk alot. but i thought walking is supposed to help??? hmmm...

will be going back to see him in a mth's time then after that will be on 2 weeks interval. told gynae i hope to go for induced labour when bb is @ full term, he doesn't seems very approved about it, haha.

The Pop Day is getting nearer! *nervous*

tps really cuts down waiting time ALOT, except i have to get my med from the pharmacy outside cuz inside has no more stock. anyway, all were done in less than an hr.


but 2 pads nt uncomfortable meh?? hmmmm.... keeping my fingers crossed tat i wont be needing 2 cos my #1 wasnt tat much lochia...35cm aso still leak...u move alot during slpin uh??


tat time whn i went for my chkup whn i was in 27wks...my bb head was already down n i did asked my gyane if bb's head would move up again..he said unlikely bt if move up then prb. will be in breech position ...so have to keep fingers crossed that bb head will stay down until we pop....


think metro should hv. Just look for sorella the brand hehe

At hospital nurses put 2 pads of kotex and indeed hard to wear so use my own one. I bot Dr P think is the 包大人 maternity pads. That one works much better than pureen.

So envious those with single digit wt gain. me also hit 13kg liao haiz. hope tis sat check wont gain much more wt within the last 2 weeks


包大人 maternity pads only comes w/o wings uh?? Straw81 has mentioned earlier this brand is better than pureen....

re; weight gain

i couldn't imagine what wld be my next weight gain....i gain another kg in 4 days...jia lat!! Ppl told me tat it is harder to slim down after 1st pregnancy....."Charm' liao lor....

hi mummies,

was wondering if there are any mummies that added me on your facebook cos I keep getting request but dunno who so didnt accept... :p


i used no-brand disposable panties for my #1. this time, im trying sorella cotton disposable panties. bought only 2pkts. heard from dianajs (i think) that her massage lady say to wear normal panties as our skin will stretch back, something like that. but my mil told me im to wear disposable panties during confinement.

but hor, i forgot to ask whether can wash anot. if you are buying from sorella, can help me ask?? hee.

re: maternity pads

i used 2 pads for heavy flow during 1st 2 weeks.

re: bb position

hopefully lor. im hoping not to go for c-sec. no wonder i feel pressure on the lower part of my body lately.

Kelly, if it's those slim pads it's ok.. but not sure how it would feel with thicker pads though.. i always turn when i sleep, but the overflow is always behind at the butt crack there.. my blood can really flow fast.. put 35cm still can overflow.

Mezzo17, tis 包大人 is maternity pad ar? funny name for a pad.. reminds mi of 包凊天.

i complained to gynae about the pain/ache im having these days. he said unless i have fall down there before, i won't be having that kind of pains. he suggested applying cream (i don't know how to apply @ that area), he don't really approve of prescribing painkillers. initially i thought the pain is coming from pelvic but he said its cord-dix. sorry, i don't know how to spell, but is that such a word???


disposal still can wash ar?? ok ok...i go SK metro and ask the lady if it can be washed n update u, ya....

i aso did ask my gyane abt the occasional pains in lower part of my tummy/pelvic area...he said it was becos this is my #2, so the muscle there not as strong as before so smtimes will feel the pain bt it is normal....


er, that's why i don't know. but it sounds silly right? hehe.

oh is it? my gynae didn't told me this.

i found the word - coccyx. never ever see this word before in my whole life.

so nice seeing all mummies updating their status. Currently, I am in SGH down with virus attack. Is on strong dosage anti biotic.. haizzz.. Thanks God, the med and anti biotic will not harm my baby.


I have been wanting so much to go for pre-natal massage, but end up postponing the session. Dun think I will be doing it anymore since advancing into last trimester. Coz I dun think I can lie that for that 60mins for the session.

Some info which may helps you...


re: Maternity Pads

I remembered once I was discharged from the hospi after delivering #1, I stop using the maternity pads coz I find it tough to tie them 'here and there'. I used the Sofy Ultra Long series (35cm NightPad) and I find it ok.


U alright? Rest well and take good care.


Wah... U sounds like a kid, lose one of your socks after waking up in the morning. Haha... Yes, I tend to be in this state @ times too. So I try wearing more fitting socks. I even try to wear long pants to keep my calves 'warm' to avoid cramps. Not sure if it works, but try since no harm.

