(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

<font face="comic sans ms"> pneumococal jab</font>
thanks, mommies. I would note.

Wow... draik, like that, how much did u pay to ve chicken pox one and pneumococal jabs?

BTW, petite, forget to mention, this jab, is compulsory in some countries. If I am not wrong, think, Australia is one of them.

SGP's MOH is thinking of making it compulsory as well.... in case u not aware...
just curious.... your SIL had brain damaged when she contracted chix pox? is it serious? is she ok now?
i have a cousin born normal but cos she had a very high fever and her grandmother didn't realise so didnt send her to the doc's in time, she went into a coma and later brain damage.. not a vegetable but lost in her own world.. she was 4 yrs now shd be in her teens. it is very sad case. once her mom left her in the room and she poo pooed she ate her own shit!!!
Hi mom, I am interested to join u all at botanical gardens. Can? What would be good for me to bring along?

Can anyone advise on Shichida class? Is it expensive? Got trial class? What is this PEC and do we have to sign up?
<font color="ff6000">koalarie</font>
soft rice is normal rice but drier than porridge and not as dry as what we adults eat. dunno if that is a clear explanation or not, i'm very cheong hay!

<font color="ff6000">PD visit</font>
i better call up and check with my PD, cos i don't rem her telling me to go for checkup at 1yr, thought it was 18mths? K didn't take the pneumoccocal jab though, PD advised that it wasn't really necessary for her yet cos she wasn't attending childcare. she advised us to do it with chicken pox later on.

My SIL did not recover from it.. she suffered for 17 yrs b4 she passed away at the age of 38.. the part of the brain that was damaged is the one that controls the large intestines.. thus she had difficulties passing motion.. she was then sent to IMH when my MIL was not able to take care of her anymore.. very poor thing.. she was tied up all the time.. either on the bed or on the chair.. and just 6 mths b4 she passed away.. she had her entire large intestines removed cos it was totally infected.. so.. dont take any illness lightly
yo girls sorry for not longing in for quite awhile. was busy with some stuff in office.

Babe - yes please hop in we always welcome more mommies to come in.

Mommies to Bontanic Garden.. are all of you confirm?

Is so i'm super worry if it rains.. which recently keep raining.

I running out of ideas to go, coz' if rain we cant stay in bontanic garden where can we go with bb friendly and the food we had prepare?

Anyone is kind enough to open her house should it rains we go over instead we just cancel the outing or any good suggestion? Please please suggest can?
<font color="ff6000">momyam</font>
botanic gdns - if it rains, you all can run to the food court which is near the Tanglin Gate. nice and bright with plenty of baby chairs!
<font color="ff0000">baby chawanmushi - modified from miu66's recipe</font>

beat egg, then add in 50ml of water + formula milk powder (1 1/2 scoops)

stir in chopped tomato, chopped chinese spinach (heng chai) and minced meat (chicken/pork), and whatever else deemed fit

steam in a covered porcelain bowl for 15min

serve with soft rice (which I take to mean normal adult rice, but just add a bit more water than usual to make it softer)
<font color="ff0000">tomato and cheese risotto</font>

<u>risotto preparation</u>
lightly fry chopped shallot and chopped garlic in melted unsalted butter. add chopped carrots. stir for a min or two. add rice grains and water. cover to steam rice till cooked.

prepare the sauce like u would a tomato pasta sauce. add fish and veg, and lastly just before serving, melt some grated parmesan cheese in the sauce.

pour sauce over risotto... and there you have it!

Sad news in the morning. Sabie has gone to be with Jesue in heaven.

Tanwawas, the receipe really look yummy!!! i'm gog to try the tomato and cheese risotto tis weekend for isaac hahaa..

bontanic garden - say we meet at the main entrace should it NOT rain. please pm me if you do not have my no.
Very sad to hear about Sabie, woke up feeling uneasy.. checked the thread and realised that she is gone... at least she is alleviated from all the pain and suffering that she went through..


Received your sms and forgot to reply.. no problem about the FM
Thanks for the resipe.. I was really at loss about what to prepare for Amanda.. at least there is something new for me to try..
oh dear... that's a piece of sad news... but on the other hand i'm sure she's in safe hands with GOD in heaven. eternal life awaits her.

thanks for the swissroll.. they are yummy.. i like the mango & choco fudge... haha guess like all who ordered this round... will lay off for a while, overdose for now liao... btw how long can we keep the rolls?

tanwawas... your chawanmushi looks good... when did you start introducing egg to your bb? i started ezra on egg yolk recently... white only a dip... so looking out for any reactions...
Ezrababy, you didnt mange to finish in time? i dont like the choco fudge regret taking it hahaa.. but it was finish by monday for both mango n choco that i took. Still thumbs up for the mango and durians ones yummy!!

Hunniepot & Strawberry, ya i really felt depress coz' i cannot imagine should isaac just leave me over night. i dont think i can take it. However, back to Sabie, strawberry you are right as long as we kw she has the enternal life that should be the comfort of all of us.

This week seems a little bit blue for me, apart of hearing Sabie news. My godpa's dad is also gog thru some lungs & hip pains. Which doc suspect is lung cancer and if that is true for a 80 plus man i'm sure he is not able to go thru all the pains that he will be facing later stage. Apart on that this old man is facing depression.

