(2006/04) April 2006 MTB


Thanks for ur input. L takes his porridge between 7-7.30pm... abt 7 table spoon and his nite feed is 10pm sharp everynite. His milk intake is rather inconsistent. Some nites, he is happy with just 150ml, and next feed is next morning at abt 6-7.30am... sometimes, he will want extra around 12-1am.. he can take another 90ml. I am still trying to catch his intake pattern.. very inconsistent. I also think he burn more engergy since now he is so active.

My frend from Japan came to visit and she and her daughter has passed their flu virus to us....
i think its cos GAB is unwell so she's not eating well... wat should i do? should i try to force her to eat or just let her drink more milk?

Thanks for asking after my son. He is sleeping better now, maybe letting him sleep in separate room works. But he still suffers from blocked nose at night, on bad nights, he will wake up few times. He has sensitive nose, allergic to dust too. PD said cannot cure and we also worried will develop into asthma. I bought Babysafe anti-dustmite mattress recently and used Ecalyptus as the essence for my GoodAire Air Purifier.(did not get the lamp coz quite expensive). Not sure if they help but his sleeping definitely improves after we introduced all these measures, though my husband is convinced that what really works is the controlled crying thing.
Plus, my son likes to rub soft toys against his face and takes out our old cds collection to play (I know they cause so much dust). Can't really help it coz he gets really cranky of we tried to stop him from doing it, so we just let him be (bad parents......) Actually we should also let him sleep without air-con but his room with windows closed (a lot of mosquitoes) is like an oven. Definitely too hot for him, even with air-con he will wake up with his hair all wet with perspiration.
Did not know cannot introduce dairy, eggs to them if got sensitive nose. Oh no, I gave him eggs, cheese, yogurt and fresh milk. But seems like with or without these, his condition also about the same.

BTW, how much is the swiss roll again? But Punggol abit far, my lazy husband will be reluctant to go collect. Let you know again.

looks like in near future it would be very difficult for me to access SGP motherhood at my new place.. The place is so open that my big boss may suddenly pop from my back one le... and then my lady boss may be able to see my screen from her desk.

Anyway Xuanting's flu and cough seems very bad. I don't know if I should give Dr Heng's medication some more time or bring her back to Dr Allyson Tan to see. Haiz.
Hi Ladies,

How's everybody? Me mia for awhile cos very busy at work.

It seems like many mummies and babies are down with flu. Do take care ok. Enya is also sneezing but no flu. Hope that it is just dusty.

Look what I did to her hair over the weekend.
LC(tarztarz), you could take my place for the waterfun as that day we have a celebration on. May is really a busy month at work and also over the weekends with so many activities.

Tiffany, I will give my gal 240ml milk just before bed and usually she will knock out after that till 6+ am in the morning when she wakes.Usually she takes her breakie at 7.30-8am

petite, how you get your bb to drink so much and eat solids for 3 meals? Find it so hard to squeeze in especially when sometimes she naps past her tea time milk feed.
Re: Dust Mites
When Matthias had ecezma, i use the services of this company for cleaning our mattresses - De Hygienique Asia Pte Ltd. They also clean carpets. Now, they come up to my place 4 times a year to clean my mattresses. Prevention & kiasu lah!
Wahhh...Enya can have pony tail, so cuteeeee. My girl hair still short short...so envy Enya.... Hopefully by next year New Year, she can have pony tail/coconut tree ....

u super loyalty le...13 years!!!!! Must be every year got increment bah!!!
Me same as babe...around 6years+....but hunting a new job...but unsuccessful....
<font color="0000ff">babe</font>,

Frankly speaking I also don't nod how. Is just happen to be like this...

For afternoon milk, I usually gives him an hr+ after his lunch b4 he goes to bed. He does not snack. So by the time he wakes up, is his dinner time. Then later milkk b4 he goes to Zzzz....
Tracy, so good Enya can keep long hair. My mum keeps cutting my gal's hair, saying too hot for her to keep long hair...booo...

petite, wow! 1hr+ can drink 240ml. asked my mum try before and she said bb might be too full...difficult when u are not the one taking care of the child
Hey mommies,

Anyone of you interested having your family pics taken by Studio Loft? I have been waiting for their BP for a long time and it's here!

Check it out! Now they are testing response. The BP will be accepted only when there's min 20 signups. Hopefully they will give further 20% discount if there's more than 30 signups, like what was given last time.

