(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Male-Bandos Island
Redang Laguna

oh no... more pics.. i really need to work some beach resorts vocation this yr liao...

shylyn... i also heard abt slow teething good cos than the milk teeth will drop later.. but have not heard abt the effect on speech.... but i seriously think his 2 bottom teeth are coming out..

oh we decided to throw ezra his 2st birthday party cos if not his popo will celebrate for him!! anyway, his party will be at Telok Blangah Hill Park, Terrace Garden... we went up to look see & think its a nice cool place to have... applied for permit & granted liao... i am getting all excited for his party now...

oh Neo gradens has 20% off for 1st birthday catering....
Mom yam, thanks..think i still will miss the bash. Silly committee, cancel meeting with big boss but want meeting among the working members..hiaz...

I am getting really sick of work...

Talking about 1st bday...how are you gals celebrating? I am still exploring...
hi mummies, I am back... Now in airport, going to collect my baggage later.. Talk to u gals again when i go back to work tomolo..

WORK!!! gosh~~~
Hi Tanwawas,

Shawn is only ok with Enfapro A+ (spoon fed) at the nanny. He simple refuse to take it when at home. That's why I tried pediasure choco flavour. He's taking it now in his straw cup!
think he think ' hot chocolate' sounds nice.. and prob isn't his dreaded milk! :p
babe - no prob. i fully understand.

Ezrababy - that's sounds nice!! Telok Blangah Hill Park, Terrace Garden. Must show us some pics after the party ok

I've already celebrated Isaac's 1st BD.. and is really fun, tired and hungry hahahaa... coz' i didnt eat.

And i've ordered from Neo Garden at 20% discount. Must fax yr bb's birth cert over to them after the confirmation of your order. my guests and myself LOVES the food.. not only their service to me very nice, they are very supportive. Coz' last min i have a increase in guest list on the actual day. They actually help me out without making any big fuzz. And they even give me very good advice like on food i can mix rice and bee hoon so some guest dont take pineapple rice can go for bee hoon. I keep changing my menu list and they obligue to help me on that.

Overall, i have very good experience them twice (my wedding and Isaac's BD). i will give them 4 1/2 thumbs up out of 5.

Here is a pic on Isaac's cake, i like everything expect the big dog's eyes.. find it a bit funny hahaha....


Tour - i am super desperate too.. before preggie every year i will try to go some countries.. now the last trip i went was bintan till now.. i need to sit on a PLANE!!! hahahahahaha

Hehe... no lar.. we are not planning for the second one yet leh... want to give Amanda as such attention as possible.. will only try again when she is about 2 to 3 years old
You've got mail!

RE: Birthday Party

Amanda has already celebrated her birthday with my ILs, just a small celebration with a cake and some food.. with her aunties and cousins... is her Birthday tomorrow, have ordered a cake from strawberry shortcake bakery http://www.e-shop.com.sg/index.php?cPath=54_45&osCsid=8aa042c7986d99bc172e7e2f7b6b7978 tried out the cake at my friend's son's party over the weekend and it is really good! So decided to get the doll cake from them...

Sentosa is a good idea actually.. brought Amanda there in Sept last year.. stayed at beaufort hotel... enjoyed ourselves very much and it is really relaxing..
<font color="0000ff">Mom_yam</font>,
Tat's is a nice cake.... Did you do the cup cakes yrself or it comes with the big cake? I hv ordered mine from Ecreative. Also doggy design...
Hope it turns out nice on the actual day. I am also busy planning his b'day part. Doing his invitation cards, gifts, games to booking of foods.... So excited!!!

I need to go get out of Sin too. My butts are growing roots aridi.

<font color="0000ff">Ezrababy</font>,

Understand how you feel abt bb's health. I was like you too? Everytime I bring him out, I will wonder when or will he fall sick. Riz also 'catches' it easily. Touch wood!! But now he is much better. Maybe I make sure I don't go out 2-3 days in a row, let him sleep more before going out. And also maybe he is aridi immune to some of the virus outside aridi.
<font color="0000ff">Mom_yam</font>,
Tat's is a nice cake.... Did you do the cup cakes yrself or it comes with the big cake? I hv ordered mine from Ecreative. Also doggy design...
Hope it turns out nice on the actual day. I am also busy planning his b'day part. Doing his invitation cards, gifts, games to booking of foods.... So excited!!!

