(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

i just had my lunch, but immmediately felt giddy & bloated after that. perhaps i ate too full. my mood isn't that good for the past few days, dun feel like talking much. but i always feel tired around 9pm+ which is considered unusual for me as i usually sleep about 10pm or 11pm+. i do feel like vomitting/nauseous at times but no vomit so far (hope dun!).

now i do feel like sleeping~!!!



just curious. anyone have piles problems? i had it since sec sch. this continues till i delivered my son, sort of worsened as when i walked for a long distance, the piles simply popped out. -.-" i wanted to go for the op but dily dally until now im preggie again. thought of "killing" it once and for all after i have my 2nd one next year. im afraid my pregnancy will trigger even "powerful" piles later on. hais. plus, i love spicy food. its not helping when im craving for more spiciness now. >.<

Hi Gals,

Need advise.... My office is carrying out the free H1N1 Vaccin. i not sure i can join or not? Any one know abt this issue? my next appt is next tuesday so can not check with the gynae yet. ay one going to see gynae tmr? can help me to ask?



Thks for e advise. I tik I always overeat. Pple eat full will stop but I just eat & eat til stomach wanna burst. Aftertat uncomfortable have to vomit some food out.. so strange hor. Like cannot control myself. So you shifted house liao?

Me can't wait for 1st tri to pass, alrdy had many plans ahead like when to deco my nursery & March Taka shld have a baby fair etc..planning to go bangkok shop for bb clothes during CNY too.. hahaha abit too early to plan all these hor, but just can't help feeling excited. hope 2010 will come soon.. I see other pple conceive til give birth like so fast but comes to myself, e days went so slow..


Y not give ur gynae a call? or drop him an sms? I tik this kind of thing its better to enquire ownself in case info not right cause harm. Better be safe thn sorry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Cj,

Oic ok then may be i call them up and check with them. Thanks. Beside u very cute lor so fast plan everything liao. me too felt this few week like very slow. last feww month when i try to conceive i felt time pass so fast one week after another and i keep thinking i am getting old liao stil dun have a bb wan time pass slow. now opposite liao just hope 1st tri pass faster. so can enjoy more "da tu po"'s privilege. like bully hubby....hahahha

hi jalgal

H1N1 flu vaccine is NOT suitable for preggy and for those who trying to preggy...so pls don take ok..btw i m a nurse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies

i've been silently reading thru the posts here for abt 2weeks or so. im in my 6w today & on Tue, already saw my baby's hb for the first ever time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

reason for my silent reading is becoz i've a m/c in aug(1st bb),very devastated. so, dun want to be so overjoyed, just normal2 kinda feeling.

anyway, if i may, does anyone has less desire to make love with your hubby these weeks?

Hi Linda,

Thanks.... a million [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ok i will not take the jab. i also dun wanna take the risk. luckly my body quite strong so no scare of H1N1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] fight fight fight ...:>

wah u are a nurse ar? i solute u lei i always thinks nurse is super " wai Da"

linda.. i also prefer spicy stuffs nowaadaes.. actually this pregnancy more picky with the stuffs that i am eating.. the first one not as much.

Cj, wah.. u go every week?? haha.. wanna c ur baby har?? I very lazy to go nowades.. my nest one is 3 weeks from now think 16th Nov... I think normal for 1st time mothers to be excited .. initially i was thinking why 3 weeks so long!! But now i dun mind already.. haha...go there always have to wait one..

Wah.. ur plans very good!! true BKK got a lot of cheap carters baby clothes.. i think at platinum mall.. good i also inspired to travel to bkk liao.. hmm.. maybe next feb.. during cny .. by that time should noe sex liao... I am praying for a boy!!!

Hi dot.. wow.. can hear heartbeat?? thats fast!

Hi Irma, dun think too much.. things will be fine.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have no desire everytime!!! haha

Hi Irma,

Actually i wanted to do lei. cos have been 1 months nvr do lei really really feel like doing this weekend hee..hee... But i have m/c on May. Now i quite scare so i think i have to wait till the gynae give me green light.

genice: tx for the reply. haha. very honest answer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not worried, just wondering.. really hope this time round, everything will be fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jalgal: yalor.. i also scared to do also, coz the prev m/c, made love the previous night, then i was bleeding.. phobia! shortly aft, misccaried!


wat a co-incident. me too the last time i was spotting the next day after m.love.and that time i wasn't know i was pregnant. then wasn't take good care that y miscarried. i promise i will take really good care of this baby and i have confident baby will be strong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dearest Mummies & MTBs,

I am new to this forum, and I am currently ~5wks preggie. Did a ultrasound scan at KKH, and confirmed my pregnancy.

