(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Wow... CL nowadays so ex... My SIL, close friends all have bad encounter with CL... Shall get the contacts from u guys nearer the date...


Hihi, i guess all of u are sleeping now liao. :p

went KKH for my gynea appt.. can u imagine i spent 3hrs there in total!! waited until super sian. 1hr wait at AMC for ultrasound, 1hr+ wait to see gynea and 30mins+ spent at the pharmacy.. i was the last patient at clinic B n pharmacy!! i told my gynea i will rather pay a little more n switch to see him in The Private Suite (TPS) coz i cannot stand each visit muz waste so much time.. at least in the TPS, my gynea will do the scan for mi during consultation.. can skip the AMC n pharmacy. moreover, it is evening clinic, i need not always take time-off from work n my HR manager not happy abt it.

btw, i also complained to him on the gynea at 24hr clinic whom i seen on wed. He said i'm not his 1st patient who mentioned they dun like tis gynea. so i'm not the oni one complaining la.. he said he will bend the rules and give me hospitalisation leave if i want. even offered to start it from next week so dat i can rest for a week before my Hkg trip. but i declined since not necessary now. wait i got alot of back-log at work fm the leave. but dat was beri kind of him to offer it. :p

saw bb's heartbeat again.. hope bb will stay healthy n strong.. my next visit is in 5wks time. so long!!

was supposed to take the influenza vaccination at KKH, but the pharmacist read the instructions + her big book abt pregnancy drug use n said better nt to take the vaccinnation in 1st trimester. even called my gynea to double confirm.. ended up gynea also said better dun take it now coz my6 pregnancy is unstable, he scared will M/C aft jab, better to take fm 2nd trimester onwards.

CJ, pls help mi change my EDD to 29Jun.. supposed to be 7w3d but bb oni 6wk+ now. EDD pushed back for 6d.

toking abt tummy showing, i saw a lady at AMC, 3mths preggie but tummy looked super flat. envy her.. anyway.. mi on the plus-side, so haf tummy (fats) before bb even show. hahaha

Hi Blueberi: Good to know that things are ok. 5 weeks! Wow. I'm already complaining that 3 weeks is too long for me.

Lola: Yah. Mini-confinement is good. Rest well.

Kelly: thanks for uploading the chart. I'll see how accurate it is. BTW, abt carrying your koala bear, I read somewhere that you can try to wean him off by explaining that your back cannot take it. Blame your back, not the baby. That way, he will not resent the baby.


as much as i would want a boy this time, the chart says girl in my case (even add 1 to represent chinese age just to be sure) - its accurate for my first one, so i am hoping i can prove this chart wrong! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


glad u r slowly recovering - be strong!


also depends on the choice of clothing rite - i hv started to wear more roomy top to hide, so far no one detected.. hee

Lola - take care..time to nourish yr body well..

Gender chart

The chart was accurate for my #1 and #2..now it says #3 is a girl..like koaru..hope this will not turn out true for me..hee..

Anyway, I have always been curious why the gender prediction tends to rely on Mother's age..I thought gender is determined by the Father's sperm as well???

Later I am going to see my gynae..pretty exciting. For the past 2 days, appetite not so good..even tummy seems to have shrunk a bit..I can put on my normal pants now.

dot, yup.. 5wks and dats the esrliest coz my gynea going overseas for wks. juz pray these 5wks bb will be ok n no spotting.

koaru, so far my tummy is fats, nt coz of bb. :p so i can still wear my normal jeans. so overall still ok.. hope my jeans can still tahan for a while at least until mth end.

hi ladies.am at work now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyway.. bluberi, nice to know you're still able to wear your norm jeans.. i cant! i had to unbutton the top to allow space. be it my work pants or jeans.. -.-

my m/s has been bad. nausea2. but never vomit. want to eat, but when think of food, i feel like puking. urgh! been feeling so sick, so weak. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

due to my prev m/c,i've exhausted my Annual Leave & Medical Leave. So whatever days now im sick, all unpaid. TERRIBLE!!! *SOB SOB*


Yup this is my first. MIL and hubby don't let me drink/eat anything cold, sigh. Hopefully after 1st tri i can drink at least half glass of cold water hor. Weather so hot no cold water very jia lat de. MS....sigh....faster go away!!!