I need to go get out of Sin too. My butts are growing roots aridi.

<font color="0000ff">Ezrababy</font>,

Understand how you feel abt bb's health. I was like you too? Everytime I bring him out, I will wonder when or will he fall sick. Riz also 'catches' it easily. Touch wood!! But now he is much better. Maybe I make sure I don't go out 2-3 days in a row, let him sleep more before going out. And also maybe he is aridi immune to some of the virus outside aridi.

<font color="0000ff">Hunniepot</font>

Happy Birthday to Amanda.
hunniepot, with the sq offer now i even more tempted.. Arrrggggh now u really put the holiday bug into every single cell in my body sob sob

Amanda look like ready for football session! haha

I'm very sticky to my son, everywhere i goes.. he goes. if i really plan to go for a trip i must plan a baby friendly place.

Maldives was my dream but no money if i would to bring Isaac along.
petite, nope i didnt bake the cupcakes.. just on the scarp chart, goody bag, deco i already went xiao already. i've no time for the cup cake. Is the cake maker being nice decided to help me to do the cup cake to blend in my theme

I'm sure it will turns out well esp you have put in so much effort for the day.

i'm very happy with everything turns out that day but i'm so busy i simply have no time for all the guests that turn up.

Yo hunniepot, tmr post some nice pics here lei.. so everyone can kanna the bugs of BD party too..
<font color="0000ff">Mom_yam</font>
Was Isacc's cakes from ecreative too? Don't mind I ask hor How many Kg is that and how much does it cost?
Hi all,

just to share some pics taken during Shawn's birthday party last sat. Celebrated his birthday 2 weeks earlier cos his daddy is going away. He was quite overwhelmed with the big crowd!...but warmed up after abit.


ive been giving my bb CACTUS juice since 6 months. and she's hasn't been sick since. even after her jabs she's fine no grouchy symptoms. this cactus is a supplement to boost her immune system. we adults can take it too. made from pure vegetables. if you want more info i can email you the brouchure.

i went to check out the place today. it's not as posh as ETON but it's ok for the price of $650 after subsidy.they have a mixture of older kids in the compound. ETON is just for infants and toddlers. but LV has an area just for infants. the ratio of caregivers to bb is about 1:3. but rite now is 1:2. there are abt 5 caregivers now. there is a program chart to tell parents what your bb did- how much milk she took/ food taken, when she pooed....and wen you collect ur bb at the end of the day they'l show you the chart. their operating hours are 7am-7pm. TEL: 62252122 www.learningvision.com
strawberry, where did you get this cactus juice?

Mom yam, can I know what was the food you ordered from Neo gardens and the price? Is their portion generous?

Gals, the talk about travelling is really getting on my nerves! I haven't travelled since 7 mths pregnant...the last trip was to perth...So tempted to go somewhere to take a break...

Huni, happy birthday to Amanda! heehee....
mom_yam, for the coming bday bash, is hubby allow? Cos my hubby's on leave these 2 weeks.. i plan to bring him along.. is it ok?
HAPPY BRITHDAY AMANDA!!! Today is your day

Bless you with lots of wisdom and be a good girl always. Of coz' get prettier each day haha!!!
petite: nope is from a frd of mine. Feel free to visit her website: http://gladcake.blogspot.com/

babe, i've no prob with them. in fact, i have left over food which i force some guests to bring home while some me & my hb ate for the night.

Price wise, i've ordered the harvest and is about $14.50 per pax.. but after discount i figure should be $12 plus.

Jumbo, Of coz' he can!!! and he is most welcome to be part of the party
Thanks all for your well wishes on Amanda's birthday today
Time really flies.. remembered that I only gave birth to Amanda after 36 hours! And now it has been 1 year since.. will post up some birthday pictures tomorrow...
Happy Birthday to Amanda!

It's really amazing for the past 1 year gone past, all the hardships that we experience as first time mummies....Feels funny but somehow my memory still stays at that 1st month confinement stage, most unforgettable....
daphne: WOw their cakes really nice but har.. beri expensive hahaha..

