(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

<font face="comic sans ms"> Super huge umbrella/golf umbrella</font>
Any of u noe where to get such umbrella?

I am keen to get one.

<font color="0000ff">Terrier</font>, Is like another pharse of our lives. We are not taught how to take care of our baies. Now we hv step into the SAHM lifestyle. Of course, we are not use to it, cos we have been working for many years aridi.

At first I can't get use to it. Now, is like a piece of cake. Except I still want to go back to work, and is bcos of $$$. I would like to be SAHM forever if govt pay me. (FAT CHANCE)

Well, Look at the bright side, Can use Computer, eat anytime & anything, housework anytime, go out with baby. Most Important, baby is with us.

<font color="ff6000">Block Nose</font>

Just bought Riz to see doc after so many days of flu... Doc gave him Sterimar to clear the nose. Let's see if he gets better.

Btw, I did not know that eggs can cause flu ( block nose) too. Will stop eggs for awhile and see if eggs is the culprit.

Remember the big big one that I have.. the ugly green colour one? You can get it from the shop at beach road that sells army stuffs
Re: Enquiry
my friend's going off to Australia and bringing her 4months baby along for the hols. anyone noe where i can get information...eg. custom's allowance for bb food, bb bottles on the place etc.

Best to declare EVERYTHING... food stuffs, medication etc.. medication wise (best to bring along a note from the doctor) anything of plant or animal origin, cos they are very strict at the customs.. cant remember the exact website.. but check this out as a ref: http://www.customs.gov.au/site/page.cfm?u=4369 and get your friend to bring over UNOPENED FM or cereal tins.. remembered that my 3in1 milo and lipton were confiscated by the customs last time too (unopened as well)..

Baby stuffs can be easily purchased from the supermarts so no worries
thanks denise

matthias went to see PD yesterday and PD advised that we must be careful with hygience cause alot of children kena rotavirus recently.
<font color="ff6000">daphne</font>
baby things are very readily available in australia, there are supermarkets all over the city. prob only need to bring milk powder. which city is she going to? if it's sydney and u tell me where she's staying, i can prob tell u where the supermarkets are.
petite and hunni, see ur post that u are looking for work ah...so u managed to get someone to care for bb?....will definitely miss the time of being with baby now that u've been with them since their birth...

Heehee...now seeing the struggles of FTWM and SAHM.

Des, I really admire u to be a FTWM and still steadily having no.2
<font face="comic sans ms">
Tiffany, found it. Thanks.

Me just a bit bored.

Lunch on 4 May at Raffles City
Who keen to meet up for lunch next Friday at Raffles City? 4 May 2007 around 1245h

The water in Aust is quite hard.. very strong taste in it.. so might be a good idea to use distilled water or buy a water filter jug.. http://www.brita.com.au Can be purchased from alot of departmental stores like target.. and I believe they do sell it in Singapore but very few places have it..
hunniept, my friend's bb is still 100% total BF, so should have no problems with the water.

Miu66, they'll be going to Perth and driving around. thanks
Hi, cheona I transferred the $$ at around 5 plus.

Hi, babe After reading your story, can really feel the that you must have struggled for some times before you decided to be a full-time mom. U r indeed courageous because being a stay-home mum has a lot of sacrifices to be made. Well you can always work at home. Imagine now, your bb gets to see your face everyday now when she wakes up and smiles at you, eventually, when they starts to walk confidently, they can help us in simple housework too

And i have yet to introduce my boy to salt so far.
Hi, Babe

Me so blur, thought that you are a full-time mum, anyway, shared my sentiments with you. My mum take care of my bb, sometimes i really have to close one eye because i really don't haveanyone to help me.

And frustrated too, work, work, work, missed going out with my friends, missed catching a good movie, missed having a good dinner with my hb.

Thats y my hb refused to get a 2nd one.

In fact, my off-day is Monday to Friday. Im working full-time on Sat n Sun.

Really envious SAHM, because can go anywhere at anytime. Unlike us, have to think twice and plan our leave well.

<font color="ff6000">Aust Customs</font>

Yes, They are very strict... Confirmed that Milo, tea, coffee and esp dairy producuts are not allowed into Aust even made in Aust.

As for bb food, Don't need to worry. You can bring jars, cereals. But must declare. When thet see you hv bb, they usually quite understanding.

