(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Hi Jolie

I manage to secure one.

But can you still give me the contact? My friend is looking for one too. Thanks alot.

Pls PM me. Thanks

Hi Ladies
mia for a very long time..hee..wonder any of u miss me..hee..so thickskin eh?
Anyway, how's all ur bbs doing? Hmm..just to do a quick poll, any of your bbs yet to start walking? Mine only can stand still for abt 6secs & get distracted after tt & will fall..wondering when he will start to walk..hee..also, as of now, still 4 little tooth..hee..
Hi Jolie, can I have her contacts too. PM you already..due also in Jan 08.

Shylyn, mine motor skills very good now climb on chairs and instead of walking, runs around. However, her speech is rather slow...by right gal should develop faster in speech lehz..

But I have a question too. My gal till now only babbling and I can't even distinguish any words she could use. She not even calling pa pa and ma ma discriminately. Ask her call, she will juz 'ah ah' but sometimes can be very talkative and babble dunno wat...like 'bababa mamama tata ne ne ne...' and gets so excited that she goes into hysterical streaks...Mommies any advice?
Hi shylyn,

Amanda started walking when she was 13+ months old.. and now she is running all over the place.. but dont worry too much abt baby's development, as each child develops at his or her own time..


Perhaps you may try talking more to your girl? Amanda does not call papa and mama discriminately too, as we did not really 'train' her on these, prefer to get her to call us Daddy and Mummy (think it will take some time for her to master that!) She can now say words like clock, hat, cat, kick, car, water, ball, star, alphabets A & O etc.. but there are times when she will 'forget' to say the words when she is trying to master new words
Hi, babe

Sent to you liao.

Hmm...mine can only blabber a few words, imitate animal sound.
I believe we got to talk to them more as if we want them to encourage them to engage into our conversation and at the same time to expose them with new words even though they cant respond us in proper language.

Hi, Shylyn
I guess all babies are different, most of my friends bb are able to walk confidently now, but mine can walk a few steps without holding my hands but still pretty lazy as given a choice, he would rather crawl.

Hi , mums

Any gathering? Just feel that the forum has been so quiet lately.
Hi Jolie,

yap. our thread seems to be very quiet nowadays.

How come huh?

Is it becoz our little ones now need more of our attention?

I just got another shock today.

A colleague of mine be moving out of SGP's office n back to his hometown's office.

With a colleague that just left us two weeks ago, n this colleague moving out by end of this month, I wonder if I can manage. Especially with new colleagues joining us too.
hunni n jolie,
yupz been talking to her in proper language. She knows wat we r saying n can do juz refuse to speak. But very good at imitating tiger n babble n s'sing song' b4 bed..heeheee....i am still waiting to hear some decent enounciation..

Hunni, ur gal can say a lot!!!

Jolie, thks for contact!
Mine just said "mum mum" and nothing else.

However, KJ is running all over the place now. He refuse to let us carry him when we are in the supermarket, departmental stores or kiddy palace. Headache!
Arghhh...my girl down with fever again yesterday evening..don't know if it has to do with her pneumoccocal jab on Friday or caught some bug or coz she fell face down in the bathrm and got a slight bruise near her left eye...

Our thread is really moving very slowly these days ya! Heehee..everyone very busy?
shylyn, u are not the only one who's worried abt ur bb not walking.. I am worried too.. he is 16 months liao but still no confidence to walk by himself.. he wants us to hold him and walk.. without us holding, he will to scream and cry.. sigh.. but depend on his mood also.. he will walk by himself when there are ppl look at him and give him applaude.. vain pot.. hahaha..
My girl start to walk 3 weeks back. Everyweek i reach home can see the improvement and walk more steadily. Now, we will let her walk in departmental store. Whenever she see older / younger kids, then she will go over and babe talk. She was so happy while walking and playing peek a boo....
Re: Walking
Matthias can walk since 11 months old. Now he is running around, climbing up and down with endless energy. i agree with Hunniepot that every child has to develop at his or her own pace. Every child is different.

Go shopping Centres, he also dun want to hold hands liao. See little children, he will quickly approach them. Nowadays i energy bankrupt. Sigh!
yes my bb is an expert in walking now... can run some more.. have to run to catch her some times... she made her first steps at 10 1/2 mths... wonder where they get her endless energy from.. if only i had that energy i'll be one slim mama by now... haha....
counting down to HK... leaving on the 9th...can't wait but just found out will be stayin near the airport so its not as happening as i tot... sigh... still got the weekends thou... haha...
strawberry, can go to disneyland since it is just nearby... can go to town area during weekends too.. they are having summer sales now.. But must prepare for the weather.. it is hotter than singapore.. I just got back from HK the week before..
Hello ladies

I was reading your forum and realise that I'm not the only one facing temper tantrum from my 13mth. It's really comforting to read about your experiences.