Here is some pics that i took hope will interest you. Since i'm a very shy person, so i crop out my pic here hahaha.. those who kw me will kw i'm shy right WHhhahahahahah

Cutting cake
This foil ballon was my hb 1st love at sight. Cost us S$ 18 and now floating ard in our house hahaa


My master piece.. hahaha

I do agree that it has past 1 year so fast.. i've plan so long for his bd.. and within 3 hrs is gone.. and i'm still look at him wondering u grow so fast mei? esp when i do the scrap chart, i ask my hb when did he change his face, how come i didnt notice. hahaha

Hunniepot 36 hours!!!!!!!!!! is really no joke! i already pui tahan after lying on the bed for half a day. i felt so bored coz' i was on epidural then. is true, everything seems to move so fast, from birth to 1st mth to 6 mths to 12 mths.

all we ask now is blessing in health and being kwai kwai hor.

SU, wow!! nice cake and so many babies with Shawn
u have a nice family pic, mine moves so much that me and my hb cant make him to post for the camera.... hahaha
Mom yam,

Nice birthday party. You really put in effort to decor the place and do the scrap chart. Enya's party will be this coming sat at the chalet. Already stressed out on packing her things to the chalet. Dun think I will have the time to decor.

Ya, really salute you. I remember reading your birth story before I gave birth. Scared the hell out of me. Like what mom yam said, as long as bbs are in good health, we are contented already. All the hardship we have are gone.
Babies on Similac,

go check out the supermarket. They are selling 2 x 900g similac + 1x 400g Gain IQ at $63.05. Quite a good deal.
Re: Birthday Cakes
Wow...I see so many cakes until I'm craving for them again although I had 3 slices last night!

I'm celebrating J's bday this sunday. Guess also no time to celebrate. Somemore in my mini tiny 3 room flat, guess also nothing much to celebrate, Haha...
Sharing of lobang, i went to the Istean sales last Thursday and i grab this magic thermal cook. I can say this is the BEST buy for all my items. Those mommies that planning for BD party and this will ease your prob cooking lunch / dinner for your darling.

All u have to do is to put everything into the pot, put over the stove for 10 mins and put in the thermal.. by 4 hrs later yr food is done. Save time, save electricity

Original price: S$ 55 (if i'm not wrong)
I bought is at S$ 25 is really a good bargin and.

I've tried chicken soup 8pm, the next day 7am the soup is still hot.

hello all, have been sooo busy!! been following the discussion on and off but have had no time to post!!

<font color="ff6000">our babies' birthdays</font>
i love seeing the pics of everyone's celebrations! apart from wishing all your babies a happy birthday, congrats to all on making it through the 1st year as parents!
i've been thinking about K's birthday party a lot too, planning to make a cupcake tower for her instead of a cake. planning only.... dunno if it'll be successful hahah...

the big birthday bash sounds fun! unfortuanely, i don't think i can make it that day

<font color="ff6000">vacation</font>
hunniepot, yr pics are so nice, looks like you had a lovely holiday! i would like to travel somewhere too, but trying to think of a destination that will be fun for me, hubby and K.

<font color="ff6000">su - pediasure</font>
been trying to wean K off the breast for the past month. she'll only drink from a sippy cup (i'm using the avent magic cup) and we've tried similac and fresh milk, both of which she doesn't like. last week, i bought pediasure vanilla flavour and she drank up the whole cup!! i was so happy but on reading the can more closely (i also checked the website), i realise it's not regular formula, it's actually a nutritional supplement for kids who don't feed well, aren't putting on weight etc etc, hence it has quite high fat and carbo content. Just thought i'd highlight this, in case you weren't aware

today, i bought a tin of vanilla flavoured Wyeth Gold to try, and she seems to be ok with it. if you're son is growing ok and doesn't need the extra calories, maybe you can try this wyeth one
Hi miu66,

Thanks for highlighting that to me! I didn't know that!

