(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Hi Chenoa

Pls add me too
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
13. miu66 & family
14. Petite & Family
15. Melanie & Family
16. Draik & Family
17. Cheers & Family
18. Terrier & Family

Hi Chenoa

Pls add me too
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
13. miu66 & family
14. Petite & Family
15. Melanie & Family
16. Draik & Family
17. Cheers & Family
18. Terrier & Family
19. Strawberry & Family
tried the cheese and tomato risotto today. it was really something new... really delicious.. thanks for the receipe. bb ate really fast!! =)
So sorry to hear about Sabie... please count me in for the wreath.

April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
13. miu66 & family
14. Petite & Family
15. Melanie & Family
16. Draik & Family
17. Cheers & Family
18. Terrier & Family
19. jumbo & Family
hunnie, saw the webby which uniqueone posted about the play gym at delta complex.. kinda interesting.. count me in if u are organising one

Nix is going to be 14 months soon but yet to walk.. very tiring keep carry him but he refuse to walk even we hold his hands.. he is now trying to stand up by himself ONLY ON MATTRESS!!! he dare not stand on the floor all by himself.. he is such a careful guy.. making so headache.. sigh..
Strawberry and Jumbo sent in at the same time.

The list should be as below:
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
13. miu66 & family
14. Petite & Family
15. Melanie & Family
16. Draik & Family
17. Cheers & Family
18. Terrier & Family
19. Strawberry & Family
20. jumbo & Family


Just wanna to confirm whether our Botanic Garden gathering is onz this saturday? Where are we meeting? I've already ordered the cream puff from the bakery, if gathering is not onz, then I got cancel my order.
<font color="0000ff">Patsy says:
we will have a few days with her here at home...saturday noon till sunday evening then we will bring her to church on Monday.</font>

I'll place order tomorrow afternoon for delivery on sat afternoon. pls transfer to my POSB savings 093-17794-0. If anyone wants to make a separate donation, you can tt to me as well (if you trust me). I'll try to go down personally on sunday cos actually celebrating YY's bday on sat at home and sun at my mother's place respectively. (pss...my hubby a bit pangtang!)
YY also dun stand/walk on the floor in the learning stage. You can let Nix try on mattress. She practises on our bed, and that's the only place she'll pull herself up by the headboard and try to walk a few steps. Floor, she simply not interested. Yalor...very sek! Know floor is pain pain when fall down. hahaha

But not easy to walk on our bed cos it's not the hard pocketed spring type, ours is soft - so harder to balance. But I think if they can handle the bed, they will be pick up walking on the floor very much easier.
The list should be as below:
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
13. miu66 & family
14. Petite & Family
15. Melanie & Family
16. Draik & Family
17. Cheers & Family
18. Terrier & Family
19. Strawberry & Family
20. jumbo & Family
21. Jolie & Family
hi chenoa,

Have you ordered? if not pls include my name
April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
13. miu66 & family
14. Petite & Family
15. Melanie & Family
16. Draik & Family
17. Cheers & Family
18. Terrier & Family
19. Strawberry & Family
20. jumbo & Family
21. Jolie & Family
22. smurfy & Family

Are you the same terrier who stay in the west? whose gynae is Douglas One? Haven't "spoken" to you in forum for a long time, glad to see you back in the thread

i would like to try the playgym at delta too.

Please meet at the main entrance at 1 pm sharp, those who is late please call me and i will let u kw where we will be. We will wait at the main entrance for 15 mins coz' is very difficult for so many of us carry bbs to wait there la so try to understand.

coz' i've not decide where shall we park ourself nicely that day.

Please bring lots of water for yourself and for the baby. A cap / sunglasses etcs... Mozzie patch if u dont have can take from me.

I'm finding my floor mat lei.. dunno where it has gone to.. but i have one pinic mat if i cant find i will bring that.

PLEASE PM me if you dont have my hp no..


1)Mom yam (Sandwinches)
2)Tiffany (mixed potatoe delight)
3)Jasminetea + HB(Fishballs) (try)
4)Rach - Veg Salad with thousand island
5)hunniepot + HB (Almond Jelly Longan)
6)Strawberry (TANJONG RHU PAO) + HB
7) Terrier (Cream Puff) + HB
re: Gathering at Botanic Garden

Is this the updated list?