I have something to share with you as well. I came to know about a DVD that Dr Harvey Karp produce on "The happiest Toddler" where he teaches a technique to handle tantrum kids. He relates toddlers as caveman with primitive language. His technique really works and v simple to follow in the DVD format, not sure if it comes in a book! His method works in shorting the length of tantrums and reducing the number of occurances.

I tried it on my daughter and it work as well.

Can I find out from you where you get the positive partenting books from?
where did you get the DVD from? thanks

thanks for your advise but i doubt my daughter will b going cos now peak season and everywhere will be crowded and i only hav the weekend for her. and plus i'm stayin near the airport...
Hi Ladies
Hmm..i guess it runs in e family..cos my parents told me i'm a later walker & speaker as well..so dun expect much from my boy..but he's learning..can c it'll be soon b4 he takes his 1st unassisted step..hee..really looking forward to the day when he masters walking..hmm..seems like he's e slowest here in terms of walking..eheh...i was even told by my boy's classmate's grandma tt she tot he's below 1 yr old..so u can c how small sized he is till now..(for those mommies who seen him b4..yep, still not much change..hee)

Yep..there's a book on e DVD u mentioned, i borrowed from e library b4..felt the book is a good buy..i hv yet to apply e techniques on my boy though..read too many books until when the crisis comes, dunno how to react..hee..
Hi strawberry
I got the DVD from a parenting-123 course organise by fei yue community services. The speaker name is Janette Goh, she has the contact of the person who sells it in singapore. I remember paying $30 for the DVD.
<font color="0000ff">Jumbo</font>, how is yr new job? Quit to be a SAHM?

<font color="0000ff">strawberry</font>, you need any help let me nod ok?

<font color="ff6000">shocking news!</font>
My MIL recently put the Ulcer cream meant for adult use( Contains steriods & antibotics) on my niece's rashes on her body. She so proud that it works!. My God! My head is shaking left to rite when I heard this....

<font color="aa00aa">I am employing a maid soon. Any tips on what to ask during the phone interview? Tks</font>
Hello Mummies,
What do you feed your puppy at this time? Do you still insist that there should be no salt, no msg...?

Even since my PD give us the green light for feed KJ table food, he has been eating all sort of food. This afternoon, he have carbonara for lunch and rice with beef soup for dinner. He do not want to eat porridge anymore. He wants the food that we eat and I have been feeding him with rice and all kind of noodle. I dunno if I am advancing too fast a not because my nephew still take porridge when he was 18 month old.
Whenever we feed KJ with food in the food court, we get people staring at us. Food court aunties will come and ask us how old is KJ, how many teeth he got and he will eat huh? pointing to our food.

But if we do not feed him, he will scream and kept pointing to our food.
petite_chose, im still adapting with new environment. this job alot of paper work.. many things to learn.. but so far ok lah..

maraquan, my mum has given Nix salt, light soy sauce long time ago.. i always asked her dun add but she keep telling me "dun put, no taste, how to eat?" *faint* she will add in red dates and fructus lycii (gou qi zi) for making porridge also. My mil cook tastier porridge.. no seasoning at all...

I feed nix eveything .. i'm ok of sharing food with him and he will happily eating our food.. cos i think he is curious of wat we are eating and i would love to let him try all kinds of food.. he is rejecting porridge too.. so, i will give him some rice with soup, give him fish tat we adult eat.. some egg, toufu or anything soft.. will let him feed himself..

Hey mummies, anyone has new born baby girl's clothes to sell or give away. I am asking on behalf of my sil. She is giving birth on October and my bro is the main breadwinner at home as my sil is from china and she cannot work here. I had passed most bb item to them but for clothes, all from Nixon... thinking of getting some hands down bb girl clothes for them..
Hi Jumbo,

The parenting 123 course is a 3 session course and takes place every sat for 3hrs.

The first session is on bb milestone from birth to 1 years. talks about their different phases of growth and development. difference in parteting bb boys and bb girls. the role of dads on girls and on boys development. the different types of parenting style from v hard-core no compromise to v soft no reinforcement to those that don't care. also talk about how each of this parenting style have an impact on the bb development. it gives quite a bit of insight into the bb mind where they dun remember things v well, why they cry and how we as parents can learn to keep cool and not execute corporal punishment i.e. hitting, spanking etc.

got meeting now will continue with part 2 later.


