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  1. A

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, mums Rice My boy is about 15.5 mths old now, i have yet to introduce him to rice for his everyday meals. How much should we give him? At this stage, if the vege is not chop inot fine pieces, they can't possibly eat the vege like us right? Any advice? Addicted to Pacifier...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, babe Sent to you liao. Hmm...mine can only blabber a few words, imitate animal sound. I believe we got to talk to them more as if we want them to encourage them to engage into our conversation and at the same time to expose them with new words even though they cant respond us in...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, terrier Congrats. I have got a good CL to recommend. Can you accept PM? I am going to engage her again for my 2nd pregnacy when it comes.
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, terrier Congrats. I have got a good CL to recommend. Can you accept PM? I am going to engage her again for my 2nd pregnacy when it comes.
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, Evon My son just recovered from bad cough and flu for a week. I went to the PD i,e Angeline Baby Clinic. The medicine she gave him is Bricanyl and Nuelin Solution. After drinking the medicine for 4 days, he is ok now. Tell you what, go buy the dry fig, the darker color the better...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, Tiffany My boy is taking 120ml - 180ml of milk intake for nite feed. L must be hungry that is why he is taking more milk. Maybe, you can give him more light, healthy snacks during tea-time. If he has a early dinner, like 5pm, then at about 7plus, he will be hungry again, so i will...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, smufy I have got a colleague whom sent his daughter there. Besides the price , he feedback that his little gal enjoyed the class and started to talk more to the parents. Reason being, she is always keeping to herself at home especially. No complaints from him so far. I staying in...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, Babe Me so blur, thought that you are a full-time mum, anyway, shared my sentiments with you. My mum take care of my bb, sometimes i really have to close one eye because i really don't haveanyone to help me. And frustrated too, work, work, work, missed going out with my friends, missed...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, cheona I transferred the $$ at around 5 plus. Hi, babe After reading your story, can really feel the that you must have struggled for some times before you decided to be a full-time mom. U r indeed courageous because being a stay-home mum has a lot of sacrifices to be made. Well you can...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, cheona I transferred the $$ at around 5 plus. Hi, babe After reading your story, can really feel the that you must have struggled for some times before you decided to be a full-time mom. U r indeed courageous because being a stay-home mum has a lot of sacrifices to be made. Well...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hey chenoa. i've transfered the money. pls check. Thanks alot for the effort. You are wonderful. 1. Chenoa 2. Uniqueone 3. momyam (Jasmine) 4. fussiecat - Transaction 5. hunniepot - transferred, forgot to take down transaction no 6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 Transaction Reference...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Wow, congrats to mum having a second pregnancy. I have been discussing with my hb, but he say NO NO NO, so scared, how har? Really dun know how to persuade him...maybe i should spike his drink...wah hahaa... but seriously, he dum wan it at all. Mums do u have this problem? Mummmies...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    The list should be as below: April 06 Mothers 1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family) 2. Uniqueone & family 3. momyam (Jasmine & family) 4. fussiecat 5. hunniepot & family 6. koalarie (evon & family) 7. Tiffany 8. Mrs. Ho & Family 9. Daphine & Family 10. Rach & Family 11. Starry...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, cheona Hope it not too late. I just logged in this morning. Do i donate into your bank account?
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    I was following the news on Sabie these few days only. My heart went really down when i saw her news this morning. kinda of blue now. Mom_yan, you are right...gotta treasure our loved ones...but sometimes it is really frustrating. Hi, Babe You can go to the shichida website to ask for...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, evon I have changed the milk powder from Enfaclac to Gain IQ. its immediate not gradual.
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, mums I have also signed up Josh for the Shichida method too. So far, we have attended two lessons and enjoyed ourselves there, except that Josh will lose his concentration for some activites. And he will screamed and screamed at times and all the children will start to scream too. So...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, Karin Jolie here, do you used to stay in yishun BLk 839, then shifted to terrace house near Chong Pang. Because, i have a long-time friend whom i lost contact and your name and surname is exactly like her.
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Happi belated Birthday to Amanda, u do look sweet in the foto, all THANKS to mum. THUMBS UP. Oh, Happy belated to ISSAC, nice deco, and like the dog alot. Really, when you in the parenthood, u are all out for your little darling. A pity that Josh is a boy, esle really have lots of...
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    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi, Daphne Re:Ezcema Josh have since 1st month till 6month. Now, he still have little bit of ezcema around his ear folds. I tried a lot of steriod creams, from mild ones to strong ones ie. 1% hydrocorteriod to betamethosone, to metamemtosone (spelling is something like that) I also...
