(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

jasmini: nice one on stretch marks.. i just realise yesterday, (becoz im "blind" if i dun wear my spectacles), i actually have stretch marks on my lower abdomen where we cant see unless we see ourselves thru the mirror.. sigh.

im fat. just that ppl cant see im fat.. sigh..

my hips, already got stretch marks.. sigh.. so demoralizing.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

your pre-natal u do with who eh jas? those malay masseuse?



too lazy to jot down. Even if i do, the notebook will forget to bring out oso! LOL

Any docs told u all to bring along our doc's appt card or those visit card out along wif us wherever we go?!

Stretch marks.

So much for luffin at ppl whu gt stretch marks last time =P

i got it for my #2 (lucky is juz 2 strokes at MOST) .. wahahaaha~

my #1 was totally clear of stretch marks even on tummy =P


haha. no leh, my gynae didn't tell me to bring appt cards along whenever i go.

re: stretch marks

good for you lor. i had so many in #1. now, i can see some white colour stretch marks on my thighs. a little depressed.

irma - We're partners..haha..i oso notice i got stretch mark at my butt & hips & lower abdomen.. as i'm showerin wif my sis den she ask me how come my butt got so mani red line...she thot is dirt...LOLx...

Re : Back Pain

i've browse thru the topic of back pain...i duno mine is it back pain or butt pain...when i sit for too long...i cannot stand n walk @ all...on my left butt like a very sharp ting pokin @ it...n i totally nid to walk like a penguin if not i couldn't even move @ all...

sheryl: the appt card havent been given by gynae lei.. but i remembered that time my sis nearing her EDD, doc gave some kinda appt card OR someting like that la.. wonder when we'll get it..? u have to bring alr ah?

piglet: yala.. ugly hor.. hehehe~

gd afternoon ladies,

I'm also a June MTB. Currently I'm at the end of wk29 pregnancy.

I'm having flu & sore throat since last week. hopefully I can recover without taking the medicine prescribed.


I did my pre-natal massage at a balinese spa near my house - cos i usually do massage with my hubby (same charges for pre-natal & normal massage). Since i'm a member there, the charges are less than the usual malay masseuse. I pay only $39/hr, very affordable! I usually use lemongrass-infused oil for the massage - it's very gd. Otherwise you can use baby oil / olive oil. Some essential oils are to be avoided during pregnancy - so must take note - but usually they are more than experienced so no worries.

Uh-oh, think tonight i'll go home and flash mirrors at all the blind spots - to check if got stretch marks! So usually it appears UNDER the bump and on the butt issit?!?! And they look like streaks of red and bumpy?

jasmini: ah..icic.. okok, i've heard of teh lemongrass oil.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nice hor $39... i mean per hour la.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes please, go check at the blindspots. YES! under the tummy (beneath belly button) & also hip & butt area. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tiger Baby, thanks for ur info on the OG sales.. saw the Avent Electric Digital Sterilisr going at $135 for OG members.. consider a gd buy.. i bought fm their private sale last mth also $135 but was the normal electric one.. digital better coz auto steriliser every 6hrs.. tinking of getting again since can put one at my sis's place. but confirm my hubby will say i waste $. wonder if tis offer also until 28apr anot.

my stretchmarks are red one.. all under the bump.. best of all, two are inter-crossed!! so nw i got a red cross on my lower left side!! ugly lor.. non on the butt though.

gd noon mummies,

Feeling so sick & nausea duuno isit bcos of crazy Hot weather. My whole body n foot like burning sensation. I got to spray my body with water to keep cool. . arghhhh

bb movement

Now can feel my bb sketchin n punching, can even see my tum out of shape. Sometimes she gib me a sudden hard kick in my rib. Ouchh!! den daddy will talk to her, pls be gentle don be so violent to mummy ok, hehe.

Difficulty sleeping:

Now into 33weeks, my tum getting bigger n heavier always toss & turn at night to find comfortable sleeping position. Haizz, restless night. Cant wait for my ML.

Btw, has anyone book yr hosp bed yet? I opt for 2 bedded in Mt A.

Straw81 think u can consider to stock up one more packet of the Dr P padding cos reallie cant find at NTUC or cold storage :p


my belly button pop out long ago and tummy is so big now. Am only at 31 weeks+++ wonder how i can tahan another 6 to 8 weeks.

Elise, i tink belly button popping out depends on individual.. mine so far nv pop out.. in fact i find the belly hole getting smaller leh.. lol


Yes, doc says now muz bring along, wherever i go. juz in case *touchwood* anything happen or faint on streets or whatever!

When rush to hosp at least i had those checkup record wif mi so no time wasting to dig out frm hosp com... blah blah..

Jalal, Please help me to amend, I will give birth in TMC...

Elise, my belly button also pop out, think is normal ba...

Looks like alot of us having flu bugs, I think due to the weather ba... hope all will get well soon...

Long time no logged in le.

Any opinion on tis 2 names:

1) Javian Tan

2) Jonen Tan

My #1 is Jaynen so think tis 2 a little link ba.


