(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


tats gd to knw...u hv maid at home?? i rem tat time i asked her any cheaper if i hv maid at hm...she said no wor...then i was tinking tat xiao liao...i scared she will ask my maid to do everything....bt she told me tat she wont look after my #1...so i aso quite skeptical on engaging her cos i scared she is the very lazy kind...u knw wat i mean...who is taking care of yr #1?? how is she whn she saw her mei mei??

Dun wori too much abt bb chloe, ya...she will recover soon...take it tat she went for short holiday n enjoying in hotel...my #1 tat time aso...brought bak n nd to send bak again to hospital....do take gd care of yrself, ya....


This email that I gotten from Moms R'US might be helpful for you in getting the Ameda pump. I just cut and paste here for your reference.

"Dear Friends,

As our newsletter subscribers, you are already our supporter…. So you get perks unlike those who are not on our mailing list!

For those who missed the Motherhood Exhibition, we are taking some fantastic deals to the shop just for you for 3 days only! It won’t be everything that went on specials at the exhibition, but they would be deals irresistible enough to whet your appetite!

This is good for 3 days only from 7-9 June ( Monday to Wednesday ) The following would still be offered at our shop, United Square #B1-64 :

1. Spectra Dew 350 Breast pump @$160 with Cooler tote bag free! ( Usual price is $215 for pump / $39.90 for cooler bag )

2. Ameda Lactaline Breast pump with manual pump bundle for just $369! ( Usual price is $388 for double electric pump / $109 for manual pump )

3. Theraline Pillow with free casing cover @ $129.90 ( casing is not sold or available at retail )

4. HippyChick Hipseat @$73 ( Usual price $85.90 )

Do come down to our shop to get these extended deals over these 3 days! Stocks are limited … Alternatively, do give a call at 62593326 if you are unable to come down and we’ll take your phone orders and details and send you a secured payment page to secure and complete your purchases and provide a free delivery to you ( usual courier fees costs $9 / trip )

Meanwhile our G.S.S. Specials 1 for 1 deal is still on till 30 June. New arrivals of some maternity dresses, tops, skirts, and pants are in. We have not updated the website with these new arrivals yet but they are already in the shop. These will be included in the G.S.S. 1 for 1 deal. So do come down and grab your specials while stocks last.

Happy shopping.

Marie & Partners



United Square Mall, #B1-64, Tel: 62593326 ( Open daily from 11am to 9pm, Fri & Sat till 9.30pm, Sun till 8pm )"

Hi Irma,

Yah it was quite drama, asked hubby to take photos before I left the house this morning - told him 'while I still have this bump' hahaha...

Hi Jojo,

Some people commented that I was taking too many coconuts as well. But general comment was that the quantity was about right. At week 37 onwards till now it was 2 per week. Before that it was 1 a week for weeks 35 and 36.

Yaozi, thanks for ur help. If i'm getting Ameda Lactaline, prob will get fm breastfeeding organisation coz my fren has the membership, can purchase at $330.

Hi mommies n MTB,

I hv finally delivered at 4:23pm! More side effects wif epi this time but still no regrets else I dun think I can hv the energy to last the whole ordeal. Feeling hungry cos I din hv lunch but can't eat much cos still feeling nauseous - pd juz dropped by n bb is ok so far.

Restricting visitors this time so hopefully can concentrate to bf as well as rest as much as poss.

wa sberry u knw how to edit ar... like wat kind of editing? for me i just wanted them all back for keepsake..

doobom, i tot 4 coconuts to-date quite ok wat.. duno y their reaction so big..

suelynn, i was taking 1 per wk from wk 34 to 38, total 4 onli then their reaction so big liao.. told me cannt take ANYMORE already.. =.= then i rebutt them say my hubby's cousin who just gave birth say final wk she take everyday lo.. but they just say cannot drink anymore liao..

congratz koaru!

koaru: congrats!! share your birth story later... rest well... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kelly: I was saddened by wat happen to the creator of this thread.. So I decided not to log on for sometime :p. Hubby say why log on to read post that made me feel sad..

I juz went last fri. This wk most likely is sat am, coz alot to handover at work still..