Share w you:

I bought some bb jar foods dw to Aust b4. I declared and they still check. I told them is for a friend of mine. They were comtemplating if they were to allow me to bring in as those were Heniz and Made in Aust. They actually asked their work mates abt it. In the end, I manage to bring them in.

Btw, If yr friend is bringing H20, MUST DECLARE them too.

<font color="ff6000">Supermarkets In Perth</font>

Dwtown area, I nod there is 2 supermarkets:

* Is at below Meyers

* The other one is further dw, nearer to Mac Donald

Shops close around 6pm. Some close at 4pm+. Thur- late shopping.
Jolie, yes yes when parents or PIL take care, sometimes have to close eyes...guess when FTWM, can't have that much opportunity to teach our kids other than the little moment before bed time. How come ur work schedule so interesting one? Weekend work and weekday off ah...so u still spend 5 days wif bb ya...

Hunni, work not interesting so reject ah....at least got ur parents to help out..heehee..IL get on ur nerves too ya..

Anyone brought bb to resort? any good one to recommend nearby? Do we have to bring water along for such trip or can they juz drink mineral water?
Haiz.. i m a bit stressed... though leaving yet a bit worried...

The new coy i m with recently just bought another european coy and the coy is saying they re going to axe several ppl... wonder would i be axed during my probation.

Why you reject the job offer? Still prefer to take care of Amanda yourself?

I brought my boy to Angsana Bintan resort last week. It's nice to go on weekdays, it's so quiet without the crowd, my boy enjoys swimming for 2 days. My hubby n I took turns to go spa while one of us babysit. Also, it's easy to just take 1 hour ferry.

Hey SAHMs who are still bf (Chenoa/Hunniepot/who else?)
Do you also nurse ur babies when they take their naps in the afternoon?
<font color="ff6000">SAHM still bf</font>
i'm guilty of still nursing to nap in the afternoon. been intending to wean her off this habit but haven't got around to doing it. in fact, i dunno how else to get her to nap at home. when i drive, she can actualy fall asleep in the car but at home, must nurse to sleep.
tiffany, terrier and babe,

I still prefer my current job as a SAHM
Maybe wait till that girl decides to wean herself form the breasts and wait till her eating habits improve.. cos it is going to be very tough on my mother to take care of her for now lor

I am still guilty of breastfeeding her to sleep... how to stop? She is addicted to breastfeeding and so am I! I love the feeling of her latching on
my girl naps after lunch. no nursing required. In fact she's not drinking much milk now, she doesn't want milk after she wakes up in the morning, and no milk in the afternoon also. Only nurse her to sleep at night and 1 or 2 night feeds on her cue.
recently my boy also become like this too. Very frustrating don't know how to get him to nap without nursing... He may even decide not to nap after nursing, then I am clueless how to make him nap even though he shows that he really need a nap. Last time my hubby used to carry him around and pat him to sleep. But he's already a big boy now, so heavy...guess should be ard 11+ kg, we can't be still doing this carry around method. Miu66, u feel guilty about nursing to nap? I also feel terrible too...it seems as if we need to use our breasts but no other better intelligent ways to control our babies.

Chenoa, how does your gal fall asleep after lunch? U mean she doesn't want to nurse in the morning too? Have u introduce any formula already?

Hunnipot, like tat then try convince your hubby fast fast got for #2 lah...Then we got company...
<font color="ff6000">terrier</font>
i know exactly how u feel! can't believe that's the only way i can make her nap. my hubby, mother and MIL can carry her to sleep (also not easy, she's >12kg) but i MUST NOT be around. though she's already cut down on nursing, she won't take formula so i have to give her yogurt, cheese and other dairy-based food.

was telling my hubby in january that i want to try and wean her off bf by the time she's 1. obviously that hasn't worked out, feel a bit like a failure!
As a FTWM/weekend mum, im sort of release can have much personnel time and
with hubby. Some time is quite tiring just to take care of our little one
when they cranky... But, of cos will miss them very much !!!! So only can
see photo/video from phone everyday.
Although i dont really like MIL taking care of my girl (cos she will sound
very proud when my girl only want her dont want others), but she can handle
my girl in good care without our worried. Sometimes PIL even offer help to
look after my girl when me & hubby having lunch/wedding dinner/meeting with
friends..etc. But, we try to release their burden during weekend as we want
to enjoy with our little girl personally.

thanks for the effort to put in...

my condolence to you...
<font color="ff6000">daphne</font>
hey that's great!! could he already stand up without support? i'm waiting for my girl to do so, she's pretty lazy and always wants us to carry her.
<font color="ff6000">Infant Care worries</font>

Ladies, I am intending to put Riz to an infant care soon. But my this little boy needs to be carry to sleep.