I too have been giving small portion of my food to Reanne whenever she asks. Weekends are food-tasting days for her & I will feed her outside food but diluted with water.

Also R has been rejecting her mag mag cup. She only wants to drink from normal cup, giving mommy even more work to do. Coz gotta clean up her spillage everytime.
And now, she is learning to wear her shoes and pant. And on 1 occassion by luck, she actually succeeded putting on one without any help, hehe.
Hi Jumbo,

Part 2 of the Parenting 123 course.

first session also give tips on safety at home, bedroom, hall, kitchen.

Second session is for the terrible two years old, covers topics on setting rules and enfourcing them. teaches time-out technique and magic 123 technique. what kind of rules to set, how to set them and how many to set. how to encourage good behavior. how to forgive and forget for parents.

Third session is for 3 years old which I did not attend cos my girl is only 13mth and still far away from 36mths.


you can ask her about specific task you definately want her to be competent on like feeding toddlers. does she have experience on diaper and clothes changing. experience on making / feeding milk. what time she wake up/sleeps. how she gng to take care of herself cos you really dun want to worry about her clealiness/well being un-necessarily.

I'm also thinking of changing my maid now, anybody know any impact on the bb when changing their care giver. I worry about my bb not sleeping at night and refuse to eat that kind of things.
caramum, thanks for the explanation. Is there any webby to refer to about the course?? I'm interested on the course
when your bbs gets out of hand do you beat them?
to be honest, yes i do... cos my bb will take it for granted if i don show her some "colors"!! but of cos if she does something good i'll praise her... and compliment her... i don beat her all the time but only when she really gets out of hand... i know thats bad oso cos she will in turn learn how to hit.. so difficult...

its so difficult to find a good maid nowadays... anyw rule of thumb i think you have to let her know why she is being employed... like me.. even though i have a maid but still have to put my bb at a nanny's to b looked after when i go HK for 6 weeks. i told her that's cos she can't handle her hsework... and i'm wasting $ cos of her!!! highlight to her what are her main duties... say if she's here to look after bb then she can't do any hsewk when bb is awake she needs to give her full attention to bb. but have to stress that she has to take a bath first.. im very particular abt it... hygiene is very impt cos they live in the village hygiene not very up to standard. 1 of my ah ma's maid use her hand to clean her backside after she use the toilet... then dunno her hand got wash properly a not.... make sure you have to let her noe you are the boss rite from the start.. if not in time to come you don want her to climb on top of your head..
check what items she has when she arr... mine got handphone!!!! prob oso!!! time to time check make sure she don keep your nails or hair.. esp indo maid. my fren checked her maid's luggage b4 sendin her back and found nails and hair in her lugg. water oso need to check cos my frens maid mixed her urine in water and let them drink.. they found out when they send her back then she told them.... so BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!
but i think if the maid have to look after the bb oso can't treat them that bad la... i don scold my maid.. stern only cos i don want her to scold or beat my bb....
anyway ultimately is our luck if we get a good one or a lazy one..

so sorry for the long post.. just have too many bad experiences with maids!!! i tot employ phillipino got no prob end up still the same!!! her ang mo oso so-so nia... sigh....
is your maid taking care of your bb alone when you work or there is someone (eg MIL) always there to oversee everything is ok? my miad is alone with my bb. what's your situation?
HI <font color="0000ff">CaraMum & Strawberry</font>, tks for the advice. I found 1 Philipino. She still working in her employer house in Philipines. The employer is a Jap guy & Philiipine wife I think. She able to cook Jap food. I was told by her that she don't mind take care bbs. She prefer bb then children But to me She sound like, best don't hv bb that type. Her Bio-data put as
in Preferences of work:

1. Taking care bbs / children
2. Housekeeping & Cooking
3. Care of invalid

I was thinking she working in a Jap's house won't be that bad after all rite??

Another 1 is a single parent and she has 3 kids. Don't nod whom to choose.

<font color="ff6000">Food for our bbs</font>

I once a while will give Rez to eat our food. But still he is on porridge. Today I added scallops into his porridge for taste. He like it. Wonder if we able to give seafoods now?

<font color="ff6000">BB walking</font>

When I put Rez dw to the flr to walk in the shopping ctr, he prefer to roam by himself. Hi don't want to hold my hands. In the end I give up, carry him again.

Anybody facing the same problem, got any solutions?