Breech position

My boy in breech position again. He has turned upwards 3x in this 4wks time! Is this common?


thanks all mummies for the well wishes...

just asking if anyone has got advise for breastfeeding? my boy doesnt wana latch on as my nipples are pretty huge and i mean huge and hence he cant suck properly...

meanwhile i m pumping whatever i can and its only about 100ml per day at 2 weeks... at times i feel very demoralizing as i really wana have more breastmilk for bb..

anyone advise from mummies? appreciate your help! thank you!

congrats koala...

i could still remember my delivery moment and seeing my boy for the first time is really unforgettable...

enjoy motherhood!

Beri: should haf.. Cos it's storewide % unless it's nett price items.. U wanna try callin them to find out? They r quite helpful dependin on stores ba.. Oh ya. Mummies dun buy e new avent bottle warmer.. The digital type de. It's a hassle to use.. Get e knob type, more straightforward


don't feel dishearten on BM ss.. my boy is 12 days old. and i only get 30-40ml fm both side per session.

so i can only give him 3 feeds of BM during the day then rest of the nights from 7pm onwards, i give FM

and must really pump at regular intervals. incl wee hours in the morning. for me, i pump 2 hr interval. alternate betw PIS and Avent manual. coz i realise Manual can get more ss

or you can try to use your hands to squeeze [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all,

just popped @ 5.43pm today. bb actual weight is 3.695kg. Hubby, gynae & nurses r very surprised. i carried bb elvan until my hands r tired. so far, pd said elvan is doing quite well, just hv to send him for normal testing tmr. if all is cleared, we can be discharged tmr evening.

glad that i listened to gynae to induce labour (though waitig time was long) & also very glad that i could experienced real contractions before taking epi. that was before bursting of waterbag. told Hubby i felt like dying lor. lastly, happy that i dun nd to go thru c-sec.

pls help to update elvan's weight & natural wif epi. thks. update again his height, forgot liao, hee.

now hv to be confined to bed for @ least 6hrs. smelling like shite sia.


the nurses attended to me were nice though most r filipinos. gt difficulty understanding them due to their strong accent. just dun reali like 1 trainee doc, she took so long juz to do the drip, frm no pain to sum pain which i shldnt be hvin this kind of pain lor. wad to do since i hv chosen classic package.

oh btw, even the procedure of injecting epi was diff. instead of lying sideways, i had to sit & bend my back, gt a little irritated then. last time i rem injected epi was no pain compared to contractions, but nw i felt pain & process was long! zzz.

btw, congrats to mummies who hv popped!!


u power leg, still gt energy to post once u delIvered. li hai! i was half dead when i pushed my boy. felt giddy after that due to side effects of epi. luckily this time nv vomit or shiver like hell. but no appetite to finish my dinner, wasted cuz it was rather tasty! lol.

summer: ah... lil wonder.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] welcome back!


i've had it... uncomfortable to walk somemore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Congrats to all mummies who have popped[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Summer, same here... Im goin into week38 and on off do feel pelvis pain as well and baby is very active especially at nite tat I couldnt sleep well.

missbluey: Congrats! Elvan has strong arms and legs siah! They said bigger baby easier to take care. I not sure y. But anyway, good for you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pelvis pain

Me too. Hardly sleep at night as well. Sian... Feels like the animals in night safari. Can't sleep at nite and day time, esp late morning, I can sleep. :p

ms blue, i saw the new bb pics. so happy for ya leh! congrats

btw, how come that trainee doc, dunno how to do the injection is it?? hmm weird. classic package means what huh? sorry, i am clueless leh


congrats to u too! All the side effects came after the delivery, except the nauseous part stopped within half an hr.. Now I am superperked whilst earlier at labour ward I feel sleepy.

I was asked to bend my knees n in a side lying position leh.. Not too painful compared to my VE cos I was simply too tense! Almost wanna give up pushing after an hr - after which I realize the midwife method doesn't suit me. Glad it's all over tho it's a new battle wif tbf! Milk supply hasn't quite kicked in yet.

Congrats to Mummy Ow, Zhuoen, Koaru, Sharky , MissBluey !!

Suelynn.. quite dramatic encounter here.. I hope u don't have to wait long for the delivery…

BlueBerri.. Sorry to hear abt your “Stingy” hubby story.. Don’t both of u have savings together, at least some put aside for the bb? he count until the last cents then when bb come out, who will pay for wat..? I think u better start tell him how much he has to standby every month to spend on bb.. like standard expenses…

For me, I was lucky to make sure my hubby pay for everything…. I told him way before.. NO money NO bb.. if he dun open a special savings account for bb even before I get pregnant.. he can forget abt us having a bb.. so have to force it down his throat.. somemore I ask his own father to keep the ATM card after account opened.. so no chance he draw the $$ to use.. so far I pay for only bb clothes myself which I buy online and some antennal consultation fees… the rest he pay lor..