Wearing socks in the night suppose to keep soles warm and promotes better sleep. That's why it's encourage for kids to wear socks to sleep, especially sleeping in air-con room. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am on facebook too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Is there a MTB June2010 group? Can I be added?


If I am not wrong, the so-called critical scans during pregnancy if seeing gynae in gov hopsi will be during 12 weeks (1st tri screening), 20 weeks (detailed scan), 32 weeks (detailed growth scan). Besides that, there is no normal ultrasound scans like consultation @ private hospi. That's the diff.

Mummies.. i wanna rant abit can..


I am mentally & physically feeling soo sooo sooo tired!!

Everyday @ wrk rush to and fro; inside office oso muz rush to 1 end till another. Damn sian.

Bending up & down hunting for files; searching high & low for files oso!

When finally can land my butt on my chair for a short rest BOSS CALL MI AGN! & i'll have to be on my feet! *ARGH*

At time he will say, "dun forget the bump infront of u, becareful" when i feel like tellin him "dun worry i will if i nid not rush even for non urgent matters"


Oh ya, any pre-natal to help relax anot? i heard frenz saying it isnt good cos dunno will "dong tai qi" anot..

Kelly: 2 pad not uncomfortable! In fact I find it quite comfy. Especailly for those who go thru natural. Use normal pad and put the cheap motes maternity pad on top. Very cushion leh.. But i go through c sect so I don't need such thick pad..

Re prenatal massage: I used to go for my first pregnancy as I'm having severe backache. My massage lady did not touch my tummy at all. Mainly on the back and very gentle kind. In fact is just to relax our body.. After one day also will have backache.. Post natal massage is much better cuz more strength is used and after that can feel everywhere is loosen up.. This pregnancy I dontt hink I'm going for prenatal massage unless my back really aches...

Hi gals

Thanks for the advice, seem that wk 32 is the norm for detailed scan, shall stick to it then. I guess it is the sense of insecurity & anxiousness of having to wait for 5 wks to see the gynae n the little baby inside me that made me wanting to bring forward my appt. Must tell myself to be more patient, time flies.


So we are both expecting our baby to arrive in end June although our official EDD is 1 Jul.


Please help to update my details: EDD 1 Jul, boy, KKH, Dr SF Loh, PTWM, Sembawang.


cant remb if 包大人 pads hv wings or nt tonite i check but i jus buy cos i tried this vs pureen ones and its more absorbent and not easily available think i only saw at Giant Supermarket hence when i saw it i quickly grab 2 packets. Remb i was searching high and low at kiddy palace during my no 1 time.

Weight gain:

It have been three weeks. Instead of gaining weight, i had reduced weight by 0.5kg.

My hubby told me It is okay as He can see that me become slimmer a bit. so maybe Iare losing weight on myself but gain weight on the baby. Hopefully so lor. Had to wait for one more week for my gynae visit.This week already week 32. Another 5-8 weeks more. So anxious and excited.


the pain comes when i get up from chair/bed especially if i sit/lie on it for a long time. walk also pain. i think im walking like a duck/penguin. bend down also a little pain. i told gynae the pain is @ the lowest part of my tailbone, then he said its coccynx. chim sia, never hear before. i thought its just pelvis pain?


take care!

Hi Chu_Chu_pp

Please let me know you full detail so i can put u in the list.






Baby Gender:

Expecting No:

Working Status:


Hi amy may i know r u first time or second time mum?thanks

missbluey, have you booked the hospital for delivery? i am going to see gynae next thu at 32 wks. my gynae told me previously tat 2 wks interval will start from 32 wks, thus am quite surprised your next vist is still a month later.

re: disposable panties

during the last robinsons sale, i bought 2 boxes of sorelle not-disposable-type and thus washable panties at 1-for-1 at $12.90. total 10 pieces. considering each piece is only $1.20, i dun mind wearing once and throw.

Hi ladies,

Haven't logged in for a long time and this thread has moved so fast! I'm 31 weeks now, gained about 6.5kg so far (my MS lasted a good 6 months!) and going strong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gained 2kg in a week binging on durians, think I've never eaten so much durian in my life! To all MTBs, hang in there and all the best. Scary and exciting time huh.