Wah.. Im considering getting a maid too.. sounds really horrible what those maids can do.. my hubby's china friends actually told him that back in China, they employ their own country people as maids.. and the biggest fear for them is when the maids get so attached to the babies that they looked after that they actually run away with their children.. and China is so hugh.. quite impossible to track them..
i'm staying with my grandma but she has to take care of my paralysed grandpa...so she can only oversee so much.. anyw my maid told me she wanted to go back to her agent...
bio-data aren't reliable... of cos they will try to see themselves rite? if she has no interest in lookin after bb/children best not to employ them cos you nv noe wht they'l do when you not ard. my hairstylist's client's maid put cough syrup in his milk so that he most of the time...
yeah so when my past two maid said they wanted to go i let them go IMMEDIATELY cos who knows what will happen.. if go crazy they commit suicide with my bb how???
mayb the single mom with 3 kids beta cos she need to nu li nu li make $$ for her kids... got husband one wait suspect her got affair will want to go home then you jialiat....!!! your maid must like your kid if not got prob oso...but i feel that there are certain things you still have to do and not let your kid b too close to the maid... i personally don like that feeling lor...
me too, I don like the feeling when my maid gets too close to my bb. now i got the biggest problem cos my bb v attached to my maid, if i change maid, i'm afraid she (bb) get separation anxiety then refuse to sleep and eat.
Maids: i have my share fair of prob. i've change under my hands 5 maids.

the very 1st one applied nvr come to singapore AT ALL.

2nd one less than a month cry every single day coz' miss her daughter and scare her hb got will use her money to keep other woman, end up i've become a mdm and a counsellor. end up she still insist she wants to go back home and get her grandma and whole kampong to buy her house things so she got money to fly home.

3rd maid was almost perfect for me for 1st few months.. until gaining my total trust she start her stealing habit and all the bad pattern surface out - handphone la w/o my knowledge and she insist is her sis buy for her, on off days she will go out early morning and come back late nite (8am to 9pm) until i found out the exact timing she should be gog off and come home she starts to be "good". last resort to let her go is she refuse to surrender her hp and try to steal my bro in law stuff.

after she left i have a lot of useless maids coming to my hse.. from ex-taiwan (work there 4 years) she claims that she kw how to cook and speak simple mandarin and take care of a infant to 3 years old.. but har dt kw how to cook a chicken when i ask her to do so! she mix my hb's socks, my pants, my undergarments and my hb's clothes into the washing machine. dont kw how to pacify isaac, feed isaac, pat isaac to slp, dt kw how to pack bb's bag... i ask her i thot u took care of bb before.. she says she didnt really take care she just carry bb stuffs and do housework (FAINT).

she still go check to tell me if i dont like her can tell my agent. that very instant i ask her to pack her bag and go back to her agent and stop telling lies that she is capable.

follow by another maid who insist wearing long skirt ALL the time how to work and how to take care of bb! dont kw how to cook need to be "serve" most of the time. refuse to cut her long hair and carry one mini handbag everywhere she goes.. and always look at mirror.

Follow by a tom boy maid who is a totally dont kw how to cook.. always forget things.. this moment she keep my soya sauce next moment she forgot where she put. forgot to bring diaper out when we go shopping!! end up i have to buy a brand new pack.. she will use needle to create new ear hole for herself, and somehow we suspect she is a lesbian and true enough she has a girlfriend.. worst of all she SMOKES!! isaac dislike her most, refuse to be with her alone.. end up i have too cook for all of them.. and take care of isaac.. and make sure that things are pack before we go out.. and have to check all bottles got milk stain or milk smell.. dont kw who is maid man!

lastly i found one that is almost perfect now for me.. i'm praying very very hard that she wont change.. hiaz.. i paid a lot more for this one compare to the rest. and on top of that she has 4 kids and her hb remarry another woman the moment she goes Jordon to work as maid. she keep working so she wont keep thinking stuffs and she will have money to tt back home.

actually finding those that desperate needs money is good in a way, they will hard for u. coz' they need the job to send money back home. and most impt must treat them nice.. they will return but cannot be TOO nice.. this is from my experience. when they feel that u treat them as family they tend to work for u but then is individual again..

for isaac wise, isaac sticks to me at night coz' i am the one keep him company after dinner since birth. i dont like maid to be close to my child coz' i have a frd who she suspect that the young maid having affair with her hb but cant let her maid go coz' her bb cannot do without the maid and my frd needs her in many other areas too. like her hb likes the maid cooking and not hers, so she will need the maid to cook. she will need the maid to fetch the children etcs.

after seeing her case and my experience, so i still depend some things on myself. my maid is only relieve me when i need to do some stuffs and housework. for bb feeding (weekend), cooking (weekend) and slping during nite time i will do it. she will help me if i'm lazy or i need do some stuff.

weekday, my mil will be the one who do bb cooking and feeding as well.