Sweets. Me too! Starting to worry cos i dun want my bb to be too hyper-active leh. No energy to run after him/her.


Same here! Before i got married i actually thinking of having 3 leh cos i love kids so much. But then everything is getting so expensive so i change my mind to 2. Must at least 2, don't want them to be lonely......


Must try to eat something, biscuit lor or an apple. I understand how u feel, i'm oso like that tats y i got to force myself to take a few bites if not later more jia lat leh.

Cravings, yes yes! Roti prata!!!!!

Summer March,

Rest more! My first visit to gynae she restricted me to 20 mins walk per day, cannot carry anything above 5kg and HL for 2 weeks. Nothing is wrong with me just tat last year i had m/c and she want me to be super careful. So during the HL i stay on bed watch dvds lor. Had a gd rest and nv have spotting. So i guess good rest is very very important!

harlow ladies, i just tested positive on 5th nov. can I join your group at the moment as I can't find any MTB for JULY 2010 yet.

Me onli going to see my gynae comong monday. This is my first pregnancy, a bit scare and lost. Lost because I still couldn't believe that I make it. I have been trying for 3 to 5 years of no success.

Hopefully everything would be fine!

Hi neverfull,

Congratulations! Of course you can join us :> Stay happy, cheerful, rest well and dun carry heavy things and you will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi bliss

i tried asking the lady who recommended her.. but she said she only knew tat the CL is known as Mdm Tan. Besides, she don't carry hp.. i m contacting her thru her daughter who is working in Singapore.. ")

sberry, is better that you talk to the CL directly. through 3rd party like her daughter is very difficult to know whether she is suitable for you.

anyway my cousin just deliver and i will check out her CL for you since she told me is recommended by her friend so i will ask her how she find her CL next week.

kelly, I still carry my 2 yo son... now i try to avoid as i have spotting last few days... every morning i still carry him out from bed to make milk as this is our routine.. the rest of the time i will ask daddy to do the job.

bliss, i've yet to find a CL, wanna get one that recommend by my friend, really cross finger that she is good.. my last one, 'shakehead' i think she rest more then me... she somemore can take afternoon nap while i takecare of the bb!!!

hi neverfull, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lola, takecare ya

Gender chart, was accurate for my #1, its say this time is a gal... lets see

Hi... I suspect I'm pregnant as my last menses was 25 Sept. Plan to buy the test kit tmr to confirm. So if i'm really preg, my EDD shld be end of June ya? I'm happy but worried at the same time as i've just coloured my hair not long ago...

Summer_March, i'm wondering how much more are the fees at the private suite compared to clinic B, hope nt too big diff else i'll be super broke coz the 1.5mths of Duphaston already cost $120+.

Hi aven2009

We share the same EDD and we both are expecting #3..hee

Went to the gynae and he said the baby is now 9weeks old..we could hear the strong heartbeat now..it is amazing how this tiny bean can generate such a fast heartbeat..

Next visit will be in 3 weeks' time..gynae will do a bloodtest for me then..

BluBeri, really glad that the baby is healthy and strong. Happy for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm scheduled for my next visit on Monday, hope everything turns out well and we can hear baby's heartbeat. I'm starting to feel like each visit (or each day?) is both nerve-wrecking and exciting. I'm either a born worrier or do all mothers feel this way?

Regarding the subject of cold drinks/ food, I have been drinking mainly cold drinks and eating lots of ice-cream. Before I was pregnant, I steered clear of these cos I never really enjoyed them, so this time I just indulged. Hmmm think I should cut back, feel guilty sometimes cos these are not healthy, but I feel so hot sometimes.