Here's the details:

Little Big Shots (LBS) BP May2007 :

$90, 1 x S8R and 5 x 5R prints (touched up with high res softcopy)

- min 20 signups
- no converting of S8R to 2 x 5R
- additional person(s) or pet(s) included in the shoot at $12 per head, also get an extra 5R print with each person/pet added.
- deposit of $30 required to confirm slot
- shoots to take place within 6 months of BP closure date
Mrs Ho/Babe,

I'm going to cut Enya's hair this weekend. Too hot for her. Plus she pull out the rubber band and put it in her mouth to chew like chewing gum. Almost fainted. Got to force open her mouth to take out the rubber band.

Wow, u really long service leh. Me coming to 6 yrs in this co.

Mrs Ho,
Me also looking for new job.
hey hey,

me is looking for new job too... been staying in this co. for 7 yrs....

now me at home, looking after my girl... coz my in-laws whole family have gone to perth for holiday, for 1 week....

wow... really need to salute to those SAHM.... me already feel tired after 3 days with my girl alone.... with the hot hot weather , dont dare to bring my girl out. has been in house for 3 whole days.... so bored man....

i want to go Perth leh in Jun but hv not booked. i will try to book soon i think. me clearing leave in jun. i just 'celebrate' my 10th yrs last monday
I also want to go to Perth, Dh has been talking about going to Perth at the end of May, no action yet, and I am not putting too much hope in this.

Before we get married, dh will talk 10 time about going for holiday and only 1 time success. Now after married, dh will talk N time about going for a holiday and none success. We still have not go for our honeymoon yet. *Sooooob*

u hint hint him lor. i tld hb i got to clear leave and u also , we both take leave sit at home do wat. very bored right? hahaha
hee... me gonna go japan next yr... DH promised... so far he keeps his words... heee.... so saving ip my leave for JAPAN... but too bad, now there goes my 6 days leave for my in-laws perth....

btw.... how you entertain your jr when at home eh? me dont know what to do with my girl leh... and she wants me to carry her all times... sigh!!!!

i thought my ds very spolit. he want me to carry him most of the times, otherwise he will pull my shirt and follow behind everywhere i go. I guess i am at a lost too.
My PIL also went travelling last March. Me & hubby take leave to look after my girl too. But i only take 1 day as my hubby take 4 days to look after her. Im quite shock that my hubby can look after her alone, but on & off will using skype/msn/phone through video call, so my girl can see me through video when she cranky.
I sahm, no need to take leave. DH is his own boss, dun dare to take leave. Struck here in singapore lah.

I actually hint to him about Perth, although he has been talking about it, I still dun dare to put hope on him.
you want to be SAHM too?! Already going for it?

you are not alone, since I started as SAHM last week, my boy has been following me everywhere in the house, the moment I stand up and walk away, he would start to whin and cry....buay tahan....

Xuanting has been <font color="0000ff">dead</font> cranky for the THIRD night. My mom, being the caretaker, has to carry her ard the house the whole night as she was feeling very unwell with phlegm!

Now, at this moment, my mom finally can rest and she is snoozing away as she didn't ve a good rest for the last 3 nights.

I am really
where my girl doesn't want me.

She refused to let me carry her. If I force my way, she would cry and cry till my mom or my husband takes over.

Would shake her head and say a word like "no".


My husband got try to help my mom. But with a slipdisc history, he cannot carry heavy weight for long.


I really don't know how and what else can do.

It seems like Dr Heng's medication is not strong enough for my girl.

I have tried Hou Ning Powder but doesn't seem to last the effect as my girl was trying to get rid of the phlegm the whole night through.

The feeling I have now is
... I really at lost what else I can do.

Worse of all, my office PC can't check personal emails or IM to see any advice any round. Worse, as my seat is open workbench area, surfing to this website has made it EVEN harder.


Feel like pulling my hair out of my head.

Wish my girl would let my mom to rest for at least a couple of hours.

I am a bit

Do you think if I should:
1. Go visit Xuanting's usual PD?
2. Continue let her take Dr Heng's medication since cough doesn't get well the fast?
3. Maybe go Yu Guo for bb massage for next 3 days?

Which one would you choose?

She has visited Yu Guo once on Tuesday and took the chinese medication.

In fact, after taking, she was much better though the medication is dead bitter that she struggled and cried like crazy when we gave her.

Kolarie, know your frustration especially when bb don't recover quickly. How long has XT been coughing? You might want to bring her to another PD to seek a second opinion.
Terrier, heee.. looking forward to it in 3mths time.