Yes mine seems to be popping out slowly. I used to think that everything will pop out at once lol. People have been commenting but I am not bothered by that, it's part of the package. Just clean it gently when you shower.


My ghnae also told me it's genetic, told me not to waste money on creams and oils. I am currently using the Clarins one, so far no stretchmarks and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. However, I've heard that some women get it after giving birth, cos the stomach suddenly shrinks after the baby, placenta and amniotic sac is out? I'm hoping all the creams that we're slathering on now will help in prevention...

missbluey - u oso ah..when is ur next check up? mine is next monday, mayb i ask my gynae n c whether ani solution..den i let u knw abt it...cos i omost fall dwn alot of time due to no strength to support myself when i climb up of bed or chair...

Hi mummies,

Been so bz and tired so din come in to chat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope everyone is feeling better today.


This was the last updated list:


e: gathering

1) 28th April (Wed)

- Genice ( dhoby ghaut /city hall)

- bluberi (either place is fine)

- missbluey (dhoby ghaut - lazy to change train)

- raleigh (dhoby ghaut)

-mikojade (either)


2) 30th April (Fri)

- Genice ( either place is fine)

- bluberi (either place is fine)

- missbluey (dhoby ghaut - lazy to change train)

- raleigh (dhoby ghaut)

- mikojade (either)

Any other mummies want to join in? If not maybe we can confirm on the date already.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all

i juz drank green coconut juice today. can buy from Food Junction food court's drink stall. but v expensive leh.. $3.20! and not sweet at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Gitz, the dark green coconut is the big one rite.. tink NTUC have, but they already removed the skin.. cheaper n sweet.


yah there is a MTB June2010 group but I damn blur at using facebook.. think it was bluberi that helped to add me in.. I go figure but think must first add you.. keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]or can someone help doobom [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

belly button

I have seen mummies on the streets with belly button protruding and they seem so confident with it... I wonder if mine will protrude I very happy that its still hasnt .. keke cos think i will also feel paiseh

I oso feel nausea lately. Just took half day leave. Now resting at hm. The weather outside nw is super hot lo. Mummies, pls drink more water.

alot of mummies taking TMC n Mt A. I like gleneagles of their hospital environment. Very peaceful. My gynae help me to book my hospital ward like 2 mths ago. Haa.. Very kiasu.

Jolene, i vote for 1) Javian Tan. huh, Jusus, is it the mummies r proud of belly buttons pop out huh? to me, it seems to be so weird...i'm wondering whether it will 'pop' back when we give birth

elise: dun worry, belly button will go back to pre-preg aft giving birth.

raleigh: wah.. very fast ah you book ward alr..i havent.. haiya.. hope gonna go thru natural birth.. never think abt it, but ppl around me will ask.. ehe~

*ranting time*

very sleepy now at work.. want to do work also cannot concentrate! help!

tried to "walk2" & do stretching, doesnt help..

wish i can go for early maternity,but dun need to come back to work so early.. hehe~

want to ask, any of 2nd or 3rd time mummy went for natural previously? were you able to walk like now? or really having difficulty to walk? now only, to get up fr sitting down on sofa/ bed, very hard. im thinking & scared that i won be able to go to work (with heavy tummy)by the time i reach maybe 35-36weeks..


This was the last updated list:


e: gathering

1) 28th April (Wed)

- Genice ( dhoby ghaut /city hall)

- bluberi (either place is fine)

- missbluey (dhoby ghaut - lazy to change train)

- raleigh (dhoby ghaut)

-mikojade (either)


-peck (dhoby ghaut)

2) 30th April (Fri)

- Genice ( either place is fine)

- bluberi (either place is fine)

- missbluey (dhoby ghaut - lazy to change train)

- raleigh (dhoby ghaut)

- mikojade (either)

- peck (dhoby ghaut)


dunno but I think mix views bah but I guess for me its just all too new for me... I can say that I not the mummies that are proud to show off their tummy cos me always pai seh type still trying to get used too... haha

Irma, towards the end...i will feel very very tired and drag to work everyday lor... But still managable

sheryl, i key my qns for gynae into hp, just create an sms and save as draft.. then when i go see her i take out then ask ask.. haha.. its ok de ma, no need to paisei..

i left half bottle clarins stretchmark oil... like nt enuff to last till give birth.. but if buy new bottle likely wun finish.. how ar.. duno to buy or not lei..

jolene, i prefer javian..

Irma.. i was very tired at this time previously. But i think i am luckier this pregnancy cause i dun have swollen legs ( touchwood) and also my legs din "rot". I had very bad experience for #1 cause i think i stepped on wrong things!! And i 'kena' rotten legs ma chiam diabetes.. it was really bad.

I even went to see skin specialist and had blood test but they couldnt find anything strange. My legs were black, itchy and swollen , even my students commented on my legs and i can only wear ugly slippers that can fit my feet to work.