Jalgal, pls help to update my profile pls?

26 vanilla 12-Jun Dr Kowa Nam Sing Mt E

Name: Vanilla

Age: 29

Edd: 12 June 2010

Gynae: Dr Kowa Nam Sing

Hospital: Mt E

Baby Gender: Girl

Expecting No: 1

Working Status: FTWM

Location: Kim Seng

tiger baby,

hmm, perhaps my gynae very relac kind bah. hehe. after my may checkup, it will be 2 weeks interval. sekali like my #1, i might already dilate 2cm on that day of my checkup. =p

your sorella disposable panties got stated washable? that time i bought 1 pkt for $6.90, bought 2 pkts.


did you tell that to your gynae? i still think its normal pelvis pain leh.

missbluey: me too. was dilate 2cm on the day of my checkup as well. A lot of my friends are like that under the same gynae. And we were jokingly say that the gynae can control when we delivered. hahaha

morning mummies,

yday night vomited out my whole day of food intake and now feel so sick today.

im like back to my 1st tri. kept on vomiting. sian..not sure if it is normal.

tmr will be my 32wks checkup. going to check with gynae. hope everything will be fine for me.


never. owaz forgetting abt it. my next visit i wanna ask doc abt my red patches thingy. Dun even knw will rmb anot. -.-


haha. so gynae asked me whether i wanted to admit or wait, i said yes w/o hesitation! cuz too tired & heavy.


write down all your doubts on a paper so you won't forget, that was what my gynae told me the last time. but i didn't do that cuz i felt paiseh! haha.

Jasmini, wow! Belvedere is a really nice apt, it's my dream to buy a place there! Hubby likes it as well, and we always drive pass on our way home and say "one day we'll strike lottery and own a place here!" I'm staying at Peach Garden.

Hope you can make it on saturday!

Where are you going to have your photoshoot?

I booked mine with Studio Loft - appt on 8th May.

good morning mummies..

aiyo..seems that there's a few of us who has been sick & experiencing pains here and there...

lets take good care of ourselves ok.. Kampate! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

welcome to mummies who just joined & long time been missing..

Hi dombom, thanks alot for the article.. It does help

to clear some doubts..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I bot 包大人 (or Dr P) from CK dept store. Its wingless ones. Maybe i shd stock up another bag ya? Since it so hard to find. Dunno how long the locchia will last this time. heard it will be longer for 2nd-time mummies ah?

Disposable panties

I used those bot from TMC and liked it alot. Its mesh material, look like boy-short-type, very stretchy and fitting. Washable too. Bot from the 1st floor shop opp Delifrance


Re: pre-natal massage

Doobom/Sberri, i've been doing PN massage regularly in my 3rd trim - it eases wind and water retention, and helps a lot in blood circulation and muscle relaxation. Super good for aches and cramps. Helps to tone also - lest i get lotsa irregular fats. For the 60min session, you'll lie on your left for half the session on an elevated bed, propped by many little pillows for comfort. Then you're asked to switch to your right. Never on your back flat - so not to worry - it's super comfortable!! You can massage your outer breasts if you're comfortable with that ( but not the nipples area - may cause contractions!)

Re: Nursing pillow

Tiger baby, yes the pre-owned 'My brestfriend' is fine since the covers are removable and washable. My buddies have told me to bring it along to the hospital to help BF [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Stretch marks

Bluberri, dunno leh - the book and my gynae says it's genetic. i doubt so - but i find my instructor's explanations VERY convincing and scientific lor. SO long as don't over stretch suddenly, won't have sudden tear. Besides sudden increase in weight gain, i'm hoping my baby don't kick me too hard and burst my tissues too.....kekeke.

FRIENDS, i have gained same inches and 2 more kgs than you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So far i have no stretch marks yet *cross fingers*. I have started with the Mustela Double action Stretchmarks cream since Mth 2. And unfortunately realised i'm allergic to the cream - and my gynae quite against using Stretchmarks cream - so i stopped using since. Then my pre-natal instructor told me 'not to gain weight rapidly within a week', so i tried to watch that - and so far so good. I only used Aloe Vera gel on specific spots if i have itchiness occasionally.