1)Mom yam (Sandwinches)
2)Tiffany (mixed potatoe delight)
3) Jasminetea + HB(Fishballs)
4) Rach - Veg Salad with thousand island
5) hunniepot + HB (Almond Jelly Longan)
8)Strawberry (TANJONG RHU PAO) + HB
11) Petite (cheeze cake or baby food) + HB
12) Terrier (Cream Puff) + HB
13) PentUPMum (Siew Mai?)
14) Smurfy (Food-can't decide what) + HB

For drinks, i think we should each bring our own cos it will be too heavy for one family to carry drinks for 18 adults.
Oops, mom_yam is faster than me.



1)Mom yam (Sandwinches)
2)Tiffany (mixed potatoe delight)
3)Jasminetea + HB(Fishballs) (try)
4)Rach - Veg Salad with thousand island
5)hunniepot + HB (Almond Jelly Longan)
6)Strawberry (TANJONG RHU PAO) + HB
7) Terrier (Cream Puff) + HB
8) Smurfy (Food-can't decide what) + HB

For drinks, i think we should each bring our own cos it will be too heavy for one family to carry drinks for 13 adults.
Smurfy!!! So happy that you are coming!!


1)Mom yam (Sandwinches)
2)Tiffany (mixed potatoe delight)
3)Jasminetea + HB(Fishballs) (try)
4)Rach - Veg Salad with thousand island
5)hunniepot + HB (Almond Jelly Longan)
6)Strawberry (TANJONG RHU PAO) + HB
7) Terrier (Cream Puff) + HB
8) Smurfy + HB
9) Babe - are you coming?
you can let Nix practice walking on ABC/Bumper mat. The surface is perfect for beginner to walk.

Re: Botanic Garden on 21st April (Sat) at 1pm (TANGLIN GATE ENTRANCE)

Kindly re-confirm attendance and details for easy reference.

1)Mom yam (Sandwiches)
2)Tiffany (mixed potatoe delight)
3)Rach (Veg Salad with thousand island )
4)hunniepot + HB (Almond Jelly Longan)
5)Strawberry + HB (TANJONG RHU PAO)
6)Petite + HB (cheeze cake or baby food) ??? (pls cfm) ???
7) Terrier + HB (Cream Puff)
8) Smurfy + HB (????)
9) Babeship + HB (???)

Did I miss out anyone?? Pls add and update accordingly.

Note: Bring along mozzie pad, floor mat, hat, sunglassess etc.....

I tried the cheese and tomato risotto yesterday... and it tastes really nice! But Amanda as usual super picky.. only likes to drink the sauce and spit out the rest... *sigh*

RE: Atlantis City @ Delta

Will most prob organise one for the west side SAHM first..

Dates: 3rd or 4th of May
Timing: 3 pm??

1. hunniepot
jumbo & cheona

Amanda is also super cautious! She has been cruising all over her play yard.. all over the house.. and she will walk very fast on the floor when we hold on to her.. there are several times when we let go of our hands and she will walk a few steps on her own, but once she realises that she is walking without support on the floor, she will slowly squat down on her own, then slowly start to crawl instead... never see a baby so cautious about walking b4...
<font face="comic sans ms"> Wordings</font>
think the verse is fine.

I tx u shortly together with some mommies i nd to tx as well.. =p

<font face="comic sans ms"> Botanic Gardens</font>
mom yam, don't worry. My gut feelings tell me it won't rain on Sat till evenings. =p

Wish you mommies enjoy tomorrow.
hi chenoa,

Is it too late to include me in? If not, pls do include me - thanks.

April 06 Mothers
1. Chenoa (Chenoa & family)
2. Uniqueone & family
3. momyam (Jasmine & family)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot & family
6. koalarie (evon & family)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho & Family
9. Daphine & Family
10. Rach & Family
11. Starry &family
12. Tracy & Family
13. miu66 & family
14. Petite & Family
15. Melanie & Family
16. Draik & Family
17. Cheers & Family
18. Terrier & Family
19. Strawberry & Family
20. jumbo & Family
21. Jolie & Family
22. smurfy & Family
23. Petals & Family
Chenoa, thanks for making the arrangements. I've trf already. Only caught up with this thread recently when i heard about Sabie. Have been really busy with so many things over the past few months.