For the bb cash bonus, I ask him to dump into CDA account, if not let his father keep for bb full month.. so none of us will spend it.. at this point, every cent count la.. instead of stressing hubby to find the $$ to feed another mouth once bb is out, I better hit him hard now to wake him up.. tell him how expensive to raise a bb and to be prudent in wat he spend now..

Hi Mummynia.. oh.. I know who ur twin sister is liao.. actually last year I went to Malacca for a short trip over 1 wked and coincidently saw u and ur sister was having bbq ikan at the famous bbq ikan village.. I thought I actually mistaken u for ur sister.. anyway.. then I say that u already have a bb gal.. so fast u are pregnant again! So u schedule for C-sect on 11 June @ KKH? I’m also delivering at KKH..I should be due anytime.. it’s a long waiting game.. U never know.. we may just deliver together!! Haahaah…Anyway, I’m not on ML yet.. sian.. my boss really work me like a dog.. too much to hand over…

Oh I heard ur sister was on hospitalization.. is she ok? What happened to her?

Drinking Hot milo+ egg + chicken essence? so it is true that it will help in dilution and smooth delivery?? I think too much for me to handle.. I scared I LS big time before I can reach the hospital.. worst till I can’t even tell if it was contraction or tummyache.. !!

Talking abt bad remarks.. just take it a pinch of salt.. my colleagues also asked me if I’m having a twin..and better stay at home and rest..i’m actually creating “inconvenience” for them cos they scared they will accidentally bump into me.. Actually I take it positively.. and they care then they will comment la.. at least not like my boss.. she only concern with work and somemore ask me to work till end this week! So merciless rite..!

Jojo, I also took my pics at studio loft.. haven’t got time to pick the pics.. but I think I will just buy all the softcopy..

Freestyle> I just test it on my breast lor.. see if the machine works..

Breast pad >> will go and get la..

Coconut >> I take like once every 2 days la.. my PIL also nagged at me and talk abt the bb will get asthma.. yak yak yak.. I just ignore my MIL.. Mayb u drink like 2 max in a wk lor..

Talking abt Chinese herb for soups.. I haven’t buy any of these.. so will get my mum to go and tabao.. I don’t know how to mix the herbal stuff.. so better let her go and buy it from the medical hall.. If I go and buy, they sure ask me to buy every other thing cos I won’t know wat is good for me.. so better let my mum do the shopping.. Actually I Love herbal stuff.. the bitter the better.. I so looking forward to cook those soups in the slow cooker..

arghhh!!!! i need to rant again!!! stupid hubby makes mi angry again!!! today give me attitude over the red pkt amount for my mum after confinement. i oni told him last time my BIL gave mi mum $xx amount, so we shd give the same n not lesser. plus we had already agreed to use the bb bonus for the red pkt, not fm his own pocket. so y is he complaining, i even offered to top up if he dun wan to take the whole amt out fm the bb bonus lor. the amount we are giving my mum is considered small liao since if we were to engaged a CL, we would have paid much much more.. he's really stingy lor.. whole nite give me attitude, didn't even bother to help mi with hanging the heavy laundry like he used to, sit inside aircon room n watch TV!!! den suddenly bring up the mini washing machine i have, say last yr till nw still in carton, waste the space in the service yard. super pissed off!!! he dun even bother to tok to mi after i finish the laundry, even when he went to sleep just nw, he said "remember to off the TV." hello!! when did i ever left the TV on n go to the room n sleep, crazy lor!!!! i feel even more upset compared to last nite over the breastpump matter until i want to cry!! since he so stingy, den ask his mum com n do confinement for mi la, den pay her the stingy amount he wants n see his mum will complain anot lor!! he really dunno how to appreciate my mum lor!!!

walau bluberi, i am wondering if your hubby is reacting in this way becos he's stressed abt bb coming and dunno how to act? i've read an article dunno on babycentre.com or where hor, that men dunno how to react to baby No 1, so they act in this way.

dunno be so angry, think of gal gal inside u, that's more impt!

Joelle, we used to have a co-savings acct, but we closed it after the wedding since we already agreed on which are the bills we are to pay for our house individually.. for bb expense, we have agreed he will buy FM n diapers while i give my mum extra allowance for taking care of bb. nw the oni problem is that i cannot stand him being so stingy!!!