DONT trust bio data and phone interview.. most of mine are face to face interview also like that. tell me how good they are and how willing they willing to take care of bb and my ILs. but after sometime esp they get their work permit, the pattern will comes out.

from my experience.. those dt talk much actually work well also it really depend on how honest is your agent. my last maid is highly recommend and i really willing to pay this time it seems to me at this moment is still worth la. she do 10 times more than what the past few maids do and she give me no headache . best part isaac willing to be with to her if i'm not free. so that relieve me a lot in a way.

And all the above maids are from philippines and dont have the impression that all phippina kws english. they dont and i ever bring in one she simply cant speak english and she fails her entry test which is suppose to be simple.
mom_yam, is there any tips on choosing a maid?? I'm actually thinking of hiring one to help my mum. I'm really scare to get those nasty maid.. but it all depends on luck, isn't it?
aiyo.. i got no good tips in choosing maids. but i will say NO OFF DAYS, seriously i dont believe in off day and i'm willing to pay for the off day to ease my thoughts. coz' the 2nd maid after her off day she has a lot of bad habits.

Is really heng suay and it depends a lot of your agent, they have to be honest to you. u also must lay down your cards clearly to the maid and agency.

start off with new maids comes up with a list of rules that you will like to impose. give them time table and schedule esp for those new birds. if those with experience, just let them know what you like things to be done.

to my knowledge those experience maids dont like pple to "check" on their work. they like to have a freedom to do what they like. for those green birds, u will really have to give yourself sometime to train them and let them learn.
Re: PT Housecleaning agency


I hve lost the contact u sent me previously. Could u sms me to my mobile? U ve my company's mobile no?

Re: Maids

Think, it is also a give and take situation. Like the maid we got for my grandma.

She does clean the house but wasn't that good.

But she adores my grandma a lot n my grandma's temper is something that most ppl don't like to handle. But she has no prob handling her too. So, they laugh and joke n my grandma took her like a granchild as well. So, depends a lot on individual.

The same question posted as well on "experience maids don't like ppl to check on their work". If we are the employees of a company, we won't want to be checked on as well, won't we? So, so long we state the house rules clearly for the maid n ensure they do to their best, I think all should be fine.

Hope this helps.
Hey Evon,

Dont think I have your company's mobile no.. but just let you have the person's contact, David from Urban Cleaning 98250730
It's sad and shocking to learn of a mummy died after giving birth. Couldn't believe such thing to happen in Singapore hospital initially when I saw it on the news 2 days ago (that woman died cos' denied blood).

Thank God that tho' I have low placenta, I did not experience any bleeding. Also din know such condition can be so serious, as to cause death. My heart goes to her family.

Maraquan - think the list is constantly being updated, so it is the 16th video on the list now.

Maid issue
I'm still apprehensive as to whether to get a maid. I'm the type to avoid having a maid if possible type, but guess this time I have to give in liao. After reading the posts, it seems so scary - dunno what kind of maid we will be getting. Sigh.

Thanks to all for sharing about the maid issue - din know that have to go thru their luggage etc.
Can anyone share what to beware of or take note before signing or approaching the agency?

Hunniepot - sorry, me quite busy now to post the picts. Gee... you must be very busy now, haha...running after your little Amanda who's walking now.
hi mommies! long time no post... but i've been dropping in on and off to listen to what is being discussed...

first up, some news, my no 2 is a gal! yippee! now, we are worried about how to prepare my boy for his little sister who'll be arriving in Nov...

now that we are gng to have 2 kids, we did think about having maid... but really, i am just horrified by all these stories... i think we'll stick to our plan of placing them both in daycare...

very sad to learn about the mother who died at raffles hospital. such a tragedy, dunno how her family is coping now, with 2 babies some more...

wonder how tiffany, rach and other expectant mommies are doing?

Hi All

Havent post for awhile. Realised the forum is slow and hardly moving. Only drop-by on and off to read. Hope all the apr mommies can come back and make this thread lively again. Miss those timess....

Fussiecat, Congrats to you. I am also expecting a princess in Oct. Pros n Cons for expecting a girl this time... Cons is have to spend more money for girl's stuff lei... girl's clothing and sweetie toys....

Though maid is headache issue, but will be tiring without extra pair of hands when u have 2 kids rite? Cant imagine have to bring all the barangs for 2 kids, pram, carry baby etc... With one now... i alrdy find it so tiring liao.

Ya... really feel for the case on the mother who died. I am very scare myself, cos i am also diagnosed with low lying placenta. I cant carry my boy now. Feeling so restricted and helpless, cannot do alot of things. Anyway, just pray tat things go smoothly for the next 2-3mths... *finger crossed*