botanic gardens on 21 Apr
we are taking Leo to the zoo this sat (for his bday treat) so have to give this picnic a miss... sounds like so much fun, tho! remember to bring poncho and umbrellas! last week i went to the botanic gardens with my frens and we got caught in the rain! can you imagine us mommies running thru the park with the strollers in the rain?! nightmare, man... luckily none of us fell sick.

bb #2
hmm, mrs ho, how did you know??? yes, i'm expecting no. 2. i must confess that we didn't plan for no. 2 to come so fast but i guess God had other plans. i couldn't believe my eyes when the PTK showed 'positive'. my 'zhu1 bao3 bao1' is due sometime in Nov. still in first trimester so very very tiring, plus MS. Ugh
some more Leo is very whiny these days. my mom says it's cos i'm preggie with a second child that's why Leo wants my attn all the time.
Worse thing is, we are moving house~! if you are pantang, that is a big no-no for preggers. But bo-pian, we sold and bought house before we knew i was preggie. sigh...

Leo's bday
thanks for de well-wishes.. i can't believe it's been a year already! We held his party at the Atlantis City, an indoor kids playground at Delta Sports Hall. Couldn't do it at home cos we were in the midst of moving. But all the kids had fun, and we had a great party

<font face="comic sans ms">

here I go.

20 Apr 2007 09:56 AM Singapore

To Account POSB Savings
093-17794-0 chenoa
Amount S$10.00
Transaction Reference 1141310863</font>
<font face="comic sans ms"> fussiecat
Just made sure u re not around when moving house. Or at least not seeing the big furniture moving into the house.
These are some of the no-nos tat my il and mom made me to do as well when we were setting up my girl's room.

didn't see the $5.. anyway, the remainding can go to bai jin. =)
Below are the tips that I gathered from the parenting seminar last Sat:

Tips on feeding your child

1. No distractions during mealtimes - And TV is a big NO NO
2. Neutral Attitude - dont get angry or excited
3. Feed to encourage appetite - set proper intervals for mealtimes
4. Limit duration - 45 mins MAX
5. Intro age appropriate food
6. Systematic novel food introduction - intro new foods at least 10 times b4 baby accepts it
7. Encourage independent feeding
Tolerate age appropriate mess
sorry, around my office dont have atm access and i will be back to malacca this evening, only be back on Monday night (will take leave on Mon, to celebrate my girl's Lunar Birthday). Can i transfer the fund on Tuesday evening after work? Sorry for the delay. (hope u dont mind / pantang ya)

sometime im very "eng" in office, nothing to do, then suddenly see ur name in the Nov 2007 thread, so go and kaypo lo.....then know that u have #2...CONGRATULATION!!!!
<font face="comic sans ms">Parenting seminar
1. No distractions during mealtimes - And TV is a big NO NO
Ah yo.. very contradicting le... remember there is this show on every monday one?? The KKH or NUH PD said can le.

2. Neutral Attitude - dont get angry or excited
This, I definitely agree.. if my mom feeds her, she is k.. but if i feed her, I a bit temperamental and she tends to bully me. If it is her dad, the same.

3. Feed to encourage appetite
Means, I must set schedule for her to eat? Lunch time what time, dinner time what time.. is it?

4. Limit duration - 45 mins MAX
Why such limit?

5. Intro age appropriate food
What is considered age appropriate?

6. Systematic novel food introduction - intro new foods at least 10 times b4 baby accepts it
Wow... serious huh? Ok... I would note that down.

7. Encourage independent feeding
Don't understand... care to explain?

Tolerate age appropriate mess
That is something I can't... = -p

Hi Hunniepot,

I wan to join, can??

RE: Atlantis City @ Delta

Dates: 3rd or 4th of May
Timing: 3 pm??

1. hunniepot
2. Rach


i bought the same t-shirt that Leo's wearing for ryan as well!! Great minds think alike!!

1)No distractions during mealtimes - And TV is a big NO NO .

Ah yo.. very contradicting le... remember there is this show on every monday one?? The KKH or NUH PD said can le.

Momyam: In fact, KKH / NUH PD discourage children below 2 to watch TV. that is supposely bad for the bb eyes.

IN fact, i realise that before i intro tv is pretty easy to feed isaac. now with tv, his eyes are glued on the tv and only with his mouth open and not chewing.

Of coz' we certainly do not want our children to grow up in the world eating in front of tv for rest of their life right? we would like to be on our table to dine with us isnt it.