Bluberi> cool down... your hubby really damn terrible, how can he be stingy towards u. U got ask him if u dont BF your baby, he really will pay for the FM anot?

Elise, i dunno him la, i take it as he is crazy lor!! since he want to attitude n dun tok to me, i will just do the same lor, dun tok to him also.. i can't be bother!!! i will just zip my mouth when i see him, treat him as invisible!!! nw most impt is bb well-being!!

Elaine, he is ok even if i dun BF fm the start, dats y he is very dis-encourgaing on getting a good breastpump. he will gladly pay for FM.. nvm, let him pay for the expensive FM, later he will feel the pinch liao.

Congrats to mummies who haf popped!

Pray hard #2 wun popped from anytime from wed to fri coz hubby nt in spore. So sad. Couldn't imagine wat mi supposed to do. Sianz.

suelynn, i just had show too. and some contractions. my hubby super kanchiong liao. but I really hope baby 'll wait for my Gynae to be back on 11jun. my #1 also show first then 2days later deliver.

Blueberi , cool it, he's probably worried about the finances. but mum to help out is a big thing, so must really show appreciation. hv k good talk with him lo. delivery date is nearing plus your work is also v tough to handle. don stress yourself out ya. must take care.


i c....dun tink abt it, ya...its quite sad aso...haiz...wat did Dr Goh say?? u r in how many wks aldy?? bb still can move up? Talk to yr bb more so tat he can stay put down....


probably yr hubby is under some stress at wrk? Dun feel angry ya...no gd for bb...i knw la..smtimes, men jus dun get it....for me, i will insist my way if i tink it is beneficial to the bb and come out w my own money....as for the money tat u wanted to gif to yr mother...maybe he is reali in tight financial situation and wan to save more for the bb?? talk to him again whn both in cool down period....dun strain the relationship becos of money....*hugz*

Blueberi, poor you! Have went back to read your previous posts, your husband is really 'qian4 bian3'! Really picked a bad time to act up! I feel for you and can imagine how fed up you are. Don't really know what I will do if I were in your shoes but just try to stay positive. He is probably stressed cos I remembered early in my pregnancy I also went through a rather 'stingy' period thinking of all the expenses a new baby will incur. Sigh. Hang in there!

Morning Mummies,

I din sleep well last night, worrying about the relief gynae if i have to check in today or tomorrow if contractions get real bad.

For mummies who have popped, can advise which massage ladies you are hiring and comments on them? I heard about the jamumassage.com - is that good? How about Babies Bellies and Beauty Mums & babes? Saw this Hana Jamu Traditional Wellness too - very affordable (only $320 for 6 sessions)

BTW, I have started my ML and am waiting for my baby to arrive. Hoping that she'll come naturally else gynae will need to induce me this Sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Just thinking about the birthing process and BF make me nervous, but I'm trying to think positive. Keeping my eye on the prize, ie my little princess!

Re coconut water

I also keep hearing conflicting comments on this one. I'm drinking it once in 2 weeks, quite refreshing in our weather anyway. Hope the asthma saying is not true though, cos I've been drinking at least one cold drink everyday. This has not happened before I was pregnant but this pregnancy, I really really crave sweet and cold stuff! Think this single factor contributed to my weight gain.

Vanilla, good for you leh. that's part of the waiting game, very xian right? my ML will only start beginning next week. everyday very nervous right now!

That day i bought 2 coconuts at only $1.99! at shop and save. but the drink dun taste good to me leh. and i hate that coconut smell too. u same as me, always craving for cold drinks and sweet stuff. Maybe having gals is like that lor.


r u on total bf? If yes, then u hv to feed on demand, cannot reali keep to the time rule cos bm are more easily digested as compared to fm...jia you...2-3hrs are fine....

Zinc.. Bf ar? Shld be ok. Bf digest faster den fm.. Bf on demand.. My 12D old girl feeding 4hourly on 50ml sometimes aft 50ml still latch on for more..



I think your hubby is under stress hence the abnormal behaviour. Maybe u have a talk with him. No need to keep on insisting who shd pay right now as he might also have the same thinking that u have been calculative lately and thus the temper... I think your hubby will be 'automatic' when the time comes... after seeing u going thru the long labour of giving him a lovely daughter. The fact that he kept insisting u start your ML early is also a showing of his care & concern to u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy the next few weeks of R&R and stay happy