This will our first child for me & my hubby. However, this was my second pregnancy. I actually had a miscarriage 3 yrs ago, where I had bleeding and there is no foetal pole detected. The gynae from my 1st pregnancy was from Mount E. He was very experienced and patient to me, as I was really feeling depressed 3 yrs ago. Despite that, I hesitated to go back to him, as I wishfully hoped that by changing a doctor, this second pregnancy would be a successful one for us. I fear that the same thing would happen to me again. Now, I am experiencing cramps without any bleeding (fingers crossed), hence, I was given jab & Duphaston 3x a day to stabilize the pregnancy.

I would like to ask for everyone advice if I should go back to my previous doctor since he has my past records. If not, any good gynae to recommend?

Thanks a lot!

jalgal: same same! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i really pray that this time round gonna be ok. im still scared to make love though, due to the prev experience.. sigh..

missy: congrats! this is so-called my 2nd pregnancy too, as the first one m/c. my hubby hesitated to go to prev gynae(somehow he tot not efficient) *roll eyes* no harm going to new gynae(thats what i did!) fyi, i had cramps & spotting for coming to 3 weeks liao.. so far today, no spotting..

Hi Missy_s,

I had a m/c on may. i am now 8 weeks. i didn't go back to the gynae that handle my previous pregnancy cos i am also thinking this is a new pregnancy and this will not be the same as the last time so i just dun wan a same gynae. deep in my heart i am thinking changing a gynae make me feel better cos if i go back to the clinic i will remember i ever cry there and how's the feeling when the gynae told me my baby stop growing and need a d&c. every one is difference it really depend on how u look at it.

Due to my past experience of m/c, my hubby & I was afraid to have sex too. Cos, we heard many saying that no sex is allow during the first trimester. Though I really feel like doing it, but I fear that something bad will happen...

Hi Irma, thanks for ur advice. Did ur gynae gave u any medications? I was very worried as I experienced cramps, and was given jab & medicine just like my previous pregnancy. So, which gynae did u go?

jalgal, thanks for ur advice. Me too fear that all the bad memories will just surface when I go back to see my previous gynae. Which gynae did u go then?

Anyone can recommend any good gynae?

Thanks a lot!

missy:i read abt making love in 1st trimester,shd be fine, just that at times, we're just being wary of the past(maybe for some).

no worries, i'm just sharing what i experienced. now im with dr Han How Chuan in KKH,TPS(The Private Suite). He seems fine. he gave me kind of "pain reliever" as im feeling nausea. i also dont feel like going back to my first gynae so as not to replay back the sadness previously, so we changed.

Hi Irma,

must have confident this time will be a good one. bcos we have the past experience so we know how to take care of our body better this time. is good that spotting stop. i think u can't m.love lei cos spoting just stop is not good to m.love tell ur hubby to 'guai guai' wait till gynae give green light ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must really rest can't carry heavy thing. dun sit on 1 position for long. that time i tot my spoting stop so i carry my sis baby then the spoting come back again. so must really take care cos our body is not like normal liao u think is just a simple thing but it might harm ur baby too.

jalgal: tq!! yes2.. shd try hor. hehe~ yeah, doc also say dun carry heavy things, apart fr that, cant eat pineapple/coconut. yes, tq for reminding too.. coz i got 1 & 2 year old niece/nephew,scare i go carry them.

hi Missy,

hee hee.... sorry to say i haven't fix any gynae yet ha ha.... i went to dr wen lim at Mt alv but think a bit ex then my mom ask me to go gov one then i went to NUH but dun have confident with her service. so my next appt is next tuesday going to dr woo at TMC tiong bahru. hope can fix to him also tired of changing. there is a lot of good gynae recommondation here. u try go through the thread again. for me i think is important to find a gynae near to your place.... if not too far u think oredy also sian dun wanna go. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] where u stay?

seemed like most MTBs are craving for sour and spicy food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Today I have mee siam for lunch, teabreak..and later for dinner too. Starting to salivating once I think of the gravy and chillies.

Hi Missy S,

My 1st pregnancy also ended in a miscarriage 3 years back. I changed gynae. Not because of a new start, but I because I dun click with that gynae. Although she is very experienced and recommended by many pple, I felt that she was very old fashioned, as in "I am the Dr, you do what I tell you to do". My current gynae, altho not cheap, I like better - gives me a lot of information, which I prefer. But both are nice pple, very reassuring.

Irma, I also feel want to, (and hubby really want to), but then, dr said to refrain for now, so bo pian. I also dun dare. Wait until he give green light.

noticed that quite a no of us here had gona thru m/c. lets all pray for each other. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think only ladies who have gone thru m/c will understand another's plight.. -_-

dot: tx for the reply.. yeah, play safe hor.

HI all....

Going off soon talk to u gals tmr take care and stay pretty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also want to eat mee siam.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] where got mee siam?