2) Limit duration - 45 mins MAX
Why such limit?

Momyam: coz' too long the food will turn cold and it will create wind the child's stomach. And this will also discorage the child to eat slow. actually i limit myself 20 mins only, of which he dont want to eat. i will just throw away.

3. Encourage independent feeding
Don't understand... care to explain?

<font color="ff6000">chenoa</font>
i've transferred the $ to you already, from my UOB acct so it may not show up till 2 days later, sorry for the inconvenience.

<font color="0000ff">trans ref: 100000692936907</font>

thanks for your effort in making arrangements.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Tiffany & Mom_yam and the rest of mummies</font>, Sorry. Won't be able to make it tmr outing. Riz still not feeling well. Still vomiting on and off and caught a cold too. Sian! Looking forward but too bad can't meet all of you.

<font color="0000ff">Tiffany</font>, you got mail!

<font color="0000ff">Chenoa</font>, I will try to tt to you asap. Don't nod when I will be stepping out of my house yet.

Update: For the Seimpi, Maybe got to chg the dates,cos they still don't have enough teachers yet. As for Kindermusilk, Think will drop it at the momemt, cos not enough pp.


Weekends Tenative dates: 06May SUN , 26May SAT, Time: bet 3-5pm

1) Su .... weekends...FN & PS
2) babe ...weekends...FN
3) petals ... weekends...anytime...FN (prefer 26 May)
4) Jas ........ weekends... anytime FN & PS
5) Des.............weekend...afternoon FN
6) Tiffany.... Saturdays anytime FN

Weekday Tenative dates:11 May Fri,2.16 May Wed,
Time: Bet 3-5pm

1) petite_chose.....Anyday.....Anytime....FN &PS
2) jumbo....Anyday....FN
3) Rach...Weekday...Afternoon..FN & PS
4) draik...weekday...afternoon...fn or ps
5) chenoa...weekday...afternoon...fn or PS
6) Tanwawas...weekday...afternoon..FN


KINDERMUSIK @ Tanglin Mall $25/- TRIAL

Min 11 Max 12bbs, Tenative date: 06May07 SUN, Time: Noon

1) Jumbo..... Anyday...Afternoon
2) petite_chose.....Anyday.....Anytime
3) Su... weekends
4) Babe .... weekends
5) Rach.....Weekday..Afternoon
6) Reiner.... weekends, noon
7) draik...anyday...afternoon

Will keep all mummies posted....

Here are the links for more info:


mom yam,

thanks. Wow... i can't imagine putting her to eat w/o tv... she would be trying to climb out of the high chair during meal times.

Self feed?? Cannot la.. how to? She now hold biscuits to play one le... n not eat le. Really faint.
Hi petite

Oh dear... hope Reyes have a speedy recovery. I saw You and Reyes on MUMCENTRE cover page for the current issue... couldnt recognise u until i took a 2nd look....

Didnt get any email from u lei.. pls pm me again.. thanks

Sorry, made a mistake here. I cant attend the saturday session. Will give it a miss. PAY SEI...
<font face="comic sans ms"> Kindermusik
Hi petite

Need so many children hor? Can we ask the other months' threads mommies if interested as well? Or solely us only?

I am keen to let my girl go as well. Was "emailing" Juzmusic's Joey on the class.
<font face="comic sans ms">
what happened to Riz? How come vomitting?

Must be really hard on you now.. do take care.</font>

Wreath design:
http://www.hazel.com.sg/hazel/productdetail.jsp?productid=VG59fkcWdW (this one is all fresh flowers)
<font color="119911">Note: I'm customising in pink as that's Sabie's favourite colour.</font> {The wrapper & ribbon will be pink, condolences foam will be white and flowers will be pink carnation. Unfortunately, they don't have any photo to show, so hope that it'll turn out sweet and lovely.}

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted - Matthew 5:4

From: April 06 Mothers & Families
<font color="119911">Note: There's no individual listing of names; the list of names will be on a card and given to Sarah separately with the bai jin</font>

1. Chenoa
2. Uniqueone
3. momyam (Jasmine)
4. fussiecat
5. hunniepot
6. koalarie (Evon)
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho
9. Daphine
10. Rach
11. Starry
12. Tracy
13. miu66
14. Petite
15. Melanie
16. Draik
17. Cheers
18. Terrier
19. Strawberry
20. jumbo
21. Jolie
22. smurfy
23. Petals


$$: $5 tt b{POSB savings 093-17794-0}
Thanks for those who have transferred, no time to check my account yet.