I just bought a can of Enfagrow Vanilla flavour for the nanny, hopefully she will have an easier time feeding Shawn (she's spoon feeding him Enfapro A+ now).. if Shawn is ok with that, then I will stop using Pediasure and use Enfagrow then
Hi all,

Thanks for all your birthday wishes for Amanda. Had a mini celebration at my parent's place yesterday and Im already so tired.. cant imagine how tiring it will be if it was planned on a bigger scale.. here are some pics:




My cake is yummy!

The cards are really very nicely done!
Thanks for the fantastic efforts! Anything else you need help with? Apologies that I can only be there at a later timing...
Hunniepot: heee heee.. that is not done by me.. is by our dear Rach who manage to get the stickers tag to put on our babies.

No prob about the timing..

CUPCAKES have confirm and all will be in Chocolate Chips.. Unless you want Vanilla please let me know soon..


Timing will be at 1pm to 4 pm. Games will start after most mommies have their lunch, please come for the lunch coz' is nice to have everyone interacting while having our nice lunch together.

Those mommies that can only come after like 4 plus dont worry i'm sure a few mommies will still be ard. I will circulate later via email my contact no, so you girls can call me on that day.

Payment for lunch - will be individual, so please go to the counter and pay ok
thanks coz' i dont want to handle the money payment quite troublesome for me lei. Unless in any case, you need any help on the coupon thingy or food or other things.. please feel free to let me know.

PLEASE DO ALL YOUR BEST not to sit aeroplane that day ok. coz' the tags, prizes and cakes have been prepared for each babies fm the efforts of rach & myself.

Of coz' we really want every single babies to be comfortable and have lots of fun that day.

Once again really really appreciate all the supports that ALL mommies given.

After this event, i'm looking forward to more outings so our babies are able to form a mini playgroup.

HUNNIEPOT, Amanda is so nice sitting there. i'm sure isaac prob will destroy the doll cake before it goes into our tummy hahaha
wow... thanks Rach for the tags... they are so lovely...

yes mdm mom_yam... will be there for lunch... will pay my share but lor... if you have extra discount coupon.. wld love to have them cos i did not mgt to get them...

but just to let you know that Ezra has been sick, fever since sunday... so in any case he did not recover well enough in time, may have to give it a miss... but will certainly try....
RACH.... thanks for doing the LOVELY name tags... really nice!!

MOM_YAM.... thanks for organising the party...again... see you there... will let you know if i can be there early to help cos will have to feed my bb first if not she'll be noise pollution in the car and i'l need panadol after that!!!!
<font color="119911">Mom_yam</font>
Will definitely be there at the bash, unless **touchwood** either Aiden or me falls sick. Will try to adjust his morning nap time so hopefully we'll arrive slightly earlier than one. Will have to feed him porridge there.

I don't have the coupon as well. Dunno if anyone has extras to spare. Is that particular edition of Mumcentre still in circulation? Or maybe globetrotters can consider giving a discount to those mummies who don't have the coupon?

Re: the thermal cooker
Was considering to get that at the sale too, but dunno if it'll actually deliver as promised. now that i have a testimony from u, will drop by to get it. sounds like a real convenient and $ saving gadget to use to cook bb's porridge and adult food.

<font color="119911">Name tags</font>
Rach, they are lovely! Looking at them gets me in the party mood.... Thks heaps for the effort.

<font color="119911">Birthday party</font>
Aiden's 1st birthday is almost a month away, so that pretty much makes him one of the youngest babies among the bbs here, since so many of you have celebrated the 1st birthdays liao. Those babies who have crossed their 1st birthdays are officially promoted to become TODDLERS

Thanks for the effort in creating the name tags, very nice!


Eh, the cake was destroyed from the back (luckily) and I was holding on to her from detroying other parts of the cake

Happi belated Birthday to Amanda, u do look sweet in the foto, all THANKS to mum. THUMBS UP.

Oh, Happy belated to ISSAC, nice deco, and like the dog alot.

Really, when you in the parenthood, u are all out for your little darling.

A pity that Josh is a boy, esle really have lots of pretty, pinky stuff to doll up a girl.haha...

Really envious of all of you for the b'day bash, really busy with my work, aldi got instructions from boss, not suppose to take during the period.

Tanwawas, what coupon you need?
I signed up for the Mumcentre.im not using the coupon.