My belly has also started showing somewhat, though my weight remained unchanged when I checked. Think it's the gas and water retention? Cos the size changes each day. My clothes feel tighter now and I'm not sure if I should buy new ones.

My MS is also getting worse, especially at night. I want to throw up all the time but nothing comes up. Sometimes I find it difficult to burp, which makes things even worse. Well, all for a healthy, bouncing baby!

bluberi the fees at the private suite are only supposed to be around ten dollers more, and the service is great,

bebe75 our ages are not to far apart either, Im wondering if this labour will be quick since its the third,

aven2009 - I hope this baby can come out earlier so that I can complete my confinement during my kids' sch holiday. Also hope this will also be a smooth and ease delivery.

bebe75 I forgot there was school holidays in june my son will be of for a whole month, lucky I dont do confinement but to be honest it would have been good to have him at school for the three hours every morning, my other two were induced so hoping to not do that this time, feel like when you go in to be induced it is like lets just get her delivered as as soon as we can and turn up piciticon to make it go fast, so dr can get on with other things, want to do it my way this time and been the third it should be faster and easier,

Aven2009 - you don;t do confinement?? No objection from the old folks in the family?

Actually if I have my way, I will also skip the whole hassle of confinment..maybe I can go for a simple one, where I get to eat confinement food daily, bath daily, go out as and when I like, nursing my baby whenever I can. MIL did both my confinements, frankly speaking I was suffering slight Post natal then..so I do not wish history to repeat itself.

peck, my first CL also gave me headache. can leave my on naked after bathing cause she is busy talking to my MIL. my MIL also another one lar ..

vanilla, you are seeing Dr Kowa ? after my cousin tell me how good his skills for csect is makes me wants to change. but i'm so afraid of the expensive bill i will get at mount E.

bebe75 I actually come from New Zealand and we dont do anything like it there, when my daughter was born I was out in the gym three days after she was born! I had to get out and about for my sanity, couldnt stand been stuck inside, My son was born in hong kong there would have been about 30 women on the ward and they all gasped as I walked out of the bathroom freshly showered and hair washed,I really did not know anything about confiniment at that time, I just need space and want to bond with my newborn that is why for both children I have said I dont want family coming over to stay and help out which has upset certain people as well, I have been lucky though and had very easy newborns though, hopefully its the same this time

Hi Bliss,

Yup I'm seeing Dr Kowa. He is a very nice doctor, reassuring and patient. I'm not sure about how the charges compare though...

Hi bliss

oh yes, I spoke to the CL personally. Usually I

just drop a SMS or call to her daughter, she will

contact me.. So far quite prompt..

Thanks alot, do let me know if ur cousin CL is

good.. Really need a good one tis time

coz I don't intend to have more than 2 children..

Going to stop after this one..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi CJ Junior, can you update for me my info. I went for my first gynae visit. My EDD should be 22-June-2010 and my gynae is Dr Benjamin Tham at KKH. Thank you very much..

Sad to say, I was diagnose to have GD. So this coming Tues i need to attend the GD course at ODAC..is a one day course...:-(

Hi Neverfull,looks like u and me quite smilar experience, i tried having bb for 3 yrs, no result, went kkivf last yr and they suggest iui/ivf, i pend it due to work issue. Then realise i was preggie on 16oct..hee...was super happy...but i guess i will have a difficult road ahead, due to obesity,back pain problem, and now GD...but for the sake of my bb, i will be positive!

Hi mummies

I m doing a small experiment which might help

us to predict the gender of the bb.. If u r interested

n don't mind abit of fun, pls pm me for more details. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Aven2009 - I c..that is why you do not hve to observe the Asian customs...good for you..

SummerMarch - Orange juice, why not? For my #1, I can only stomach orange juice..cannot tolerate other beverages. FYI, orange juice contains lots of folic acids. Just drink moderately as some packaging juices has high sugar contents

Vanilla, thanks... i'm glad bb is ok too.. hopefully tis 5wks pass super fast.. i wish i had a time-turner like the one in harry potter.