No worries to those who don't have time to transfer immediately. Most important is you pledge to participate first. For donations>$5, please state amt or I'll take it as $5.)

Dateline to pledge: <font color="ff0000">Sat night 9pm</font>
sorry, I won't have time to check on the forum on Sunday, so have to set a dateline.

1. Chenoa
2. Uniqueone
3. momyam (Jasmine)
4. fussiecat - Transaction
5. hunniepot
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 Transaction Reference 1141310863
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho
9. Daphine
10. Rach - Transaction Reference 1141330584
11. Starry
12. Tracy
13. miu66 - trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB
14. Petite
15. Melanie
16. Draik
17. Cheers
18. Terrier
19. Strawberry
20. jumbo
21. Jolie
22. smurfy
23. Petals

(Please update your pledge and transaction details in the above format for my easy tracking.)
ive signed up with juzmusic for my bb. its every sunday 12pm. last week was the first lesson... there are so far only 4 babies inclu mine. the youngest is 7 month.... i paid almost $300 total for 8 lessons. $50 is deposit. mommies interested come join me leh...!! but this sunday i ask my HB to go so i can have alone time for 1 hr!!! hahaaa...
thanks for everything you have put together for SABIE, i'l transfer the $ to your ac by today and will update when i've done so. thanks
CONGRATS on your 2nd pregnancy... hmmm can't imagine being preg now again!!! i told my hb if he makes me preg now i'll make him a eunach!!!
did you say you were going to the zoo?
i think now that you are preg i suggest you stay away from the zoo. cos my fren's cousin didnt listen and went.. when her bb was born looked like MONKEY.. very diff to look after and they had to bring her to the chinese GODS to pray and now she look beta.. its just my 2 cents worth.. i hope you don mind me saying this!! well beta be careful during preg!!! its the same as no painting at home.... not cutting on the bed.... etc...

I hv transferred. Thanks for the effort.

1. Chenoa
2. Uniqueone
3. momyam (Jasmine)
4. fussiecat - Transaction
5. hunniepot
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 Transaction Reference 1141310863
7. Tiffany
8. Mrs. Ho
9. Daphine
10. Rach - Transaction Reference 1141330584
11. Starry
12. Tracy
13. miu66 - trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB
14. Petite
15. Melanie
16. Draik
17. Cheers
18. Terrier
19. Strawberry
20. jumbo
21. Jolie
22. smurfy
23. Petals - Transaction Ref:1141524911
Am a bit late...just saw this.

posted on Friday, April 20, 2007 - 10:39 am:

Update from Carole,

<font color="ff0000">Sabie will be cremated today hence there wun be any wake. We will have to send the wreath to the church. </font>


Glad to know at least Amanda likes the sauce.

I'm all for coffee with the West mummies! We start with the gym at Delta complex first yah? I live in Redhill, so walk over will do. Pls include me for the gym outing.

How's Isaac's self-feeding adventure coming along?

I've been feeding Aiden steamed whole egg since he was 11+ months. He takes to it very well (no allergy etc) and likes it very much! He even runs after me to be fed. The usual food like fish porridge - I have to run after him instead.

Wonder if it is too late to contribute to the wreath? Will transfer to you via atm later in the afternoon cos dun have the IB thing with me now.

chenoa, guess for the baijin then...

the wake will be far too painful for the parents i suppose.

tanwawas.. my venture of self feed is only the youhurt.. tonight i will update in my blog and pm you to go there and see ok

strawberry, i didnt go zoo neither did i eat much crab only 1 small leg nia. but isaac is also very hard to take care lei! sob sob..

petite, no worries most impt the little boy must recover la.

wow we have another celebrity mom & bb lei!!!

fussiecat, GONG XI GONG XI!! Leo looks very diff from now har.. look more like the dad now.

I also want to go the gym at Delta complex lei.. but is weekday.. so tough for me.

Koalarie, ya i can fully understand abt the self feed part - like what tanwawas say we must start fm somewhere we cant run away from this for long.

as for tv kid..ya i kw is hard.. what i do at times is i feed super fast.. give him some toys to play and quickly put into his mouth one after next. so he wont be bored and want to come out from the high chair.