K has been coughing for 2wks previously and can hear hos phelgm when he breathe. Someone recommended me this chinese med in pills. I pound in small qty for him as this med can be use in adult and children. after a wk, he is much better.

You wan to try i can give u the address of the medical hall .

initially i go desperate that i went to Yu Ren sheng and bought him the cough powder that cost me $52 and lasted 2 times only. heartpain right? but never mind to reduce his suffering i dun care liao. then the med my friend recommend is good and only cost $4 as bottle.
You may want to stick to the chinese medicine since it is working well on Xuanting. Feed her bit by bit. My boy had flu and phlegm for a very long time when he was about 6 or 7mths. Never recovered despite seeing 2 PDs and 2 GPs over 1, 2 mths. In the end, resort to chinese sinseh, eversince he took the chinese medicine, he recovered completely. i noticed that his health is much better. No fever even after injection. Now is the flu season, he had mild running nose n slight cough. My mum brought him back to see the sinseh.
Hi, Evon

My son just recovered from bad cough and flu for a week. I went to the PD i,e Angeline Baby Clinic. The medicine she gave him is Bricanyl and Nuelin Solution.

After drinking the medicine for 4 days, he is ok now.

Tell you what, go buy the dry fig, the darker color the better. The purpose is to clear the phelgm and soothe the lung cos he too cranky and cough badly and during that time, my hb went to dubai, me all alone at home to take care of him.

Also, take alot alot of warm water. Not cold.
I also like you, worried, tired, frustrated cos i alone.

Gotta carry him sleep during the cranky days. Comfort him as much as you can.

And lying down is not comfortable for them. Try carry him upward, unless she is real tired and wana to sleep.

Evon, its ok, just think it this way, maybe she does not want to drain you out, "xin teng ni ma".
Treat this like our child is building their immunity library to fight against more virus lor.

And don't take antibiotics unless you have no choice. The mediciation i have has no antibiotics.

Sorry, for being so nagging.
A friend send this mail to me, may be useful. I personally have yet to try it, but you may want to try on yourself first before trying on XT.

" Something to share....

Dont know how true it is.

To stop nighttime coughing in a child (or adult as we found out personally),
put Vicks Vaporub generously on the bottom of the feet at bedtime then cover with socks.

Even persistent, heavy, deep coughing will stop in about 5 minutes and stay
stopped for many, many hours of relief.

Works 100% of the time and is more effective in children than even very
strong prescriptions cough medicines. In addition it is extremely soothing
and comforting and they will sleep soundly.

I heard the head of the Canada Research Council describe these findings on
behalf of their scientists when they were investigating the effectiveness
and usage of prescription cough medicines in children as compared to
alternative therapies like accupressure. I Just happened to tune in A.M.
Radio and picked up this guy talking about why cough medicines in kids
often do more harm than good due to the chemical makeup of these strong
drugs so, I listened. It was a surprising finding and found to be more effective than
prescribed medicines for children at bedtime, and in addition, it has a soothing
and calming effect on sick children who then went on to sleep soundly .
Lolly tried it on herself when she had a very deep constant and
persistent cough a few weeks ago and it worked 100%! She said that it felt like a
warm blanket had enveloped her. Her coughing stopped in a few minutes and
believe me, this was a deep,( incredibly annoying!) every few seconds
uncontrollable cough, and she slept cough free for hours every night
that she used it.

So, if you have children, pass it on, if you end up sick, try it yourself
and you will be absolutely amazed by the effect "
I have also received this email and tried on my boy last nite. It didnt work! He was crying alot last nite than i thot he really had difficulty breathing. He is down with running nose, chesty cough and phlegm. Hmm... the Vicks method didnt work on him. End up brought in to KKH at midnite.
Sorry to hear that, so this method didn't work.
I received the above mail just 2 days ago, and still wandering whether it works. Thanks for highlighting.

My son too was down with high fever (38.8 - 39), running nose two weeks ago too. On the 3rd visit to the same GP, she prescribed him with some anti-biotics + panadol and flu medicine. He recovered on the 3rd day.
At one time, we nearly wanted to bring him to A&E (fever - 38.9C) but decided to give him panadol and wait as he appears to be 'active' - still asking for our dinner. Luckily, his fever went down and recovered two days later. I think the antibiotic works for him.