Aven, oh.. so the charges in private suite oni slightly more la? glad to koe tis.. i prefer my gynea doing the scan personally compared to the sonographer (correct??) at AMC.

CJ, my gynea is Dr. Ben Choey and hospital is KKH. pls help mi update. thanks!

bluberi it is so much better your own gynae doing scan, I feel they explain more to you as well, and no waiting outside another room to get it done,

aven, i tink so too.. i simply can't stand all the waiting.. moreover the timing at TPS is much more better, i can go over aft work.

Vanilla, i know Dr Kowa is good. but i'm still considering as Mount E is consider the most expensive hospital [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sberry, my cousin just discharge yesterday. so i check with her a few days later.

what experiment you are doing ? i'm keen!!!


wah so brave...the last time i was in confinement....i didnt dare to bathe ....for the first two weeks i didnt....but after that i couldnt take it anymore...coz i felt so dirty and had rashes from the heaty confinement food and jamu massage

---it was a completely uncomfortable experience

this time im not getting a confinement nanny for sure...what a total waste of money...they are so expensive!

morning mummies!! its monday again~

thread is moving fast, gotta digest slowly. hehe.


thanks. have a gd rest k. =)


your childbirth story sounded very exciting! =p but i would rather do confinement cuz i believe my back is still aching despite 2 yrs as i didn't do a good confinement back then. i don't lied down on bed often enough.


congrats! we have the same EDD but i discovered i was preggie earlier than you, hmmm. what is GD? jia you k.


y not? but of cuz moderation lah.

re: influenza

i actually had it few mths back before i was preggie. so i guess i was fortunate as in timing bah.


tried to pm you but you haven't activate your pm leh.

re: tummy fats/pre-pregnancy clothes

my fats are already there before i was preggie with #2. didn't managed to exercise off the fats after #1. yesterday i asked my mummy whether she can see my tummy, she said she can only see my fats. hahaha. as for clothes, im still wearing old clothes except for pants/jeans, i can't really fit into my jeans. sobs. sometimes i wear maternity pants to work. hopefully i still can wear my new dress to my cousin's wedding next mth.

re: confinement

i guai guai did my confinement but i still managed to wash my hair every 2-3 days cuz i really can't stand the oilliness on my hair. for the first 3 weeks, i didn't showered except the day i delivered, only cleaned myself with rice wine. could only showered with herbal bag on the last week of confinement.

Hi, I'm new here...I'm also a Jun '10 MTB, and this is my first pregnancy.

I'm wondering for those who had more than 1 liao, do you have a preparation schedule on what to do for the next few months to delivery?

I'm jus a bit puzzled what at which mth? For instance, I was telling my MIL that I'm going to wash the baby's clothes (new and old) in April, and she said it's too soon...

So, wondering whether mummies can share your experiences so that I can prep myself and hubby the tasks to do for the next 7 mths?

Thanks in advance...

Hi dot,

Tks for the tip....i do hope that my koala bear will listen to that...tried to tell him tat mommy is tired...bt he insists mommy get up, get up...haiz...dun wan daddy, dun wan maid...will try that and hopefully tat will get him thru his head...

Hi Koaru,

Hopefully u can prove the chart wrong...kekke...well, i do have some frens whom have prove this chart wrong already...kekeke...

Hi Peck,

Aiyo...then u better take care...are u in yr 1st trimester also?? Rest well uh... :eek:)

Hi CJ,

Forgot to mention tat my gynae is YC Goh and i opt to deliver in Mount A...


Hi soontobe,

For me, i washed all the bb clothes, bedsheets 2x. Once approx. 2 mths before i am due and the other time was ~ 2 wks before i am due...

U can start to buy sm bb stuff whn u knw the gender of yr bb....bt based on my personal experience, dun hv to buy too many as the bb outgrows veri fast..best if u can borrow frm relatives or frens..u wld also nd handkerchiefs (for me plentiful), steriliser, cloth diapers, pampers, breast pump if u r gg to bf,baby tub (sm hospitals provide for free), cotton pads, bottles, wipes, changing mat, receving blankets, mittens n booties, nappy cream, etc...so far can tink of this much....