And in infant care, they don't encourage carrying bb to sleep. They usually pat them at their back. I nod that is good but my this little boy ears curls in and when he cries, his ears can collect tears H20. And he will cry to vomit at times. How???
yes koalarie, i was so happy and excited. so proud of him. Unfortunately my HB didn't get to see it as he was working late last nite.

miu66, matthias could stand without support for a long time liao, but he got no confidence to let go of our hands whenever he walk. Guess he recently discovered that if he can walk by himself, he doesn't need our assistance to go whereever he wants.......
Hve u tried helping him to sleep by his side?

Ur description is a bit extraggerating BUT i m like ur son as well... my ears re curled in (just like mickey mouse's ears ... that's what my mommy always say).

Don't worry..

Try training him to sleep at side. It is in certain way more comfortable too than facing front.

And probably got to catch instantly when he begins to grow quiet and place him into his bedroom and encourage him to roll around the mattress... and sooner later, he should be able to sleep by himself?

This is how Xuanting does. At certain point of time, I manage to train her to crawl back to her bedroom when she is tired as well. =p

But now, she got too much fun with her tricycle and toys that sometimes we simply got to lock her in her bedroom with us to make her sleep. And because of the fun outside, occasionally she does want us carry her to sleep.. but most of time can sleep herself.
You found a job liao? i'm going to put GAB in infant care when i get a job too. i think its better for her cos she's so attached to me. its good cos she'l learn to be more independent. i guess at some point in time we have to learn to let go...
i'm going for an interview tomorrow at 8.30am. some how i'm not nervous leh... if i get it good. if not its ok..

i'm also guilty to nurse GAB to slp at nite.. but in the afternoons i put her in the "yao lan". but last nite i was rather pissed at my hb going out so i too went out with my friend... left my bb with my mom and asked him to come back early to look after her. when i got back she was fast aslp...

in a way i'm really i got this short drinking session.
Re: Infant Care/Child Care

Last week, when I was on leave, my hb and I went to visit a childcare near my place. Planning to leave Enya there when she turn 18mth. Quite like the place but I'm afraid that Enya will not get enough attention. Like what Strawberry said, I must learn to let go.

Heehee... trying to con my hubby into a 2nd one.. even my gynae's nurse (she became a good friend of mine) offered me some advice to con my hubby and even gave me a few syringes haha.. so funny


Thats good! Believe you must be very proud of him! Amanda can cruise ard for a long time already.. but she just does not have the confidence to let go of her hands and walk yet..

Re: Infant / Child care

Am checking out a few child care centres now.. intend to place Amanda in half day childcare when she turns 18 mths.. so she will learn to socialise more... but my worry is.. will she get bullied by the older kids? Cos I brought her to view this child care at AMK hub and she was happily playing with some toys and this older girl came along and snatched all the toys from her and refused to let Amanda have it.. and when the teacher gave new toys to her, the girl kept taking it away from Amanda..
Mrs Ho,

RE: Desaru

My hubby and I were contemplating on going to desaru after the male trip last mth.. but decided we shld take a break from travelling 2 weeks in a row.. think it is a good place to go..
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Re: Infant / Child care
Hunniepot, I also have same idea too and so been looking ard.

BTW, all of u aware of HFMD is spreading hor? Saw news yesterday. Luckily not the more serious one... but got to be really careful.
my gal sleeping now. ya...she doze off by herself after lunch. she is already very tired after the whole morning, and eat bao bao liao, nice to sleep lor...
I haven't intro FM yet. she don't want to nurse in the morning, so just give cereal (mix with water nia).

Hi mummies,
long time dun dropby, thought i could share some experience w infant care here

infant care worries

i guess we will be surprise how bb adapt to it. till today K need to carry to sleep at home. while he is in IFC , he has no problem to sleep on his own by patting. IFC will trained them initially and their behaviour will change and know the diff in IFC and home.

Many habits he continue to be at home and not in IFC , at times that drive me mad.

I also thought that he will not be too sticky to him when i send him there. he is there since he is 3 mths and he is still very sticky to me when he is home.

I think depend on individual bbs and how well they adapt. I suggest stay with them for half days on the 1st wk and monitor how they behave when they are back.

this is just my 2 cents worth . hope it give u an idea.