Hearing that my godpa feeding his dad fish porridge just make me feel everything is a circle. They fed us, change our diaper take care of us. Now that they are old and helpless we will have to do the same as well.

The only diff is we as children are cute and fun loving at times frustration but is growing up.

Whereas for the old ones are only frustration and may leave us, which is pretty unfair har.. which seeing all these make me miss my dad even more.. too bad i'm not able to take care of him well before he leaves me.

Sorry for being grumpy this morning.. raining mai.. so feeling bluezzzz Thanks for sharing yr eyes with me this morn!
It's really so saddening to know that the little gal is gone forever from mummy and daddy's arms.
No matter how frustrated I feel with my boy sometimes, I wouldn't be able to bear such deep pain of such loss....

My heart goes out to Sabie's mummy n daddy...
Hi mom_yam

The chocolate fudge not nice ah? Wanted to try but gave it away to my nieces and nephews..

Guess life is like that.. full of ups and downs.. hope that your Godpa's dad will get well soon.. most importantly we should cherish what we have with us now... Sabie is a messenger from God, she serves to remind us to cherish our little ones and loved ones even more..
Is really a piece of sad news. I can feel the pain abt little sabie and her loves ones are going thru. But look at the other side, she happy with God and will still look dw and protect her families members.

<font color="0000ff">Mom_yam</font>, Yap hope yr Godpa gets well soon.
Riz is not feeling too good. Vomiting on and off.- Stomach upset. Will sms you later if I can't make it tmr ok? Don't mean to fly areoplane. Sorry.
I was following the news on Sabie these few days only. My heart went really down when i saw her news this morning. kinda of blue now.

Mom_yan, you are right...gotta treasure our loved ones...but sometimes it is really frustrating.

Hi, Babe

You can go to the shichida website to ask for the upcoming preview before you sign up.

The fee are relatively expensive, approx. $280 during wkends. for each mth. The PEC i.e parent education course can only be signed up during the preview

No trial lesson unfortunately. Hope this helps.
if only we had no feelings then we'l be able to face sadness. being a mother i can totally feel how sabie's parents must be feeling now. what could be worse for a mother to lose her child who she had carried in her body for 9 months? painful to let go but if it is suffering for her to live so which is more painful? life is full of difficult choices! well. GOD has decided her time is up. i'm very sure GOD will compensate sabie's parents in another way...GOD has plans for each and every one of us.

i hope your godpa's dad will not be suffering so much.

what happened to riz? ate the wrong thing? see a doc? hope he gets well soon.
Shall we share a wreath to Sabie? I'll arrange for a wreath value about $50. It's just a small gesture. Let's see the response here before I make further arrangements.

April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)

pls count me in, do PM me once it's confirmed.

April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. fussiecat

Today's Leo-Aiden's birthday, i am truly blessed that he is healthy. I am very devastated by news of Sabie's departure, especially since she had held on for so long. The pain her family is going thru rite now is unfathomable. Contributing to the wreath is the least i can do.

Pls count me in as well

April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family

Pls count me in as well
Pls add me too, Cheona.

April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)

I would like to share too...
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
Want to arrange a weekday for the west side mummies to go to the play gym at Delta Complex? Heard it's fun and it's something like Explorer Kids at a cheaper rate
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO <font color="0000ff">"LEO-AIDEN"</font>!!!!

fussiecat, u expecting? congratulation!!!!


I would like to share too...
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family

I would like to share too...
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Daphine & Family

I would like to share too...
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family

I would like to share too...
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family

Uniqueone, i also wan to go to the playgym @ Delta Complex. Keep me in the loop can??
Hi Chenoa

I would like to share

April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family

Please include me too.

April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Tracy & Family
Oops, missed out Starry.

April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
Thanks, wonderful mommies. Awaiting the address of the wake ... <font color="0000ff">Any suggestions for a suitable bible verse?</font>

If any mommies wants to write a card to Sabie, pls send to the following :

Carole Ng (Attn: Sarah & James)
107 Westwood Crescent,
Singapore 648798.

If any of you wants to donate you can tt to Morraine. POSB SAVINGS: 137-42379-0. Please email her [email protected] with your name (username & real name) amount and transaction reference number. The donation record is posted up on http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/760868.html?1176818648
if it's not too late, i would like to share too please.

April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
13. miu66 & family
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
13. miu66 & family
14. Petite & Family
Pls add me:
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
13. miu66 & family
14. Petite & Family
15. Melanie & Family
I'm not a Christian, so I'm not familiar with bible verses, but I thought it'll be comforting to Sarah and her bereaved family and found this to my liking. Is this ok? Evon?

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted - Matthew 5:4

Wreath design:
http://www.hazel.com.sg/hazel/productdetail.jsp?productid=VG59fkcWdW (this one is all fresh flowers)

Amt payable:
Let's do $5 each, and excess goes to the bereavement/bai jin.

If you are not happy with any arrangement, pls voice out.

Hope will get the address tomorrow. Mommies who just log in, it's not too late if you wish. Thanks
Pls add me:
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
13. miu66 & family
14. Petite & Family
15. Melanie & Family
16. Draik & Family


Just managed to log on now, please add me in
Pls add me:
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
13. miu66 & family
14. Petite & Family
15. Melanie & Family
16. Draik & Family
17. Cheers & Family