Seems like lots of flu cases around recently.
Just wondering, What did KKH do when you did your son there?
Hi Money..
I was so lazy to post the details earlier.. haha.. We arrived at KKH and saw so many people, i was alrdy heisitating as my boy alrdy fell asleep in his pram.. But i just take the queue number to see the situation. After the nurse examine him with no fever, heartbeat normal... we asked.. how long do we have to wait to see Doctor.. We have to wait abt 2 hrs!.. immediately i was like HUH.. i am not going to camp here... so, we U-turn and went home. haiz.. at abt 3+am, he cried again, gave him milk, he drank and sleep again. I was dead tired, took leave today and brought him to his PD this morning. PD gave anti-biotics this time in addition to all the running nose, cough and phelgm syrup. Hopefully he will recover soon. Really not easy to take care of a sick child. I can hear lots of phelgm stuck in his chest, i know he is feeling very uncomfortable. No wonder he cant sleep well at nite.
Hi Tiffany,

I guess you just have to play to waiting game to see whether the anti-biotic works or not. Hopefully it does.
Do give him lots of water and sleep if possible.
And you too, rest well too. Take care.
yes... i agree with you tiff.. not easy to look after a sick child. my bb is having a flu now and i think its at its peak.. u noe the time when the mucus is like free flow.. and when she slps she kept tossing and turing and i can hear her "snore"- act all the mucus stuck in her nose. and cos she dunno how to blow it out so it much be very uncomfy cos she kept waking up, tossing and turning to find her comfy position... i had no choice but to suck it out from her nose!!! i know its yucks.. but my hb not in town so no choice i had do it la...
and on top of that, i myself is sick so it really a terrible feeling...sigh...
Thanks mummies.

We decided to go back to see Dr Allyson tan and later went see Yu Guo.

But I feel really guilty..

I couldn't be with her as I am still in probation and so my husband and my mom brought her to see PD and BB tuina.

What a bad mommy for not being there for her when she needs most...

it started on Sunday with mere little dry cough but develop to one nasty one (like breathless) on Tuesday. I thought it was normal on Sunday as I tot my girl likes to "fake" coughing sometimes...

What a careless mommy.

Heard my husband told me that PD said her cough is called barking cough? PD gave her some one-time off medication to relieve her and she felt better instantly and also gave her antibotics.

At least she could finally have at least few hours rest without being "disturbed" by the cough and phlegm.

Seems like she also has delivered a nasty sore throat too. Haiz.

Why is this girl so hard to take care?

Anyway, tomorrow and Sunday would bring her for another two tui na sessions. I also believe that chinese medication works wonders on humans just that it is slow that is all.

Pray that her cough leaves her soon or at least don't cough that much.

Tonight, hopefully my husband and I can survive carrying her around the house to relief her of discomfort.
Hi Evon
I sympatize with your situation. Endure abit, sure you gal will recover soon!

Twinkle! Great to have another mummy joining in
.. at least we got company. BTW, what makes you decide to take this plunge?
<font color="0000ff">Koalaire</font>, don't feel bad that you can't be with her at the time when she needs you most.

You still can 'pui hui' when you come home. Hope she feels better after taking the med.

<font color="0000ff">Tiffany, Strawberry & Koalaire</font>

I do understand how all of you feel when bb is dw with flu. Even worst when bb have to take anti-biotics. (Then will be thinking if breast-feeding does it work or not rite?) Further to that they can't sleep well at nite or days and esp when they can't tell you waht they want and they can't blow out the mucus. Hiaz...

The last time Riz was having runnung nose, Brougth him to see a doc. He was given 'STERIMAR'. Is suppose to relieve his block nose and push out the mucus. Think this could be buy from Guardian.

I tried to use Eucalyptus oil for buring while Riz was sleeping. It helps. He breath better.

Hope BB Gab & BB L get well soon. Tiffany & Strawberry also take care of yrself.
Happy Mothers day!!!!
Kolarie, yes yes these days quite bad the flu. My gal also sometimes gets it juz that hers is more cough. Now ok but still hear her like very phelgmy. Stopped the medication and see how she goes along...
don't mean to make you worried.. but if you child have mucus, breathless and has fever, should ask the doc to also check if there's bronchitis... Shawn had mild bronchitis when he was around 7 months plus when we get back from the States, and we didn't even know it if not for his mucusy breathing sound, which is why we brought him to the doc.

Mummies out there?
how much yoghurt can one year old take har?
the baby petit yoghurt can they take one whole packet I dun think so rite?

Su, you mean just noising breathing sound, deep in the throat. My gal is like that but not sick now. Got well from her cough and flu already.

moomooko, I give my gal 1 whole cup each time. If she can finish, I just let her eat. So far so good.