So now even though i am still very tired, breathless and worst still having to bend up and down to handle my tot and toilet train her, i count my blessings that the same thing din happen to me again.

I think u really have to walk slower and slow ur actions at work lor.. if u cnat get HL from ur gynae not worth to stay at home unless u really need to have bed rest. Previously, i took 2 weeks of HL so i had break straight after CNY.. shiok.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]but it was because of my leg condition too.. I cant walk up and down stairs, my legs crack and there are even pus (yucks)

peck: thank you for replying..

really ah..? haiyo.. now also, becoz i walk quite a bit when i reach the bustop, to my workplc. with the weather like this, it doesnt help at all

jojo: if i were you, i'd buy the extra, so the extra can use as and when aft birth mah.. correct?

genice: oh my.. im sorry to know abt your then condition..i believe it self-heal?

i guessed so too abt walking slow and doing things slowly. not use to it, but have to,becoz im one who do things & walk very fast pre-preg.. now so heavy alr..

nice hor, get straight "break" for CNY u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

swollen legs/ feet: i read its due to lack of liquid in the body.. the misconception is, when we drink more water, will make leg/ feet swell, but its actually the other way round..


Jolene, my vote is for Javian too!

Belly Button

Mine protruded some time back - early march, I think.

Vent (warning, long)

I'm very frustrated with my husband. The problem is, he is involved in a project related to the World Expo in Shanghai. After Chinese New Year, he went to Shanghai for 2 weeks. Then in March, he was there for a total of 3 weeks, with a 2 night break in between. Actually, he could have remained in Singapore for 3 more nights, but flew there on Friday morning, and then spent the weekend going on day trips with his colleagues. I was quite upset that he did that, when he could have spent more time here and help me with organising the baby's room.

Last week, he wanted to go again, but I asked if he could not go, because it is getting more and more inconvenient for me. So his 2 other colleagues went instead. Then he quarreled with me and told me that he wished he were in Shanghai instead of in Singapore with me.

Then last night, he told me that he really bo pian, must go to Shanghai again end of this week. Of course I wasn't very happy lah, but I did not say he die die must stay in Singapore. But he's not happy because I did not "support" him. I told him I am not happy he has to go and is not asking another colleague to go instead (he is management, can send one of the engineers to go one), but I am already supporting him by saying that if he must go then I also bo pian. But he is not happy because I am not happy that he is going to Shanghai. He also said that there is another trip in May, and he confirmed not going for that one, so I should be happy. Wah piang, I am due in June leh. And not every baby will swee swee come on due date right? He still want to make it sound like he is doing me a favour that he is not going in May? This is his baby also leh. I feel like telling him - if work is so important, more important than his wife and unborn child, then May also go lor. I wash my hands liao. He is very irritating, when he first went after CNY, I was emotionally more stable and much smaller, so I didn't make a fuss - he says he dun feel that I need him. Now I need him to not travel, he says I am not understanding and am giving him extra stress.

He complains that his job is stressful enough, he does not need me to give him more things to worry about. But that is life, right? Work got stress and things to think and worry about, home life also got things to think and worry about. It is part of life that we got to balance the two isn't it? You mean just because he got stress at work I must pretend that I dun have needs and concerns just to make his life easier?

Then, over the weekend, we finally got Starhub, and he set up the set top box. But he put on the floor with the wires and plastic bag and box all over the place. I close eye. But today my part-time helper coming, so bo pian, but set it up properly in the cabinet. Ask him to do, say dowan to do. So bo pian lor, I do what I can, but because of my big belly, I cannot reach behind the cabinet, so no choice, got to ask for his help. He help, but then got problem, no signal. So he got to fiddle with it. Bad mood, face black. Once he got the signal, he said, that's it! You deal with everything else. He's not going to bother with it anymore, leave me to sit on the floor and make sure that the hub station and all the other gadgets that we had to move around were properly in the cabinet, and not hanging from the wire, in danger of dropping. With the pelvic and back pain we've been experiencing, sit on floor is very uncomfortable for me. Then must keep squatting to pick up all the things he left on the floor. Big belly very uncomfortable and inconvenient.

Then he was so angry, whole of last night and this morning give me silent treatment.

I mentioned that have to organise the baby's room, right? What we're doing is converting my study into the nursery, and using his study as a common study. So got to go through my things, and move them to his room. He helped with moving the furniture - book shelves and wardrobe, because there is no way I can push them now that I am pregnant. But everything else leave me to do. All the books and baby things his relatives passed to us I have to carry over myself. Because it is my responsibility. Not "our" responsibility, but "my" responsibility. Like the baby is mine only. I tried to tell him that it is both our responsibility to get the nursery ready, but he say I'm trying to pass/push my responsibility to him.

So what, his responsibility is only to donate sperm and earn $$ izzit? I am so, so irritated and frustrated with him.

He always complain that I dun think of him the things he has to deal with, but is he thinking of me and what I have to deal with?

I just wanted/needed to vent, and also to ask - am I being unreasonable and hormonal?

Someone help me please.