Jus stay hapi and postive throughout the pregnancy.... :eek:)



i showered a few hours after delivering, and every day after that! luckily my mum and MIL both q modern. i also drank cold drinks throughout pregnancy and after.

only thing i am not really looking forward to is my MIL always cooks me a fried egg for every meal now or during confinement, i know it's v kind of her, but i think q fattening!! last time during confinement she give me eggs and bacon every morning for breakfast! no wonder hard to lose weight :p


thanks for keeping the list updated! I'm with Dr. Clifton Chan, delivering at Mt.A.

Hi summer82,

Dun wori too much...i am suer all will turn out to be fine..tat is MS tat u r experienceing...i get tat nowadays aso...bt try not to tink abt it...

Hi isobellies,

I tink i had half-boiled eggs every mrng after 1 or 2 wks after delivery....cos i tink it is suppose to bu sheng also...i shower after 1 week but what i can share is tat during my 1st pregnancy, i wash my hands everytime i bf my son...so after few weeks, i literally can feel tat my hands are aching, like no strength like tat...so could be due to i kept washing my hands...so after tat i swope to use hand sanitiser instead...

hi ladies..

sorry, but may i ask how to activate my PM? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Kelly, u washed the stuff twice?

Handkerchiefs for wat har?

And did you also wash the rest of the stuff twice? For instance, cloth diapers, bottle, and etc...and sterilize the stroller, baby cot, car seat, bath tub?

I'm sorry that I'm asking so many questions coz I'm really ignorance on these and jus wan to be a bit KS especially since I have a dog at home.

isobellies - I am also seeing Dr Clifton Chan..used to go to his PR clinic but this time round..I will be seeing him at Clementi. What abt you? He told me he has quite a handful of deliveries in June next year..he's got to forfeit his June holidays.

Hi soontobe,

Hehehe..cos tat time i nothing to do..n i want to ensure tat the things r as clean as possible whn i bring my bb home...

Handkerchiefs r for to bathe bb or clean their mouths after burping them...veri useful for me....bottles, u washed n steam them on the day tat u discharge la...oh ya, hv to buy the bottle detergent, baby detergent also...car seat i washed them only whn i need to use them, for eg. next week...but wash all stuffs tat u need whn u bring the bb home lor...

No worries la...we are here to share, learn n help aso ma....oh, sm of frens suggest tat whn u bring the bb home, let the dog sniff the bb for a while , maybe the back of the bb so tat they knw this is a new member....bt try not to have the bb too close to the dog cos the fur may cause allergic to bb nose....



oh really?? cool! i've always gone to him at clementi because it's a stone's throw from my home, and the most i've waited is 30mins (i refuse to wait for hours!). u stay near PR?

i like him and the nurses there, all not v pushy - one of my friends who went for a regular check up at Mt E ended up taking lots of fertility tests, but with dr. chan they all just said, go home and try first. my sis went there on a busy sat and she didn't like him though, but i guess different strokes for different folks.

Thanks Kelly. Ok ok. So, I'm a bit KS to wanting to wash the stuff so early lar...but I aso worry that if I were to go into labour before washing the stuff, i think my hubby will go into panic mode and won't do all the right things.

Err, I will think twice of letting my dog sniff the baby on the 1st day home coz my dog is v territorial and aggressive. And she always get jealous when I play with other dogs. Still need to think how to intro the baby to her....maybe only let her smell the baby when baby is in the baby cot. Safer like that.


U r most welcome, soontobe...dun wori la, u will hv ample of time to wash the stuff before u go to labour cos the bb nds to be engaged before u r ready to deliver...rather, u hv to pack yr hospital bag 1 mth before u go into labour...

Aiyoh...then u better consider to seperate both the dog n bb....sounds quite dangerous....