Just learnt that my boss intend to employ another admin gal to assist me, to prepare for my maternity leave. All these yrs I am e only gal/admin in this company. Although I am glad for some female company, neither do I fear that she will eventually replace me BUT my initial plan was to encash my 2mth maternity leave. Gov pay 2mths Co pay 2mths mah so I can offer to come back work on e 3rd & 4th mth to enjoy double pay but now seems cannot liao.. I am also considering to quit after my maternity leave to take care of my bb for a couple of yrs, sigh the 2mths double pay would come in handy..

I miss dry fried mee siam - would be happy to hear from you if you know where they sell this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ah..who also have mee siam craving? i have been having mee siam craving and must eat once a day.. jialat.

ya, i also try to be slient reader..but sometimes, i get worry, then will want to ask around lliaoz. i also had mc before..this time round, i just heard the heartbeat. v v touching and overjoyed of course! it give me hope and i am grateful for this blessing!

but is it meant to be slow and steady heartbeat at week 6? gynae said the miracle just started, so thats the reason it is slow and steady.

and she also said i am v luckily to see it grow now and i have to keep my finger v crossed and pray hard !

by the way, any mummies still got apply nailpolish? i feel like applying!!

Hi linda why is the H1N1 jab not suitable for pregant women, it was just something I was thinking about getting as well so good to get as much info as possible,

im craving for MOS Burger corn soup now.. yum yum.. put 2 packets of pepper.. double yum..

mee siam is nice too...

Irma: yes, I read abt m.love is safe during first trimester too, but as u mentioned... we tends to be very wary abt what we do now.

what Jalgal is correct, we must be confident that this time it will be a successful for us.

Jalgal: Tks for ur advice. I stay at Jurong, but don't think I will go to NUH, cos I didn't really hear much of my friends given birth there.

missy: yeah. but i pity hubby also. haha. maybe if you want, can try surf KK's services. anyway, its somewhat in central Sg. omg, so sleepy now.

Hi Dot, tks for ur advice. Btw, how many wks r u now? Which doctor did u go?

I believe we all understand each other feelings & what we went thru'

Well, I shall pray hard for everyone here.

CJ, i am like you! eat and eat! then feel so bloated and terrible after that. sometimes don't know what i want too. Have no move yet. i haven't even get my keys. but date drawing near liao. packing has been very very slow. packed 2 hours rest 2 days! also very worried cause i need to move in 3 weeks after getting the keys and still got to do reno. sigh ..

jalgal, i'm seeing dr woo too. you stay nearby ?

talking about mee siam makes me drool .. but my mom said can't eat too much mee siam. can't remember why. i'm craving sweet instead of sour this time round. and of course spicy stuff!

my mom keep reminding me every pregnancy is different so don't think everytime so lucky. i ate mac and coke eveyday during my first pregnancy. from pineapple, orange or anything that should not take but luckily my son is healthy. now abit worried after thinking what my mom has said.

i'm feeling very hungry now and hb not back yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

BluBeri, I hope all will turn out well for you. I think you are a very strong person and will survive this.

Tiger Baby, I think the pregnancy symptoms waxes and wanes. Some days I feel like I'm permanently seasick, and some days I feel totally normal. Not sure why either...

bliss, u mean cannot eat too much mee siam ar? opps..then i better stop this craving nowz..

u seeing dr woo? u live near Tiong bahru? i live Jalan membina, but didnt go see dr woo cos dont feel comfortable with him. went to katong branch instead.

vanilla, i have the same feeling also. somme day i am feeling quite bad..some days i am feeling okay...my gynae said the sysmptom comes and goes de.

Remember someone asking abt natural birth after c sec, there is an article in Nov Motherhood on this topic. Do check it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi aven2009

jus to play safe la...cos even before this h1n1 flu vaccine come out, my ward have the influenza flu vaccine for free also...and the form clearly stated not suitable for pregnancy and those trying to get pregnant woman...and for those who are ttc, after they get jab they got to wait for 3 mths before the next ttc again..

Morning gals!

Did you all read the papers today? a woman 5mths pregnant with twins lost her babies & limbs becos of a bacterial..so poor thing.. I read liao feel so sad for her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Dot, am really glad to know all is well. Do think positive ok? Must have a happy pregnancy. Think it's important to keep positive always. Am convinced that our own attitude and outlook affects the baby.

MORNING Everybody.......

Hi Bliss,

i am staying at commonwealth. May i know how is Dr woo stlye like? for the package is it include blood test if not will it be expensive? i am going on next tuesday morning when is your next appt? may be can see you there next time.


thanks I have checked out the magazine..after reading give me some encouragement to do vbac

huh u mean the mother lost her limbs? so saddening


hi gals..

i really envy those of u who has cravings.. i do too, but when the food is in front of me, i just simply can't take it. very poor appetite, feel like an anorexic. i esp hates the smell of pork.

btw, i saw alot of you taking junk food, cold drinks, hot n spicy.. r we able to take all these? :p during my last preg 1st tri, i avoided all these oily, heaty, cold drinks, etc. pls advise.. thanks..

